Go to the stream …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221107_GO_TO_THE_STREAM.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

A place of wellness …

I need to imagineer my place a ZONE of total wellness, a nice cabin by a stream, somewhere not far from my true love, in a land of calm and peace and bacon and LOVE …

So I said to myself …

Go into a quiet room in your home, maybe bring a music player. Sit in the room quietly, listening to music or not, and imagine a world …

Imagine a world of mountains and trees …(3)

Imagine a world of oceans and space ships and planets far away … (2)

Imagine in that world there is a planet on the edge of the universe, and on that planet there is a man, in a room, imagining a world … and in his world there are cities and deserts and wide ranging plains … in one of those cities, in that new world, there is a person, in a room, imagining a world …

Go to the stream, the stream goes to the river, the river to the sea …

  1. Go down to the stream, the one near your house … make a toy boat out of a single sheet of paper, place the boat in the stream, watch it float away. The boat will go to the river, and on the river the boat will learn patience and witchcraft. The boat will go down the river to the sea, and at the mouth of the river, the boat will fall in love and raise a family. The boat will make it to the sea, and on the waters of the GREAT SEA the boat will see the shore, the shore that touches the river, the river that touches the stream, the stream that flows home.
  2. I have this 1975 FORD Galaxga in Jet Black, with a Driscoll-style floating cam and a 900 hp turbocharger with octo-nitrous injection … I’m selling it for 30 one ounce gold coins, we can meet, after midnight, over by the dump. The dump is not far from the old haunted cemetery, and this is not far from the Indian burial ground … This steed requires a true heart.
  3. They’re launching missiles form out of Georgia over the Krasnodar into Ukraine …
  4. Do you think if you’re living in Utah that the Mormons would turn-on the non-Mormons (like me) and toss us out into the streets? Maybe have us shipped to the Nalley’s Tamales factory near Cheyenne? (maybe …)
  5. Mapleton, Arkansas, Silly Sauce Pizza …
  6. You are the planet hurl, you are the cheese whiz girl … you are the female blink, I am the gorilla heap, you are my needle sheep, I am your broken Greek …
  7. Tyson Foods CFO Arrested After Getting Drunk, Breaking Into Home, And Falling Asleep In Random Woman’s Bed … LINK: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/tyson-cfo-arrested-after-getting-drunk-breaking-home-and-falling-asleep-random-womans-bed
  8. “You could use a helper”, that fucking lady said to the checkout girl, the one that is banging her husband … pregnant with that nasty woman’s husband’s checkout-girl baby …
  9. The old man drove into the parking lot and wanted to kill me, the lady in the red car wanted me dead …
  10. She was a cinnamon roll baby, looking for a coke-head man – her name was Krystal. She had dazzle and wazzle and lived down by the Catholic Church on 7th and Chestnut. A hungry troll named Bob would visit her, from time to time … he usually had fifty bucks for a “fast time charlie”, but Krystal could see he wanted something uglier, meaner … She lived on those streets for 20 years, ever since her parents sold her to gypsies. She would be the man’s 23rd victim, sometime in 2024.
  11. There’s this WEIRD DUDE that has a magical space time toilet … LINK: https://weeklyworldnews.com/paranormal/182032/toilet-turns-into-space-time-portal-when-flushed/
  12. Color: gold … find the golden path to the golden shower …
  13. There are these dudes, these dudes that lived, in upper jab-man-stan, not far from tab-bli-stan …
  14. George W. Bush had the answer … he was drinking with John Ritter in 2001 and told that GUY the “secret” … John Ritter told Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Phillip told Robin Williams, Robin told Anthony Bourdain … what was the secret? What were they told?
  15. I went to see Dr. Chingles. He gave me a compress and a salve. He told me the eel pudding would clear up my sklink-sores, and that the worms in my heart were going to fart … the worms in my soul would come out in the bowl … but the three tumors in my EYE were going to fry.
  16. CRAB NIGHT is the SOFT WIND NIGHT … without getting too gooey … CRAB NIGHT is when the butter flows, and the sumptuous anal minx seeks wayward ways in the curbside bar … She stuffs zucchini as far as it will go, she stretches it out, and is cursed by the blood moon.
  17. The Keffleton Grizzly folk lived according to their wildlife ways, winter life, summer chode, and the grambling times when their loin greases flow and the icy hearts melt before a springtime jumblin-jo flower party.
  18. Vietnam Gas Stations Start To Close Due To Widespread Shortages … old momma CHO has nowhere to go … old uncle HO will die in the snow, cocaine elephants moving their wares from one greasy hotel to the next … a ship, set sail from Hong Kong, sinks in the Yellow Sea, 8 people are lost, 77 people drown, the rest are saved by the wild elk of JAPAN.
  19. Lemon spice wolf-poop ice cakes, tasty and healthy, for 6.95 … Cinnamon spice wolf-poop, lemon spice ice cakes, covered in pus, covered in scabs … coming from the labs, made for your grandma, ready for Christmas, ready for love …
  20. A sexy monkey army is heading for TEXAS. The women are hairy conundrums, covered in lice and turnip scent. Their eyes are glassy and jaundiced and there was a certain forlorn and disturbed affect to it all … They were FIRST LEVEL priestesses, and their duty was to unguzzlelate themselves on the Golden Gate Bridge, as they writhe in their busty nakedness and the drivers going by toss onion rings and pizza sauce at them … It will be a March, and the Chinese satellite will crash near Hawaii.
  21. Cathedral open for the groundskeeper and his family. Fire stoked for 34 days, and the hawk sits vigil waiting for the snail prince. Gundus, the mild-slog, washes out the sacred urn, and prepares the burnt offerings … all sins are forgiven, once the lamb cuts loose …
  22. A fight will break out in Paris, France, between two clans. 76 will be injured, 23 killed … The patriarch of one family will use dynamite and molotov cocktails to set fire and destroy the family of his daughters lover … greed, revenge, race, love, God, all mixed up in this drama of great sadness and tragic loss … some of the bodies will be discovered in a river.
  23. Dragon’s Mist, when the plane crosses the border and two bombs are released on the King. 2 generals are lost, and the 5th King of DOOMBAH is left to struggle against the fire eel people and the lost penguins of sector 901. And in the time of DROOSH, a scarlet curse is cast upon the elf mistress, and weedle-bugs feed on unburied corpses and a callous fog floats over the land …
  24. Hooker-Silence is a new kind of space-juice. We simmer brown dwarf love piss until it boils at 9,000 times the temperature of the Sun’s core. We then add tachyon spice and the herb of lost black hole love gumptis … As the old monster-planet said, “the gas giant is a beast of destruction, the gases burn your private parts …”
  25. A mother and her two sons are walking along a path in a woodland park. The sun is low, it is late afternoon on a January day. A sick man is tracking her, and her children. His name is Jonesy and his eyes are blue. He was recently released from prison and his hands shake. He will take the woman and her children, he will dump them in the canal.
  26. Unicorn started from JORD, on its way it met the maiden Dora, she had 3 eyes and she guarded the water-features of K’LEB, where the wizards and goblins made their bets and wagered on the whiskey harlots and the spade-kings … All CHING-CHONG generals are accounted for, as the WAR of HOOX begins and the cancer spreads through S’compton.
  27. Dinosaurs have been found on MARS … they drive electric cars, they vote for hookers to rule their lands, they build their castles upon the red sand … they grow fat and angry, looking towards the stars … in time they will visit their bellicose nature upon us, and tear up our lands with their dinosaur technology … FUCK: https://weeklyworldnews.com/topstory/56694/dinosaurs-found-on-mars-2/
  28. “People Are Fed Up”: Soaring Electricity Bills Become New Pain Point For Biden … they are ANGRY and MAD and seeking gas-station style revenge. They are arming themselves with bats and chain … they are going insane, looking for a fast-way-out of this hell hole nightmare of old style grizzly-gus pizza and jello-soup pie …
  29. Chezzler owned the corner store. He sold greaser-pies and snake eyes and pickled cat’s feet. He swindled and swirled, passing off crushed caffeine pills as cocaine. Some kids came in looking for food, they were hungry and angry – Chezzler lured them into his basement, and trapped them. What will he do?
  30. Red, road, train, toy, fire, crystal, lake, missile, open water, large reservoir, a damn will break, a world will shake, the chemical plant will catch fire and the land will be poisoned.
  31. All of my negativity is now yours, I give it to you … my burdens … my shit … my fears and regrets are all now YOURS … I transfer them to you using ancient shamanic practices and cheaply manufactured crack cocaine … but my stuff is now in your basement, it lurks there … it feeds on your dried beans and your rice … it nibbles on your MREs … all of my dark self is now yours, you own it … all of my demons chase you in the night.

RANDOM WALK (part 3) …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221106_RANDOM_WALK_3.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


Thoughts …

  1. Dog’s have built a cargo cult around sausage and bacon
  2. Some kind of weird vibe is setting off the dogs
  3. Munctus settled upon the basin, drinkus, like there will “snow” soon
  4. Debris of Halloween still on the ground
  5. Shoreline
  6. Kelp forest
  7. Black Sea
  8. Cold Deep
  9. Submarine battle
  10. Space Cannon
  11. Sector 3 is in trouble from LORD DUGAH
  12. Chambers are closed to the stink ghost
  13. Shaggy has this OCD thing about knowing where everyone is in the house … and then he mutters his shit …
  14. Beethoven – Symphony No.7 in A major op.92 – II, Allegretto … if you want a good soundtrack for these days, these hours …
  15. A ditch in Duchesne, where a body was found
  16. Plane crash, 4 people die, 9 survive, somewhere in the mountains
  17. Kettle Falls
  18. The hunter is looking west to see the tribes, the elk and caribou and other land-crabs are hunting there meals for the suppertime feast
  19. Ape space man coming with golden cures, earth woman readies her root cellar …
  20. Turkey is something else, be careful
  21. Read MICAH 5:2, and know the truth of the ancient times …
  22. NING-GO is ruler of REALM-90, his D.J. skills are renown, his guards carry sky lasers
  23. THRIGGIN HAWK flourish in the time of gumbo-grease and hooker-yeast. Make some spring rolls from that crap you find in the gutter near the whorehouse or the strip club … make some breakfast of pain.
  24. Seattle lightning squad, carriers of herpes and pox, spreading their joy this holiday season, making merry down by the docks after work, drinking everclear and rubbing onions and butter on their junk …
  25. A blue ring, with lights dancing around it, carrying power crystals to the FOUNTAIN, to drink the purest wine and squeeze the Charmin …
  26. A dog is barking, he knows if he barks too much … CHARLES BARKELY appears and will kidnap the dog to the under-dog-underworld …
  27. In the sky they paint these words, “in the breaking dawn, you will die”. and I mark the seconds till the coming morning, and think about the hookers I will FUCK … when the time of cocaine comes
  28. NOD, the monk king, owner of all porno, led his swarthy men on a quest for SKY LOVE and kingsly brinkmanship and sword fights and black-knight style shivings … with hatchet, and hammer, he made love … ask PAUL … fucker.

“There was NO HAMMER!”

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221105_THERE_WAS_NO_HAMMER.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Ash and trash …

  1. Dogs went ape shit
  2. Some weird people about, perhaps more witches from SLC
  3. A dozen eggs is about $5.00 … for basic eggs … up to $7.00 for premium
  4. If you can afford to donate, please do: I need to buy a lot of cocaine for my trip back to Seattle

Poison …

Are you feeling tired, distressed?

Do you have chest pains and bloody stool?

Do you leave a puddle of drool on your bed, a shame pond that haunts you in the morning time?

Is your wife or husband cheating on you?

Do you have terrible kids and dogs that do stupid shit and this infuriates you?

A lot of people have seen positive results trying POISON (xl).

It’s an extended release poison designed to help you deal with these common health and psychological problems caused from consuming too much POISON …

Disclaimer tho:

  1. Don’t use poison if you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or while having sex in a car going 200 MPH.
  2. If you have heart disease, cancer, liver disease, scabies, autoimmune, diabetes, COPD, or any other rudding issue that is rotting your insides and driving you crazy? – then poison might not be right for you.
  3. If you are taking any other kinds of poison, you might not want to take poison.
  4. Stop using poison if your eyes turn green or you get an uncontrollable twitch in your left eye.
  5. If you are over 50 and are at risk for common over 50 shit? – you can take poison.
  6. Poison is best taken while drinking or getting high on cocaine …
  7. If poison isn’t working, you can try taking more poison …
  8. Fuck you and eat your poison.

“What if there is no hammer?” – a potential, from The Matrix

I’m close to calling BS on two things:

– that Paul was injured at all

and linked

– that he had any “brain surgery”

This all looks like a COPS episode that never gets aired.

(same thing you’d find at any trailer park on Friday night)

The “hammer” part of this story is becoming progressively harder to believe … Depending on what kind of hammer, one whack would have knocked out Paul … probably killed him … So what? – limp wristed swing? (perhaps) Or, as stated, there was no “hammer” at all …

Here’s what MIGHT have happened:

  1. someone who was part of the Pelosi security team OR security for a nearby residence believed something untoward was happening at the Pelosi residence. Could have been a private detective hired by Nancy or some other operative.
  2. The cops show up, Paul is in his underwear, Depape is in his underwear, and they’re NOT cooking meth … so something weird is happening.
  3. Cops manufacture story about a “hammer” and an injury … perhaps there was some kind of blood, on the scene, that could be used to do this.
  4. The “brain surgery” was more bullshit to garner sympathy/support.
  5. And MAYBE there was a “hammer”, but its purpose was as a prop, to be used in case the cops showed up to a Paul-Party and Paul needed a good alibi … “hey, that dude attacked me with a hammer …”
  6. Depape, being a transient type gay hobo, will likely end up dead soon.
  7. This is looking more and more like “The Jussie Smolett Story, Part 2: Old Dude Gay Sex” ..(and why not release the camera footage?)
  8. BTW: “Smollett’ing” is now a thing

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/pelosi-did-not-declare-emergency-nbc-raises-questions-about-unexplained-30-minutes-during

Democracy requires electricity … (someone call the Ancient Greeks)

Link: https://www.azleg.gov/ars/16/00602.htm

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/arizona-county-sued-over-planned-hand-count-ballots

The help …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jeff-bezos-sued-ex-housekeeper-over-amazon-warehouse-conditions-racism

Let a liar …

“Let a liar talk long enough, he’ll speak the truth.” – Dr. Freckles

Sted Master Gurgen … (a lord of Boblimptock)

Following the 5th Atomic War, Fuer-Master Gurgen lay stricken on the battlefield. His urine was bloody and cold, his heart filled with monkey-mold. His mind a parasite village, a “head full of bees” as the old folks would say … he was dying of brostimpus-deels disorder, and a new FUER-MASTER would need to be chosen …

In the time of the black moon and the wolf-squirrel …

A young lad good with a spike and a whip and a steel chain, he would hurl himself at the inside-out bears and achieve total victory during the GREAT CONFLICT of YAB.

