Boring sports …

“Sports would be more fun if players randomly left the field and started pounding on the spectators, hard.” – Dr. Freckles

I want to watch a professional baseball game where the players can just go off all half-cocked and assault the onlookers, and it’s just part of the deal …

You want to see that game? – you might get beaten real bad in front of your kids …

Think of all the sponsors …

I would arm all NBA players with glocks. There’d be this part of every game, maybe before the 4th period, where the players would just lay into each other, and the FANS … tearing shit up with GLOCK-19 hollow point rounds.

People would say … “shit Dan, that’s wrong …”


Can you imagine professional swimming?

The swimmers armed with spring loaded harpoon guns?

And it’s like:

fuck, I can go berzerk and maybe shoot my competitor from East S’compon High because I’m all crazy from the meth I smoked.

I think the women should be naked as they swim.

Think about professional bowling, where the competitors at some point just pick up a bowling ball and wail on some person watching, some random observer, beating their skull so bad that their brains spill out.

And the kiddies? – they’ll buy the videos and the comics and cocaine.

Wouldn’t it be GREAT to watch a football game and see the entire offensive line just RUN UP into the stands and start pouncing on shitty drunks screaming their cigarette lies to all the scrunglies?

See some giant offensive lineman just pin some schmuck up against the wall, yeah.

Wolf Women of GRINKEN TOWN …

Sweaty and greasy – the wolf women will melt into each other, swimming in their stink juices and showing love protein the way.

This was always going to be HOT and STEAMY – burning with lice magic and monkey furniture.

There are 81 earthly tribe types, and of these 7 are the “primary races” of splendor.

When you live in SPLENDOR, all the strange weevil masters send emissaries of scare nighttime and murderous oil spasms.

ERGO: the “seepage” is the smell bad power anomalies bleeding into life.

The WOLF WOMEN await the sweaty grease times so that their nether regions might be moist in the love-power of total and complete kum-goo-ation and splurge / sploosh abeyance …

Kind nester-elves will ungunjoolate the milf-maidens of HIGH NATION POWER GOLD.

Hunting humans in the Grizzle Swamp near S’compton, Utah …

Running from greeley-monks and those nasty fire mimes that can’t stop shoving their stink in our faces.

Making plastique from home improvement store bargains, as our dogs feed on the bones of the dead pimps and crips.

Mexican legions are marching on your home town, looking for easy time Sally types to make love to in the honey bucket …

Your moms? – they flaunt their boovula before the scungous hordes and pretend they have the teeth of the wolf … but they don’t.

Wolf Women scream loudest.

They are the harbingers of some dark star traveling the universe in search of stone monkeys and the blood mountains of the lost cop herders. They feed on the Sargasso Sea urchins and dying mangroves as the Yurgin-Sharks feed on the babies from the Planned Parenthood abortion factory outside Virginia Beach.

CHIEFTAIN TOMM told the 8 female consorts that he had “no time for their bullshit”, but the wolf women came for him, that very night, and tore off his junk and fed him his own shit …

Johnny Boy, the HIP HOP KING, treated his girls like trash, so the wolf women came to his home and tossed him in the dumpster, piece by piece, chunk by torn chunk, all from the wood chipper slurry …

And you question their coming?

Where they are from?


THEY ARE WOLF WOMEN … bitches all.

HELLO TORGG-MINER SUPREME … I saw your glowing eyes burning holes in the sky as the 99 alien races approached and the plumes from their fusion drives could be seen burning in the pitch black … Sure, you can eat your “Quaker Oats”, but it’s filled with asbestos and old dead politicians …

Inglobate …

To create some kind of globe out of the muck of existence, where gravitation pinches your ass cheeks and makes you pucker up real good …

QUADRANT-44 is now complete. All the hefton-types and their nasty wives and mean children can move into their pod-zones. The refrigerators are filled with mink-wax and old stale beer, and the cupboards have chili and whiskey and bleach. Your kids will go to school and be taught how to unlearn and their children will learn how to hunt protein in the garden of death.

I left TURLEY with his mom near the diner across from the church they burnt down 6 weeks ago. I couldn’t help but think “his MOM is a WOLF WOMAN”, strutting about all saucy and greasy and covering herself in kelp-paste and erstwhile duck pudding …

Sure, I made love to your mom … down by the river, not far from where they murdered those nasty priests a few years ago … I touched her and she felt my male cane strength. Scum dealers, paid in rubies and emeralds, never had so much flesh pleasure, as her tummy shook and her insides filled with bile.

