(calling all sovietologists)

(calling all sovietologists)
It’s a love train, and everyone is getting on it …
(do you think this indicates something GOOD is coming or something quite terrible?)
The “remote viewing” limited hangout has been around for 30 fucking years, as a matter of public record. They are famous for saying there was a spaceship in the tail of Hale Bopp and some believe this triggered the “Heaven’s Gate” folks to take their trip to the farm.
5 years of non-stop medium to high intensity military psychological warfare does WHAT?
(say what suicide)
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/amazon-slammed-editing-classic-christmas-movie
Why, all of the sudden, are we finding this out?
Remember the FEAR-NADO of the Spring of 2020? – TIK TOK was a HUGE part of that mind fuck … the covid … the dancing nurses … the BLM/ANTIFA/PROUD-BOY bullshit …
So yeah: not shocked BLUMP is looking out for an old friend.