You think your AR-15 is gonna save you?

You think your AR-15 is gonna SAVE YOU, do YA?

… like it’s the CIVIL WAR and crap?

You sit there in your wall to wall carpeted condo, snorting axle-dust and beating off to 2 LIVE CREW music. You have black-light posters of Black Sabbath and talk up the GOOD GAME of “bunkers” and “hooker harems” and stockpiles of MOUNTAIN DEW CODE RED. Your chili-cracker hideout has already been targeted by KING JUSSAR and the GENERAL is sending a missile your way … and you think that AR-15 is gonna save you?

You think that GUN protects your kids?

There of mug-night scum that wander S’compton and nearby and wait for you and your slut wife to go to sleep. They have bats and chain and lead pipes, they slunk about half naked and high on PCP and KROKODIL and METH. Their teeth are red and yellow with the still wet grizzle of some tough customer they had to take out behind the Wendy’s … Your kids will be hunted, as you sleep with your AMBIEN whore, and they will be shipped to Saudi Arabia and turned into WHITE SLAVE CATAMITE FREAKS … and your gun didn’t stop those gypsies, it just made them lustier, angrier, wrathful and overwrought.

You just bought a flamethrower?

What are you going to do with that flamethrower?

You think you’re tough enough to take on the WHOLE 82nd AIRBORNE DIVISION with that one flamethrower?

Brumble-beasts will saunter their way to your humble abode, releasing the stench of your GUNS and KNIVES and FLAMETHROWERS. Your kids and family trusted you to protect them, and you bragged and bragged about your precious flamethrower. You told TODD, your neighbor, “hey man, I got this basement of food and ammo and AR-15s … and now I got this flamethrower man …”. Todd’s family began starving first, and Todd would come by, awkwardly, begging for his family – and you would, politely, turn him down … Sure, you stand watch with your .357 RUGER REDHAWK, and your flamethrower nearby, but you need sleep, whiskey … Todd comes by one night when you’re passed out on the couch and brains you with that award you won for teamwork and then he ties up your wife and kids … steals your food … ammo … flamethrower … and burns your house down …

Are you SURE that AR-15 is gonna help you?

You’re being chased by TEAM X-RAY, the most advanced United Nations special ops team. They’ve tracked your truck to REALM 77ROMEO and plan on dropping a mini-nuke on your position. They have shoulder fired nukes, 1KT yield, capable of taking out a whole city block man … and they’re coming for you. They have neutron bomb hand grenades they’re gonna shove up your butt, and then toss your ass over the cliff … and below, as you smash upon the rocks, you’ll see your BLACK RIFLE, your AR that’s been chambered for .300 WIN MAG and has that slick polymer stock … that’s the last thing you see …

You THINK that SUV is gonna SAVE YOU?

You and your family are huddled in some WINNEBAGO being driven by William Shatner, chased across the desert by warlocks and witches and Satanists and KELMO-DOOGS. And they ride hard with their feisty gaze and seek to set fire to your bitches and your blow. What? You think your off road vehicle is gonna help you now? You gonna “put her in low” and power up that hill up yonder? What the fuck dude … YOU ARE DOOMED … YOU DOOMED YOUR FAMILY … all for your SUV …

You think that pilot’s license is enough?

You think people will just be LINED UP or FORMED UP in squares and phalanxes and various impostures of cubes and pyramids and triangles?

You think people will be formed up into trapezoids? DO YOU? LIKE YOU’RE MOTHER FUCKING GENERAL SHERMAN MARCHING ON TOKYO!?!

You gonna load up your CESSNA with molotov cocktails and cigarette booty?

You gonna ride down them FEDS with your propeller driven demon, you painted it woodland loam for some reason, but it won’t matter when the USMC pulse cannon takes you out of the SKY!

You really think that AR-15 is gonna do ANYTHING?

When those BLUE BLOOD PURPLE HAIRS come with their TECH and TANKS and PREDATOR drones to shove a hellfire up yer butt and watch your neighborhood glow WHITE HOT with phosphorous bombs and belly shaped dream winkles … what ya gonna do?

You think this will be like the last time …

This time they’ll have CAPTAIN AVATAR and his WAVE MOTION GUN and you won’t be able to resist the GREAT POWER of the STAR FORCE as they shove the ARGO in your fat face …

(you feel me)

I don’t understand …

“When someone says ‘I don’t understand’ while you’re arguing? – it usually means they DO understand, and now know you’re right, but want to find a weasel way out of the whole thing.” – Dr. Freckles

(also see: gaslighting)

Predictive Programming or Battlefield Preparation

2011 movie “Contagion” ???

100% the plot of the “covid”, or what I call and have called since the spring of 2020: monkey herpes

Is that predictive programming, or is it battlefield preparation?

The same thing applies to the BLM/ANTIFA nonsense, a lot of media was produced prior to 2020 that more or less “radicalized” the youth towards the managed silliness post George Floyd. Battlefield is prepared, they know and understand the dog whistle.


“Where did OBAMA come from? – the magical CIA nowhere. Where did he go to? – same place.” – Dr. Freckles





Everyone is DEAD:

The Last Human:

Intermittent Truth Telling:


Dark Side of Boblimptock:



“Living in this fallen world, you’re gonna step on some paws.” – Dr. Freckles

I was going to walk the dogs this morning and something happened to little Shaggy …

  1. going OUT THERE, taking risks
  2. making friends
  3. falling in love
  4. being yourself
  5. walking dogs – they need it, but sometimes …