A young brute, with silvery hair and greenish skin, armed only with his wit and the muskul oils of Thwarntoz, where the high priestess women massage themselves with joob-bile and cundrom-sauce.

His name was STED … but he would soon be the NEW FUER-MASTER …

When STED was 8, 4 dingus-merchants visited his parents. They had gold and spices and hookers and cocaine … they offered to buy young STED for 5 pounds of gold, and his parents, being poor and addicted to crack, took the gold.

The merchants took STED to the EASTERN PROVINCE, where the GURU STEVE lived. Steve made knives out of old chainsaw chain … he was a blacksmith and a farmer and a hunter and a lover … he had wives in every crevice of the world, anywhere he fell there was some young busty maiden to rub oils on his wounds and yank is zuby-pipe.

STED grew bold and strong. STED learned the ways of CHIEF DIGGLER and joined the ranks of the hobo-shaman. He cast spells and sold bogus lottery tickets to the Mexican-Irish in TEXAS. His masters feared him, so they let him follow the jaded and jagged side roads, they let him feast upon the monkey-paste and dine with the queens of V’ygsoon.

STED was 17 when he met the witch of VAROOM. She told him he was the NEW FUER-MASTER to replace FEUR-MASTER GURGEN. “The lands have been without a FUER-MASTER for too long, the soil grows hard again, the water glows with radiological fury, the children do not read or write good, and the women have given in to HARLOTRY!”, the witch told STED he needed to choose the throne, if only for the lifetime supply of cocaine.

The ceremony was complete, and STED became FUER-MASTER STED and the guardian of the last Nalley’s Tamale factory that still supplied this nutritious treat to all the scrumbly folk and wandering tramps …

STED would reveal prophecies while drinking and smoking crack:

  1. “There’s a 200 gigaton bomb being launched from the moon, it will be here real soon, it will go kaboom …”
  2. “Freeze-dried elephant monkey poop pie, it’s on sale at SAFEWAY, we’re all gonna die …”
  3. “She drives a GM truck, she’s a country girl she’ll take for a whirl …”
  4. “We all love corrugated monkey meat, it gives our lives a special treat, it’s always on sale.”


Ash and trash …

  1. The “snow” we got
  2. weird paranoid thought: is there less oxygen in the air than there used to be
  3. I need money for my trip back to Seattle to buy emergency cocaine
  4. The site is becoming unstable the way the site did a year ago at GoDaddy before those fucks ripped me off
  5. Tried to create an account on Twitter, it remained stable and unlocked for 45 minutes

Denmark …

If you MUST hate some people and some place …

“Denmark is a shitty place, with crappy people living in it.” – Shakespeare (revised)

Prophecy concerning WW3 …

When it begins …

Ching-Chong forces under the command of General CHANG-CHING will invade Alaska, WA and CA …

They will sneak in using container ships … and pour out into the port cities, hunting the street wench, eating roaches and rats, ravaging the countryside, opening new Panda Express locations …

Russian forces will invade from Canada …

Biden will wonder what kind of ice cream they’re serving that day …

When it begins …

Claivan-volk will arm themselves with tooglin-swords and mug-grease. They will wear uniforms made from dead cats and carry baseball bats with large carpentry nails driven through them. The younger ones will carry pillow cases filled with rocks and nuts and bolts and other rusty pieces of metal they can find near the old abandoned library …

Nurg-tergler, the STENIC PRINCE, will form an army of castro-wenches. They will roam the countryside near Scompton, not far from where those nuns were murdered by the CIA last year …

There will be another crispy chicken sandwich war … KFC will lose bigly.

Psychotherapy over the INTERNET: nope …

“Don’t ever do therapy over the internet.” – Dr. Freckles


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/fomc-4


He walked in the sunshine with the 44 gods, when the world was new and the earth was still fresh. He hunted skylark-pony on the plains of T’ybek, and among the FRUNG people he led a revolution of total satisfaction, spreading dingo-crabs to every hooker and having an 8-ball of cocaine ready at EVERY party …

Jinghiz-Lohr ruled the 21 realms following the atomic wars … his lands were vast and filled with dead. He would ride his shark-eagle across the territories of YOD – and nothing could stop his throng. He fed on whale-perch and wore a codpiece made of iron and pain. In the age of BOBLIMPTOCK, he was the RADIOACTIVE COMMANDER ELITE and women sought his man juice.

Jinghiz-LOHR took the lands east of GRINKEN. He managed to topple governments and take their hookers as his wives … following the 12th Atomic War, all the scunglin-folk were covered in keester-oil sores. They would drain these sores and put the pus and munctus into a large pot … they would add crickets and rat parts and old style Nalley’s Tamales … Jinghiz would look upon this as a man with an appetite to swallow a landfill. Ching-Chong warriors dug their tunnels, and the world prepared for the 13th Atomic War.

Jinghiz once pondered … “how many more atomic wars will there be?”

And the Demon X’inder said in response: “as many are as necessary for you monkeys to learn …”

Jinghiz or “Jing” as his friends called him, had 3 mothers and 9 fathers. Their gumbo-grease was mixed into a great vat, and they would spoon out gobs of this stuff with an old rusty soup ladle and pour it into the mother’s xig-caves, where the mixture incooblerated and festered and formed strange long compounds, minerals, vitamins and formed a breeding matrix for the clap. The women then de-cloaked their busty bodies and wrestled each other, in the busty sauces of TOR, where meagen-priests made sacrifices and the priestess-guardians grew hungry for the flesh … After 5 months, the child would spring forth, randomly, from one of the 3 women’s mester-pools, and at that moment they would scream and wail and welcome the next LOHR, or ruler of the NUGGEN-VOLK.

Jing could build a home out of sand and blood. He could transfer his thoughts, into a bat, and then have that bat do some wild shit …

Jing had the power of Ourox, his hands glowed white hot, and his fists were made of titanium. With every karate chop, he could split a man in half – he didn’t cry … his sadness took the form of knives.

Jing journeyed, when he was young, to the land of Vod, where the mad monk of S’compton lived, among coyote strippers and old frail harlots. He learned to scoop and move, he learned the way of CLOG. The mad monk taught Jing the power of 9 perceptions, and the middle world between the paint and the wall. This was Jing’s new style destiny, and he could sense a weird feeling in his man-rod.

… the 9 perceptions or SOUL-LEVELS are as follows …

  1. T’lib: this happens upon awaking into the MEAT-WORLD. You feel a tingle in your dinctus, and your butt quivers. Your body demands the EXPULSION of waste – but analyzes this experience, determining HARD-SOFT conditions for poo and the kinds of Indian vindaloo that produce the most satisfying body screams, or bowel movements. To be in harmony with your sphincter is to achieve LEVEL ONE perception or T’lib.
  2. Aagen: … it’s like you’re up late watching PornHub videos, mainly Ava Adams. And you feel as if you know her, that you’re connected. You massage your own booge-horg and feel and great power-pull into the region of love-grease and oil expansion. And at that moment you are with Ava Adams, and she is rubbing coconut grease on her ample orbs, and groaning and moaning your name … and as she groans and moans you notice a substance dripping from her underwear, and this is golden and buttery so you make popcorn and collect the stuff and put it ON the popcorn. You finish the popcorn and awaken, realizing it WAS ALL a DREAM … and then Kurt Cobain’s ghost shows up, and you play a set.
  3. Turino: this is the sensation of soul-oneness with small furry animals, cats, dogs, sometimes hamsters. Your minds are synchronized: if they feel pain, you feel pain. If they are sad, the sadness grows in you … if they feel like pooping on the neighbor’s lawn? – you see where this is going.
  4. Zipzomatic: this is the feeling you get when you look at your paycheck and think “fuck, I don’t get paid enough”. This usually results in visiting some bar after work and developing some kind of unhealthy relationship with the bartender there, with visible herpes. You end up leaving your wife and kids and moving in with the herpes woman and life seems grand … until a random stranger offers you a map to a goldmine in UTAH, not far from VERNAL, near that mass grave where the Mormons killed them injuns in 1896 … you can’t find your way home, and that’s the KEY.
  5. Xoog-Roy: once you have an ONLY-FANS account, you can tap into this juice. There’s an electric connection between yourself and some rando-stranger peaking at your johnson from across the WWW. You sense the frustration and anger, from some bogo-freak living in a basement, eating dongo-fries and breathing lyre-fumes. And when the strungis becomes peaked and firm, the coop-gas gets released and the freaks stop paying their credit card bills. This is the sensation of total bleakness, Xoog-Roy.
  6. Playidas: Yoog-hounds can trace their way home, no matter how far away they are abandoned. They can find their owners, asleep in their beds, and visit upon them great abuses and harm … as if loneliness is manifest in all consciousness and these dogs feel it all and the worst parts of being left alone, in the dark, no food, no love. This is Playidas …
  7. Wey-hor: it’s the FRINGE-CONNECT on your email account that sifts through player minds-sets and finds true ONE-SHIP … when you are one with the other and the other is connected to your loorg-pipe or man-tube. That moment she decides to pull a knife out from under the pillow and cut off your cock? – that’s when you can perceive Wey-hor and the great GROIN agony.
  8. Lurg: after the age of DOOM, when COL SANDERS 6 armies are beaten at the Battle of Denver? – there comes an APE-GURU connected to all chimps and gorillas. His name will be Brogas the Immense. He would tower over his contemporaries, never revealing to them the horrible truth … that he was WOOKIE … MAN BEAST … BIG FOOT … SWAMP APE … he was the thing that screamed in the Louisiana bayou demanding justice for the dolphin. In the fragile vibration of this life, you can connect to toads … this is LURG …
  9. Codaroomaboomalapa: Once you achieved the 8 corner stone perceptions, and mastered oneness with small furry animals, you are ready for SOUL TRIUMPH vis-a-vis MIND WORTHYNESS … and this is exemplar of CHRONIC-SUNDRY moog-viss or dingus of Saab. In the time of Grinken, the whale-beasts will roam the old town and the mistress will inguzzlelate herself with cister-wine and troog-worms. As if all this undulating sin were not enough, there is the tremor of TROOG … and when you’ve incorporated all of this, you can state definitely you are ready to split people in half with one karate chop, and then do some coke.

“WHERE ARE THE HARBINGERS?!?”, Jing yelled at the great mountain, the cliffs, the rocks and the river.

He was seeking the balance of ZINDER-REALM, and his own codpiece was covered in fire ants … and this was uncomfortable.

“WHY HAVE YOU ABANDONED THE SWAMP APES AND THE NUGGEN-VOLK?”, but only silence followed, as Jing laid down his head and the sun dipped behind the great mountain.

As night fell, so Jing fell into a deep sleep …

He went to a dream world, where frog-sailors built ships of weed and old time’y town squares were inhabited by rat-soldiers and dusty old munge-whores.

He dreamed he was SLUNGIS, the MAN-LORD, the one of many hooker wives …

He dreamed his hooker wives were all laid out on a gigantic bed, a bed that shook and shake’d and sprayed sexual greases all over the place, ancient oils of lusty boovulus.

He dreamed of battling the old dragon of D’ig, where COONDRAK the FIRE RAIDER held sway, and the several armies of Wug stood fast against the ORCA ZONE and the coming raccoon storm …

And as the sun rose, and dawn broke upon the plains of G’OGGEN … Jing himself awoke with new insights and a vision to lead his tribe …

Life’s strange dynamic …

“Don’t be afraid to stand your ground, don’t be afraid to pack your bags, because life has this strange dynamic.” – Dr. Freckles

Live Free …

“Life free, or commie.” – Dr. Freckles

Mulligan …

What is a MULLIGAN?

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulligan_(games)

Link: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/you-murderous-hypocrites-outrage-ensues-after-atlantic-suggests-amnesty-pandemic

I don’t …

I don’t forgive the ministers, I don’t forgive the lawyers, I don’t forgive the journalists or the scientists …

It’s not my place to forgive them … it is for Jesus.

“Let Jesus forgive, I’ll make sure they keep their appointment.” – Dr. Freckles


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221101_TRIGGER_ALERT.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

I buried Paul …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/nancy-pelosis-husband-violently-assaulted-sf-home-invasion

Paul was with Yuli, his personal seal trainer …

They were playing “banksy”, as they shoved newspaper up each other’s butts and then lit the stuff on fire …

They had a third unidentified guy, eating chili in the corner, who would get up periodically and fart and pee on them …

And it just went sideways.

Paul and his twink may have been doing “MC HAMMER” or “hammer time” …

Take the handle of the hammer and shove it up the twink’s butt, you then give him oral highway or British tiramisu … all of which can lead to head injury, especially if you’re doing it MEXICAN STYLE …

His sexual partner pushed it too far …

Paul and his lover Levi Ballz were playing “village people” …

Paul was dressed as a NAVY admiral, Levi was the “carpenter” …

And it just got crazy …

it’s known as “making french fries” in the gay community …

sometimes “steak fries” … or playing “sweet potato”

Interestingly enough: when you play “sweet potato” in LA, you usually use zucchini …

… he and his sex-slave were doing poppers, and using penile-digglers and rasp-wazzles …. and shoving potatoes up each other’s butts … stuff got out of control.

And NANCY … ?????

He married her BECAUSE she’s a nasty drunk …

He can have his SIDE SHOW, and things got messy …

He ordered off the local menu, Nancy caught them, and she flew into an alcoholic rage …

This will get buried, some black-mexican will be blamed.

