GULAG for WOMEN! (coming soon)



Ash and trash …


If you want to donate, there is a link at my site, PLANETARYSTATUSREPORT.COM

My contact email:

FCC Behavior …

It’s murky …


  1. shit
  2. piss
  3. fuck
  4. cunt
  5. cocksucker
  6. motherfucker
  7. tits


  1. Boovulate
  2. Scrunctus
  3. Devoolia
  4. Tridesto
  5. Nistorian Pincter Splink
  6. Sorgo-Trog
  7. Sideways-Sally Mist Party
  8. Jergin
  9. Boblimptock
  10. Grinken
  11. Sclisserate
  12. Annoolibitis
  13. Test-Rock-Pony



“GULAG for WOMEN …” (starring digitized 1970’s PAM GRIER)


  1. You get rights to Griner’s story, ASAP.
  2. You hire Pam and get rights to her digitized 1970’s self.
  3. You hire some B-LIST, but dishy, female actors.
  4. You write the script in a weekend.
  5. Griner never goes to the prison …
  6. You still release the movie.
  7. People believe the movie …

“I saw it in a movie … m’kay …”

Shit you hear …

“Whatever shit you hear? – might be shit in your ear.” – Dr. Freckles

Ya think?

I have covered the western lands in muck dust, leaving on the tracings of bent and broken nargin-thieves. Jungis? The Grov-Lord? He stole our ancient scepter and sold that crap to some hookers near Grinken Town.

I had an inconceivable fear of frog swamps, where the last of the old gilley-rats were sacrificed to Bael. I would spend my nights sniffing after cat flowers and wrestling dolphins near the inlet where they dumped those bodies last year, that place where all the old folks were taken. You could say I was in a hurry to find lightning style love.

It was your own moon unit that led the way to the demon caves, somewhere near Heber, where the ancient Ute shaman would lurk and gather Indio-grievous dust and jurgen-paste. They would smear a gumbo of dead coyote and wasted lives upon their broken bodies and then hunt after the scarlet beaver of RUNEVILLE. And with turquoise treasure and love magic, they’d find their own beastly wives ingroogliating their boovula.

The way you tell it, you were a golden boy or golden girl when the BEEGEES road STRONG and that old queen, Elton John, ruled Boy’s Town. You had green eyes and yellow teeth and your children were whale herders, no longer in contact with ordinary Horgen-Folk, but eating by themselves at Old Schlimby’s Beef Stew Warehouse … and the rat stew had the odor of afterbirth and failure.

Take your Romeo style gigolos and your pastel swimming trunks and that snotty attitude. Go down to STRUNKER’S MEAT PALACE and buy yourself some hammerhead chili. And when you’ve finished? – understand that your world is broken and left to the smoke demons.

Nothing is protected …


people believe, in this “digital age”, it’s harder to “lie about the numbers” …

But as someone who has worked on clinical informatics projects, places like Harborview in Seattle?

(it’s literally, lopsidedly, the opposite)

(way easier to lie)