What the Ukraine PSYOP does:

Link: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-warns-over-reservoir-level-after-kakhovka-dam-collapse-2023-06-08/

  1. reduces access to the Arctic circle during a likely intense period of rapid permafrost collapse. This includes ESAS and Siberia.
  2. uses up western stockpiles of military grade small arms, rockets, anti-aircraft.
  3. It represents a low-level divide and conquer operation.
  4. Allows for the disappearance and rendition of Americans on a massive scale.
  5. As with table magic: it keeps the focus of curious minds AWAY FROM the Arctic and Antarctic.
  6. Another excuse for collapsing food production.
  7. Any increases of fire and smoke from the Russian arctic will be blamed on the “war”.

Frankly, the money laundering angle is dumb: they have been able to move BILLIONS for decades, no problem. Why would they need this kind of byzantine Rube Goldberg BS to launder money?

YouTube is on its way to banning me again … (probably)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230604_YOUTUBE_IS_BANNING_ME_AGAIN_PROBABLY.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

I think my YouTube channel will be banned soon. I have one strike for something they (YouTube shit heads) could find in just about any of my recently uploaded podcasts – so it’s a set up, and it was always expected.

But maybe you don’t want YOUR CHANNEL to get banned …

This is a short primer on how YOU can avoid your channel being permanently banned by YOUTUBE.


  1. The VIRUS is SO REAL.
  2. The VACCINE is necessary, but will poison and kill you.
  3. You cannot access healthcare without the vaccine.
  4. Men can have babies.
  5. We’ve always been at war with Russia.

(a lot of other nonsense to lengthy and banal to consider)

(just make sure you believe what YouTube wants you to believe)

(make sure you profess the “true” faith)


  1. Buy crypto.
  2. The Ukraine war is so real, GO UKRAINE.
  3. Get the vaccine.
  4. Don’t get the vaccine because everyone is getting poisoned.
  5. Wear the coffee filter.
  6. BLM/ANTIFA are so awesome … or they are really scary (any bipolar position is fine)
  7. There are drag queen story times everywhere now, and men can have babies.
  8. Home buying, selling.
  9. Various grifter cash flow schemes.
  10. Trump will save us OR Trump is the most evil.
  11. Biden is crazy and has dementia OR he is amazing.
  12. AI is coming to save us or kill us. (no third option allowed, like maybe they just leave)
  13. Geoengineering is happening, so hand out flyers.
  14. Geoengineering is not happening, so gaslight people.
  15. Dancing nurses is so heroic.
  16. Investing in the “markets”.
  17. Making money coding apps.
  18. Food and what you’re going to eat.


  1. Covid-19 being 100% military psychological warfare.
  2. BLM/ANTIFA is government sponsored nonsense.
  3. Ukraine war is probably managed and fake.
  4. Wearing the coffee filter harms you, assists and enables child trafficking.
  5. Crypto is an inflation dump engineered by the FED and the NSA.
  6. Methane or the collapse of the permafrost or the “clathrate gun”.
  7. “sheep dogs” – it’s taboo, since YouTube sponsors many of them.
  8. Trump being a faker.
  9. Biden is the Mayor of WA DC, if he’s anything.
  10. US Government is in collapse.
  11. That this is NOT Germany 1933 … this IS BERLIN, APRIL, 1945.
  12. That the Norman Borlaug “miracle” was always an ongoing and looming disaster – first came the nutrient famine, then came the famine-famine.
  13. Jesus in terms other than the accepted forms which usually involve obedience to the state.
  14. That drag queen story time is a low rent PSYOP, and men can’t have babies.
  15. That we are in the “brief intermission” right now, and ACT 3 starts soon, and it’s gonna be a humdinger …
  16. If “ACT 3” were not coming? – massive COVID class action lawsuits that would bankrupt every hospital system ARE coming … assuming you think 2024 is gonna be a “thing”.
  17. Boblimptock or Grinken Town or any of the Hooker Republics of Mars.
  18. Bigfoot, the wookie people – stay quiet.
  19. Don’t talk about SPACE … don’t talk about how many unique people have been to “space” in the last 60 years …


Don’t forget: for anything near the edge of the Overton Paddock?

You need to select “not for kids” and then ALSO open the hidden div and pick “yes, restrict to 18 or over” …

YouTube’s dirty trick …

Here’s the deal … if you just pick the radio button for “no, it’s not made for kids” – this does nothing … this is a trick and YouTube uses it to create account flags.

Make sure you open up the DIV and pick “yes, restrict my video to viewers over 18” – shouldn’t be necessary, but it is, or you run the risk of YouTube cancelling you.


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230514_FUCK_YOU_DAN.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

That escalated quickly …

The POD I posted to YouTube was removed barely 10 hours after it was posted …

I am now on the same path I’ve been on before with YouTube – path to being banned.

ANOTHER THING: I don’t think my opinions on COVID are what caused this … I express those opinions in OTHER POSTED PODS on YouTube right now … nah …

It’s me calling Dane Wigington a fucking SHEEP DOG that caused …

Just as me calling BIDEN the Mayor of WA DC caused it the last time …

(tell me again about the free country – land of the free, home of the brave ???)

  1. Noticing patterns at Bluehost that match how GoDaddy began treating me – not good.
  2. YouTube looks to be on the warpath against my account – and its 31 subscribers of “influence”
  3. Spotify/Anchor is also showing similar patterns …

What does this mean? – other than handing out USB drives, my podcast is being buried, burned, shot up, and could be GONE in about 2 months …

(and the Sheep Dog, Dane Wigington, complains … what a fuck head)

Your Sobriety …

If you are comfortable in your sobriety, why do you spend all day posting about it?

It really does remind me of the gun control idiots who have to tell us EVERY SINGLE FUCKING HORROR STORY over and over again …

(pretty much the same fucking vibe)

“Dan, drinking ruined my life …”

“So don’t drink …”

“But alcohol is so bad for you …”


“But …”

“Listen – you are sounding like someone that WANTS a DRINK …”

“That’s racist …”

(and scene)


Everything you do, obsessively, to include training for marathons and drinking? – means you are NOT doing other things …

(like caring for your family)


“The only thing dumber than ‘cops in space’, is the IRS after total thermonuclear war.” – Dr. Freckles

How big of a statist mind fuck is it when a science fiction TV show about a Moon lost in the depths of space, OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE, still have aliens show up, flashing their “business license” … WTF …

It’s like Fire Fly – the one thing about that show I found implausible, and this applies to STAR WARS as well … “cops and business licenses in deep space” …

(what the actual fuck)

In that controversial TV movie from the 80’s: “The Day After”

The IRS shows up, post nuclear war, to explain how folks who are dying in multiple ways still need to pay their taxes …

This is implausible, but it is the narrative the state wants you to believe.