Here’s the deal … if you just pick the radio button for “no, it’s not made for kids” – this does nothing … this is a trick and YouTube uses it to create account flags.
Make sure you open up the DIV and pick “yes, restrict my video to viewers over 18” – shouldn’t be necessary, but it is, or you run the risk of YouTube cancelling you.
That escalated quickly …
The POD I posted to YouTube was removed barely 10 hours after it was posted …
I am now on the same path I’ve been on before with YouTube – path to being banned.
ANOTHER THING: I don’t think my opinions on COVID are what caused this … I express those opinions in OTHER POSTED PODS on YouTube right now … nah …
It’s me calling Dane Wigington a fucking SHEEP DOG that caused …
Just as me calling BIDEN the Mayor of WA DC caused it the last time …
(tell me again about the free country – land of the free, home of the brave ???)
What does this mean? – other than handing out USB drives, my podcast is being buried, burned, shot up, and could be GONE in about 2 months …
(and the Sheep Dog, Dane Wigington, complains … what a fuck head)
If you are comfortable in your sobriety, why do you spend all day posting about it?
It really does remind me of the gun control idiots who have to tell us EVERY SINGLE FUCKING HORROR STORY over and over again …
(pretty much the same fucking vibe)
“Dan, drinking ruined my life …”
“So don’t drink …”
“But alcohol is so bad for you …”
“But …”
“Listen – you are sounding like someone that WANTS a DRINK …”
“That’s racist …”
(and scene)
Everything you do, obsessively, to include training for marathons and drinking? – means you are NOT doing other things …
(like caring for your family)
“Your smart device is the gaslight.” – Dr. Freckles
“The only thing dumber than ‘cops in space’, is the IRS after total thermonuclear war.” – Dr. Freckles
How big of a statist mind fuck is it when a science fiction TV show about a Moon lost in the depths of space, OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE, still have aliens show up, flashing their “business license” … WTF …
It’s like Fire Fly – the one thing about that show I found implausible, and this applies to STAR WARS as well … “cops and business licenses in deep space” …
(what the actual fuck)
In that controversial TV movie from the 80’s: “The Day After”
The IRS shows up, post nuclear war, to explain how folks who are dying in multiple ways still need to pay their taxes …
This is implausible, but it is the narrative the state wants you to believe.
I’ve been on TWITTER for a couple months, again, because I’ve been curious about Elon Musk’s “new regime” – spoiler alert: nothing has fucking changed, same censored, controlled, shit head platform …
But one of the GRAND things that ends up in my TL (unless I block people) are these dialogues from freaks who “are so happy” they quit drinking.
What’s really fun, is when one of these shit heads pulls up a random PSYOP gif of some terribly obese person, and then they start mocking, belittling, commenting, the same asshole that can’t have one beer … and can’t stop drinking unless they tell EVERYONE.
FUCK YOU … you think drinking is a waste of time?
Try …
The most enjoyable posts of these folks comes when they start making fun of fat people …
(irony undetected)
If you mistreated your home for thirty years, didn’t take care of it, didn’t paint it, shit all over it?
Then maybe spend more than a couple years taking care of the house before you give seminars …
Ever since the FUKUSHIMA disaster I have been, at least while I still lived in Seattle, sensitive to the articles from the Seattle Times. Keep in mind, I dealt with these mother fuckers in 2011 when I became a whistle blower regarding the purchase of Microsoft AMALGA by the UW health system.
Remember, they said “trust the science”? – but look at the shitty work they get away with when it comes to the state of the Puget Sound:
etc, etc, etc
But remember: when it comes to the monkey herpes (covid), you have to trust their CERTAINTY …
[curated: 3/20/2023]