On the road again?

Yes – on the road, the plane, downtown NYC and Newark, on my way back to WA state. I had a good trip, got to meet one of my listeners in PA, and had a HELL of a ride on Greyhound (emphasis “hell”). One might consider the entire expedition to the east coast futile, absurd, pointless, but it wasn’t. I learned a lot on this jaunt, a week long trek, covering much of the country and meeting many members that occupy many strata of society.

I keep my listener’s situations private, but here’s what you need to know about our “friend in PA” – he’s a cool dude, prepared, in so many ways more prepared than me or most that I know. I had a break on the road at his home, which I needed, soaked up some of that country air, and I figured out that I needed to keep moving. It was not anything more complicated than my own demons chasing me to PA, and then chasing me down the road. It’s beautiful where our friend lives and I hope it stays that way, but it’s hard to say – troubling times for all on the death star.

The bus I took to the airport stopped near Madison Square Gardens in NYC. A filthy spot, surrounded by homeless and hookers and pimps riding scooters, running through the FLIX bus parking lot as the forlorn wanderers huddled together, waiting for our next bus. Nothing made sense, the numbers on the buses didn’t make sense, yet we, I think WE, found our bus and made our way to the next way point – for me it was Raymond Plaza in Newark.

As the bus entered Newark there were cops everywhere – seemed like hundreds on the streets …

As I grabbed a taxi to the airport, and we drove out of downtown Newark, more cops could be seen – new shiny vehicles, with magical strobe lights designed to ensure that anyone with the least susceptibility to seizure or epilepsy would be triggered, shaking on the ground, foaming at the mouth. I don’t know what was up with Newark on a Tuesday night at around midnight, seems like that runaway Brazilian (Cavalcante) might have made his way toward Jersey and someone wanted to bag the bad guy … maybe.

For my listeners: feel free to be disappointed in me if you wish.

A month ago I was still in Utah, wishing I didn’t have to leave, hoping the situation of peace and relative tranquility could continue – the morning walks with a dog named Boomer. But such things were not meant to last, especially these days. This old hobo would not be allowed to stay long in such a state of bliss – people like me are meant to “move on”, like the gangs of VFW and American Legion that would guard small towns during the Great Depression. “Move along hobo, your time has run out here”, and so I did, I moved on, and I’m still moving.

As I’ve said and written, I’m not giving up. No reason to give up, too many mistakes to make yet – but this weird trip, as resource costly as it was, probably helped me. I’m more at peace today with my situation than I was a month ago, the amount of stuff I carry is reduced, as it should be, not quite streamlined yet but getting there … I can imagine a day, in the not too distant future, when I’m down to a simple pack, tarp, sleeping bag, and whatever else makes sense for a traveler to carry.


Cheers to the GRAND ARMY of drain-circle’rs …

Cheers to the refugees and those struggling against the weight of the age.

Cheers to all who are unwilling to break, even if sometimes we must bend.

And CHEERS to all of you – somehow, we will laugh about this some day, I mean it …



MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230912_BOTTOM_BOUNCING.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. Update on my situation.
  2. People living in their own personal worlds.
  3. Magical covid virus.
  4. replacing body parts with greasy steam punk equipment.
  5. Gas grill thanksgiving.
  6. Fire Brain and Smoke Brain and that escaped convict from Brazil.
  7. Movie concept: “An English Teacher in England”
  8. Movie concept: “Suicide by Homicide”


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230908_GREYHOUND_T0_VORKTON.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Bleenbensville (state of Vorkton):

– Alive and well.

– Don’t like giving out details of other people’s homes.

– About a month ago I had to quickly come up with a plan because I would have no place to live.

– Shit happens, I miss my friends Justin and Beth, I miss Boomer. I miss that place in Utah.

– I didn’t have time to come up with a great plan. Not even an adequate time.

– I had a sibling moving from Maine to the Olympic Peninsula in WA State. Podcasting from the state park at Dungeness Spit. Two people drowning can’t really help each other. I bought beer and cigarettes.

– Little Saigon, Seattle, showed me how hard actual street homelessness.

– Vorkton isn’t far from Michigan or Ohio or South Dakota, Grinken Town is east of us.

– “Survival Quest Theater” might be coming back.

– Vorkton is not far from Florida in a way.

– “Shadow Over Innsmouth” by H.P. Lovecraft, kind of like that, but no “fish man” ending … instead just me being a country boy. I think through progression I’ve realized that I am a country boy.

– Safe and sound and okay in Vorkton0

CLEAR THE AIR ON COVID (a slight concession):

– I’ve stated since 2020 that what we’re going through is primarily military psychological warfare. And every great PSYOP is also a snuff flick, people are killed for realism.

– There might have been a bio-weapon used, but it wasn’t first generation style. It was highly targeted geographically and demographically.

– Little Saigon, Chinatown Seattle, transient housing and lots of undocumented Chinese workers. Construction never stopped, flights from Asia never stopped, commies marched up and down 12th AVE, bisecting all major access paths to the Seattle hospital system’s emergency rooms.

– Targeted bio-weapon with built in self-destruct.

– They don’t want you to have a sample of this bio-weapon, so self-destruct seems necessary.

– A lot of organizations have the money for the tools to produce bioweapons.

– COVID doesn’t make sense as a first generation modern bioweapon – it makes more sense as a very advanced bioweapon.

– they have mastered the art of geographically and demographically controllable bioweapon. Not a normal bioweapon.

– Vaccines: some are poison and some are placebo (saline or flu shot). “Seattle Mike” and I looked at the CDC and other government data, and found that the flu disappeared.

