- one of them participated directly in the COVID FEAR OP.
- the other gaslit the poors.
Now they talk of PSYWARS … great … listen to these shitheads at your own peril.

Now they talk of PSYWARS … great … listen to these shitheads at your own peril.
“Trump can’t do nothing …” – need to spin that narrative early, amirite?
If you know the US dollar is being repudiated by trading partners, then a GREAT WAY to cover up THAT BULLSHIT is … wait for it … TARIFFS …
If you can’t force them to use the dollar at gun point? – you still put a troll under the bridge.
What happens if CHINA told you, 5 years ago, that they were not accepting $USD instruments in trade?
How do you get those HD-TV’s with spy chips into COSTCO and WALMART?
(you barter)
(chicken, beef, pig, oil, gold, silver, real things that really matter)
What if the main target of strategic military psychological warfare since 2020 has been almost solely the USA?
(dollar collapse is my best case scenario)
Here are some email addresses you should flag as spam and delete (BONUS: you can troll them):