I am made of microplastics.
My parents were made from microplastics.
There are microplastics in my jizz and your boovula and in the air that we breathe, each day. Clumps of synthetic nonsense, nano scale and dangerous, lurking in our brains. Your cat is obsessed with microplastics, your dog’s poop is FILLED with microplastics. There are nights I wake up shaking, baking from the heat of a HELL so DEEP where SATAN RIDES the pony and hangs with KONY-2012. In that cavernous realm of stool-monkeys and hester-demons, the ant-hawks recoil in FEAR to hear that more CHUCK-SAM-CHINK chili is on its way, and the micro-plastic river flows … it’s here to STAY!
Most people worship a micro-plastic god. Orange and shiny, built from the HEAP of humanity’s lost toil. THE MICRO-PLASTIC god is your means to an end, and yesterday’s friend becomes tomorrow’s FRENEMY – and all old debts are repaid in full. The SEAGULL and the carp sing of micro-plastic ZING, a ZESTY and flavorful ZAZZ that spits out monkey-cum-breakfast for everyone to see. My blood is 100% microplastics, your mind is micro-plastic goo.
There are microplastics in salmon eggs and the entrails of eels and other pond scum.
There are microplastics built up in your GUT and your intestines, your testicles and broken heart.
Your favorite dress is stained with your sister’s cum, and that cum is made of microplastics.
Your lesbian neighbors are spreading peanut butter on their boovulas, so they can play with their FRENCHIE: and the peanut butter and the Frenchie are made of microplastics.
In the coming months, when the grocery stores and supermarkets and WALMART SUPER CENTERS run out of food? – you will be SCREAMING for more of that micro-plastic slurry. You’ll go to the landfill in a hurry and harvest needle-worms and rat-goblins, and crush that shit up with old Styrofoam cups and lost TUPPERWARE PARTY makeover holiday spud cases. You will huddle by a dwindling fire, wearing tattered and smelly clothes, body covered in tumors, and you’ll eat that “stew” with your family, and poop it out with blood in the morning; that bloody MESS will be inundated with microplastics.