– CDC to Hospitals: “here’s a check, call it COVID, put them on a respirator”

– CIA likes to kill in a way that looks like a natural death.

– Prior to the COVID there was a banking crisis in 2019.


September 2nd:

– Got enough money that my brother was able to help me to get tickets on the Greyhound.

September 3rd:

– went to Seattle.

– going to boondock the night before the Greyhound ride.

– we went to see a movie that night, “They Live”, on the big screen from 1988.

– John Carpenter, a dark visionary.

September 4th, Labor Day, part 1:

– wake up from boondocking

– get to the Greyhound station in Seattle and no one working there.

– they had one guy who cleaned the poop seat

– 8:30 AM the bus showed up, we lined up behind door B

– that first bus ride was okay

– bad “sky painting” visible in Ellensburg

– “I blame Jesus” – t-shirt

– 50 mega bytes of data

– one of the best chicken strips ever in Pendleton, OR, Union 76 station

– drove through the Blue Mtns, 4194 feet

– dude with alerts on

– read ZH headlines: ARGUS AI from SOCOM that will scam the WWW about Putin and monkey herpes … Ukraine-monkey-herpes nonsense

– Ontario, OR, no bathroom – left a stench in the trench

– got a weird infection from the bus

September the 4th, 10:40 PM, in Boise, our next bus driver (worst bus driver ever):

– trying to help a fellow traveler

– who are you

– fuck your keyboard

– “I don’t care” “I’ll make sure it doesn’t get smashed”

– “can’t leave early”

– young MAGA African American gets targeted by the bus driver

– “Luke Skywalker pee speech”

– “if you’re going to Denver, you should have put your bags in the first compartment”

– “if you’re a man raise your hand”

– he seemed high on meth

– bus driver loaded up on sugar

September the 5th :

– “All’s well that ends.” – Dr. Freckles

– “fuck you” incident with next bus driver, talking to meth-bus-driver.

– “have you ever been to a place where all hope is lost, where all that is left is patience?” – Conspiracy Theory (1997) ans: GREYHOUND

– Driver replacing meth-bus-driver was still kind of angry

– “I am traveling with the lost, discarded and forgotten.”

– Greyhound will make you want to kill yourself.

(so much more)

Customer Service

There’s too much about the last 3 days to put in one post.

The focus of this post is: customer service.

I just got off an hour long phone call with United Airlines, and spoke with two people who barely spoke English (Artificial Intelligence YAY – when’s that coming?). The first gentleman was yanking my chain, the second one basically told me a bunch of bullshit …

Here’s the situation: my brother in order to help me escape Denver after Greyhound abandoned me there, to the streets … (hey Denver, why don’t you look into Greyhound’s liabilities for your street person problem?) any who … my brother did me a favor. He upgraded the ticket believing it would include at least ONE checked bag – but this is not the case according to United Airlines.

I don’t know, specifically, the details of what my brother did when he reserved the seat to Newark – but the key point is: he did nothing wrong. He was trying to help me, he believed, based on the additional upgrade charge, that this would include ONE CHECKED BAG, but no. So I thought “hey, people still want to treat their customers well, right? – why not just refund me the 35 bucks I paid for the additional bag” … that was incorrect thinking.

You might think this is a petty issue, but for those of us who CAN’T print money, like the Federal Reserve and most banks print money, every dollar counts. I am not alone … during my brief but painful experience on the Greyhound bus this week, I’ve come to realize, talking to many people, that a few dollars here and there is a big deal, and not something to be taken lightly. I had a few conversations on that bus with random travelers, all reporting the same thing: money is tight, jobs that allow you to live are hard to find, everyone is doing their best to hang on. And this, as President Biden touts how “strong the economy is”? – what sideways crap to spew … “strong” … if being near death is strong.

I studied the collapse of the USSR in grad school. Studying how the Soviet Union collapsed has given me some insights into the last couple decades of American history. But it’s one thing to be academic or abstract about “collapse”, it’s another to live through its initial birth pains. My experiences with United Airlines, and ESPECIALLY Greyhound, this week has given me pause to remember that STUDYING SOMETHING is not the same as living through it. Well – we’re in it now.

How fast the collapse happens is unknown, all I know is this: it will be non-linear, discontinuous, cascading and brutal. Once it really takes off and gets going? – it will be as I said: like having someone punch your teeth out.

I lost a few teeth this week.

I need to remember, this is still the slow part.

As for this $35 fee? – I intend to waste their time, United Airlines, once a week for the next few months. I’ll get that money back one way or another … and even at low cost rates of Indian telephone support, the money adds up for them too.


Last night was really bad.

Yesterday started out okay, the first two bus drivers let me take my keyboard on to the bus so it wouldn’t get smashed, and they seemed qualified and helpful. Then there was the meth-head douche who drove us last night … Greyhound 560, Boise to Salt Lake.

He began by tossing my keyboard into one of the compartments, not even listening to reason, despite all the space on the bus for it.

He verbally abused just about everyone onboard before the bus left Boise, to include me.

The same crackhead bus driver gave a lecture, before departing Boise, on how we should urinate … it was a real TED TALK.

He didn’t stop, throughout the night he continued with his nasty comments and other bullshit – to cap it off basically telling the next bus driver to load stuff on top of my keyboard. And yes – it seems like he was high, could have been meth, could have been oxy, could have been both, nothing would surprise me.

BTW: I am sending this email over a low bandwidth connection that might not last, so if you respond and don’t hear back from me? – this is why.

I want to get off the bus right now. I am miserable, I feel sick, exhausted, and I’m not even halfway through this journey yet.

