Diesel …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20221021_DIESEL.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

My brother …

Something nice to say.

Not a complete list:

  1. I tore apart his train set
  2. he helped me get elected
  3. he and I dealt with our dad’s abuse together
  4. he let me burn popcorn at his dorm, at the UW
  5. we would go see movies
  6. we shared a studio apartment in Seattle
  7. he became a great dad, and has grown kids now
  8. he helped me get set up in Indianapolis after my divorce … it might have worked
  9. he had a lot of stuff to manage in recent years, so he became a brave traveler
  10. he still calls me, even though I never have good news

Diesel …

Link: https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/diesel-fuel/use-of-diesel.php

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/forget-oil-real-crisis-diesel-inventories-us-has-just-25-days-left

You need it the way you need a wet lover on Saturday night. The lights are dim, always, because of those fucking LED street lights – the lights were brighter not so long ago. Now the race of humans crawls from one mishap to the next, in the twilight of these lights, in the shadow of an Al Gore toilet you need to flush 60 times. You need that diesel fuel to power your VOLKSWAGEN JETTA … and you don’t give a fuck if it kills some old whale in California, as long as the grizzle grease touches you and your witch wife steals the dolby buttons.

YOU NEED THAT DIESEL like you need to EAT. The food, the gombo-grease, the wheel chicklet sandwiches and burnt our frosting pies. You need the diesel so you heart can SOAR on lighting figs and scrumbo-wine.

Razor blades in the candy …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/police-issue-warning-ahead-halloween-after-fentanyl-pills-found-candy-bags-lax

When I was a kid?

Back in the 1970’s?

… the time when the hippies were settling into their Clinton-Bush style American exceptional BDSM parties? Back then hooker kings ran the hooker trade just over the tracks in S’compton, near the Golden Corral that got shut down last year because someone found a dolphin tattoo on their steak … and a fingernail in the meatloaf.

It was crazy back then …

Half of all parents would put razor blades in the kids chocolate … mainly Butterfingers … because the next door neighbor’s dog told them to.

(it was awesome)

When I was a kid …

A lot of parents would put broken glass in their lemonade … they would serve it in ice cubes, in the hot sun … you’d crunch on that ice and your lips would be bleeding and the parents would laugh and laugh and laugh … because it was so fucking funny to see them damn kids lips bleeding … and crying for their mommas …

(it was beyond imagination)

  1. wild dogs covered in leopard moss
  2. going fishing off of the old wharf near that titty bar that burnt down
  3. ski trip, in the mountains, where the old springs of D’Alok flow and the ancient ones do cocaine
  4. hand out flame throwers
  5. build little guillotines for squirrels

DEF CON 4 (1985)

One of the better post nuclear war films …

Paints a more accurate picture, reminiscent of the Aussie apocalypse flicks (Mad Max, etc) …

Has a decent plot to it …

Also a story about NOT giving up …

(full movie free on Youtube)

Damnation Alley (1977)

Not really great … but corny enough that it can make you laugh about nuclear holocaust …

And Jan Michael Vincent …
