“The nature of a free society is to achieve healthy equilibrium with the whole ecology and randomness.”
– Dr. Freckles
“The nature of a free society is to achieve healthy equilibrium with the whole ecology and randomness.”
– Dr. Freckles
“Of all the rabbit holes you can go down intellectually, Carl Gustav Jung is one of the DEEPEST and most arcane.” – Dr. Freckles
“Commies talk about the ‘state withering away’, anarchists know talk is cheap.” – Dr. Freckles
“You come from the jungle, I come from the sea. You come from the forest, I come from the tree.” – Dr. Freckles
“They euphemize you before they euthanize you.” – Dr. Freckles
“If you’re afraid of failure, this is the worst place to be born.” – Dr. Freckles
“I think I’ve fucked up so much I’ve learned a few things.” – Dr. Freckles
“A great teacher doesn’t just tell the truth, they help others to know and teach the truth.” – Dr. Freckles
“The ‘woke’ psyop, which DRUMP would/will hijack, is NOT tolerant: they will give you 3 flavors, if you want flavor number 4? – you go to the camps.” – Dr. Freckles
“People will often steal your smiles, so keep them safe and close to your heart when you need to.” – Dr. Freckles
“You won’t be POSTING SHIT to Tik Tok during GRINKEN TIME, you’ll be avoiding cannibals and pig farmers and Chinese restaurants.” – Dr. Freckles
“Psychological warfare is spiritual warfare by other means.” – Dr. Freckles
Def: https://www.britannica.com/event/Dark-Ages
“Dark Ages are defined in terms of the LOSS of the predominant form of communication and record keeping, so the next DARK AGE will probably be about the WWW and computerization.” – Dr. Freckles