I am trying to “keep a stiff upper lip”, but it’s hard right now … at one point I felt like breaking that bus driver’s neck (not a Christian or smart thing to do).

I will be in Denver by this evening, and then on to St. Louis. I am hoping the next driver is not a sociopathic drug addict.

I can’t really recommend Greyhound to anyone.

On the bus …

Got to the Greyhound station in Seattle at about 6:30 AM. The station wasn’t open, and there were just a few weary travelers waiting outside. They opened the station at 7 AM.

They had the CNN playing, as I think is government mandated for Greyhound, AMTRAK and airport media – Biden was speaking from Pennsylvania (where I’m headed) about his great achievements … it was more droll nonsense from a barely equipped faker. The real Biden is probably dead or in a coma some place, it’s just body doubles now.

Inside the station an old woman was looking for help. She was helping her disabled brother get a ticket to Blinkton Town, TX. “Where is anyone? Does anyone speak English?”, the old woman muttered as she walked around the terminal. The one worker there was busy cleaning the toilet seat after every person took a poop – a necessary job post Monkey Herpes. There was the kiosk for electronic purchases using a credit card, but the woman had cash, and very few wanted to help her – so I did. I did what I could. I mention this not to virtue signal but to point out that we can all be a bit kinder “On the Road”, per Boblimptock.

I got panicked …

I had a few minutes when I thought about cancelling my ticket and perhaps losing $300 I don’t have to lose … I called my brother and he said to not worry, chill out, so to speak. He’s helped me out a lot post Utah, and I hope he knows I appreciate it – I know he does. But I guess part of this process is understanding still, today, how many feet I am flying off the ground. Still too far off the ground, going to break my neck if I don’t adjust faster.

My next stop after Seattle is Hermiston, Oregon – I switch buses to catch my next one to Boise, Idaho.

I have too much stuff for the bus, and too little to care about. Once again, as before, I left a lot of stuff behind, maybe not enough.

A while back I had a podcast where I spoke of knowing “what to take with you, and what to leave behind”, but I’m still learning myself. Still adjusting to my reality which, in many ways, is still better than most on planet BOBLIMPTOCK.

But we are heading up into the Cascades, and once again, as before, I leave Seattle and Washington State behind me “NEVER TO RETURN” I swear – only to be pulled in again, like Al Pacino in Godfather 3.

Happy trails.

On the road to PA …

(image above is from Dungeness Spit State Park, on the Olympic Peninsula, WA STATE, sunset)

So here I am, again, on the eve of leaving WA state just a few weeks after arriving. A circuitous journey from UTAH to the Olympic Peninsula, and tomorrow grabbing the bus for Pennsylvania. I know God is with me, and that helps – but I can’t lie, I feel like I’m getting too old for this kind of life and yet I’m not sure about the options, if any, for itinerant hobos.

You that read this or listen to my podcasts know that I’m not well known for my “sparkly attitude” or optimism. I’m not ashamed, it is part of my story and in recent years reality has as often as not lived down to my expectations – except for Utah.

I left behind two great friends in Utah, and it’s possible I never see them again. Those 2.5 years in Utah, as imperfect as they might have been at times, were the most peaceful and accepting in my whole life, and who knows if this ever repeats itself.

I left behind a dog named Boomer, who wasn’t technically “my dog”, he was just my friend. If I stop long enough to think about it I’d probably start crying and I can’t do that yet – a new friend, I hope, is making a place for me in a cabin in the woods, a la TED K. Nothing that extreme, but it is simply the case that I probably won’t see Boomer again either and it’s hard to know for sure, with something new, what awaits.

This new friend, a current listener, doesn’t know what to expect either …

I could be some kind of weirdo, or sociopath, or user or manipulator – as are so many these days. I could be some petty grifter looking to sucker the average schmuck out of their limited funds. I could be an incurably broken soul that has used up most of his extra energy, and is running on empty, and surely doesn’t know if he (me) has what it takes to move on. I might just be a middle aged hobo-shaman style podcaster, and this is likely – and also someone who will help out where/when he can. I think I’m basically a good guy, but who am I to judge? So I guess this dude in PA will learn more about me than he ever could have from “just listening” to the ponderous and bizarre rantings coming from beyond, from the WWW.

I think I’m going to be okay, but this too could be some kind of madness. I have faith that there is this resting place to sojourn, to build, to work, and maybe to figure out a way in this world … assuming such things are on the menu. If you listen to my podcast, you are well aware that I don’t believe “new normal” or any version of it is on the menu.

Here is what I can promise to you, the listeners: I won’t give up.

I’m not ready to turn tail and run, I’m not ready for the fat lady.

Yes – strange times and new places abound for me, and the great adventure of getting what little shit I have left from WA to PA without losing it or having it stolen.

And yet, I’m still here.

And yes, you are still here too.

We are here together, in BOBLIMPTOCK, trapped in an internal diaspora of existential dead ends and constrained/confused possibilities – circling the drain together, waiting for the “big flush”.

(what a time to be alive)

Travel with me to the MOON …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230901_TRAVEL_WITH_ME_TO_THE_MOON.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


Gert is talking the end times and “Christian” life. He is talking signs of the times. He is talking about Jesus returning … and then he sells the GOLD BACKED IRA.

