“Don’t play the ALGO’s game … teach the ALGO a new game.” – Dr. Freckles
Futile public gestures …
“Accept this: we are in the age of futile public gestures.” – Dr. Freckles
More Cops …
“More cops, more crime.” – Dr. Freckles
What I’ve said …
This is what I said in 2015, basically during a lunch conversation with other computer programmers: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160729_Odds_Of_Survival.pdf
There’s too much fear mongering, too much manipulation, not enough good information. That’s where we’re at … I saw someone on social media posting some more fear porn today, a new thread, and it made me want to outline PRECISELY my position:
- TPTB are managing a fuzzy event which was/is expected to occur in a five year window, starting in late 2019.
- BEST CASE: the “fuzzy event” is the collapse of the USD/Petro-Dollar empire … this will likely trigger a worldwide depression lasting a few decades. It will be pretty bad, but not the end of the world. Just really fucking horrible. I think a worldwide famine is baked into the cake for the best case.
- WORST CASE: something, I don’t know what for sure, so bad that you’d gaslight billions of people for 3+ years using multiple high intensity military psychological warfare operations. The flavor of OP? – trauma based, mainly. As such, it’s a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sale, setting fire to the restaurant, cover the escape and final thievery … and then what? – the elite are safe in their compounds, and the rest of us likely battle each other for scraps until something more awful than starvation kills us.
YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS – I’ve also said this.
YOU CONTROL your fate – even as a Christian, knowing GOD has a PLAN, I believe this.
And the ONLY WAY to manage the worst parts of what I describe? – liberty.
Liberty is not the “nice to have” later …
Liberty is how we avoid, possibly, an extinction level event.
Tyranny? – this is how the human race dies … not with a bang, but with a whimper.
But what WE DON’T NEED is more bullshit fear …
I don’t know for certain what is going on …
And, I could be wrong …
(something, below, from November 2019)
Guns …
“The best deal on a gun is using the black market.” – Dr. Freckles
“If you buy your guns at Cabela’s, you are a DUMB SHIT.” – Dr. Freckles
Government …
“Government IS the simulation.” – Dr. Freckles
Cops and Crime
You know what game theory tells me? – people are MORE LIKELY to commit crimes in a world of cops and prisons.
If they had to handle REAL consequences? – like a voluntary posse with some rope? – I think they would be less likely to commit a crime.
Legal system is a moral shield.
More COPS equals MORE CRIME for the same reason more pads under the uniform means more concussions for NFL players …
It seems counter intuitive, but both are examples of perverse incentives.
Cops/prisons/courts: make crime less dangerous for criminals …
It’s just like “pads” and helmets in football …
The naive woolly headed types say: it’s for protection …
But in reality: it allows for bigger players, harder less elastic collisions – which translates into more brain injury …
We protect the superficial, and sacrifice the irreplaceable …
That’s cops …
That’s the NFL …
The reality: from a game theory perspective, there’s simply too much incentive for cops to break the law as well. So the net effect of “more cops” is more crime.
Death postponed …
“Slavery is just DEATH, postponed.” – Dr. Freckles
“Discussion of UBI is the opium of the masses.” – Dr. Freckles
[curated: 3/27/2023]
Tolerance vs Promotion
“Tolerance of others is NOT the same as promoting sin.” – Dr. Freckles
A free society is likely, over time, to become a more tolerant society. This doesn’t mean people give up their principles, it simply means we hold a common principle – non-aggression and its corollary, self defense. Arguably, only a free society can achieve true tolerance as a virtue, because in order to survive in such an arrangement you MUST be a diplomat and a practitioner of basic human decency. But then there’s what’s going on in our pill-head neo-Stalinist hell hole, aka, the USA – it’s not about tolerance and peace, it’s become about acceptance and proliferation.
Here, now, the USA, we have an apparatus of information that is PROMOTING SIN as a form of tolerance. Let me explain.