But the real story man …

Depape and PAUL were playing “two bag boys for Miss Gibonsy …”

It’s a dangerous game involving WD-40 and PVC tubing and large charge capacitors that you charge up and then insert into your yurgen-tunnel. And one of the dudes dresses like a bird and poops on your head … and then you kum in some biscuit sauce and get wasted off crack cocaine …

And surprisingly … something went wrong.

The “SISTEEEN CHAPEL” is a common trope in Castro, SF. You pay some poor dude money and crack and you buy him a tunic … you hand him some kind of carpenter hammer and say “now, build upon this rock” … as you arch your back, the young greaser twink inserts a volcanic stone into your sphincter, and then begins bashing it in with his hammer …

And maybe … this was too much …

“october surprise” is also very popular in San Fran …

You start with a “denver omelette”, that’s great but you need about 3 pounds of metal shavings mixed with wood chips and diesel fuel …

After you’re done massaging the junctus … you relieve pressure for the man-wand …

And something terrible occurred …

And if they were making a “denver omelette”, then something was haywire …

BTW: I believe the “brain surgery” is Smolett style sympathy-mining …

It’s kind of tragic, because PAUL was probably wanting play “Sister Mary”, while Depape was in the mood for “Old Man and the Pee” …


Ok let me get this story straight: the “intruder” breaks into the house, finds Paul in his underwear, the intruder slips off his clothing, the cops show up, the intruder rips a hammer out of Paul’s hands and then beats him with it in front of cops. Nice story.

Yes – every real life porn film starts that way


I think they were playing “Dirty Hairy”, and Depape, who was supposed to be the bungo-freak, brought too much nitrous … they probably overloaded and then Paul shot his load into the fondue set, and that’s when things got rough …

It’s possible they were playing “Mormon night out”, and the third guy didn’t show up or showed up late. They were in a kind of special love-nest-rope-trap, and it got bad …

The Mormon showed up and started pouring chocolate sauce all over the place … and this was the TRIGGER.

They were playing “Shelly Long”, and Nancy’s gape got filled with popcorn butter but the electrical outlet was way too close to the reverberating-anal-spreader … it was bad.

I think Paul was hoping for the “Tennessee Cowboy”, but instead he ended up with the “old fashioned Kentucky ass kicking” …

That’s $2,000/hour …

They used to call it the “San Francisco Treat”, but it’s where the top and his twink tie telephone wire around their glinctus, while they’re wearing adult diapers and tossing lumps of rotten horse meat at each other. This is done in preparation for the coup de grace of playing anal sculptor and then lighting off fire crackers in each other’s dinctus holes.

Of course they could have been playing “Queen of England”. This is dangerous, and does involve hammers and hatchets and lumps of coal. You have to have a keen eye for detail, because the rope play is intricate and if you pull on the wrong knot you can cause bodily harm.

Some freaks in SF think the old queen was playing “hot and moist”, while Depape was likely the “old squire boy from the village” and Paul was the brown dragon.

Sometimes things get messy … and a gay couple will try something really dangerous … like “the chunnel”. Sure, it seems exciting, but there are so many risks and so much KY jelly is used up in the process. “The Chunnel” is often followed up with “Al Pacino’s Secret” and then some kind of lazy reach around …

The “jungle book” is when things get really bad. Usually the twink brings the ants, hamsters, and other birds. These animals are coerced into entering the elder gay man’s mangina which is being held open by some surgical spreaders …

The hammer is typically used when playing “Ken Doll’s Surprise”, but I think Depape was wanting to play “lazy lumberjack” and Paul was confused.

I heard about this couple from Boy’s Town in Chicago that used to play “hide the penny”, but you need pliers for this … and maybe motor oil … but you would never use a hammer, would you?

People are asking what Nancy was up to …

But I heard Paul and Depape were on the “swing sets” and Nancy was on the “lazy susan”. They might have been doing “Cougar’s Revenge” when Depape failed to remove the shlig-pipe from Nancy’s nungis-hole. Nancy began convulsing, and that’s when the hammer slipped and hurled towards Paul’s anus-wax covered head.

This is probably what happened …

Paul was at the Blue Oyster tavern, drinking alone. Nancy was out with her friends, buying ice cream and anal swabs. Paul was at the bar, waiting for that special somebody.

Depape shows up and Paul can’t get stop looking at his package. 

“Want to come back to my place?”, Paul asked.

Depape nodded, and they headed to the Uber …

Back at Paul’s, they began by playing “My Dear Uncle Jibbly”, but this quickly became a variant of “London Bridge” mixed with “Gin Rummy”. After about 45 minutes, Paul and Depape did a couple lines of coke and then got into the tool boxes in the garage.

Paul proposed the game of “find the robin’s hatch”, but Depape wanted to play “This Old House”, and that’s when things took a turn …. and stuff got real.

I think Paul wanted to play a game called “George Clooney”, and Depape was supposed to dress up like a woman and pull his C0CK back between his legs. Things got clinched up nearing the climax, and Paul grabbed the brazing torch while Depape took the crab leg crusher and smacked Paul across the face.

All of this happened so fast …

… Depape was going to dress up like “Patricia Anne Swallows”, and Paul was going to play “Lord Reardon”. 

They stopped at Bartel’s to buy scotch tape and krazy glue and clam chowder.

After about 45 minutes of “Tim has the twitches”, Depape wanted to be on top and Paul said no. Depape saw a crab-shuck hammer on the floor next to Nancy’s heroin kit, and he just went for it …

Lifetime Movie coming out in 2023 …

“Secret Carpenter: the Paul Pelosi story”

It will be poignant and daring and magical … like some sleazy version of Brokeback Mountain …

(sleazier I mean)

There’s a good chance Paul was playing the “Island of Dr. Moreau” and Depape had dressed up like a crab, but then Paul set fire to the fondue set and spilled chocolate sex grease all over the french bulldog …

1 in every 3 accidents with a tool or appliance involves a gay sex act gone awry …

It used to be you couldn’t talk about gay sex …

It was secret MAN LOVE involving electrical wiring and broken glass and black nylon ropes and chuzzle-grease …

And you wouldn’t DARE ASK what two men in underwear were doing and why …

THEY WOULD INSKUZZLELATE THEMSELVES at every bathhouse, selling tinglies to the twink-lords and remembering the old times when all they had were the sewers and the rest areas and bowling alleys …

These lost dark loves, so fragile in the moonlight, trembling with fear as you insert the handle of the hammer into the goop-hole.

And this is love.

“circular saw”

“utility belt”



These all have different meanings in the gay man community …

“midnight basketball” also means something different in the gay-man community …

Paul wanted a cool-time Charley, but what he got was a wired twink looking for some dangerous action … Paul bought joob-oil and crisco and a frumbly-wand …

But Depape was wanting something darker …

They began, as Paul always did, with the “General’s Firing Squad”, but this quickly devolved into “Sarah’s Bunt Cake” and went further …

This was inevitable.

I think Paul believed they were playing “Ann Margaret’s Debut”, but Depape was really playing “BILLY the Skid”.

Paul went into that place looking for something dangerous …

He’d been trolling Castro for a while, but he ended up near Haight/Ashbury with a broomstick handle shoved up his a-zone and a hangover from drinking ever clear with the mayor …

A young lad, covered in street grease, came up to him … “hey man, you wanna party …”

Paul took him home … but first they had to stop at Home Depot …

They bought plastic tubing and drop cloth and fire extinguishers and roofing hammers …

They bought jimbo-style cook grease and one of those plastic swimming pools for dogs …

Neither one understood how crazy this would get …

Paul thought he was playing “The King’s Knight”, but Depape was playing “Texas Oil Strike” …

And there will be blood.

Fun fact:

All Home Depot stores in the San Francisco area are required by STATUTE to have pamphlets and handouts on how to safely use gardening equipment in gay style man sex.

“garden weasel” …

In San Fran, this means something different …

Paul thought they were going to play a game called “The Graduate”, but Depape was “Good Will Hunting” and had all the maple syrup and rock salt …

The bottom or “twink” in this case would run maple syrup and rock salt on their splingus …

The TOP or ELITE SIM would tie rubber bands on his balls and shove three turnips up his yincter …

They would break dance and toss chocolate scrunge at each other …

They would laugh and kiss and feel the embrace of their disgrace …

Eventually, Depape would say … “can you shove THAT up my butt?”

And Paul said “the hammer”, which end?

In the time of gleemptus, Paul rode a hawk.

Paul said to Depape, “will you be my sparrow-prince?”

And Depape said to Paul, “only if you’ll be my queer-dear and we can live all special like in the clouds far away from the evil witch …”

Paul looked around the room …

He saw the marks of his evil wife, and her scribble-oils …

He could no longer look into her fetid gape …

But what to do, how do gay men in San Fran escape from such as Nancy?

What if this was a REALLY convoluted and coke fueled gay escape plan?

I mean: those old queens … it’s all 007 and shit with them … going to the park late at night …

So maybe in their coke fiend states they thought “shit, what if we get into some gay man mash up and embarrass the F out of Nancy … she’ll have to set us free to have gay man sex in Barbados …”

Just a slight variation on a theme …

GAY ESCAPE PLAN – the common “heroes journey” for most queers.

Gay men dream of GAY MAN ISLAND …

A place they can go to and have gay-man style sex, with no limits …

This is where they were trying to go …

(the hammer was their pink slipper)

These types of gay hookups gone bad are often referred to as “A night at the Roxbury” …

Usually, the top instigates by using too much windex on the twinks tool box, but then the chimpanzee is let outside and the kangaroo coke is over and done with …

There’s a lot of whiskey and farting and object insertion …

Pledges of love and regret …

As the last whiskey bottle is inserted into the buntis pipe …

And the dogs scream in the night.

We now know they were probably playing a game called “two apples for Miss America” …

They got tired and the amal nitrate poppers were running low …

Nancy injected KROKODIL into Paul’s vein, and Depape was in the corner, playing the role of “Little Bimbo” …

But the cables got all screwed up and they ended up doing a “Borgnine” instead of a “McQueen” …

And then Depape grabbed the hammer and that was it.

Nancy let him in, as she always did. She wore a vorg-suit made of tin and anguish …

She led the poor sap up to the master bedroom, where Paul, spread eagle, had his “unit” inserted into ROOMBA and was playing the game “Terminator” … or … maybe it was the “Forbin Project” …

Depape, stripped down and Nancy doused him in gumble-grease and ointment pus and then tied him up and tossed him on the bed with Paul …

After Nancy finished off a case of wine, she began burning them with a cigarette …

It got bad, real bad ….

She placed DePape’s rod in a metal clasp and tied this to a french bulldog nearby …

And Depape broke …

He picked up the silver hammer for shucking King Crab, mashed up Paul and went running for the door …

(and the cops were waiting, already paid off with hookers and get-out-of-jail rape cards)

Food …

“Food was NEVER supposed to be cheap.” – Dr. Freckles

(that thing about inferior goods)

The State Withering Away …

“The Marxists talk talk talk about the state withering away, but the anarchists KNOW HOW we get there.” – Dr. Freckles

Alienation …

“The real alienation was never from the means of production. The real alienation was from nature, by steps, by slices, until we became untetherered, separate from any healthy ecology.” – Dr. Freckles

From here …

“I wish I had a t-shirt that said ‘FROM HERE: IT GETS WORSE’.” – Dr. Freckles

Thanks-Christmas …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/thanksgiving-dinner-will-cost-lot-more-year

By the year 2027 …

People will eat “bologna surprise” for Thanks-Christmas … yeah, they merge the holiday into Thanks-Christmas … the two holidays were too expensive. They will add in BLACK FRIDAY and call it “BUY MONGO SHIT DAY … and maybe beat up some folks …” … It will be AWESOME.

And you eat a mongo-feast of gumbo-grease and other holy offerings. You find old dead cats and you hang them from the gambrels … and the old harlot demons sing songs of SMART TVs and CD-ROM chargers and cancer-cubes flavored with bacon and dingus …

On THANKS-CHRISTMAS DAY, following BUY MONGO SHIT? – Jolly-Jorgles the Clown goes around … delivering gifts … and sometimes having sex with your mom. He fucks your mom … he doesn’t care if she’s dead.

By the year 2029 …

The 8 scroblin clans of region-3 will form a Traagen-Army …

The TURKEY will be used as QUAG-FUEL for the brogglen-tanks and to feed the kepler-wolves.

Black Friday was replaced with Red Thursday … a time of burning and yearning.

Radioactivity will be everywhere …

(even in your crotch …)

By the year 2030 …

You will get a letter from an old friend about a metal tube and an alien race. You will be invited to an “old fashioned” Thanksgiving in New England, at some abandoned farm where a bunch of hookers were murdered during the Great Depression.

When you arrive, your friend cannot be found – there is simply a metal cylinder sitting on a kitchen table next to an intercom with a note next to it … “PRESS TO TALK” …

You press the button and speak, “hey man, where you at?” …

Out of the tinny speaker comes a crackling voice … “yo bud, my brain has been put into this old whiskey can by them there aliens called the FUNGI people … they are really nice, from Pluto, and want to put you and your family in Folgers cans ….”

And this is not the worst Thanksgiving that year, believe you me …

By the year 2035 ….

We will celebrate THANK-YOU-TUMORS day … a special day when you take a razor and cut the tumors and lesions from your body … you mix them into an iron pot or dutch oven … you add whatever stringoh-sauce or jergis-salt or other spice you can buy from the witch that lives in the old abandoned reactor.

You make a kind of burrito out of fiberglass and metal shavings, and you jam that infernal thing with as much of the special STEW defined above … and you shove that JOY-TACO into your shriveled and pain ridden mouth, covered in sores and open wounds and dripping with pus that you then use as a salsa …

TUMORs will be seen as gifts from the great fireball, the liberator, the POXY-CLIPSE …

By the year 2050 …

It’s gonna get nice an cozy. We’ll all sit around that Thanksgiving drinking pumpkin spice coffee and shoving potatoes up our butts. We’ll make meat soup and have troglan-parties. People will smile and slap each other and play grab ass … they’ll bleed into their urine.