If we knew:

“If we knew how many times we almost died? we’d never leave the house.” – Dr. Freckles

Travel with me to the MOON:

  1. We’ll lift off from SPACEX at 5 G’s of acceleration, as our star torpedo reaches the clouds.
  2. We’ll enter Earth orbit and prepare for our lunar insertion burn, reaching 20,000+ MPH and getting all crazy.
  3. After about 3 days, we’ll enter lunar orbit …

Future Forecasts:

<<more to come>>


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230831_BAD_COPS.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. Moving to PA. Rural PA not far from Scranton, but that’s all I’ll say at this point.
  2. Why am I moving to PA? – because the option is between that and being street homeless. I’m hoping it turns out to be ideal in the way Utah was – but I don’t know, and my host really doesn’t know me yet. I believe he’ll find me to be an affable hermit, willing to help where and when he can and to pay what rent he can. This is my theory.
  3. I still need to raise between 400 and 500 dollars for a ticket and extra baggage charges and other items for the journey. I know I’ve asked a lot of you already, and I will understand if you can’t help. Times are tough.
  4. I’ve been told that the “we’re all refugees now” has resonated with some of my listeners. I think I would say this applies to more than just “space” but applies to our un tethered existence, spiritually, in this nation – most especially for Christians. We are refugees no longer having access to that sense of community that once existed, and the Levitt Town / Norman Borlaug world destroyed, nearly.


“The safest space you will find is in the grave.” – Dr. Freckles


  1. Qualified Immunity: is a type of legal immunity that protects a government official from lawsuits alleging that the official violated a plaintiff’s rights, only allowing suits where officials violated a “clearly established” statutory or constitutional right.
  2. There are many who presume a “bad cop” is less problematic, legally and ethically, than a straight criminal – but this is flawed reasoning on many levels.
  3. Even if we ignore the moral component of being a cop, we have to admit that they have resources, alliances, and authority that makes them FAR MORE DANGEROUS than an ordinary criminal. In fact the best comparison is to the cartels or organized crime generally.


  1. STAYGLON-BEASTS are breaking into fidgit-condos near Brinkley and 114th. Stomach beetles have been reported, jellyfish rabies is rampant here.i
  2. Old creeps are pimping out ugly hookers near Stunkton AVE. Caprice Le Roy is in charge of those hooker armies and is clearly making move against DIGLY and his hubba hubba soup gang. We’ll see what happens.
  3. Hijackers have taken control of the STAR SHIP YOOBULON-HORNET and are threatening to launch neutron bombs at the primary or main TACO BELL protein processing facility. They claim TACO BELL is using gammy-beings for it’s new style space taco meat. But these are sentient creatures, and are suffering a holocaust for your belly freak.
  4. The candy-chimp is haunting Dorset Corners. The monster spreads sugar and starch and hooks you on quick carbo-highs. Diabetes-23 is spreading, and the new artificial pancreas pumps cannot keep up. God help Dorset Corners.
  5. The FLYING TEETERS concert was cancelled last night because, at the last minute, TORG RAIDERS took out the stage and began holding people hostage. They claim that the TEETERS never returned their phone calls … and that there are babies … and they need their daddies.
  6. JISTER-WIVES are monitoring the waves between here and sclimpton. Torpedo husbands want to move stiglon-armies to region 7, while the BISHOP keeps his time at dumbah’s castle, where the greasy weasels cut up the meat.

LEO and Rhonda

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230830_LEO_and_RHONDA.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

  1. “Corky does magic, I only do tricks.” MAGIC (1978)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_uXeqjjkPU
  2. Nasty young hippies, in many cases, became nasty old people – mean, brutal, uncaring. Who could have seen this happen?
  3. I have a plan now … to kill Hitler. TE(X) = ROOT(entropy/spacetime), Given A(X) = entropy/spacetime, A(X) is therefore also the measure of the “causality field”. The Causality Field represents the general combination of space-time and entropy with general choice theory, and one could say the DENSITY of TE(X) is also significant to what is called the trailing edge of the “now” or the present. There is no multiverse, but there is a multi-present. Only in extreme cases of low-entropy causality fields could one say “a moment is a moment”, but in reality, most non-trivial causality regions have a trailing edge of the now that goes back some distant, with a restriction of ROOT(A(X)). We have a multi-present, or an unresolved now, until the trailing edge of the present crosses the events location in time. Only at the moment the trailing edge crosses the event can we definitively say “Schrodinger’s Cat” is dead or alive. Until then, it is in a super-position with respect to the NOW. There may be places on EARTH and in the universe where the TE or Trailing Edge of the Now or Unresolved Present, goes back a hundred years or more. Let’s assume you can either a) locate a region of chaos in the general causality field OR b) generate your own entropy within local space-time to create this noise or chaos within the general causality field. Now you just need a machine to “slip back” in time – traveling forward, using relativity theory, is already known and proven – but going back is the issue. Using a free-positron laser, one can project into an object an equal distribution of negative-energy per the molecular structure of the object – emitting wavelengths and energy that would allow distribution, without shearing or destruction to the subject or time traveler. Of course, you could think of this as inverse holography, but in all the depth of 3 dimensions of matter. Such that the system must be tuned to produce frequencies functional and non-destructive, or likely to cause cancer. This same method can be used to achieve relativistic effects, while holding [X,Y,Z] of the spatial vector constant, while only impacting, in relativistic terms, [T] or time. So the time traveler drifts or slips or sinks back to the 1920’s, and decides to go to Germany to kill Hitler. Fine … you kill Hitler. Problem is: in the 1920’s there were MANY potential “Hitlers”, and we might have ended up with the one that would be easy to defeat. The other issue is this: our present model of super-position is not connected to a multi-verse cosmology, so if you go back in time any distance you are cutting off all future branches of causality in space-time. If you simply go back to Germany in the 1920’s, you will be worse than Hitler or Stalin or Mao or any mass murderer. You will be annihilating every life going forward and replacing it with a new chain of causality. YOU as a time fractor will be conserved, but your “future self” might never exist, or your family, or your friends …. all destroyed. Because you wanted to kill Hitler.
  4. We have neighbors at our camp site in Grinken Town, WA. We don’t know their names, they have a super nice looking bus style RV … they look nervous … kind of suspicious and nervous … as I’m staring at them … just sitting in my chair, in the open, staring at them. We have some theories about LEO and RHONDA … it’s what I call them, and here are my theories about them: A) Mexican pharma drug retailers … they drive down Mexico way, hitting the pharmacies there for major drugs … then truck back up to WA state, to service the “elder crowd” and get them WALMART deals on chemo drugs and OXY. B) Really well designed meth lab, better than Walter White. C) Mobile suicide bus, they have this crossover they drive around, pick up old people, and shuffle them off while harvesting their flesh for bio diesel. D) FEDS … they’re FEDS watching me … spying on me as I spy on them. E) Satanists F) mobile slaughter house because they are harvesting human flesh for taco meat … kind of like what happened to Collin and Benji. G) EXOTIC pet sales, tigers, python, alligators. H) stealthy, camouflaged, IRBM nuclear weapon delivery system … they have that angry, depressed, USAF look to them. I) TERRORIST … F) they’re normal people, keeping to themselves, and they get freaked out that I’m staring at them.
  5. STARING INTENTLY at someone, with a blank face, and try not to blink – this is a very basic kind of mind control, manipulation. It can raise a person’s blood pressure, make them nervous and angry and anxious and even violent. Drones, police helicopters, one way glass interrogation rooms, spy satellites, and ubiquitous cameras add to a general patina of paranoia surrounding us in contemporary society.

