Don’t question it!

If your minister tells you “don’t question it”, then they are taking on the mantle of God.

(and that means the minister might not be on God’s team)

The Lord gave us freewill and a mind for a reason: USE THAT POWER

(throw in the Holy Spirit and discernment? – you’re cooking with gas)

I’m a Christian, I question everything – including my faith.

I think the Lord in Heaven smiled when Thomas stuck his hand in His Son’s wound …

I think he might have said: “they’re growing up”

Loneliness, modernity and Christ …

We are forgiven and saved through Christ.

But he also expects us to live the Kingdom Life in each day – and it’s a little more complicated than just “don’t drink beer” or “smoke cigs” …

We need to dedicate our day to Jesus as disciples, spread the Word, act and do as Christ would, lead by example … not perfect, but Christian.

If a person spends their whole day on the internet, then that is also a limit, a control, a separation from Christ.

But meditate on the engineered loneliness, so “accidental” as a side-effect of modernity. I am not surprised people spend their day online … it’s as much of a connection they will get that whole day. Doesn’t make it good or bad, but it does call into question our ideas concerning community.

Any who – the Lord knows me better than any, especially YOU the random internet voyeur …

I await His judgment.