“I don’t know if the REAL REVOLUTION will be televised, but it will have concertina wire.” – Dr. Freckles
What kind of sauce?
“Heuristic: if they ask you WHAT KIND of sauce do you want slathered all over your lasagna? – leave the restaurant.” – Dr. Freckles
IDIOCRACY: and other impossibly dumb shit
“For Mike Judge: you don’t get 500 years to be stupid.” – Dr. Freckles
“Solutions that are really new problem generators? – they do not end well.” – Dr. Freckles
New Olympic Sport: JUDGE TACKLING!
Do you take the money?
Thought Experiment or Gedanken:
Let’s say you were a podcaster, and you spoke YOUR truth. One day some dude comes to you and says – “I’ll give you $5 million to stop talking about your truth.”
Do you take the money?
If you do why?
If you don’t why?
I’ve been naming the deer …
“I’ve been naming the deer here, in the woods, as they pass by: ‘Cheese Burger’, ‘Stew’, ‘Pepperoni Pizza’, ‘Meat Ball’, it feels cozy.” – Dr. Freckles
China’s Potemkin Villages
“China has turned the Potemkin Village into a science.” – Dr. Freckles
How can we?
“How can we collect taxes if we don’t raise money from taxes?” – Dr. Freckles
Red Queen Hypothesis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Queen_hypothesis