I have made a decision to move to a place where there is a place available – this is as much as I want to say right now. I do, however, need to raise some more money for a bus or train ticket, coach. I’m not into flying any longer – too dystopian, too fucked up.

I’ve done some basic analysis, and the price of a bus ride is the cheapest option for me, all other options are unrealistically expensive, given the amount of stuff I have.

BENJI and COLLIN (recorded on 8/28/2023)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230828_Benji_and_Collin.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Benji and Collin: a story of loss

The weekly police blotter includes incidents that occurred in the City of Sequim and in unincorporated Clallam County in the Sequim-Dungeness Valley area.

Aug. 15

9:25 a.m. — Theft, 200 block of Lake of the Hills Loop

1:11 p.m. — Vehicle accident, 400 block of West Washington Street

Aug. 16

10:46 a.m. — Assault, 300 block of West Anderson Road

Aug. 17

(report not available)

Aug. 18

10:58 a.m. — Vehicle accident, 1100 block of West Washington Street

7:15 p.m. — Assault, 300 block of South Seventh Avenue

Aug. 19

11:38 a.m. — Theft, 300 block of Marshall Road

3:59 p.m. — Theft, 500 block of West Washington Street

11:12 p.m. — Prowler, 100 block of Taylor Cut-Off Road

Aug. 20

1:07 a.m. — DUI, U.S. Highway 101/Shore Road

8:47 a.m. — Burglary, 100 block of Hooker Road

12:15 p.m. — Theft, 200 block of West Bell Street

6:07 p.m. — Vehicle accident, 100 block of West Cedar Street

8:26 p.m. — Theft, near 100 block of South Rhodefer Road

side notes:

listening to my shortwave radio and came across some local radio that transmits old time radio shows – one dealt with an escaped murderer where they say on the radio (in the show) “he prefers killing to eating”.

Starbucks shut down there lobby yesterday. McDonald’s (in Sequim) shut down their lobby today. Then there’s the McDonald’s in Utah that had its lobby shut down for more than a year. Shit is falling apart.

The local hog farmers are in revolt, they can’t get the enhancement drugs for the ribswich slurry. They aren’t getting help from local loggers to chop up the suey.

Scroglon forces are massing near Port Angeles.

H’rimbo’s new style sushi shop was caught selling steeg-flesh to WALMART for sushi, hundreds are now experiencing abdominal distension and one armed croob-spasms.

Teleporting scamsters are sneaking into your home at night to steal your life-protein and ivory-penguin-sauce. They have black lights and will find all the stains.

Angry coffee moms are flocking to Diblo’s Espresso Shoppe off of Zoog Ave. They have frowns and pounds and waddle their angry way past the door. They look for hobos to mock, so be careful. They’re on their way to spin class, to tighten their asses and tone up their boovula.

Stoking the fires, the Devil is dancing right now. Satan is dancing a jig – singing songs of success and drunkenness … he sings songs of real estate schemes, as the homeless pile up at the body dumps. Heroes tell us of “more food for the gunktis folk”, but no mention of shelter … weird right? Weird that homes are not a thin for these freaks.

From Dane’s latest show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlAWl-s6xts

Civilization is collapsing.

We might start geoengineering.

NASA says a sunspot is about to cook us.

India banning sugar along with rice exports.

British Columbia is in a state of emergency.

40 million acres in Canada incinerated so far this year.

Trees burning on the inside – soils/root system. Aluminum. Fungal elements are killing core would. UV-C is baking the Cambrian layer.

Villages in northern Greece evacuated.

Aussie bush fire season starts early.

