If you are DUMB ENOUGH to believe in “stochastic terrorism”, then you’d have to believe the BEATLES were a terrorist group, because they released the WHITE ALBUM … with Helter Skelter …

Or go after rap artists like Tipper Gore did with her warning labels …

(all stochastic terrorists)

Cannibalism …

I don’t know if people see this coming – here, in the “City of Rome”, we still have food and drink and entertainment, but for how much longer?

And will you get warning from the authorities of man, or will you be left, blank faced, staring into the abyss as your world falls apart and the grocery store goes bare?

“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” – Matthew 24:22

Gravity Battery

If you read the “Medieval Machine” by Jean Gimpel, you will come across examples of this kind of energy storage going back thousands of years …

It is simple a PE (potential energy) storage system or abstract dam …

Dams are PE batteries – they store energy as water held at a certain height, and then releasing this stored PE translates to electricity in the turbine/generator system …


A. J. From Florida and I discussing this in 2019 …