MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230205_Faith_Journey.mp3
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Struggling with my faith …
Not sure what to say here …
I’ve had a hard time with consistent prayer and meditation …
My Bible study has been crap …
Not sure what to make of this – being here, in Utah, has been mostly a blessing of peace. Sure, there are struggles, but that’s life.
Elon Musk didn’t do shit …
Many of my “followers” can’t see my tweets …
Those I interact with look like fake accounts …
I am still deeply shadow banned on Twitter …

That Sugar Film …
Similar to Super Size Me …
I tend to agree with the editorial direction of the movie.
My friend who went to FRANCE:
The basic truth is PROBABLY this: it takes more resources, more money, to produce a healthy diet for 8 billion people than it does to produce shit food imbued with sugar. A dirty fact that will become more obvious as the corporate food system breaks down under pressure, and the Norman Borlag “revolution” is shown to be a sham.
Nutrients come from the soil – simple truth. High intensity farming strips nutrients from the soil. (why is this complicated or confusing in 2023?)
Humans evolved to get their food, mainly, from foraging and hunting – the paleo diet is a combination of this, and most like a traditional aboriginal diet. Hunting/Gathering …
The new monocultures PUSH OUT traditionally consumed plants, and make access to healthy animal proteins/fats simply more expensive. Which is another way of saying: today’s beef is probably not the healthiest protein … or factory chicken.
Arriving at an intellectual position or paradigm …
- