Show me GROK …

Show me nuns wearing bikinis, the nuns are riding motorcycles.

The nuns are carrying guns.

Show me NUNS riding sharks, the nuns are wearing bikinis.

The nuns are carrying guns.

Show me nuns wearing only bikinis. The nuns are carrying swords.

The nuns are riding hippos in a swamp.

Show me a steaming hot bitch …

Carrying her gun like a witch …

She’s riding a wolf.

She’s a nun, carrying a gun … FUCK YOU GROK … shock me.

Show me that bitch, scantily clad.

Show me stripper style nuns …

Show me nuns having fun …

Show me nuns wearing bikinis, show me nuns bowling all night …

Show me the power of BOOVULA style BOWLING.

Show me a nun, all alone, at the WALMART, looking for fun in the sun …

Show me a nun carrying a gun, she’s wearing almost nothing, she bathed by lust.

And if that nun has gusto? – she’ll show you to the other side of Boblimptock, where the Robinhood bat lives …

Show me that nun, and her gleaming eyes, and her juicy thighs …

Don’t lie preacher.

Show me nuns riding an orca whale, and being chased by demon Trump …

Their lives are in a real slump.

Show me a voluptuous nun, riding her tiger, dressed for sex on the run …

She’s got a gun, she’s looking for death, and there’s nothing left, but her own swamp torment …

Show me THAT NUN buddy … show it GROK.

Show me a nun riding a half-spider and half-chicken monster …

She’s got a gun too …

She’s ready for fun too …

Show me a nun, deep in Antarctica, riding a lost polar bear, seeking after penguin style love …