Bouncy Castle: A discussion of EMPIRE, or a random walk around it …




Implode or Explode —

Implode vs Explode is NOT all or nothing, it’s always a hybrid.

Implosions: tend to be less catastrophic in terms of EXTERNAL war, and more catastrophic internally.

Explosions: tend to be bad internally, but as bad or even worse in terms of neighbors.

Short, incomplete, list for discussion.

*** empires can also be destroyed by BIGGER empires … “consumption” or “subsumption” … this is a different topic …

  1. Explode: Austro-Hungarian
  2. Explode: Ottoman Empire
  3. Implode: the USSR
  4. Implode: the Spanish Empire
  5. Explode: Alexandrian Empire
  6. Implode: Roman Empire (multi-century implosion)


What I’ve said …

This is what I said in 2015, basically during a lunch conversation with other computer programmers:

There’s too much fear mongering, too much manipulation, not enough good information. That’s where we’re at … I saw someone on social media posting some more fear porn today, a new thread, and it made me want to outline PRECISELY my position:

  1. TPTB are managing a fuzzy event which was/is expected to occur in a five year window, starting in late 2019.
  2. BEST CASE: the “fuzzy event” is the collapse of the USD/Petro-Dollar empire … this will likely trigger a worldwide depression lasting a few decades. It will be pretty bad, but not the end of the world. Just really fucking horrible. I think a worldwide famine is baked into the cake for the best case.
  3. WORST CASE: something, I don’t know what for sure, so bad that you’d gaslight billions of people for 3+ years using multiple high intensity military psychological warfare operations. The flavor of OP? – trauma based, mainly. As such, it’s a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sale, setting fire to the restaurant, cover the escape and final thievery … and then what? – the elite are safe in their compounds, and the rest of us likely battle each other for scraps until something more awful than starvation kills us.

YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS – I’ve also said this.

YOU CONTROL your fate – even as a Christian, knowing GOD has a PLAN, I believe this.

And the ONLY WAY to manage the worst parts of what I describe? – liberty.

Liberty is not the “nice to have” later …

Liberty is how we avoid, possibly, an extinction level event.

Tyranny? – this is how the human race dies … not with a bang, but with a whimper.

But what WE DON’T NEED is more bullshit fear …

I don’t know for certain what is going on …

And, I could be wrong …

(something, below, from November 2019)

Poor …

I am poor – and neither proud nor ashamed.

I’ve met rich people, having worked in healthcare, who are evil shit heads and still make millions … not poor.

If you think people are poor in America mainly because they are shit heads – good luck bro … Good luck … I mean it.

CRAP CHUTE PILL HEAD America has a LOT of people who “make money” grifting – and if you choose to avoid industries that grift people, you will probably end up poor.

And since I think this “game” is almost over? – it doesn’t matter …

No matter where you live …

No matter how many ounces you have stacked or food in your basement …

We will all be visiting the poor-house soon enough.

Beating up on poor people has to be one of the lowest energy shitty things to do …

But people no longer know the difference between kindness and communism – so here we are …

A lot of rich commies, mocking poor anarchists …

A lot of grifters and crooks, mocking the moral.

Helicopter Money

Chairman Powell’s Job: mediocre dollar AND slow/manage the rate of increase in inflation

Helicopter money?

That’s the money Powell will be tossing out of his hot-standby helicopter on his way to the airstrip to be taken to a bunker-condo in Antarctica …

(that’s what “helicopter money” really is)

(it will cover the escape)