“THESE ARE THE WOLF WOMEN OF GRINKEN TOWN!”, that bishop exclaimed to those dusty followers of the old faith. They have been sojourning in the desert for 80 years and no longer feel or touch or smell.

They are LOST to God and man …

They dwell in the nightmares of Chad.

Wolf women, in search of a homeland.

Wolf women in search of their FEAR.

WORK for the LORD!



Exodus 5: 1-23

Ecclesiastes 5: 18-20

Ecclesiastes 9: 10

Proverbs 14: 23

Prayer for Guidance in our Daily Labors:

Lord in Heaven,

Who gave his only Son to save the World,

Our daily work can be hard, boring, dangerous, unsatisfying and unfulfilling.

We seek Your wisdom, Jesus, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit,

For times when we feeling like giving up,

For times when we should have the courage to say NO,

For times when we need to endure, for our families, for those we love,

Dear Jesus, we seek the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, at those times, to work.

Our jobs might seem easy to some,

Our jobs might seem wrong to others,

We might suffer the ire of our neighbors,

But for those we love, we often have to endure, and know WHERE the line is.

Help us God to endure in our Earthly labor.

Help us Dear Jesus to know WHERE the line is.

In Your Name, Jesus Christ, we serve.


Matthew 10: 35-38

Luke 12: 13-21

John 6: 1-15

Colossians 3: 23-25


a) I use NIV, I’m not always sure that’s right – I’m also not certain, beyond basic discipleship, where this “virtual church” is headed.

b) I think I have a plan to find a job – and it coincides with my arm, left arm, getting 70% back to normal.

c) I think I understand how I’m going to go forward, for now, because of a good friend of mine in Seattle.

d) I also need to remember, we need to remember, as Christians, there are lines we cannot cross for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ – we need to be cognizant of these lines, and know what we will do near to, at, and after. The Lord wants us to have a plan.

  1. working under harsh taskmasters, will the Lord look out for his people?
  2. Take joy in this life, and the work you do, for the Lord wishes you to be happy and prosperous.
  3. Work in this world while you can, for none of this will be once you pass.
  4. Do, do not simply talk about doing.
  5. Take up the work of Jesus, even if this means your own family is at odds.
  6. Work is more than piling wealth, all of our work goes to dust – so remember this.
  7. If you are honest and true, your work will be rewarded many times over.
  8. Work in this life as if you are working for the Lord.

Lines, duties, Love, and Jesus … this is the path to work.

If we sacrifice our connection to God for our job, then we are giving up eternal life and love and joy for something that will pass soon enough.

If we sacrifice our neighbors so that we can make more money, we will need to ask ourselves, as Jesus might, are these homeless, lost, orphaned and strange people not my children as well?

If we sacrifice our freedom for payouts and promotions and for the STATE, then are we not doing as they did in old times, building earthly towers in honor of Satan and nothing?

Stuff to think about, on your way to work.

Moment of meditation for our daily work:

Lord’s Prayer

Go forth and have a great week, month, year …

JOOG MINES: untold pain

The ZIGDON-TRIBES are upset about sklovik-protein illness and blood fumes …

The ZEEG harvest is low, and the water is polluted with skreevous juices and old dead hookers …

We must organize VROOG-THUMPERS … they will wander the streets, covered in used tire rubber and armed with lead pipes and casket-knives …

We have to motivate the DRYG teams, and send them deep into WALL STREET to achieve totalistic racial powers against the emperor of PYOTO!

Deep in the JOOG MINES the stray virgin gunners were readying their pill boxes, Terrence of Borthrania was headed to the front with reinforcements and metal shavings and pizza …

Heg-Setter and weird Danish princes were wandering the JOOG CAVES, looking for disk-milk and dog-soup. Horrible mute carny gypsies collected their gold from the old bearded clam, Jessie, and left behind 8 pennies of sewage.

Tizzy, the sky demon, rode her vodka-camel to Old Tingly Joe’s Mexican Style Belgium BBQ outlet … she grabbed a sklaag-sandwich and hairdo tuna. Her attendants wore sequince mini skirts and carried baggies of meth mixed with lighter fluid. A gentle wind blew through the alleyway east of 33rd Street, and the mad dirt artists were congregating near the wharf.