HARVEST TIME will be the beginning the season, when the freaks and nerds and greasers and geeks form various unholy gangs of street fighters. They go out to gather up the street protein and the farmland boob milk. Women will make human cheese and sell these cheese sandwiches … and they’ll drink more pumpkin spice coffee.

Prayers …

“Sometimes the Lord answers prayers, sometimes he’s just there to listen.” – Dr. Freckles

Pumpkin Spice … (festive)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221101_PUMPKIN_SPICE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Ash and trash …

  1. Kia pissed on another dog’s grave.
  2. The cottage cheese has been hit/miss … but a few weeks ago it was all miss
  3. I found a bag of LAY’S Wavy Chips … non-flavored … (rare)
  4. I have the itinerary for going back to Seattle … I might appear at some kind of meetup … more info to come.
  5. Weird patterns on JS8 the last few days …

DNA or Chromosomes?

Halloween 3 …

This movie pisses me off.

Leadership …

“Leadership is the art of surfing the wave of human potential.” – Dr. Freckles

Novelty …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221025_NOVELTY.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Chips …

Saw a dude pick up a bag of cancer chips at the Maverick, he said “FIVE BUCKS …” and the put the bag of chips back …

I said: “buddy, that will be 10 bucks in 6 months …”

He didn’t laugh or smile …

He nodded.

Weakness …

“We all have our Achilles bacon.” – Dr. Freckles

Fate …

“Fate is the dance between freewill and God.” – Dr. Freckles

“Destiny stands at the intersection of God and freedom.” – Dr. Freckles

Road Games …

… or …

How the Ugly American solved a crime and banged Jamie Lee Curtis …

Novelty …

“Any madman is a novelty.” – Dr. Freckles


Link: https://www.reviewjournal.com/life/14-smart-ways-to-fight-soaring-price-inflation-2662345/

  1. Make a deal with Satan.
  2. Re-use whale grease and other crud.
  3. Boxes make great homes.
  4. Learn to steal.
  5. Sell AMWAY.
  6. Sell your kidneys … and other sellable body parts.
  7. Become a hooker.
  8. Sell hooker grease.
  9. Make extra cash as a rat hunter.
  10. Stop eating every day – do the fasting thing and eat every 2 to 3 days.
  11. Buy only SCRUMBO-STYLE MEAT FLAVORED beef products …
  12. Beg for money from your neighbor … beggar thy neighbor or some such shit
  13. Use your dogs to transport illegal drugs …
  14. Stop taking baths, or brushing your teeth, or taking showers or using deodorant … you work from home, right dawg?

It’s a mistake …

Getting an ‘A’ …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/after-xis-crowning-china-surprises-world-gdp-growth-beat-yuan-slides

“Everyone can get an ‘A’, if you can make up the answers.” – Dr. Freckles

The Rule of Two Votes …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221023_THE_RULE_OF_TWO_VOTES.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

What I MIGHT do …

I might visit Seattle for Thanksgiving … big maybe. Could happen.

Two votes …

“In a just world, you would have 2 votes in every democracy: the first one gets you elected, the second one is taken AFTER your term is complete and this one is about whether you get to live.” – Dr. Freckles

Episode 36 …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/17-out-place-artifacts-suggest-high-tech-civilizations-existed-thousands-or-millions

Free version of book: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20150204_Episode_36_by_Daniel_J_Sullivan_copyright_2015.pdf




Am Mrs Bohdana  Aleksander the wife of Mr.Danilo Aleksander (Ukraine sunflower oil & wheat,maize farmer ) my husband was murdered by the Russian Army troop because of the war between Russian& Ukraine it was so very terrible. .    

He was a sunflower oil & wheat and maize farmer who have invested much in agriculture political opponents.

I acknowledge very well that my Husband deposited the sum of US$10.7M (TEN MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) with a security and financial company here in Johannesburg South -Africa with the intention of using it for the purchase of new farm machinaries and chemical for Agricultural purpose as well as purchasing hectares of land in South Africa for his investment. I got your contact through chamber of commerce .With the high risk of staying in my country we are now on political asylum. (Refugee) me and my son we are here in South Africa, my position does not allow me to open an account or to normalize this fund to any meaningful business transaction, I want you to understand that this is purely family fund not money laundering affair.

I solicit for your honest assistance as I want this fund to be transferred to your account in oversea with your partnership, I will want to invest this fund in your country.


 We can invest the fund as a family investment together with you in your country be assured that all the necessary document backing this fund has been arranged with one of the Attorney I meet here in Johannesburg South Africa, feel free to ask any question regarding this transaction.

Hoping to hear from you soonest, kindly contact me through this my private email For Confidential: [email protected]


I need your urgent and confidential response towards this transaction.

Thanks you and regards
My name is Timothy Loh LLP. I am a leading Hong Kong attorney specialize in corporate and litigation law private equity, hedge funds, investment funds, financial services, banking, and bankruptcy practices l am internationally recognized.

It may surprise you to receive this letter from me, since there has been no previous correspondence between us.  I will also like to make it clear here that l know that the internet has been grossly abused by criminal minded people making it difficult for people with genuine intention to correspond and exchange views without skepticism.

There is an unclaimed “Permanent Life Insurance Policy” held by our deceased client.

The transaction pertains to an unclaimed “Payable-On-Death” (POD) savings monetary deposit in the sum of Sixteen Million, Nine Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($16,900,000) with one of the prime global insurers. The policy holder was one of our clients. Her name is  Lucia Bosè. who was a film actress who died on March 23 of pneumonia after contracting COVID-19. . Since Her death no one has come forward for the claim and all our efforts to locate his relatives have proved unsuccessful. The insurance company policy stipulates that “Insured Permanent Policies" not claimed must be turned over to the abandoned property division of the state treasury after the deadline.

Therefore, I ask for your consent to be in partnership with me for the claim of this policy benefit, If you permit me to add your name to the policy, all proceeds will be processed on your behalf. I wish to point out that I want 10% of this money to be shared among charity organizations while the remaining 90% will be shared between us.

This is 100% risk free and 100% legal. I do have all necessary documentation to expedite the process in a highly professional and confidential manner. I will provide all the relevant documents to substantiate your claim as the beneficiary. This claim requires a high level of confidentiality and it may take up to Ten (10) business days, from the date of receipt of your consent.

Your earliest response to this matter would be highly appreciated

Best Regards,

Timothy Loh.

X’inder or Xyndur or Zindour … (a demon that chased me, followed me, from Seattle)

X’inder would tap on my window, when I was living in Little Saigon. He’d tap and stare, with his burning red eyes, looking deep into my troubled spirit. He offered the salve of forever time and relinquished his alley kingdom to me, I stared bleakly at his weird eyes and wondered how many kinds of cocaine he knew …

I tried talking to the freaks on the other side of DORGEN TOWN, they’d sell me the flounder-mist and I’d shoot up across from the CASCADE HUSTLER, and new bullet train that takes weary travelers from Seattle to the stripper corridor in Kent. Terry Michaels, the Mayor of Grinken Town, stood up for the convenience asking the STREEH-GLUN Klan to ferry mope fuckers from Queen Anne to Guemes Island.

X’inder was the great whisperer …

He drew in the phantom Carlos types, the ones all greasy from S’compton, bringing their frizzle clap and weird existentialist STDs. X’inder was the WIND FURY, he could keep watch on all his parrots all day long, he handed out favors across from the BIG BURGER on Aurora – the hooker parlors would empty out at midnight, just to seek counsel with X’inder, a hopeless wanting for exit strategies.

X’inder whispered through that window in Little Saigon, telling me of sights and smells and things to come … Telling me of weird Japanese sex crews and old time’y racist thugs who scour the streets of failure looking for their boxes of regrets …

“I am the WARLORD KING …”, X’inder screamed at his gronklin-style street armies …

Already, there are dringus armies forming up in the east – they seek the cloven flesh of midnight, they hunt wearing seersucker suits and wingtips … And you think you’ll flee to some caves? Buy some guns at Cabela’s? – nah my friend. GRINKEN TIME is near, and all the Hoglan VOLK will arm themselves with machetes and chain and look for the nearest TORG BEAST to harvest. 

X’inder owns the beasts …

X’inder owns the sewers and the toilets …

X’inder is the window washer, X’inder is that old greasy janitor that seems to live in the closet that smells like bleach and vomit and tragedy …

Diesel …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221021_DIESEL.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

My brother …

Something nice to say.

Not a complete list:

  1. I tore apart his train set
  2. he helped me get elected
  3. he and I dealt with our dad’s abuse together
  4. he let me burn popcorn at his dorm, at the UW
  5. we would go see movies
  6. we shared a studio apartment in Seattle
  7. he became a great dad, and has grown kids now
  8. he helped me get set up in Indianapolis after my divorce … it might have worked
  9. he had a lot of stuff to manage in recent years, so he became a brave traveler
  10. he still calls me, even though I never have good news

Diesel …

Link: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/diesel-fuel/use-of-diesel.php

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/forget-oil-real-crisis-diesel-inventories-us-has-just-25-days-left

You need it the way you need a wet lover on Saturday night. The lights are dim, always, because of those fucking LED street lights – the lights were brighter not so long ago. Now the race of humans crawls from one mishap to the next, in the twilight of these lights, in the shadow of an Al Gore toilet you need to flush 60 times. You need that diesel fuel to power your VOLKSWAGEN JETTA … and you don’t give a fuck if it kills some old whale in California, as long as the grizzle grease touches you and your witch wife steals the dolby buttons.

YOU NEED THAT DIESEL like you need to EAT. The food, the gombo-grease, the wheel chicklet sandwiches and burnt our frosting pies. You need the diesel so you heart can SOAR on lighting figs and scrumbo-wine.

Razor blades in the candy …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/police-issue-warning-ahead-halloween-after-fentanyl-pills-found-candy-bags-lax

When I was a kid?

Back in the 1970’s?

… the time when the hippies were settling into their Clinton-Bush style American exceptional BDSM parties? Back then hooker kings ran the hooker trade just over the tracks in S’compton, near the Golden Corral that got shut down last year because someone found a dolphin tattoo on their steak … and a fingernail in the meatloaf.

It was crazy back then …

Half of all parents would put razor blades in the kids chocolate … mainly Butterfingers … because the next door neighbor’s dog told them to.

(it was awesome)

When I was a kid …

A lot of parents would put broken glass in their lemonade … they would serve it in ice cubes, in the hot sun … you’d crunch on that ice and your lips would be bleeding and the parents would laugh and laugh and laugh … because it was so fucking funny to see them damn kids lips bleeding … and crying for their mommas …

(it was beyond imagination)

  1. wild dogs covered in leopard moss
  2. going fishing off of the old wharf near that titty bar that burnt down
  3. ski trip, in the mountains, where the old springs of D’Alok flow and the ancient ones do cocaine
  4. hand out flame throwers
  5. build little guillotines for squirrels

DEF CON 4 (1985)

One of the better post nuclear war films …

Paints a more accurate picture, reminiscent of the Aussie apocalypse flicks (Mad Max, etc) …

Has a decent plot to it …

Also a story about NOT giving up …

(full movie free on Youtube)

Damnation Alley (1977)

Not really great … but corny enough that it can make you laugh about nuclear holocaust …

And Jan Michael Vincent …


The Complexity Trap …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221019_THE_COMPLEXITY_TRAP.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

The Complexity Trap …

“The only escape from the complexity trap is pain.” – Dr. Freckles

“The cringe’iest kind of bargaining is the bargaining for lesser catastrophes.” – Dr. Freckles

Financial debt is NOT the worst kind – though the central bankers and bitcoin fanatics and government will never tell you this.

The great DEBT problem is complexity: too much complexity, and the resource costs for maintenance, let alone expansion, become non-linear.

It’s not so much that you “run out of oil”, it’s more like there’s NO AMOUNT of ANYTHING to keep up with the complexity generated by … ding, ding, ding: government.

You want a way out of this mess? – you have to de-complexity and refactor society.

(adding complexity, like adding “87,000 IRS agents”, only makes the problem worse in a non-linear way)

And in terms of military command and control? – complexity is horrific … and it doesn’t matter how “advanced” your special weapon is … it’s an “eggs in one basket” strategy … like the death star and its ONE WEAKNESS … (that blows it up)

Something from 11/9/2020:

Warmth and Light …

“Sometimes I think that brief moment of light and heat from the nuclear weapon going off will feel kind of nice.” – Dr. Freckles

Spinning our wheels …

Biding time …

In the waiting room …

Going through the motions …

Waiting for the next shoe to drop …

It’s like the APE QUEEN, bringing her throng to Dooglinville, and not reminding herself that the undulation of her brunctis-zone where scabby beasts lurk and tuzzlelate her boovula. She swings with the WOOKIE FOLK and eats cream of cats. There were many who judged her, and were surprised when she fled the lands … and now they wait, for whatever …

It’s like that dude FRANK you knew in high school. He had firecrackers and fire ants and an aquarium with a piranha … He had porno magazines and a switchblade. He would brag about having sex with the English Comp teacher, he would tell stories of diddling little Jenny Moog in the bathroom. He smelled like bleach and cigarettes, you didn’t know if anything you were told was true. He said “I’m leaving on a spaceship and heading to MARS”, and he took off in that van that day … and now we wait, for him and his spaceship, and the cocaine …

What are we waiting for?

No exit …

Waiting for Godot …

Haunting the Jingus-Realm … living off poop soup.

Failure …

“I’m not embarrassed by my failures … I’m ashamed of the things I didn’t even try to do, because I was too afraid.” – Dr. Freckles

Cheating …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/we-got-weights-fish-two-anglers-charged-cheating-after-video-goes-viral

Boomers …

“They did all sex and all the drugs and they left us with their moldy rugs.” – Dr. Freckles

(cum soaked rugs)

“As history turns, the elderly are either revered or reviled.” – Dr. Freckles

Chicago …

SHEGLIN-KLAN, blood drenched fury, their eyes moving from one busty conquest to the next. Armed with bats and chain, going insane from the parasites in their food, water, rain. Jenctis-feasts being held now, where old people, old white people, are burned alive and savored by the dusky, dusty, swarthy conclave. And our own children watch as the fires glow, and Chicago becomes a graveyard, and a Bedlam …

CORBIS-ROO, the dirt-flurgur, last of the the wrench-hawks and lifetime CRIP. He has a posse of street warriors ready for action, they are armed with glock-19 designed to fire all cockeyed, the way a gangsta does when he’s high on crack and he just got done raping some white girl at the school. MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL? – hell yeah, that’s where he learned his trade, dealing, stealing, murdering and general mayhem. On those courts built by Clinton, he learned the OG way … and that’s just so Chicago.

