- There is a min-max algorithm in computer science, so I name it this because I don’t want to get sued.
- This is a game of TERMS: constants and algebraic fragments, atoms of mathematics. Your job is to COMBINE these terms in such a way that some quantitative goal is achieved.
- There are two kinds of cards: number cards and algebra cards. The number cards contain positive and negative integers, zero, and positive and negative fractions. The algebra cards contain a term that can be used by substituting one of the number cards (or two if there are two variables) for the variables. Once used in the algebra term the numbers cannot be used for anything else.
- Deal 2 or more number cards to each player or team. The number of cards dealt per player or team is up to the skill level of the players. But it must be the same number per team or player.
- Deal one algebra card per player in addition to their at least 2 number cards.
- Using the numbers from the cards, PEMDAS, and the one algebra card, generate the largest value possible or the smallest depending upon the agreed goal of the match or game. REMEMBER: you can only use a number card ONCE.
- YOU MUST USE EVERY OPERATOR ALLOWED (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) at least ONCE before you can repeat the application of the operator. This also means the player has to be SMART about what they do first, second, third, fourth … depending upon how many numbers/term cards are handed out per player (and these are like moves that can be applied to a blackjack or poker or other version of the game). Parentheses are FREE and you can use as many as you want, as long as you use them correctly.
- Using only ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION or DIVISION (and parentheses are allowed) generate the biggest number possible. You can only use the numbers ONCE. If you are dealt an algebra card, you will need to substitute one or two numbers into the variable. The rules of mathematics governs this.
- If it’s a MIN-GAME, you want to achieve the smallest number and it could very well be a negative number.
- You cannot use exponents unless it is part of an algebra card.
- There are many games that can be conceived of using these number cards and algebra cards and there is no need to list them all here.
- You can add a timer and make that part of the game, you could present a massive problem and present it to the players as a shared problem: first to maximize the set of cards presented wins.
- These games teach mathematics explicitly via the game itself, but also can be used to discuss combinatorics and probability, because like any card game those rules apply as well.
Printable Card PDF (make sure to use card stock, paper is okay but gets really flimsy):
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_1.pdf
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_2.pdf
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_3.pdf
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_4.pdf
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_5.pdf
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_6.pdf
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_7.pdf
- https://planetarystatusreport.com/maxmin/PAGE_8.pdf