A little Sunday Sovietology …

I haven’t been too sure what to think of the events in France …

And then yesterday TWITTER blew up, in part, because Elon Musk wanted to limit “viewing” – not tweeting, but viewing, liking, and networking.

(it’s an AD platform, content platform, according to these dip shits …)

(how do you make money limiting viewing, networking?)

Any who – this points in the direction that the SYSTEM is beginning to crack …

We’ll see.

GIANT KITES … (kite spinnaker)

Link: https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/30/travel/airseas-giant-kites-ships-slash-carbon-emissions-scn-climate-spc/index.html

Other “great ideas” that are nonsense:

  1. pulling cold water from the depths of the Arctic Sea to cool the ice
  2. using submarines to create giant “ice cubes” that can restore the arctic
  3. covering ice with silicate sand
  4. covering ice in tarps

What they ARE DOING, and have been doing, is geoengineering … and it’s just about tapped out in terms of effectiveness.


“If I were to describe the bullshit ‘climate’ dance between the LEFT and RIGHT? – it would be a LIE chasing a DECEIVER … decades of useless GASLIGHTING from all.” – Dr. Freckles

How big is it?

“The magnitude of a deception operation matches the magnitude of the real operation you’re trying to obscure.” – Dr. Freckles

If you’re trying to confuse the Germans before D-Day, and you have 10,000 tanks waiting to load on to ships? – probably best to have at least that many inflatable tanks some place else.

What you are hiding dictates the nature of the psychological warfare – and it’s scope/size.

  • Manhattan Project
  • Secret X-Plane Programs

Bottom line: if you have something big/ugly you need to hide? – you’ll need a big ugly PSYOP plan to hide it.