Riviera Gomez Jones was the SOUTH SIDE sector leader for the new style AZTECS and their various Peruvian gods and INCA mud-water KINGS. A great fire eagle screamed as these mean street’r types rode their steeds down the MAG MILE, hunting gondo-flesh where the hookers clean out their boovula at Mayor Lightfoot’s street douche kiosk. “Everyone deserves a douche …”, Lori’s motto. Uugen-group hustlers break out of BOY’S TOWN, bringing their turbo crabs and their fire-herpes and their Oak Park style CLAP, all of it dripping the way Lori Lightfoot’s mouth drips drool during a long one … Chicago has NEVER been better! 

We can dance around it, but Chicago is the Devil’s now. The streets are covered in a residue of evil and the people have sunken eyes and cocaine lips. They worship BAAL in the form of some frenchie living on the balcony along the gold coast. They cover themselves in GOOG-RAGS and hangout at Old Ted’s Martini bar, where they take swigs of magic-cone and then revel in their own loin grease. These traders of commodities? – trade in dreeg-flesh and human trafficking and little kids stolen from their families in the Ukraine. They will be the pall bearers for Chicago.

WAKANDA? … that’s a crack-pipe dream. WAKANDA the JUST? … just in case you were wondering, these people will eat bat and tiger and monkey. They will pickle the eyeballs of their enemies and use them in eldritch rituals involving puppies and gerbils. Their women wear nothing but one tight string, and the men wear a codpiece made of crocodile skin. WAKANDA FOREVER? – screams some hooker dying of herpes and crabs, as 9 gorillas take her for a ride. CHICAGO, Wakanda, Uganda … Idi Amin? Chicago is a love palace.

I married a girl from Chicago …

She was a skunk-wench and a whiskey-whore, she wore a hair shirt made of cats and was always late. She’d brag on Chicago, as she slurped her kale shake and talked about how many times she’s been mugged … almost like physical violation were a right of passage there, and then you realize: Chicago is Sodom … the Whore of Babylon. Dingus freaks officiated our wedding as the porn loop gave way to driggen-dancing. And those home spun walnut birds sang their songs of underwhelming light. Along the way, we forgot how to listen – so this is why we have GLOCKS.

99 sector armies are forming up near Aurora. The last of the heebus-traders sold his tiny hat to old shlomo, and now he moves gold to Haifa for the Queen. Chicago has become that black void that only Jung understood and Freud was driven by – that ugly hole of nothing rapped in pain rapped in emptiness. The people there cannot be helped, they are the bug feast of history, and soon their bones will be collected, for “bone day”, as the dogs rule the streets and the humans moan and mope and wail and slouch their way to Gomorrah … and the sun turned black for 12 days …. and all that was left was a broken landscape of morbid dreams and wild nightmares. Want to visit Chicago, amirite?

BOBLIMPTOCK (revisited)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221015_BOBLIMPTOCK_REVISITED.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Ash and trash …

  1. Gun control fear
  2. Signs in the sky
  3. You need to check what people tell you
  4. BLAME STORMING phase of Ukraine

We got crab legs …

Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2022/10/15/alaska-snow-crab-season-climate-change/

Wars and rumors of wars …

Matthew 24: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2024&version=NIV

What is the War in the Ukraine:

  1. another full on PSYOP and it’s is not really happening.
  2. partially real, partially fake – all sides conspiring.
  3. the conflict between an empire in decline ($USD petro empire) and emergent multi-polar power blocks … some call this the Thucydides trap … whatever
  4. But what if it is something else …

Rapture of the believers, end times and free will …

I would like to more properly explain what I was talking about in my last podcast about the Tribulation being unavoidable …

What if the Devil threw a picnic and no one showed up …

Rapture of all believers results in almost everyone being gone …

Boblimptock … revisited …

Screigling-TOG, the last elf-man of Trympton, he rode strong on the back of his battle hippo, as careless cigarette fiends lie wasted on the streets and old timey GILF hookers clean out their boovulum. Hairless toad freaks sell their pies made of nuclear waste and fear, and some wrong-time-charley finds lost love near the Tavern of Guilt. Glumpy days for the Haglin tribes, joggers all about, people looting and not shooting. A cavern lovers dream where aliens go to knock up hoes.


GRINKEN TOWN wanderers own half the city, “and it’s not gonna change and we got the banks too”, screamed Haggen-Lo, the Vietnamese princess and owner of JORBEL’S FINE MEATS. Their place was for NEW KINDS of commie people, living in jingus-jars and selling their protein paste to unsuspecting Amish refugees. Never did they stop to remark on the beauty of the day, they kept time using bats and cats and rats strung up like strange fruit working their way to heaven on a thread. And the people spat at their feet … and the lords of the hills wasted, with the Wookie People, for their chance to RAVAGE and STEAL.

… and yeah … this SHIT is Boblimptock.

“INFLATION!”, screamed Queen Messtus, as her ladies in waiting massaged her body with ancient toovis-oils and whale grease. The Central Bank of Grinken, or CBG, is issuing wallet money to the harlot classes, allowing them to buy their blood turnips and their cricket flour. Voorg, the inclusive one, spoke on and on about “dropping cash from planes”, so that people can buy more planes. And the ROCKET JOOG kept complaining about strange princes from stranger lands.

… such is BOBLIMPTOCK …

When kelp warriors wear their gold, and the seal is excused from monkey-meat meals, the new angels of future stuff will spread the butter across the chasm and leave the women of GRINKEN TOWN quivering in ecstasy. Singlet wine, yurg-soup and tiger-stew are on their menu, with waiters wearing leather and diamonds and carrying bandy-bats with carpentry nails driven through them. Scared fishermen make way to safe harbor as the weather turns and the leviathan chases – flesh eating seaweed covers their bodies and blood drips from their eyes.

… and it’s fun during BOBLIMPTOCK brother …

Xyg, the tor-lord, craven and angry and hunting his cocaine juice down by the wharf … he seeks the golden stream and will convert a 1968 Pontiac GTO into a time machine, and a pocket fisherman into a dildo, and Ron Popeil into JESUS … TV jesus. Nestor hawks hunt their quarry where the greasy tricks look for young flesh. Skoog took control of sectors 4 and 33, his mind was filled with broken glass and metal shavings and rage. His fists were tough and scabbed over … his women lived in the caves.

… what mysteries lay with Boblimptock …

HAGAR tribesmen cover their bodies in tattoos and mutilations, CHEESE-MASKS are handed out to the old women so they can hear the wolf men and prepare their boovula for tantalizing exultation and moaning. Old teach with his nasty old books draws designs on the blackboard, teaches 5th grade to 8th graders who need to repeat 1st grade. Chiglin Ranz sought the crystal mallet of HORT so that the 17 witches might be punished and the armies of the EAST might rage south toward Armageddon. And the DEVIL laughed at midnight, and the babies were born under a dark star.

Can you handle BOBLIMPTOCK?

Keb? – he flew a plane for the allied armies. His jet was fast and nasty and casted from crystalline titanium, and all these weapons are controlled by his thoughts. Rockets, capable of destroying buildings and poodles, are fired while he travels at MACH 300 … so very fast. And his hooker wife? – she waits at home, watching TV, yelling at “PUTIN, PUTIN, PUTIN”, eating her hot pocket WHILE the contractor working on her kitchen eats her hot pocket. There’s no more chardonnay to drink, and the pill box is empty. Chariots of iron and wood creak their way to BOBLIMPTOCK.

Can they run?

A SKLEEG-CANNON is used when you’re fighting coober-bears. These bears wear an armor with a CLASS-8 rating, they can fling time spells and incantations. They are the guardians of lost swamps where cannibals hangout and make pizza. They are the wanderers, the broken records, the one shoe. They are the mailbox that is full, but full of what? – “Those pictures you have been looking for?” … but were you looking SCRO? His deception is full and the bread of the past is moldy. The wine of madness is still being sold at 7/11 …

Ready for convenient shopping during BOBLIMPTOCK?

Cat herders from S’compton leave the bones for the dogs, their hand cannons blazing with jergin-fury and their women rubbing their strimbo to achieve total oneness. West side and east side rappers keep the fire blazing, as angry cops beat their suspects and dump them off of Muscle Beach and Medina and near the old pier where the LA PD beat that old lady to death two years ago. And VENICE BEACH? – her queenly ways will bewilder and beguile, and the whale merchants will suckle upon fried grizzle.

… want to know more about BOBLIMPTOCK?

“MALIBU LIGHTING”, demanded a jogger. It was day 33 of the police strike, and the hookers were all in chains. Wild and mean dogs chase the hookers down the street, as their pimps rule each corner and the pill merchants rule the ether space. Cocaine cougars, lonely in the Brentwood Hills, touch and rub their nuggy-dingle and imagine bare chested dusky and dusty and swarthy types breaking down her door and managing her arousal, 6 on 1. And that burger joint? – they’re beyond meat now. Dead rat and cat are for closers, the mystery meat tacos are for the kangus warriors and the crips and the bloods.

… and you can be a hip hop king?

I knew he was cleaven-beast when I saw that scrumbo. He was hanging down by the CHEVRON off of Drimpton Street, not far from where those crips got slaughtered six years ago after those nuns went missing … we don’t talk about it. HOOGER-CROW? HOOGER-CROW our scroglon lord stepped out of the darkness wearing a codpiece of silver and steel. He smiled his crooked smile as he swung his ax and kilt my friend Junctis. He declared the age of BOBLIMPTOCK when he saw the fire eaters doing their dance, and the men of DORBOH finding poison eels in the sewer. HOOGER was the first warlord of boblimptock, he road a wolf into battle …

.. boblimptock the great?

“The tisker-rat is fine eating”, declared LORD BOBLIMPTOCK. “I feed on this as I feed on souls, and my own heart becomes stonier, my fingers caked in blood …” It was the age of GROTON, when young ladies would form lines just to get a piece of his sluggle-oil. The GREAT LORD, as he was called, would bathe in drinktus and muskrat flesh and the sauce of Fue-Master-Gurgen. And in this solace he would imagine the coming wars against MARS and the LAST HOOKER REPUBLIC of MARS … and what that would mean to his 50 wives and 432 childrens … maybe 434 …

… is he not magnificent? Is he not BOBLIMPTOCK?

Messengers of the future are telling you to caste out your rage and replace it with broken glass, and metal shavings, and sawdust, and diesel. You have the oyster of success, your hooker wife awaits you, 66 floors up from 6th AVE, somewhere near the DREGEN CLANS where pear mist sundaes are served to heroin addicts and their funken-folk. TREGLEN, the UNDULATING? – his own posse hunts flesh down there, those loose women in high skirts, being chased by wild dogs at the park. TREGLEN has his fill of that booty, and the world turns grey and red.

… but LORD BOBLIMPTOCK will rule, and all the skugglin-feeders will be his serfs.

HOOGER-CROW has seen the signs. He has collected his own skungo army and is readying his sword. He has PILES of silver, stacked at warehouses, in the Catskills … and he’s ready to pull out his pistol of deflationary oblivion as long as the hookers take VISA … 

He has the heart of the newstyle clown-king, and his name will be known among the 8,000 tribes of NYC.

I met HOOGER in San Francisco back in 1987. He was one of those YOUNG PUNKS making his way, going from one cocaine snake pit to the next. We shared hookers and heroin, we drove a Lambo out to Munkton Point. He showed me his plan, and I knew he was the one. He said “we’ll be KINGS of the new realm, and all the lands will be ours, all the bodies will be buried, all the sparrow hawks will kneel before us”, and then he passed out, started convulsing, I had to wipe the vomit out of his throat so he wouldn’t die.

8 Regling-armies are forming outside of S’compton … the grinken hordes are massaging their sklib, sharpening their swords, staring deeply into the abyss of soul pain. SCRANKTON, the CHANG-CHONG LEADER, built his own abattoir of drinkton speed freaks and old style groglon monkey women. And when the scarlet whore spreads her legs, you know her kumm is made of honey wine.


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221013_STEAMBOAT.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Christian End Times Scare Flicks: 70’s to the Present …

  1. A thief in the night (1973)
  2. A distant thunder (1978)
  3. Image of the Beast (1981) — computers take front stage in this one …
  4. The Prodigal Planet (1984)
  5. Apocalypse (1998)
  6. Left Behind: The Movie (2000)
  7. Left Behind: Tribulation Force (2002)
  8. Left Behind: World at War (2005)
  9. The End Times (2006)
  10. Left Behind (Nicolas Cage starring) (2014) — I feel sorry for Nicolas …
  11. The Rapture: the beginning of the end (2015)
  12. “Vanished” – Left Behind: Next Generation (2016)

Government …

“Government: the soft quilt that strangles you to death.” – Dr. Freckles

Hate or Love …

“Do you know what is required to either hate or love someone? – that you KNOW them.” – Dr. Freckles

There’s FALSE and then there’s …

“There’s logically false, and then there’s WA DC.” – Dr. Freckles

Rigidity VS Stability …

“Never mistake rigidity or stiffness for stability or strength.” – Dr. Freckles


  1. Had to do the infinite dance with the checkout machine, AGAIN, today … tap, tap, tap … tap that ass … maybe my transaction will be taken THIS TIME … funny: they said these computers would make things more efficient …
  2. I laugh at the fuckers who ask me why I use paper money …. cash.
  3. I joked to the folks at the Maverick saying “I studied the collapse of the USSR in grad school, so none of this shocks me …” … they laughed … they weren’t sure why.
  4. I remember this family member telling me Seattle was a unstoppable super city …
  5. I remember the fucks in 1995 telling me the government CAN’T CONTROL the WWW …
  6. I remember this “friend” who keeps pushing crypto as an ALT currency for anarchists … yeah … that grift keeps on giving …

Normal or THE END …

“History isn’t binary bro … there’s the END OF THE WORLD and EVERYTHING IS FINE and EVERY WEIRD STATE in between.” – Dr. Freckles

(it’s not binary)

My friend, France and LT Belenko …

“Final Escape of LT Belenko”

Seattle Mike’s Pod with Me: https://open.spotify.com/episode/64k8OVuv5XkzcNUx1ijDay

Putin listens to my podcast …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/large-scale-strikes-many-cities-across-ukraine-response-terrorist-crimea-bridge-blast

Just yesterday I was saying: why are the lights still on in Kiev?