TEGGER mine rats chased the scarlet wastrels down the tunnel, towards the light … Gypsum monkey children look for discarded whale fat near the opening, as the yugon-snakes feed on dead babies … not far from the abortion clinic dumpster.

  1. Cathedral wench princess heads EAST to Maryland.
  2. Terry, the wheeler, hears voices in the north.
  3. Cartridge faeries are handing out 5.56 to children in school.
  4. Ghost passengers ride the train towards sunset.
  5. Scores of frost-maidens sharpen their wolf axes and build battlements to defend against the troll army of Mordechai.
  6. “Cancel the farmers market … it’s over … the dead are strewn about …” – Gendiz Frygh


In the YEAR 2199 …

… not everything was fine …

… the Earth was almost dust …

… the land was a bust …

… Gamilon planet bombs have turned our world to RUST …


General Lysis … shit posting about the STAR FORCE …

… this is where it gets kind of rapey …

… we learn some truth about Japanese culture …

… women are disposable things …

… women are like potato chips …

Isn’t that RIGHT, SPARKS?!?

What did we learn:

  1. MARS is 1,000 light years away – and it snows there.
  2. Pluto has amoeba creatures or protozoa living on it.
  3. Towards the end of SEASON 1, shit goes downhill …
  4. Japanese culture is kind of rapey. Sort of into a LOT of having sex with unconscious women … damsels in distress …
  5. Humans are kind of rapey …
  6. There are no heroes …
  7. All navy guys are kind of rapey … US … Chinese … British … Turkish … rapey
  8. The ARGO is a giant rape cannon … wave motion gun? – what kind of porn-hub James Deen rapey’ness is that? The Desslok gun? Come on … hide your L’s better …
  9. SPARKS was RIGHT!

Time …

Time isn’t what we think it is …

The moment you are in NOW, the now, is not fixed. It’s not some point on the domain, where there is past, present and FUTURE. The NOW is the trailing edge of the future, it is the not yet settled past.

Chaos siege awaits the time-worms, as entropy generators expand the envelope of the NOW. Present-wise, the angel-masters keep their clocks tight and wound, as the last of the eons wane, and the feather-quarrel ends in stalemate.

BASH COMMAND: loop and run FFMPEG …

Loop through .mp3 files and cover photos to generate video files for upload to YouTube.

#run chmod u+x

for i in {1..15}
	echo "(i) is $i"
	j=$(printf "%03d" $i)
	n=$(printf "ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 1 -i $j.png -i $j.mp3 -c:a copy -shortest -c:v libx264 mov_$j.mp4")


All of the heathens want their blood vengeance, all the Gronkis Lords are forming up north of S’compton …

Grinken Town is on fire with RAGE and BLAME’STORMING …

All of Boblimptock trembles before the scavenger hordes of DOOG-FROMM …

(start sharpening knives and sticks)

“I AM THE PROPHET OF FIRE!”, screamed the old scarab priest. 10 GUNDRILLES of ashes were filled and then dumped in the great river south of ALABAMA. The ceremony would need to be completed before the next blood moon, so that the ravagers of midnight would be satisfied and the Devil has his due …

“S’COMPTON IS A PARADISE OF LIES!”, but no one heard the old man over the din of flamethrowers and sawed-off shotguns. The SCREEGEN-KLAN was forming up off of TEXAS STREET, and the ROWDY ANGELS were the last line of defense against those kindred spirits gnawing on human bones and despair. They were brewing beer from blood and baking bread from hip bone grease … They were the lost.

GENERAL KLIIG held sway over the beekeepers and the Catholic nuns – he had a basement fun house for orgies and dirty spankings. His second in command, COL TRAN, ran the whiskey scene in China Town and his black-guards controlled all hooker flesh on the north side, not far from that abandoned library. His echo-princess, Tanya, spent her nights at Harry’s Bar … “it’s the best scene to be seen”, as she’d tell her sorority sister friends.

The general’s 4th RACIST ARMY was closing on Dayton, while Admiral Ping was moving his greaser navy past the checkpoint at Old Dallas. The submarine commanders were issued orders, and they knew that many folks were going to be burned.

