You know WHY the West abandoned Russia post Soviet collapse?
Because the CIA controlled the USSR …
And that which the CIA cannot control? – the CIA destroys.
You know WHY the West abandoned Russia post Soviet collapse?
Because the CIA controlled the USSR …
And that which the CIA cannot control? – the CIA destroys.
“The harder it is to find on the WWW, the more subversive it actually is.” – Dr. Freckles
If your FAVORITE YOUTUBE STAR has more than 100 subscribers? – chances are they’re saying precisely what the system wants them to say.
“Why would the government give up on racism when it divides so many good people?” – Dr. Freckles
“The nicest people I’ve met in the INTEL WORLD are drunks.” – Dr. Freckles
“Weak men, and women, let trauma monkeys pull them by the nose.” – Dr. Freckles
“Do you think it’s accidental that THEY manage to pack your fears into well designed doses of rage?” – Dr. Freckles
How do you know it’s a trauma monkey?
On an individual scale, you might thing these “trauma monkeys” create instability.
But on a population scale they operate like a sedative.
People, too busy focused on bullshit, not really focused on what they need to be focused on.
Table top magic.
“If there were a ‘heaven’ for grifters, it would look like WA DC.” – Dr. Freckles
“Trump derangement syndrome is much worse among the MAGA folks.” – Dr. Freckles
“Trauma based mind control has a short half-life.” – Dr. Freckles