“He prefers killing to eating …”

  1. listening to my shortwave radio and came across some local radio that transmits old time radio shows – one dealt with an escaped murderer where they say on the radio (in the show) “he prefers killing to eating”.
  2. Starbucks shut down there lobby yesterday. McDonald’s (in Sequim) shut down their lobby today. Then there’s the McDonald’s in Utah that had its lobby shut down for more than a year. Shit is falling apart.
  3. The local hog farmers are in revolt, they can’t get the enhancement drugs for the ribswich slurry. They aren’t getting help from local loggers to chop up the suey.

… and they are GONE.

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230827_and_they_are_gone.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Hookers and Crypto: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/i-just-want-sell-titty-pictures-sex-workers-fked-crypto

.. and they are Gone.

  1. Still hanging on at the park, I will probably fill out some paperwork today for one potential course of action, but I feel exhausted. The sky is smoky here, some days less awful than others – certainly not as bad as 2018 seemed, or at least not as bad in Sequim. For a number of reasons, the weather here is mild, cooler. Not something to think on too deeply, just an observation.
  2. a place where we’ve been using internet has adopted a behavioral strategy of having their lowliest worker spend time near us: folding paper towels, opening and closing the same closet over and over again. I would prefer if someone just asked us to leave. They send by dooley-hoog face, and he slouches over and asks us about our day … but I know what he was saying … “get along cowboys, we see you, we don’t like you … get going”
  3. I get the feeling that locals are on the lookout for “strangers that don’t belong”, and that makes sense too. Not sure if that means this would be a harder easier place than Utah – fact is, where I was in Utah there were not a lot of people. Sure, I had some bad experiences with cops before I left, but that’s just a reality too. It’s not like the cops go after actual crime, abuse, moral decay – no, they, being bullies, go after the weakest person they can find that “doesn’t belong” and target them. “You better go HOBO … you better get lost.”
  4. I have this feeling, especially when I’m in WA state (the last time was briefly before Thanksgiving), that what upsets people the most is a person’s unwillingness to participate in the general corruption. Whether it’s flipping houses, getting shots or wearing coffee filters … the message is: you need to be afraid of what WE ARE afraid of. You need to do the things WE DO. If we are sinning in the sight of God, then Dan what is your excuse. This is Sodomite behavior too – the idea that ALL MUST SIN or there is some imbalance, some friction. Time to get GONE, right?
  5. We spent time down by the wharf last night. We were looking for a fried-crab shack called Erich’s Crab Spot, but instead we found a burnt out shack and no sign of Erich. The hookers and other dingly gents hanging out down there said “Erich had just up and left”, he was going East or West or North or South or some pleasant direction away from the noise of this post-modern swill pit. Kendra, Erich’s girlfriend, wanted to go with him, but he said “I’m not going to a place, but to a spirit … an identity of self separate from the nonsense of this town”. And then he was just gone.
  6. Sally Jed had left recently. She took her travel camper and American Express card and 50 gallons of whiskey – she’s heading up into the Cascade Mountains is what they’re saying. She’s gone …
  7. Kurt Lowery had his full. He had a 3,000 sq foot home, by the shore, a hot tub, and a heated pool. They say he packed his Jeep Cherokee with 40 pounds of dynamite, a few hunting rifles, and a spool of wire … he wasn’t starting a fire … the fire had started a long time ago. Kurt said he would “put the fire out”, and so he’s going some place also.

ZONE REAPER (recorded on 8/25/2023)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230825_ZONE_REAPER.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Quick Updates:

still at the park, people seem really angry

this might be the first podcast from inside the tent, cuz we’re getting squalls and wind gusts

I’m glad to have the days here, at the park, to slow down. Yeah, I get weird looks because my aura right now probably screams “stay away from that scary guy”.

I get scared, sometimes, thinking that I’m used up. And worse? – that I don’t care that I’m used up.

I know this is true: I’m living in pretend land right now, make believe. I’m at a nice state park surrounded by “nice” people. I’m being left alone and I’m leaving others alone. I don’t have to worry about being robbed or killed or worse. But here’s the thing – I lived in Little Saigon Seattle long enough to know that there are horribly deeper levels of homeless. They make it sound like “well son, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps …” but at the bottom of the morass of American homelessness, is a slimy pit, with slimy cliffs … and no one, almost no one, ever gets out.

I’m not the commie who says “give me money”, just because. I did beg for help this week, and perhaps that was wrong or not or I still wonder. I have to respect my audience well enough to know that THEY can decide whether to give an old hobo money. But I don’t like the stench of grifting, and begging for help can feel close to that.

One more thing – I wonder if my lack of popularity relates primarily to one simple truth: my message does not resonate, because most people are shit heads and satanists at this point. I had some weird experiences at Walmart again – people who would walk towards me, as if to walk into me, with that very aggressive look on their faces.

“Don’t judge a book by its RV.” – Dr. Freckles

“Sideways is progress is a different direction.” – Dr. Freckles

park notes:

“… you say you listen to me, but you don’t listen to me …” “I try to listen to you.”

“some kids never grow up … she’s very skittish … it’s not your dog’s fault”.


He is a descendant of TREBLIQ warriors that live near Mt. Baker. He’s half CANADIAN, and the other half is all GOLD. He dreams of TIM HORTON’S muskrat scooter sandwiches and wishes his long past girlfriends well … all except Tessa.

He has a job of monitoring threg sector 18, where the scoob-raiders eat twembly and migrate monthly to the Duwamish River to refill on whisky stew and scogg-slurry. He keeps a close watch on BARRY the SKY DEMON. Barry flies about in his crop duster, laying down a nice mist of steezick gas and pesticides and other bits of debunkuated chemo goo. Got a keep an eye on Barry …

He’s looking for a room to rent, some place not far from Carrie’s Stew Salon And Tattoo Parlor. He got pulled into a “room for rent scheme”, using that old worn out chest nut: “will you send me the 60 refundable dollars to my random room posting”. The answer is: no … I don’t send any money till I’ve seen a place.