Well it looks like Putin listens to my podcast, because VOILA … we have a lot of logistical and infrastructure issues in Ukraine today because they were impacted by Russian missiles.

Now what?

Putin doesn’t have to launch any ground offensives. He can sit on his gains, solidify defenses, and reduce Ukraine to 18th Century living standards from a distance …

Does he launch an early winter offensive against Odessa?

Does he try to take Kiev?

You know the Russians have strategic momentum when you realize THEY have a lot of good options …

NATO? – has a finite list of bad options.

Predictive Programming vs PSYOP PREP …

Link: https://u.osu.edu/vanzandt/2018/04/18/predictive-programming/

Movie: The Thaw (2009), roughly a decade before the “pandemic” …

Movie: Contagion (2011), roughly a decade before the “pandemic” …

(there’s a whole LIST of movies …)

Remember when …

  1. Remember when our parents had to harvest the loin grease of wild dogs and cats and bats, so that they could ferment it and you’d have something to take to school that day to trade with the bully who beat you senseless and left you in a ditch to die? – that was great …
  2. Remember when you and your wife took that trip to Grinken Town, but the EAST SIDE HOOLIES were causing havoc, and your wife was sold as a white slave to Chairman Muumbasa … all for a few protein cubes and some jinctus-sauce? – great times.
  3. Remember when you were 20 years old, but you were lost at sea. You fell in love with a Dutch princess and heiress named Victoria Zantos-Rockus-Muller. And you ingungulated her bloovis zone, as the moisture of rapturous love filled the cabin of her yacht, and you hit some reef off of Malta, and all were lost at sea … except you … and Billy Zane? – AWESOME …
  4. Remember that time that spook’s wife, a friend of your mom, came up to you at your mom’s funeral and told you a tale of US experimentation on sailors, marines, other service members, at Bikini Atoll in 1946 … and she gripped some manila folder tightly across her breast … and told you that your DAD was one of these guinea pigs. Your dad, that volunteered to serve in the Pacific theater at the age of 17? Needed his parent’s signature to enlist? Remember THAT FUCKING BULLSHIT?

Self control == Anarchism == Sovereignty == Self-governance

When the “monkey herpes” began, I was thinking about “taking better care of myself”. Maybe not drinking so many beers … maybe walking or running … I even spent a couple weeks jogging in March/April 2020 … before the onset of “race war”.

But it struck me, soon after they announced “warp speed” vaccines, and Bon Jovi’s “do what yer told” music video, that it didn’t really matter. The only thing I was certain of then, is what I am certain of today: much of the “current events”, as reported, are a PSYOP, a smokescreen … to cover up something. Given the scale and nature of the manipulation, trauma based mind control, it can’t be anything good … they are, figuratively speaking, carpet bombing the third eye, why?

So get into good shape, and take your booster. Eat kale … I really don’t give a fuck … but if you’re one of these FUCKERS that gives holiday speeches about fitness and “self control”, but you wore the coffee filters and preach voting? … FUCK OFF … for what’s left of your confused life.

“If you’re some asshole that gives speeches about ‘self control’ to your fat friends, but you’re also a voter? – you’re a douche bag.” – Dr. Freckles

Looting …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/looting-will-get-progressively-worse-amid-hurricane-ian-chaos-sheriff-warns

Right answers …

“There is no right answer.” – Dr. Freckles

Seinfeld Disorder: Store Bought Ice

Stay away from it …

There was this residue.

And then there’s the thing about botulism exposure.

A friend of mine, a listener, recommended another theory …

That it’s possible TPTB are poisoning the food supply … so let’s revisit COVID.

If these people are so smart, why would they use a bioweapon that can easily be traced to its source? Why not use binary and trinary toxins, in the food supply, in the pharma delivery services? This type of action would be hard to detect, until it’s too late … it would be FAST vs the COVID PSYOP slow burn.


We went to Steamboat, CO, the other day. That was interesting.

We took the 40 out to BLINKTON, and then went to see the dinosaur ghosts. Every year thousands go to Blinkton, to see the bones, to talk about their favorite dinosaurs, as the water dries up and the fish go south.

6 hours out of Jig, Wyoming, we got lost and there was no cell service. We spent so much time on those dirt roads trying to find our way back, seeing places frequented by mantis-bats and owl-possum. We got hungry, so we pulled over at this one horse diner in Shmigington, not far from Flaming Gorge and that spot where those old people were drowned last year … and nobody likes to talk about it …

All they had was pork loin and tister-oil. They mixed it all into a bleen salad and tossed these bowls of wrath in front of us, and you could feel the earth twitching … “It’s all we got, nothing grows here any longer, not sense they started the spraying … That old fishwife pointed up at the sky as she said those words, and then picked her nose and rubbed the booger onto the table … and then walked away. So we got back on the road.

After several more hours of hooker side roads and elephant off ramps, we pulled into a “LOAF and JUG” not far from the “KUM and GO” where those 12 hookers were buried a few years ago … we don’t talk about it. We were 2 hours out of STEAMBOAT when we saw the sign … “90 miles to STEAMBOAT” … and so our driver stepped on the gas, to cut the trip down to one hour of hard driving …

When we got close to STEAMBOAT, we stopped at Milner Mall … where they have the landfill scavengers living, folks who make shoes out of old tires and wear frayed garbage bags and painter’s drop plastic and eat scroglon-stew …

We got into STEAMBOAT late, and it was mostly filled with hipster-trust-fund types and anal-wizards. Some screeg-roon strig and mountain hustlers … They were selling dunder knives, claiming some old style injun magician made them … in his home … using melted down needles from the addicts in San Fran … he won the “who’s who” in Colorado art 5 years running.

After drinking mead at Sarah’s Tail Shoppe, we went over to the thrunket pond, where at midnight, every day, STEAMBOAT’s residents roast some random homeless dude over a fire. They feed on his meats … they savor his despair.

As the smoke from the dead fills the air, and midnight turns to 3 AM, we got back into our car, and left that cursed place …

We tossed insults at the funken-folk, as they swallowed mouthfuls of prestige and premium shopping.

STEAMBOAT is doomed.

“I am your pork sword, you are my butternut ham hock …”, is that a pickup line?

I cannot tell a lie …

“If anyone says ‘I cannot tell a lie’? – you know they are either a liar or Jesus.” – Dr. Freckles



He sees through the munctis and scrimulack and other soul debris.

His music is the “clang, clang, clang” of steel being strengthened …

If the GERMAN has access to cheap Russian gas and oil and other condom related products?


NATO MAN wants to control the GERMAN MIND. To wrangle his spirit into a dark cubicle of regret. The NATO man sends his twinks, his trannies, to enslave the GERMAN, and to frustrate the RUSSIAN. But German MAN and RUSSIAN MAN were meant for one another, they dream of oil baths and hot Friday nights. NATO man is jealous, and covered in crabs.

“CAN YOU SMELL THE JINCTUS!”, screamed Volgram, the last of the sheep masters.

“Yes Sire, I can sense the coming fire …”

For 300 throggin-trig, the Gloob people had gathered bits of metal and plastic from what was once BERLIN. They scour the ditches, tossing over old moldy wooden boxes only to find the bones of children, dead many throg. As the time oracle would say … “they were once Germans, they were once alive” … before the FIRST FIRE was sent by people who wore very small hats.

Written on the faces of these wastrels, “we should have listened, we should have turned EAST”.

The GERMAN MAN eats muskrat waffles, and pisses blood and whiskey. He wakes each morning to the sound of destiny, as his tanks are filled by RUSSIAN princes.

The GERMAN MAN wears a codpiece made of silver and iron, and he wields an AX of diamonds and titanium. He suckles upon the fruit of disdain, as NATO MAN prances about … 

The GERMAN MAN needs RUSSIAN FUEL and with this he and his hyperborean women will RULE MARS!

Forever covered in giblets and greases.

Forgiveness …

“The counter-party to forgiveness is remorse and restoration.” – Dr. Freckles

Hookers and princesses …

“What’s the difference between a hooker and a princess? – how close you look.” – Dr. Freckles


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221009_DONT_DROWN.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. Bought a basic computer for under $300 … from AMAZON. It didn’t take a UBUNTU 22 build, but it did take UBUNTU 18.04 just fine … at this point? – maybe having an older OS, even if it’s LINUX, is better. And have copies of the bootable OS on USB drives (plural): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B4D44D56?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details . BTW … you could go cheap and get a RASPBERRY PI … sometimes we go too cheap. The GEEKOM is very fast, faster than I expected, and has decent onboard video/audio support.
  2. Not giving up on our RAD projects, but the last 6 months has been hard. Hard to keep going with no money, hard to (at 52 years old) to do the 16 hour days in order to make both a “real job” and this work, but we’re not giving up. I plan on taking lessons learned from our first rad-term software ecosystem and instead go 100% python on the client side, other than the necessary JS8Call app running.
  3. MICRO-HARASSMENT … like micro-aggression … but per the issue of sexual harassment. That scoopy movement with both hands … the one hand making an OH … and the other hand with one finger going in and out, reciprocally, like a dick. I invented this concept, I don’t care.

Dane-y Darko …

Link: https://youtu.be/0zv1GSkOPNM

Wakanda forever … (is that racist? do I care?)

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/south-africa-may-soon-take-land-without-compensation

  1. This could end up ethnic cleansing, a la Rwanda …
  2. The WEST doesn’t care if blacks kill blacks in Africa, they care even less of blacks kill whites in Africa …
  3. Numbers, in conflict, are not everything – but this could be a bloody ordeal, especially if the white S. Africans fight back …
  4. I must be racist.

Cats and dogs …

“Just about every dog would die for its owner/friend, I don’t know about cats.” – Dr. Freckles

Burning bridges …

  1. It’s October, and I think the lights are still on in Kiev.
  2. The roads allowing western support? – still open …
  3. NS1/NS2 have been shut down …
  4. And now this bridge thing …
  5. And how real is this seeming to anyone here?

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/large-explosion-destroys-part-key-bridge-linking-russia-crimea-zelensky-aide-says

Boomer is seeing invisible time soldiers …

  1. Time of algae ponds and recycled urine …
  2. Hooker kings and anal-frunctus …
  3. Twinks and grifters rule the forbidden zone …
  4. Boomer sees it all coming … all the dogs do.

Freedom and God …

“Can God make a stone large enough that he cannot move? – yeah … he made humans.” – Dr. Freckles

You can ignore …

That critical theory “lit clit” class from 1993, University of WA … Seattle …

“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” – Ayn Rand

Humans and weapons …

“For a dog everything is food, for a human everything is a weapon.” – Dr. Freckles


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221006_FRANCE_with_SEATTLE_MIKE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Some French News …

Link: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/

Seattle Mike takes a trip to France …

Seattle Mike’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/seattleskeptic


  1. What was the worst thing that happened on your trip?
  2. What was the best thing that happened on your trip?
  3. Tell us about the food in rural France? Compare this to food available in the urban areas? (think about what I’ve said: where the FEMA camps are)
  4. Did you see any signs of social deterioration?
  5. Did you avoid no-go zones?
  6. Would you recommend France to other people?
  7. Why didn’t you buy Dan a case of French wine?
  8. Anything else of interest, and the upcoming prophecy series using Maranatha (Bultema) as a guide …

Mike’s Notes:

Traveling: Air travel and the fraud of “customs” – appears to be a make-work program that’s run by computers. None of the documents we were told to travel with were asked for, except our passports. We were not even questioned about the purpose of our visit aside from tourism.

As far as trains? – took the RER to Paris from Charles De Gaulle. First train we got on broke before it even left the station. The train ride was depressing. Paris suburbs are a mess.

Food: The food was amazing from the first bite in Paris and got markedly better the further we traveled away from major cities.

€12 platter of local food(see photo)

Wine. No sulfates/sulfides = no headache

Beer. Tasty and not quite as alcoholic as American craft beer

Village food is unreal. No meal for two over $40 including drinks and dessert.

The mysterious skin issues I’ve been dealing with since 2006 disappeared by day two.

My sense of smell took a 20X by day two

Lost 8 pounds and I ate like a fatso….

People: Outside of cities – relatively high trust society. Keys left in parked cars. Super polite way of dealing with one another. An emphasis on some formality. No expectation of friendship just because you met someone.

Driving: ZERO left lane camping on any freeway except where there was congestion.

At least they’re honest…. Lol

Many French I spoke with had a realistic view of the government. In sum “they” will do what they want and don’t care about the people. Encountered only 2 certified assholes during the entire two weeks

Housing: Outside of the cities, housing is cheap. I saw nice 2-4 bedroom houses on a bit of property for anywhere from €90,000 to €200,000. Very affordable.

Link: https://www.etreproprio.com/immobilier-14771328-vente-maison-270m-a-sancerre-sancerre


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221001_CANAL_FOAM.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Mental Capture and Psychological Warfare

The thing about military psychological warfare, it’s about capture – capturing the minds of men and women.

If you wore the coffee filter? – you were captured.

If you listened to Ian Miles Wrong or Andy Ngo Clue and the race war fear? – you were captured.

If you think ANY of the Trump-Biden trauma drama is real? – you have been captured.

If you look at the Ukraine conflict from a superficial angle? – you have been captured.


He ruled realm-44-ZED, not far from the old border with Mexico. He kept cage-rats and elephant-bats and monkeys from the swamps of Utah. His women revered HIM and his life tube, they mungulated-their boovluzz while inguzzlating their thrinktus hole. They would be in heat for weeks while awaiting his albino sauce.

