“You can deal with your trauma, in whatever clean or messy way you have, or you can BECOME your trauma. It’s never been easier than that.” – Dr. Freckles
Do you take the money?
Thought Experiment or Gedanken:
Let’s say you were a podcaster, and you spoke YOUR truth. One day some dude comes to you and says – “I’ll give you $5 million to stop talking about your truth.”
Do you take the money?
If you do why?
If you don’t why?
I’m here … (a “I think therefore I am” rebuke)
“I’m here. You?” – Dr. Freckles
(fuck you Descartes)
Secrets and Lies …
One of the questions I placed on the chalkboard, based upon the books the students are reading, is the following:
What is the difference between a lie and a secret?
It doesn’t have a simple answer, and because of that it generates thinking …
People keep secrets … and this is something that we do for lots of reasons, some are good, some are bad.
People lie – but sometimes the lies are MORE ABOUT acceptance, and not just judging every “less than perfect” person around you.
History and Truth: Parts 1-5
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230920_History_and_Truth_P1.mp3
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230920_History_and_Truth_P2.mp3
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230920_History_and_Truth_P3.mp3
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230920_History_and_Truth_P4.mp3
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230920_History_and_Truth_P5.mp3
My favorite PHILOSOPHER …
“Asking me about my favorite MOVIE is a lot like asking me about my favorite PHILOSOPHER … but scratch that … the philosopher problem is easy – Jesus.” – Dr. Freckles
3 Stages of Consciousness …
The three stages of consciousness:
- “Holy CRAP, I’m here.”
- “Fuck, I’m here, and I don’t know enough.”
- “Shit, no one else knows enough EITHER ….” – GRIFTER
When I was a kid I had a bicycle.
My sister cried to my parents “let me ride Dan’s bicycle”.
I was angry and I told her “I hope you crash”.
She crashed, and had to be taken to the ER, chipped tooth.
That’s a CURSE. That’s CURSING.
When I was a boy, my “evil sister” was pissing me off …
She was standing on the deck of our second house, being a bitch.
I took the hose and sprayed the hornets nest in the cedar stump.
The hornets went after my yelling, EVIL, sister …
B.F. Skinner and the Trolley Problem …
“B.F. Skinner: the real INVENTOR of the Trolley Problem.” – Dr. Freckles
Well, actually, it would still be Satan that invented it.
(how many animals simply went into the corner of the cage and died?)
Knowing what to leave behind …
“The hardest lesson in life: know what to take with you, know what to leave behind.” – Dr. Freckles