Last night was really bad.

Yesterday started out okay, the first two bus drivers let me take my keyboard on to the bus so it wouldn’t get smashed, and they seemed qualified and helpful. Then there was the meth-head douche who drove us last night … Greyhound 560, Boise to Salt Lake.

He began by tossing my keyboard into one of the compartments, not even listening to reason, despite all the space on the bus for it.

He verbally abused just about everyone onboard before the bus left Boise, to include me.

The same crackhead bus driver gave a lecture, before departing Boise, on how we should urinate … it was a real TED TALK.

He didn’t stop, throughout the night he continued with his nasty comments and other bullshit – to cap it off basically telling the next bus driver to load stuff on top of my keyboard. And yes – it seems like he was high, could have been meth, could have been oxy, could have been both, nothing would surprise me.

BTW: I am sending this email over a low bandwidth connection that might not last, so if you respond and don’t hear back from me? – this is why.

I want to get off the bus right now. I am miserable, I feel sick, exhausted, and I’m not even halfway through this journey yet.

I am trying to “keep a stiff upper lip”, but it’s hard right now … at one point I felt like breaking that bus driver’s neck (not a Christian or smart thing to do).

I will be in Denver by this evening, and then on to St. Louis. I am hoping the next driver is not a sociopathic drug addict.

I can’t really recommend Greyhound to anyone.