As if trouble weren’t all over the bowling alleys, the BISHOP came along to offer assistance to those saucy natives running loose at the ZOO. Machine gun fire was everywhere, as naked onyx battle-bitches came screaming from all directions, carrying machetes and nothing else, with METH EYES and angry teeth.

STREEGLER moved his tank army to Los Angeles, where the EAST SIDE HOOLIES used rocket launchers from Germany to eradicate those STREEG-WHORE tiger-men. The AIR FORCE of Southern Gentlemen and hooker wives hit targets in NYC and Detroit.

SUICIDE BOMBS, programmed to be severely depressed, rained from above – like wet leaves in autumn and the crimson shower covered all those blessed and scattered by SKAG-VRAAM, the last of the TORMENT CHAIN GUARD.

People were expected to check their skin tone chart and determine sub-class or horde they are a member of …

Many saw darkness, so they chose the SEA-NYMPHS …

Many saw the light, so they became jungle-crackers and went for the swamps west of NOLA …

AFTER THE 25TH RACE WAR was over, many suspected that was it … okay … we had that … but no … the wars would continue into #26 …

SORGAN, the Helot-Skrib, controlled sector-33 and the outlying quadrants of region-12Z. He had blazing eyes and pale skin and jelly hands. His VERGON-TOON slave women covered themselves in skunk oil and treavous-juice. And when the clarion call of forever love showed up upon his shore, he forged seven alliances with the sky lesbians and the dingo-muck funkin-folk.

This was the order of battle:

  1. Esther was tired and gave up her mink cloth.
  2. Jonathan was eager, and fired his meat cannon at the gathering crowds.
  3. The Jizz King won great victories, then was defeated by the Crips and Bloods.
  4. Karen, Queen of Blood Rites, took time in the swamps of GIB – her arms were tattooed in blood signs and Devil margins.
  5. Kelvin kept watch near the Eastern Passages, and fire bombed the three cloisters of T’arnoz.

And after the Battle of HOOG in 2099 AD, the teal guards rose up against the last black wench and stole her hurdy-gurdy. The black and yellow races forged a flesh pact, exchanging virgin priestess women and other fertile valleys.

The green and purple species joined forces against the white-cracker resistance …

Cooper-Smith, the warlord TAILOR, grew tired – so he joined forces with the mocha and trog people of sector-17.

And the 26th Race War was finished …

The dead lay decaying in the streets, the bonds of vengeance formed again. All the various colored and pale peoples kept their secret hatreds and prepared their death machines.

The cities were dust and rubble, soaked in kangaroo stool and possum entrails.

The world was/is an open wound.

And Me?

I am the prophet of fire …




Bad Idea:

Your Sobriety:

Anarchism and HAM:

Food … :

More Mary Anne than Ginger:




If you were clever, you could design a shape-charge, like a super-sized claymore mine, into the tail gate of a truck. If you gave the driver bullet resistant glass and hearing protection, they could back up, fire the thing off, and drive away …

You could even design a near 360 degree deployment system into most modern trucks, and still give the driver a fighting chance at getting away.

But you should not do this.

Your Sobriety …

If you are comfortable in your sobriety, why do you spend all day posting about it?

It really does remind me of the gun control idiots who have to tell us EVERY SINGLE FUCKING HORROR STORY over and over again …

(pretty much the same fucking vibe)

“Dan, drinking ruined my life …”

“So don’t drink …”

“But alcohol is so bad for you …”


“But …”

“Listen – you are sounding like someone that WANTS a DRINK …”

“That’s racist …”

(and scene)


Everything you do, obsessively, to include training for marathons and drinking? – means you are NOT doing other things …

(like caring for your family)

Combining .MP4 videos (using FFMPEG)

Create the script file that contains the file list: file_list.txt (as shown are the contents)

#combine video

file 'HDV_1254.MP4'
file 'HDV_1255.MP4'
file 'HDV_1256.MP4'
file 'HDV_1257.MP4'

Then, on the LINUX terminal line (command line):

$ ffmpeg -f concat -i file_list.txt -c copy 20230429_Walking_Dogs.mp4

And if you just want to merge/combine all the videos in a directory, do this bash command to concatenate the .mp4 file names:

$ for f in *.mp4; do echo "file '$f'" >> file_list.txt; done

… and then, just run the same command for ffmpeg as shown above …