REMEMBRANCE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14224109/sky-king-rich-russell-horizon-crash-barrel-roll-2018.html
- This coming summer will be a BARN BURNER for the Northern Hemisphere, expect that 2018-style “Sky King” smog, red-orange-brown skies, for weeks on end my friend. As the humidity spikes and it’s 4 weeks of 100+ degrees weather in Seattle.
- September 2025 will have the first statistically ice-free day in the Arctic Ocean, this “blue ocean” event will signal a beast rising up from a boiling sea. If it lasts too long? – no flesh will be left alive.
- JD TRANCE will replace PAPA BLUMP TRUMP via assassination and BLAME GAME WRANGLING. TRANCE and TULSI will REIGN SUPREME as TWO KINGS. But … there’s a potato famine in Idaho and Tulsi has a BIG SURPRISE, and you WON’T BELIEVE IT.
- SCARLETT J and ICE SPICE will be caught doing the CUPPING and SCISSORING in a VEGAS STYLE NEVADA DUMP, while also doing meth and herpes-skank-weed. They’ll go on some kind of lesbian ROMP of Thailand, but then eventually they give up and turn back to man meat. All of this happens before December 13th, 2025.
- Some kind of half-ass full scale nuclear war is triggered, using IRAN and ISRAEL and TRANCE’S cocaine habit as a pretext or casus belli … SCORG, the WHISPER-WIZARD (AKA Bill Gates) convinces ELON GUSK to “launch a bunch of nukes” and hope for the best. MUSK-LUSK is at the time undergoing the surgeries required to become a real style woman beast with large knockers and a real tight pussy.
- THEY BE LOOKING AT MY FEAR-SAUSAGE, and taking turns counting the ways. I cross the street not far from 4th AVE, near JINCTON STREET, where the alligator shoe salesmen spread their BEADS among the savages, vying for NEW AMSTERDAM SPECIALS for 99 cents. The small ones carry hatchets, their dogs carry swords.
- DISTRAUGHT TRAVELERS from HEEPTOUS TOWN will be caught at sea, trying to flee the VORTEX SHIFTERS of QUADRANT-56. All the TRIXIE girls will hurl their fag-stew at the gorlax-monsters and tree-huggers coming down from Vancouver. Portland legends get lost on the coast road and the toad mic concert is held not far from CATALINA, where eel princes wager on the ghost warriors and their skill.
- Matt Prince and Erik Prince will swap wives/lovers while ERIK is vacationing in Park City, UTAH. This will happen Thanksgiving Weekend, 2025.
- On August 3rd, 2025, 700 people will drown in Costa Rica.
- THE LA FIRES of January 2025 will look like NOTHING by the end of 2025.
- James Woods will join the Trump administration as an advisor on arts and film. This will be announced in May of 2025.
- I will begin taking MAN-HORMONES to increase my T and improve my libido. I will begin massaging whale grease into my bones with that new tool I bought at NAPA AUTO PARTS. I will drink SEA-FLOW SPIDER EGG kombucha, and will find myself lost along the porn star alley road, where Ron Jeremy will become my Jiminy Cricket.
- As you already know, I will change my name to COCK CHUDSON and become a middle-aged grey-haired boovula charmer in the valley where the GREAT FILMS are SHOT and I won’t get caught in no genital crab controversy, AVA ADAMS will be there to comfort me.
- IF YOU ARE MAGA MAN you will spend several hours crying before the end of 2025.
- IF YOU ARE CRYPTO MAN you will spend several days crying before the end of 2025.
- IF YOU ARE PROG-COMMIE-BLM-ANTIFA-DRAG MAN? – you are already crying, you are deeply confused about the timeline.
- If you are one of my sisters? – we haven’t spoken in years, likely we never will again. Not enough time in the world, you are all in my prayers, good luck to you and your families and your stuff.
BIG BOMB 81 GIGATONS: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2501.06623v1
Google Patent: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20110005422A1/en

GARBAGE PEOPLE: SyFy Movie Channel Movies

“Freedom does not mean NO CONSEQUENCES, it means you have a choice to avoid them and if necessary deal with them.” – Dr. Freckles
Government …
“The government is a thing that sells you stuff it does not own.” – Dr. Freckles
(the Devil works like that too)

AFTER BW1: my time-machine paper


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20250301_ASTRONAUTS_CRYING.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
“You ever see a movie showing an astronaut crying in ZERO GRAVITY?” – Dr. Freckles
(does the tear roll down the cheek)
(does it speak the truth of space)
(is the race a pack of liars?)
- they never show wet hair
- they don’t talk about sweat
- their cum floats through the air ducts
- enough time, a space baby is born
- do you get to masturbate in space?
Special sex pants?
Literal and figurative “baby diapers”?
How ya gonna make that bacon, Kevin?
Link: https://www.space.com/20597-how-astronauts-cry-space-video.html
PLACES YOU CAN’T GO: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=18424
DEI PORTAL: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=18395
PSYOP NEVER DIES: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=18391
NOISE MAKER: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=18388
AIDS: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=18421

“Eventually it’s hard to get excited about places you can’t go.” – Dr. Freckles
“I have aids …”
“You complain about the porn-bots, I tell them about my AIDS; we are not the same.” – Dr. Freckles