“Is the time right?”, Ned, the LAND-SURFER, asked Jenghiz.

“The time?”, Jenghiz looked up towards are dark sky of rage, and fire, and smoke, and pain.

He knew the time of TORBULIS was upon his peoples …

He knew the GORGAN-KING was organizing hooker princes and stripper queens. His mind was filled with ants, and his heart was broken by too many loves lost. The KING would form up his junket-army, arming his gangs with bats and chain … yearning for fringo-dust.

“THE TIME HAS COME!”, Jenghiz howled …

“We need to dust off our bats and chain, we need to fill our pillow cases with rocks and revenge. All french bulldogs need to be harvested to grease our tanks, all the res dogs need to prepare as hell hounds and war dogs … We cannot stop the coming of ROOG, but we can pull together the shallow corn and hurdle-beasts, and make a stew of readiness.”

And Jenghiz finished his speech …

And the people mumbled and groaned, but preparations for war were made.

It was the time of ROOG, the time of the harbingers and nerf-herders and the old style herpes soup …

And the sun went down on these lands …

And the coyotes counted their blessings.

Empires …

“Empires, at the end, implode or explode.” – Dr. Freckles

I think the US empire will implode, assuming the WW3 gambit does not work.

Life …

“Situational stupidity: that’s another name for life.” – Dr. Freckles

Solomon …

“Wisdom vs money … or gold. You can always buy as much wisdom as you want, and you’ll want more hookers.” – Dr. Freckles

Today … in nuke war …

If the Ukraine isn’t just another coordinated PSYOP snuff flick, then what happens next is critical.

– Russia does nothing, consolidates control in the breakaway regions of Ukraine, and waits for a call from Germany in November

– Russia picks a proportional target … what would that be? An LNG ship?

– Russia figures out that “not playing” or “playing by the rules” are no longer options with an insane, and possibly evil, opponent … and that means strategic and selected nuke strikes on key C2 and C3 targets, including a blanketing EMP attack to keep a lid on the pot … they don’t invade, it’s not RED DAWN. They wait to negotiate with whomever crawls out of their bunker first.

Of course, NATO could come to its senses and turn this off … but not likely.

Escalation at this point is also telegraphing your punches … and Russia has very little incentive to do a piece wise incremental movement to nuke war.

Both Russia and China would be best served to jump to the first strike, pick good targets, immobilize target nations with EMP.

Yes – there are dead man switches …

(but Biden … and then you drop the mic)

Also, conveniently …

This “Ukraine War” kept a lid on most Arctic Circle research since February …

And, randomly, this methane blowout in the Baltic is eerily similar to coastal and estuarial methane hydrate blowouts predicted by the Clathrate Gun. (and none of this is related to driving SUVs or eating meat)

We will see …

TPTB have been conducting high level military psychological warfare since early 2020 … LIES at this scale do not tend to hide “nice things”.

(not likely they’re preparing a surprise party)

Here are some upcoming events that could halt WW3.

– Zelensky government collapses, new government makes peace with Russia

– NATO fractures

– China normalizes relations with Taiwan (not likely)

I think, assuming this war is real and Putin is a rational independent agent:

Putin’s next move is to consolidate gains and do nothing. The pipeline can be fixed. I think he believes the Zelensky government will be in trouble, and he’s right. 

The Zelensky government falls, a more moderate non-aligned replacement takes over, and a peace is made with Russia.

NATO could try to keep the war going at that point, but not without risking a war that has both Russia and the Ukraine fighting NATO satanists.

Zelensky is in trouble. He either uses some Epstein style “get out of jail free card” and gets resettled in Miami or Israel …

Or, Ukrainians kill Zelensky …

He could make peace with Putin, but the CIA would kill him before that.

If …

“If you’re an anarchist, practice it in your daily life.” – Dr. Freckles

Good times … Bad times …

“There are good times and bad times in all times.” – Dr. Freckles

Son of Bill

I was thinking about my writing. It’s not super well edited or proof read. And if I asked Boomer, the dog, his opinion? – he’d say it’s “ruff”.

But then he’d say … “I’m Son of Bill”

“You gonna tell me to kill Bill?”

“Nah … I want you to sell diet pills – but it’s really poorly cooked meth …”

“Okay … that’s not killing people …”

“Well … the pills will shut down their kidneys in about 4 days … not quality pills … I’m Son of Bill. …”

“So I will be killing people …”

“Yeah … it’s ruff …”

“Ruff life …”


Black Markets

“If the black markets are big, the tyranny is big.” – Dr. Freckles

Communists …

“A communist is an anarchist pending a LOT of DISAPPOINTMENT!” – Dr. Freckles

Canal Foam

A listener asked me, “what’s canal foam?”

What’s in it?

  1. condoms and tampons … all can be reused and sold.
  2. Dringus and trig
  3. mucous
  4. blood and viscera
  5. rotten food
  6. dead animals
  7. agricultural runoff
  8. chunks of dead bodies
  9. Coblin-Folk are hiding in their dens, sharpening sticks and dreaming of the blood harvest. The Strog-Witch is making talismans, and placing these on each fault line … to bring forth the END.

Knowing you will die …

Makes life more interesting …

  1. pick last words (mine will be related to some treasure map)
  2. nothing can silence, no fear, no prison, no cop
  3. if you’re a Christian? – you have spiritual faith and strength that adds even more power
  4. credit cards and debt? – meh
  5. not having all the “cool stuff”? – meh
  6. being alone? – we all die alone


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220927_PLAGUES_of_MADNESS.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


You may or may not have noticed this, but the military psychological warfare, since 2020, has been both extreme and controlled. Almost as if they could turn it on or off, geographically or in terms of time.

A PSYOP is often a lie intended to cover up or deceive some opponent about real intentions or events ongoing. PSYOPs can use real events as pivot points or even engines of fear, but the purpose is usually shared.

What have been the main messages of these PSYOPs since 2020:

Mostly don’t travel, don’t talk to people, you can’t trust anyone, but you can trust the government.

These managed events obscure some deeper truth, and that is what I ponder, late at night, when I am unable to sleep.


*** Ukraine PSYOP might be turned down to LOW soon … give it another week.

… or maybe not …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/damage-nord-stream-pipelines-unprecedented-may-have-been-sabotaged

Biden in Feb 2022: https://youtu.be/FVbEoZXhCrM

Plagues of madness …

ZARDOZ SPEAKS: https://youtu.be/EwZhKGgmoUI

“Those whom the gods are about to destroy, they first make mad.”

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/1-million-yale-university-research-project-combat-racist-video-game-hair


Is it delusional to believe in “bunkers”?

Is a “bunker” a coffin, pending?

What about mind uploads?

Robot bodies?

Bio-enhanced lifespans?

Other kinds of bullshit.

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/synthetic-salvation-genomics-mind-uploads-quest-immortality

Q’orgon the Enhanced …

He rose up when the new wind blew, a cat hustler from Tempe, raised by cave-minstrels and carny folk and old whiskey preachers …

The NEW WIND BLEW when Putin and Biden and Zelensky and Xi and the old black hangmen held a meeting at Mt. Anger. They said “we can’t have this joy and love, we can’t have a God above, so let’s set fire to the garden …” Of course, we were kicked out of the garden a long time ago.

Dingus hounds wail and howl. The River of Jergins flowed backwards, and the canal foam harvesters scooped up their green glowing booty and made their way to Popeye’s for the new NEW crispy chicken sandwich. “I see your fire lust”, mumbled Q’orgon, to each passerby. He sat outside the Popeye’s, begging for sclingus flesh and harlot wine.

They flipped the switch, and the foul stench spread. Dead hawk kings rose up in the EAST. Old style MINERVA released 8 fetid waves of despair and bleakness. The CARGO CULT KINGS moved to Antarctica, and the rest of those bat-children loaded onto submarines, on their way to STAGING ZONE ALPHA.

Q’orgon found himself abandoned in the dusty nowhere land.

Q’orgon sought out wood chips and broken glass and diesel fuel and metal shavings and broken glass, he mashed this all into a dust. He took an old rusty tire iron and gouged out a space in his chest, and he packed that wound with the musty things he’d been collecting for the feast.

The NEW WIND stopped blowing, the plants started dying. The cragen-whores erected wooden statues of french bulldogs in honor of BAAL.

The land became barren, the women became sultry. The men ran about in codpieces made of deer hide. And Q’orgon was there …

Q’orgon befriended DOC JOOG, the last surgeon. JOOG went to the dump and junkyard and found bits of metal and rubber and radioactive waste. He fashioned fists of glowing titanium, and feet made of iron and cobalt and cesium … he glowed red with fury and he carried a sword made of gold and steel, and his women rubbed blimey oils on their jugs.

And with this, he replaced all of himself. Made himself over for the wasteland. Q’orgon was reborn, a barbarian king, an apocalyptic porn star, the stallion of the dead lands …


Q’orgon asked for a hydraulic system supported 14 inch titanium cock … flashing lights and smoke effects. It could project fire balls and please 38 women at the same time …

A power tool for women to ungudjoolate themselves against as they rub their various scribly regions ….

A member that would make him king of the DEAD LANDS …

The dead lands …

Where wild dogs ruled …

Q’orgon was enhanced.

In a nuke war …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220925_IN_A_NUKE_WAR.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

I was at the Maverick yesterday …

“What day is it?”


“What day is it? Is it Friday?”

“It’s Saturday …”

“I still have time.”

In a nuclear war …

  1. Your girl named sally.
  2. The dog in your life.
  3. Cocaine searches.
  4. Fishing for cockroach wine …
  5. Your ex-wife …
  6. Primary targets …
  7. Come as you are …
  8. You are the missile commander, manning that silo
  9. Bombs make us clean again …
  10. We become like children again.
  11. In a nuke war, you have an ESP DOG
  12. In a nuke war, you hunt grinkus-flesh
  13. In a nuke war, women wear almost nothing, they cover themselves in muskrat juice, they’re hot and crazy and very loose
  14. In a nuke war, Lee Marvin will roam the countryside, driving his Army jeep, looking for something to love … he’ll find a mutant sheep, he’ll settle down and marry, they will have a nuke-baby … they’ll name it Harry.
  15. Wookies come down from the Crazy Mountains, they find Montana wine and ravage the busty maidens …. they wield swords of fire … their eyes glow brightly … the cockroach-stew, is meant for me and you … in a nuke war
  16. People will eat chimpanzee burgers
  17. You can live in an orbital facility, making zero G love to Scarlett Johannson
  18. You can get on board a starship headed for Martian colonies having sideways sex with Mrs Troobis … and she gives you an A.
  19. In a nuke war … You will want to have condiments … Mustard, hot sauce, Sriracha … You will need the condiments because you will eat two things: – canal foam – human trog meat
  20. In a nuke war, all the races will be melted into one.
  21. You will smoke anti-radiation cigarettes, as your 3D printer cranks out tiny 0.5 kiloton nukes … you will have your own shoulder fired launcher … you will take out your ex wife first.

All of this happens in a nuke war …

Social Contract

“The perfect social contract is NO social contract.” – Dr. Freckles

Don’t give up …

“If you’re not dead, you have another chance to fail!” – Dr. Freckles

9/24 …

According to the Simpsons, Homer predicted SOMETHING BIG on 9/24/2022 … best minds believe this refers to the BIG FOOT ONSLAUGHT or WOOKIE WAVE …

The Big Foot people are sick of our shit. They stand 15 feet tall and weigh 600 pounds and can rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. They are tired of our crap and our race wars and gender wars and deconstructive liberal ass-hattery.

They seek our flesh, to ungudgulate themselves and to excite their female’s boovula. They will use our munctis-grease for festivals of promiscuity and fertility so that more wookie people can rule the post nuclear war wastelands.

The Antichrist …

  1. He will be young – and a HE. Probably his early 30’s when the tribulation or end times begin.
  2. He will be successful, brilliant.
  3. He will be attractive, charismatic.
  4. He will be so irresistible that people won’t understand why some reject him, and many will.
  5. He will come with MAGICAL SOLUTIONS to dire circumstances like: famine, disease, disasters known and unknown.
  6. He will begin as a peace maker, bringing the powers of the world under his sway.
  7. He will end as a war maker, seeking the destruction of all mankind.
  8. Those Christians left in the world, after the arrival of the anti-Christ, will be tested – many will fail.
  9. Humans who do not believe in Jesus and His Resurrection, will still have a chance during the end times to turn to God. The window will exist, because the Ecclesiastical life of humans will be so hard, dangerous, miserable and filled with tests of faith.

Meals …

“Every meal I prepare has an ICD-10 diagnosis code associated with it.” – Dr. Freckles

Pain …

You will wander the gusto fields, looking for angel wax. Your dog will hunt the eagle-ferret, your hooker wife will make the stew … and there will be pain … and you’ll feel it … deep inside.

You will seek out the crystal of ORBIS-THROG, making love to the 7 witches, climbing Mt. Dinctus and hanging brains with the YOGI di RAMA … and YES there will be pain … and your body will become smelly, rancid, yellow, and filled with swamp gas.

Yeah … there’s pain.

You will wander down to the wharf and meet Captain Nemo at a gay bar … the bar will be the blue oyster, the Captain will be playing grab ass with a twink … he looks at you, with his bloodshot eyes, and cum covering his greasy hands and you wonder … if you fell in love with him, would there be pain …. ANS: YES FUCKER … it’s like Disney Land, and filled with gombo-creeps and pedos … THERE WILL BE PAIN.

You were space-cracker 99, you rode the star-lines with Peter Weller. Your cyber-cat said “don’t trust him”, your stripper-maid said “give me his sminctus”. Time was frozen, and your last wife, or your first wife, stole the golden-hoe candles and now you’re drifting towards that black hole where Matthew McConaughey and Nicholas Cage baked fraggle-cookies and designed robot-Kevin Bacon … and there will be pain … and there’s no stopping it.

Amazon … you have excess warehouse space in SPAIN.