I am fat, overweight. I will tell you that being FAT requires no shaming, being fat shames itself. I don’t require anyone to say “Dan, you’re fat” anymore than I want or need someone to say “Dan, it’s okay you’re fat”. It’s not okay, it requires ZERO additional public shaming. It also DOES NOT REQUIRE promotion: but promotion is what we’re getting in this debate, discussion. Now? – now you go to a store to buy clothes, and you see a LOT of fat-models showing off this year’s fashion. Fine … but is that really what people, even fat people, want to see? I have more to say about this later, but I can say: we are definitely in the zone of promoting the overweight lifestyle as good, normal, acceptable even enviable. Gluttony … not a good sign.
This applies to sexuality as well – in all its forms.
We should tolerate different perspectives regarding sexuality, while at the same time fostering a POWERFUL IDEA for a free society: keep your dirty deeds to yourself. Have sex, have sex with grizzly bears – I don’t like it, I don’t want to see it. If I go to a store to buy porno? – fine, that’s a choice. If you parade your junk in my fucking face? – that’s more like an act of aggression, and it’s not MICRO … and YET, our society is currently promoting the explicit and public exclamation of all kinds of sexual perversion, to INCLUDE pedophilia. This will not end well, it won’t end in tolerance, it will end in violence.
And as far as pedophilia, and rape, and other forms of immoral and INVOLUNTARY sexual practices? – in a free society, it is quite simple: fuck around, find out. Way more likely to achieve net-net justice than our current “justice system” (just saying).
Why does “drag queen story time” offend many Christians? – because Christians are harried and pilloried these days, it’s normal to mock a Christian. If a Christian wants mandatory “Jesus story time” at a public school? – this is NOT likely to happen without protests and lawsuits. But it seems to any ordinary Christian that the promotion of a version of sexuality, as if it were political ideology, is fully justified, protected, with FORCE, by the state.
If you’re a Christian, and looking for a good “sign of the times”, I’d pick this one: our society is way beyond tolerating sin, and we are now in the realm of promoting it. We steal poor people’s oil, we sell weapons and promote war, we print fake money to harm actual lives, we lie about pandemics, and race wars, and all kinds of fearful nonsense. We treat the basics of life as if they were investment schemes, and we turn in our brothers and sisters to the state. Not all are this sinful, this evil, but enough are that this monstrous harm is able to continue. The sign is this: our society is acting like Sodom, and PUSHING the evil on all, even angels if they were to visit one of our towns. We push evil, we push sin, not all the same evils, not all the same sins, some are “conservatives” pushing wars and some are “liberals” pushing enslavement, but they are ALL sinning, and they know it, and they know they are pushers.
So yeah – I’m fat. I don’t want anyone to think I’m proud of it, because I’m not. I suspect there’s more to the “obesity epidemic” than just poor life choices, but I’m beyond caring. If I’m right, obesity might be just another auto-immune disorder, but simply put: the Norman Borlag “miracle” was a unmitigated disaster for the human diet, and it was never going to last. So yeah, I’m fat. I also suspect a famine is coming. I’d contend the “Green Revolution” was a nutrient famine that’s been ongoing for 50 years.
I drink beer – guess what: you don’t need to promote it. Alcohol PROMOTES itself. No need to hype it, no need to tell Americans it’s “good for you”. There’s also no need for the endless parade of sober do-gooders telling us drinkers how much they’re life “has changed”. Fuck you, be happy about your “change” – most drunks I’ve met were just as drunk sober. If you’re really “sober and at peace”? – then maybe show it.
I use marijuana – but I do not consider it a sin. I’ve used it to treat anxiety and depression since 2008. Is it a perfect solution? – no. Is it immensely better than all the toxic shit the doctor has prescribed? – yes. So no, it’s no sin – and yet this crooked society, in many ways, still treats it as one. Again – you are in SODOM and this is how SODOM rolls …
In closing: we need to stop pushing sin, and we need to embrace human liberty as the moderating force. I’m not surprised the USA, as a late stage empire, is pushing sin – this is what corrupt late stage empires do … but I am surprised so many so-called Christians have been suckered by it.
The thing about sin? – it has NEVER needed a salesman.
(it has the Devil)
[curated: 3/27/2023]