The never ending psyop …
Current Models of Reality:
- Covid is Totally REAL and the worst thing ever and all you have to do is get the vaccination … and this is why there are logistical failures and other random delivery nonsense … ignore the suicides, cuz you’re racist.
- Covid is kinda real and not very dangerous … literally means: we overreacted … and it’s just too bad all the suicides and overdoses …
- Covid is NOT real, but it was just one big mistake.
- Covid is NOT real, and it will bring about the RESET.
- They want to kill us all with vaccines … in about 3 years …
What could be coming, if you believe any of the above ….
- The Reset
- The Infinite Gray Nothing
- The Simulation
- You are in Hell
What I believe:
- It IS an ongoing military psychological warfare operation since late 2019.
- It does not apparently have an “end date”, but appears to be ending every couple months.
- The tempo of the psyops follows a wave pattern – high/low, open/close
- I have ZERO solid evidence that any of the stupid shit they are threatening, or are saying other countries are doing, is real. Zero.
- It does not look like “they” control the schedule.
- I don’t see any future with billions of crazy people.
- The “race war” was the halftime show.
- We are in sudden-death overtime.
- Lies this big? – don’t tend to hide anything good.
- The pattern fits a fuzzy event, not a discrete one (like an asteroid or triggering WW3 – you can pick a day for this or predict this to the day), this is more like predicting a major volcanic eruption or earthquake.
Great Power
“With great power comes the LOSS of responsibility.” – Dr. Freckles

“Geese, flying West, for the Winter … or Spring?”
Something I saw the other day, with a friend …
Wolves … and dogs …
“Nietzsche would have made a terrible wolf.” – Dr. Freckles
A lot of ignorance is expressed in Nietzsche attribution of “strength” to other cultures values, given that every culture expresses core similarity and ergo rejects his division.
Public Schools …
“Public schools are slightly better than pedophile babysitters … sometimes.” – Dr. Freckles
A right to principles, beliefs …
This is crazy …

Before I go too deep, let me outline, once again, the only things I believe (cannot prove) are true at this point:
- In 2019, TPTB, decided to trigger one major (RONA) and several minor military psychological warfare operations.
- During the summer of 2019, the short-term lending facilities between banks (REPO) began failing, overnight rates spiked to double digits, and this signaled a coming collapse of the banking system.
- Prior to 2020, many journals, newspapers, and even films, featured scare mongering around “killer pandemics”. In 2018, articles began appearing about “Disease X” … very ominous sounding at the time, and ridiculous.
- The core message of these military psychological warfare operations is this: STAY THE FUCK HOME … don’t talk to people, don’t meet with people, and did I say STAY THE FUCK HOME? … an ominous thing, to have “snow day” for almost 2 years.
- The nature of the psyops, with their “on again, off again” sine-curve tempo indicates that whatever TPTB are responding to? – it is a “fuzzy event” … the kind of event that doesn’t have a predictable date … collapse of an empire is a fuzzy event … so is abrupt climate collapse or the clathrate gun or volcanic events, earthquakes, solar CME, etc …
- It is not conceivable that a psyop using trauma as a core component could work more than 2 years … which means TPTB believed they were within the “window” of some event … again: could be dollar collapse … what a gentle world if that’s the case.
- Because they are using trauma based mind control? – they are, in essence, setting fire to the “building”. No “reset”, no Klaus Scwab BS … you can’t build on ashes.
- TPTB had ALL THE FUCKING POWER they wanted or could rationally use … so why would they do the “reset” if they didn’t have to?
- I believe, based on my own observations, that TPTB are geo-engineering … I’m not sure why. The spraying has been really bad lately.
- The “weather reports” look more and more like their own propaganda …
- My own subjective experience of seeing a place like WA state (where I grew up) change over time? – it looks like the ecosystems of the PNW are in collapse.
So, what is a “sheepdog” in PSYOP terms?
A “sheepdog”, in psyop terms, is a popular authority figure, sometimes and underdog outsider also, used to direct the flock AWAY FROM the truth … it’s like this “mass formation psychosis” nonsense … it gets CLOSE to the truth, but still … it’s quite far away. Unlike the “fool” (Greta is a good example), they need to look like “credible outsiders” … that way, you can feel comfortable with the lesser truth they give you … it’s the boundary.
Much, if not most, of popular alt-stuff on YouTube is FILLED with “sheep dogs” …
If you want to succeed on YouTube, taking on the role of the sheepdog is very helpful … and supported.
YouTube might “ban you” … but this is also a credibility builder. When your channel comes back? – you can give weird speeches about that too …
Now … regarding Dane Wigington … very early on in the covid-monkey-herpes lie, he pushed it … and I thought “well, maybe it will take him a few months to see through this bullshit”. He never did see through it … he gets close to the truth, almost like tantric sex: still edging away.
Daylight Savings Time
DST: the first great mind fuck?
Link: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/how-daylight-saving-time-got-started/2666081/