“If you’re heading to a protest directed against STATE POWER in the USA, and you’re NOT visiting the Eccles Building? – then it’s fake.” – Dr. Freckles
“It was COVID-19 …”
“If someone tells you that YOU have COVID-19? – SEEK AT LEAST ONE OTHER OPINION. If a hospital said your loved one died of COVID-19? – hire a fucking lawyer.” – Dr. Freckles
“COVID” in a crowded theater …
“I remember this ONE TIME the most powerful people that ever lived yelled FIRE in a crowded theater … what am I thinking of?” – Dr. Freckles
“Shelter in Place”
“shelter in place” == “lockdown” == “house arrest”
My TED TALK is over.
The IDF and Paragliders …
You can believe one of the following, but not both:
a) Israel was attacked by poors with paragliders and nearly destroyed
b) the IDF is the most elite military force in the Middle East, perhaps the WORLD
(you can believe one, not both)
Archaeology of human language …
“The true archaeology of human language leads to liberation.” – Dr. Freckles
Wow: she’s still alive …
Empire …
A simple process for douches who want to steal shit:
- find a country that has shit you want
- install shit head as LEADER
- let it boil for 5 to 10 years
- Declare shit head “evil” and invade
(rinse and repeat)
Sheep dipping …
- What is it?
- What is it today?
- Does it require consent or knowing participation?
I have many neuro-linguistic, lesser magic tools … one is “CREED” …
I’ll go to a bar, and if the waitress asks if I like the music? – I ask for CREED.
(my generation’s “Catcher in the Rye” crazy signal)
- party staring trick
- making up words
- penis surgery pics
and so many more