MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20250125_BFW1.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
I’ve said enough, perhaps too much. If you believe TRUMP is going to make America great again? – that’s fine, that’s YOUR PROBLEM now. If you think TRUMP is literally HITLER, and is going to put you in a CAMP? – whatever, that’s your trauma monkey, not mine.
I’ve said this off and on since 2021, that I should just do 100% fiction. What’s the point in reflecting on what I believe is TRUE?.
- Best case we are on the verge of a 100 year breakdown in just about everything. SEE: A DISTANT MIRROR by BARBARA TUCHMAN. And this was my baseline assessment ten years ago: https://planetarystatusreport.com/pdf/20160729_Odds_Of_Survival.pdf
- Worst case we are on the verge of something so fucking terrible that TPTB would use strategic military psychological warfare to conceal; they “carpet bombed” the THIRD EYE, and gave the hoi polloi lesser catastrophes for their intuition to grab on to (Covid, BLM/ANTIFA, Biden Trauma Drama, Putin, Trump:hero or villain, etc). Imagine something that would be concealed by this much fucking smoke, and TRUMP is the penultimate smoke grenade: WTAF do you think that hides?
Beyond this there is no point.
If I’m wrong, switching to 100% fiction for my podcast is simply hedging against a prediction that I hope, sincerely, is wrong. I’m not a monster and I do not revel in the coming of chaos that will destroy communities, ruin lives, grinding up life and livelihood, creating orphans, widows, widowers, mourners, everywhere. A scenario so bad that IF we make it, as a species? – a whole bunch of new nursery songs about death will be retold, and one day written and written about.
So there it is … I’m going to try to finish the draft of BIGFOOT WAR 1 by the middle of February.
Have I sworn off rant-pods and other commentaries? – no, but I think I’ll make it more specific and focused and shorter … 20 minutes max.
A.I. BIMBO ERUPTION (CONTINUES): https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17406
POSITIVE CHANGE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17403
LANCE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17400
A little truth: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17394
SO CLOSE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17391
ARCTIC TEMPERATURES: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=17388