You could take him down by Rachel’s sewer rat bistro and suckle upon skeel-wine, waiting for the ALLEY CAT to furl his brow, and grab a bottle, and break it off in your nasty ass face. Zone reapers don’t have time for quasi-sect wannabes and left-side morgly-types … you see them at WALMART.

After the winter-battle of 2013, and his head was shot clean off? – the Zone Reaper was sent to the hospital at Lewis-McChord and they went ahead and used super glue and fishing line and rusty old hooks to sew the ALLEY CAT’s head back on.

BLISTO-ZIGGINS, the scudge wielder, rode with the Zone Reaper, when the harlots of grid-22 got frisky, and mcnuggins was on sale for 3 fiddy and you could still get non-deconstructed potato at the SKLEEG HUT. They chased the star pirates of XEEB and hunted curled beaver in the hooker region of sector-0098ZED.

“COME FORTH AND WASH YOUR FESTULES!”, cried the time-herald, bringing forth the sunshine day of forever before and ever until. His mind was warped from space dust and kiln-wine. Jester-turds would dance about that haglon, and the ZONE REAPER would mark time upon the clock that freak built, and the safe passage home to yesterday.

A jealous stag-minge from quadrant-MOOGON got caught in the Zone Reaper’s eyes, she fell in love, they connected and had a condo together. they would take weekend trips to the national forests of YOOG-8, and swim naked in the tondo-pools. He would inguzzlate her, using his sheebus-wand, and her boovula would detractify with oil kindness. But Zone Reaper dumped her because she was two timing with a squid-greeder, and maxing out his credit cards. She haunts him, stalks him, keeps track of him using witches and wizards and hyper-technology.

The hoove scoove kept the groove, and Ghendar’s slog wedding …

Jib-zoos were opening soon near the galactic center – the whole zoo is half a light year in diameter … crazy big. They’ll have lemurs … radioactive ones.

Castor creeps lurk between the blackholes and pulsars. Zone Reaper had his run ins with that crew. Those gunkit types carried 12 gauge 5 shot recoil supported revolvers, with mixed ammo, grenade, sabot. The creeps would hunt starships bearing gold and silver and hookers, and cocaine. Zone Reaper would use wop-guns filled with titanium plasma darts … he’d take’m out … and be back to Bregna-Prime for breakfast with his womens.


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230824_More_Stuff_About_Things.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

  1. Still seeing a lot of angry people – at the park, at the WALMART. Angry and frantic, as if they’re running away from something and not towards something. It’s hard to say where this comes from. Could be the general angst of the time, could be the sense of fear among the herd. Could be I am projecting my fear, angst, darkness, on to those people around me.
  2. I am still looking for a place to live, I’m going to talk to one guy today, and maybe that will lead to something. I know I’ve received a few other offers, but in some cases it’s just a question of how far from the West Coast do I want to be? And does it really matter?
  3. I’m hearing whispers around Sequim about the funktus-festival. The old droogs of region-344 DELTA link up and throw a blast. They have some kind of wretched open market where the old crones can sell their zuzz-jelly and locally grown pine-musk. A couple people disappeared from this thing a year ago, and nobody really knows what happened to them. Some think they rented some kayaks and went west to Japan, to find some kind of peace in the depths of the pacific. Others say Juan de Fuca PETE swallowed them up … PETE is an old, almost dead, sperm whale that has been in the straits since the 1970’s … feeding on radioactive waste and gumbo-paste and the still living things down below. They say if you go out on to that accursed sea, Pete will be the last thing you see … so stay away from Pete.
  4. Some old dudes were talking about the NAZIS at SHERMS BREAKFAST SANDWICH place. You can get a sausage mc-grizzle and some de-personified potatoes and some slug-juice, for the morning wake up call. The old dudes kept talking about how the “Germans didn’t know where London was” and “they had these jets and rocket planes”. Then one of the older gentlemen, on an EZ-RIDER scooter, started getting that weird stare … “Ya know, I stormed Normandy … we linked up with some RANGERS near Point de Goog, not far from the ruins of that old abandoned castle …. there were some Germans dug in near a school … and we had that armored flamethrower for smoking them out … it was bad … we fired that thing at the school … turned out the school was empty … can you believe that?” … it was great news, because the next topic among these men were women they impregnated in Berlin.
  5. The ladies were all discussing the upcoming election for ROAD LINE COMMISSIONER of CLALLAM County … the role also requires counting dead raccoon. Some say the commissioner is really just the front guy for the Sherrif’s secret blood dungeon near Guemes Island. No one really knows … it gets shady out here, grey, lots of places for those jinder-freaks to hide, in plane sight, wearing jovey-high clothes and looking for trace meth in a trucker bomb.
  6. One angry space ranger at the park took a look at me – he had tattoos and a subdued outfit, he had those glassy eyes of someone working on their abs and pecks …
  7. the folks in spot 7 were still loading their off road crossover electric cart … they had space for their munyon-pockets and their grigg-pool … they had a piss and poop bucket that they could sit on …. out came queeg skeeth and vrungis … their juice holes hot from summertime thai delight, their stomachs twisted from east coast style dungeness crab cakes … from Tokyo.
  8. Delta 665 gerf-realm soldiers are attacking the key points up near Port Angeles.
  9. Hope is to be had at 78th and Richmond, there’s a hooker named Hope and she has a dog named Freedom.
  10. Vorlian death cake is being shipped in from Seattle. It’s tasty and moist and melts in your mouth … it has candied crickets and ant frosting. There is a stench of lawnmower coming from each horrid bite, as if the person eating had kissed a lawnmower.
  11. hiker biker gerald thrudkins

