I was pregnant with a poop baby, because I was on percocet after I broke my arm cuz I slipped on the ice walking to the grocery store to get potato chips …

And I wanted a poop abortion …

And my hospital refused.

(I had to give birth to that poop baby, 11 pounds 5 ounces)

it was greasy and hard and painful and bloody …

it took 5 hours …

(I had to use a spoon at one point)

All because I DID NOT as a HOBO-CLOWN-TYPE-GENDER have access to poop baby abortions ….

Your Own Private Idaho

“We really are living in a world now where everyone inhabits their own designed reality.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. Cities is where it started
  2. The conversation with my cousin, Jan 2016
  3. On the METRO in 2019, heading to RED MOUND, with all the smart device zombies

Hate …

“Hate is the fuer-gurgen that fills the heart with steel.” – Dr. Freckles

Hate is the hag-meister that churns the yeti soul and burns the bride of the world …

Hate is the GUSTO SAUCE of total understanding where sticky blood glows and the nigh bows to sin …

Hate is the bowel bride, no longer seeking after that lost knightly frost lord, but wanting the swamp giddies and the long eyed gendiz-men …

The US economy …

“The US economy isn’t really a ‘free market’: it’s a network of linked and crooked casinos, the games at each casino might be sort of honest, but the linkages are corrupt as hell.” – Dr. Freckles

It’s not that traditional tools for financial analysis don’t work – they do: but if you disregard the crony nature of how things work, you are unlikely to make wise bets.

The TINA/FOMO BTFD folks were right all those years, and the rest of us screaming “bloody murder” were wrong – principles be damned, the death star economy is not about principles.