There are levels of pathetic servitude, and then there’s “debating” how the poors will set their watches.
There are levels of pathetic servitude, and then there’s “debating” how the poors will set their watches.
One more thing: if you ever see a documentary or film about child trafficking and the VATICAN is not mentioned? – then you’re stuck in a limited hangout.
It took the BUSH administration 15 minutes after 9/11 to start melting down the steel beams and destroy evidence.
But “Biden” is having problems getting rid of border wall steel.
(totally believable story)
“Heat Dome”
“Atmospheric River”
“Overland Hurricane”
“Clouds dropping from the sky, not rolling in like the title of that MUSICAL score …”
“Wind starting and stopping as if on schedule …”
“Smelly rain …”
“Snow falling above freezing …”
It’s the most wonderful time of year.
At some point you have to ask some questions about the slash-line across the USA where one side is HOT and the other COLD, one side WET and the other in DROUGHT (for 20 years) … totally makes sense. All of it.
If you were writing a musical about the weather these days, how would it go? What would be the theme? The arc? The story? The melody? The surprise?
(give it a shot mother fucker)
Once again, being dummies, Zero Hedge leaves the silent part OUT …
(this works better than some libertarian freak or anarcho-capitalist recommending crypto)
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/microsoft-shareholders-vote-no-bitcoin-reserve
I’m thinking about my next computer project, and I’m tempted to build a narrative analyzer. Basically, LLM trained on “news” headlines from RSS feeds with the purpose of identifying key trends, focus, placement.
They say “no press is bad press”, and this is still true and maybe a hint.
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/god-darkness-asteroid-will-pass-extremely-close-earth-2029
Nice set up for a story.
This was an HBO movie from 1990: “By Dawn’s Early Light”.
Not a bad film, but the premise is accidental or triggered accidental nuclear war. This is also the premise of the story SUM of ALL FEARS.
In fact, I can’t think of many FUCKING nuclear war MOVIES that didn’t have as an aspect or premise ACCIDENTAL nuclear war: On The Beach, DR. STRANGELOVE, FAILSAFE, DEF CON 4, etc … etc … it’s robots or faulty wiring or some random “McPoyle” with too much clearance. Accidental has been a key message of the nuke war narrative during my lifetime. Almost like the “pandemic” thing, you could guess that THIS might be (along with Blue Beam) a possible “covid” scale psyop.
SCENARIOS in order of likelihood:
KEEP IN MIND: you can’t really “fake” a nuclear war, if you could they would have done it already. You can fake the reasons, and limit the damage.
Do I think someone could trigger a nuclear war? – yes. But you’d have to have the set up first, which means the US would already have to be near a state of full scale war with the nation in question. Russia is the only nation that matches these criteria. I started warning friends, families, listeners, about this scenario 10 fucking years ago – IDGAF what happens now. I just hope I get taken out in the first wave: whether it’s limited or full scale. I don’t want my friends or family to get hurt, so that does complicate things ethically.
BUT PER THE SCRIPT? – are they going to make it look like Russia nuked Donetsk, and unlike in the film do WE (NATO) play the decaying empire this time?