Doctor Freckles Story

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230823_Doctor_Freckles_Story.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Who is Dr. Freckles:

  1. Born in an alley, near Wall Street, on the day of the FLASH CRASH. He burst out of a dumpster like a comet. As FAT FINGER TONY presses the scrog button.
  2. He wandered the lands for several years, looking for hookers, looking for beer.
  3. He spent time on MarketWatch.com in 2012 while working as a software tester for DIGGLIES STUFF EMPORIUM … they had pink noise that would rot your brain, they had the despair of company man living … Dr. Freckles worked there, in Issaquah, for a while.
  4. He ran for President in 2012, and the ninth core realm was formed which would later become CHOP-CHAZ in 2020 … which was ruled over by LORD RAZ.
  5. He was sector general during the first juggalo war. He tore the insane clown posse a new hole, and they smoked a bowl, and made peace.
  6. One day in 2015 Freckles woke up and said: “the milk smells bad” … and he sent a letter to his friends, saying “it’s not the end”, but don’t pretend: in about 5 years shit is going to start hitting the fan … and the hobo … cuz people throw stuff at hobos.
  7. He ran for office in 2016 and he told you, on a poster, that TRUMP IS THIS YEAR’S OBAMA … and what did you say? After you left me dead in that ditch.
  8. He formed D.F.G.T.C in 2016, and the next hooker republic was founded.
  9. In 2017, he formed he first ENFORCER SQUAD ZETA … and took on the crime lords of S’compton.
  10. He remembers the time of sassafras pancakes at McDonald’s old style whale lard
  11. “Success is just one failure away.” – Dr. Freckles used to say, when the rain fell down, and the alleys got busy.
  12. When the monkey herpes came, he went insane, did cocaine … all is well in BOBLIMPTOCK.
  13. He is the SECTOR GUARD.
  14. He is the quandary stird, with hair on fire.
  15. He makes money selling protein the the scord demons in grid-77.
  16. “You can’t be too fast for bad habits.” – Dr. Freckles … he had addiction to YORG-SYRUP
  17. During the age of the Monkey Herpes, Freckles hid in sector-990BRAVO, also known as Little Saigon
  18. In the age of peace D.r. Freckles sojourned with kind folk in a small town and broke his arm and made friends with a dog named Boomer … and then Utah was gone.
  19. He wandered into Squim and went into a store … got himself a six pack and cigs and more … he bought his shit from a Sikh named Dirg, he had a short word “should should have asked for the plastic bag before … ” and Freckles was like “I’m sorry I don’t live on planet bullshit” … and Dr. Freckles moved on.
  20. “The toilet is where shit belongs.” – screamed to Freckles in the night … he looked around and new the GREAT FLUSH was coming … find a crusty on the side and hold on.
  21. “Stuff is not shielded as much as people think stuff is.” – Dr. Freckles
  22. WALMART and the demons …. the coffee filter wearers


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230822_KITCHEN_DICK.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. It’s a road out here by Dungeness Spit, near Sequim – read “SQUIM”? – am I right?
  2. A lot of roads around Dungeness Spit are named after porn stars, porn stars that arrived here with Peter Puget (also kind of phallic) hundreds of eons ago.
  3. One of Peter’s crew members predicted, it is loosely said, that “After the Age of Boblimptock comes the Age of Thresa, when everyone will eat turtle pudding, and eyes of drunken hawks.”
  4. I was at the McDonald’s using there WiFi, and I stepped into the bathroom. As I left an old due on an EZ-RIDER electric scooter came for me, heading right at me, but at the last minute he turned towards his table, giving me another day of life.
  5. Our campsite is near the trail that access the bluffs … people come by that spot and see me smoking my cig … I got no porch … but I could be a kitchen-dick …
  6. At the gas station, gassing up my brother’s truck, the attendant said – “would you like lies with that” … we smiled … we’re keeping an eye out for her.
  7. We went to a THAI-GERMAN-FUSION restaurant called Uncle Grayley’s … it was poorly lit and covered in spit … a woman named Debbie brought us our food … we slopped it up on a wobbly table as strange folk entered the establishment. A guy named Rich sat down behind us and started telling us stories of Gypsy rockets landing near Mt. Olympus. He said: “up in those hills the wookie people wait, harvesting eel-skins for their big foot gliders. They’ll come riding down from the mountain tops, like the thunderbird of old, with burning eyes and seething loins … they haven’t kicked off their WAR yet … but you better bet they will.” My brother got italian style fried yogurt and I ate twice chewed pork.
  8. Derek the crab master, scraping from the bottom what protein he can find.
  9. Jenna, the skeev-maiden, milking squirrels to make a dime, and she’s covered in the patina of dirg-flesh and burnt skin and a furrowed brow.
  10. We got back to the campsite and we couldn’t have a fire … fire danger or dark age, you be the judge.

“Where there’s smoke, there’s a hobo.” – Dr. Freckles

“One door closes, another one gets slammed in your face.” – Dr. Freckles

“As you look to the past, you see the future.” – Dr. Freckles

“Your life does NOT need a laugh track, just look around buddy.” – Dr. Freckles

“Things that are risky today, will be dangerous tomorrow, and deadly by next week.” – Dr. Freckles