I saw my doctor …
He says I have “Enzo Carditis” …
“There’s a tiny little Italian goombah, living in your heart, screaming for gabagool.”
My physician, Dr. Grunkis, works out of an alley in Little Saigon, Seattle. He has a nurse named Jenny, and he uses an old Florsheim shoes foot x-ray. He popped that jenky thing over my chest, and it made a terrible noise as I felt burning and smelled burning chest hair.
“You can see here, there’s the problem”, Doc points randomly at the fluoroscope, and then motions his nurse for the anesthetic – a fifth of Jack and a couple swacks across the head with a tent-peg hammer.
The surgery to remove the little ENZO took 5 hours, and the sirens from cop cars pulling into the alley is what woke me up …
And that little Enzo, he just scampered into the sewers … screaming “GABAGOOL” …