Poor …

I am poor – and neither proud nor ashamed.

I’ve met rich people, having worked in healthcare, who are evil shit heads and still make millions … not poor.

If you think people are poor in America mainly because they are shit heads – good luck bro … Good luck … I mean it.

CRAP CHUTE PILL HEAD America has a LOT of people who “make money” grifting – and if you choose to avoid industries that grift people, you will probably end up poor.

And since I think this “game” is almost over? – it doesn’t matter …

No matter where you live …

No matter how many ounces you have stacked or food in your basement …

We will all be visiting the poor-house soon enough.

Beating up on poor people has to be one of the lowest energy shitty things to do …

But people no longer know the difference between kindness and communism – so here we are …

A lot of rich commies, mocking poor anarchists …

A lot of grifters and crooks, mocking the moral.