This excess warehouse space will be used for splunker-harvests. Old scrag folk will be picked up on Tuesday from the old folks home … and then taken to the rendering yard where the dingus-hounds bark at them and usher them into the chipper. Blake Screeg, the UURT-KING, fed those droppings to long dead snail-wolves and those weird fresh street gangs that carry glocks and fire them sideways OG. And yes – there is pain.


In your ignorance …

Will master the cards and the broads and sing the songs of cocaine and strippers …



To be happy …

“Not needing a lot to be happy is a super power.” – Dr. Freckles

Anarchist Rommel …

“Gustavus Adolphus and Cromwell were very close to becoming Anarchist-Rommel.” – Dr. Freckles

There is no alternative …

“TINA dies as the $USD dies.” – Dr. Freckles

Link: https://caia.org/blog/2021/10/13/whats-tina-and-it-good-your-portfolio#:~:text=In%20the%20investing%20industry%2C%20TINA,nowhere%20to%20go%20but%20stocks.

No alternative to …

  1. the housing economy pyramid
  2. the FED and printing monkey
  3. blowing up poor brown people and stealing their shit
  4. the TOP STOCKS that are TOO BIG TO FAIL
  5. dollar cost averaging
  6. voting Dan … voting … TINA

Something to think about …

The US military has killed more black and brown people than any other military on planet Earth.

The AK-47 has protected more black and brown people than any other rifle in history.


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220918_GRIFTER_PARADISE.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. Netflix Documentary: “Bad Vegan”
  2. The Goat King (2016)
  3. The stream of consciousness remembrance I did in 2017 …

The Odds of Survival … https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160729_Odds_Of_Survival.pdf

Nanoparticulate rain …

Link: https://youtu.be/NYBU5DUdXFc

Sign of the times …

Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11218443/Shocking-video-shows-man-brutally-pummel-woman-mass-brawl-Carnival-Cruise-ship.html

Buy a UPS …

  1. worried about damage to computers and radios
  2. going to have to make changes to the code, for my project, because I assumed there was more stability in the grid

Why would Russia or China be afraid?

  1. Airborne school, packing shoots
  2. Status reporting in S. Korea
  3. Ulchi Focus Lens
  4. Putting on a show at Ft. Lewis – no money for Ft. Polk
  1. Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/f-16-pilot-died-because-his-ejection-seat-may-have-been-counterfeit
  2. Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Leonard_scandal
  3. Link: https://revealnews.org/article/us-veterans-in-secretive-nuclear-tests-still-fighting-for-recognition/
  4. Link: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43069/metallurgist-admits-to-falsifying-navy-submarine-steel-strength-test-results-for-36-years
  5. Link: https://www.defensenews.com/smr/nuclear-arsenal/2019/01/28/trumps-new-nuclear-weapon-has-entered-production/
  6. Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/us-armys-recruiting-crisis-worsens-test-scores-drop-disqualifications-rates-surge

Here’s where MAD (mutual assured destruction) breaks down:

– if our government has been unable to maintain our nuclear deterrence

– if China, Russia, or both know that our nuclear deterrence is significantly weaker than we claim, and overall personnel readiness may be worse

– if China, Russia, or both suspect that they are no longer dealing with a rational opponent


It is in their best interest to launch a preemptive first strike, targeting command and control and communications and decapitate the US government. They don’t invade, they allow the new US government to sue for peace.

So, if you think the UKRAINE situation is real? – then you have to accept the possibility that this isn’t TALIBAN or AL QAEDA or desperately poor people in places no one cares about … This is Russia, China, or both … and maybe India … good luck … especially if our deterrence isn’t as advertised.

Find the most brain damaged alcoholic out there, the craziest, the one with the most holes in the frontal lobe?

That’s Biden …

When Herman Kahn was working out the calculus of nuclear strategy, he did not envision a USA that:

– had a mentally deficient and deranged president

– a questionable deterrent

The strong dollar …

“Don’t mistake a strong fiat currency for anything other than a turd covered in powdered sugar.” – Dr. Freckles

The spectrum of politics

  1. Commie: womb thinking
  2. People, in between, negotiating how many beatings they want
  3. Anarchist: adult thinking

Happiness …

“Your desire to be happy conspires against you.” – Dr. Freckles

How to talk about Christ …

“Jesus didn’t go around, knocking on doors, threatening people or scaring them … except when it came to money changers in the temple.” – Dr. Freckles

5th American Hooker Republic …

  1. Articles of Confederation / Declaration of Independence
  2. U.S. Constitution (1787 to 1861)
  3. Confederacy (1861 to 1865)
  4. U.S. Constitution (1865 to WHEN?)

What is coming?

More power outages, brownouts, surges. Each day the USA is feeling more like a second or third world country.


Musical Propaganda …

Happy – Pharrell Williams (2014)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM

It might seem crazy what I am 'bout to say
Sunshine, she's here, you can take a break
I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space
With the air, like I don't care, baby by the way
Huh (Because I'm happy)

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Here come bad news talking this and that (Yeah)
Well give me all you got, don't hold back (Yeah)
Well I should probably warn you I'll be just fine (Yeah)
No offense to you don't waste your time
Here's why

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Uh, bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down
My level's too high to bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down, I said
Bring me down, can't nothing
Bring me down
My level's too high to bring me down
Can't nothing, bring me down, I said

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Uh, bring me down (Happy, happy, happy, happy)
Can't nothing (Happy, happy, happy, happy)
Bring me down, my level's too high
To bring me down (Happy, happy, happy, happy)
Can't nothing (Happy, happy, happy, happy)
Bring me down, I said

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you (ayy, ayy, ayy)
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you (hey)
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Say Something Beautiful – Greg Holden (2018)

Link: https://youtu.be/k7obLyzl7Y4

[Verse 1]
I'm not gonna ask you to listen to me
I'm not trying to tell you now who you should be
I'm just delirious from losing my sleep
And in all of those hours that I lay awake
Staring at something that gets in the way
I see a reason for all our mistakes
And how everything changed

We all got used to the hit and run
Never wanna face the damage we've done
You can bury all your bones
But they're gonna follow you home

So if you're gonna open your mouth, say something beautiful
What you put out will always come back to you
Every word counts, so say something beautiful
If you're gonna open your doors, be open to anyone
What's it all for if you can't love everyone?
Mean every word and say something beautiful
Say something beautiful

[Verse 2]
Everyone everywhere wants to be first
Just 'cause we scream doesn't mean we'll be heard
We'd all play our part, we're so unrehearsed
Will anything change?

We all got used to the hit and run
Never wanna face the damage we've done
You can bury all your bones
But they're gonna follow you home

So if you're gonna open your mouth, say something beautiful
What you put out will always come back to you
Every word counts, so say something beautiful
If you're gonna open your doors, be open to anyone
What's it all for if you can't love everyone?
Mean every word and say something beautiful
Say something beautiful

Oh whoa
Say something beautiful
Oh whoa
Say something beautiful
Oh whoa
Say something beautiful
Oh whoa

We all got used to the hit and run
Never wanna face the damage we've done
You can bury all your bones
But they're gonna follow you home

So if you're gonna open your mouth, say something beautiful
What you put out will always come back to you
Every word counts, so say something beautiful
If you're gonna open your doors, be open to anyone
What's it all for if you can't love everyone?
Mean every word and say something beautiful
Say something beautiful
If you're gonna open your mouth, say something beautiful
(Oh whoa)
What you put out will always come back to you
(Say something beautiful)
Every word counts, so say something beautiful
(Oh whoa)
Say something beautiful

Do what you gotta do – Bon Jovi (2020) [JUST IN TIME for the PANDEMIC]

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh6ctK7ONo0

Tonight, they're shutting down the borders
And they boarded up the schools
Small towns are rolling up their sidewalks
One last paycheck coming through
I know you're feeling kind of nervous
We're all a little bit confused
Nothing's the same, this ain't a game
We gotta make it through
As we wave outside the window
Older loved ones stay inside
Moms and babies blowing kisses
May be saving someone's life
They had to cancel graduation
It ain't fair to Skype the prom
Our kids sit home in isolation
TV news is always on

When you can't do what you do
You do what you can
This ain't my prayer, it's just a thought
I'm wanting to send
'Round here we bend but don't break
Down here, we all understand
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can

The chicken farm from Arkansas
Bought workers PPE
Not before 500 more
Had succumbed to this disease
Honest men and honest women
Working for an honest wage
I got a hundred point one fever
And we still got bills to pay

When you can't do what you do
You do what you can
This ain't my prayer, it's just a thought
I'm wanting to send
'Round here we bend but don't break
Down here, we all understand
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can

They built a hospital on East Meadow
In Central Park last night
Doctors, nurses, truckers
Grocery store clerks manning the front lines
I saw a Red Cross on the Hudson
They turned off the Broadway lights
Another ambulance screams by
There by the grace of God go I
Although I'll keep my social distance
What this world needs is a hug
Until we find the vaccination
There's no substitute for love
So love yourself and love your family
Love your neighbor and your friend
Ain't it time we loved the stranger
They're just a friend you ain't met yet

When you can't do what you do
You do what you can
This ain't my prayer, it's just a thought
I'm wanting to send
'Round here we bend but don't break
Down here, we all understand
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can

Don’t look too close.

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220915_Dont_look_too_closely.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

The job situation … and other updates

It didn’t work out … sucks.

RAD ENGINEERING work? – yes, but I’m kind of severely depressed right now and in general when I’m this depressed I’m not super productive on technical projects. It’s transitory, it’s getting better, but I think it will be another week or two before I get back to normal.

Podcast? – still thinking about changing up the format, but I’ve been thinking about that since last year …

I believe we are in what I called THE GREAT DISCONTINUITY … sadly, it’s just the beginning part … our government is doing everything it can to keep “sad old terrible things” alive … and this is slowing down the process … and making it more painful. The main “sad old thing” is the debt based economy, and they won’t, they can’t, give that up, giving that up means $USD is dead. But brothers and sisters, no matter how “strong” the dollar is vis-a-vis other shitty currencies right now, the $USD is doomed (and I think it’s WAY SOONER and WAY MORE NON LINEAR than you can imagine, and they might trigger WW3 to stop it).

The GREAT DISCONTINUITY is about movement to a new equilibrium … and this can be KRAZY AS F.

One definition for a system being in “equilibrium” is the following: observable metrics that define the system are nearly 100% predictable or deterministic.

One definition of disequilibrium is the inverse of the above: in the disequilibrium state, metrics that define the system are nearly impossible to predict – you might predict trends, short term, but you are still faced with longer term unpredictable states.

This is a sliding scale, and it is about predictability.

And most systems, being guided in part by the laws of thermodynamics, have a “strange attractor” or likely ground state equilibrium – but even this is dependent upon time scale. For example: many who research the Earth’s climate would argue that “warmer” is closer to the normative equilibrium for Earth than “cooler” – or, “hot house Earth” is where Earth should be spending (and has spent) most of its history. You can research this yourself. However, the Earth is still here, and history is generative. If we started going through never ending super cycles of “cooling” and ended up at “snowball earth” for a few billion years? – then models change. This is the super-cycle of punctuated equilibrium, followed by periods of equilibrium, and so on.

Nukes … and other fun stuff …

I get into discussions with people, often, regarding this issue of “nuclear power”, and people (especially republicans and libertarians) will pretend that since a private contractor is doing the work, it’s like the free market, and ERGO we don’t have to worry. But that’s not true, in fact it’s more likely that the additional regulatory complexity only makes things worse.

This isn’t just about nuclear power – this involves the entire US federal government and ESPECIALLY the national security state and its core institutions (CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS).

You can ONLY manage risk via oversight, but secret or top secret or Q-clearance projects are restricted and so you are stuck with “trust us, we’re from the government, we mean you no harm …”.

U.S. government currently interferes with almost every aspect of our lives, from economics, to healthcare, to the dissemination of information and, frankly, in how other nations see us and respond to us (and our aggression).

Governments don’t know how to be transparent, is a key point here … even without secrecy acts, bureaucracies always protect themselves first. So, it’s pretty much impossible for government to not keep secrets … you can at least not have laws against discovering them.



Thought experiment: F117 and poisoned burn pit employees

“Transparency is key to managing risk.” – Dr. Freckles

Fukushima, more than a decade later …

Thought experiment: you live next to a bomb, the bomb could go off and kill you and your family. Technocracy says: you don’t have a right to know how to defuse the bomb.

  1. right-to-repair
  2. open source
  3. implies: right to know (doesn’t mean the other guy won’t keep secrets, but you DO have a right to uncover them)


“Government is an amplifier for shitheads.” – Dr. Freckles


“Just because ‘smart people’ are working on something does not mean it works.” – Dr. Freckles

Brutality …

“Brutality can make the truth seem a lie.” – Dr. Freckles

Educate, don’t intimidate …

“It’s possible that the ONLY WAY to educate, is to remove the intimidate.” – Dr. Freckles


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbi-tracks-down-mike-lindell-hunting-trip-surrounds-his-car-and-seizes-cell-phone


Why we hate the IRS? – not just about the money.

It’s the privacy, the stress and time … the THEFT of our well being.

Drama …

“Drama? – humans didn’t invent it, we just made it more complicated.” – Dr. Freckles

Some things help …

“Many things help, Jesus saves.” – Dr. Freckles

Ukraine crap …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukraines-2nd-largest-city-plunged-total-darkness-russia-strikes-key-infrastructure

I don’t really want to talk about this too much. Information is out that there were some power outages – big whoop, it’s war. But, if this is a real war and not some fake PSYOP style WAG THE DOG war? – then Putin may be preparing a massive counter attack using a cauldron strategy. This could be a significant strategic defeat for Kiev.

  1. Cauldron tactics and deep battle
  2. Exchanging space for time and resources: this is the way you fight on the Steppes.
  3. Russians have a smaller military force than the Ukies, so it is better for them to give up territory and strike at the Ukraine forces when the time/space permits.

If it weren’t faith, it would be emptiness …

I was watching this documentary about the FLDS, and the discussion of the “celestial kingdom” and losing it … and wondered if I were stronger when I was simply an existentialist-atheist, escaping all the nonsense traps.

Don’t …

“Don’t look too closely, your life will slip away.” – Dr. Freckles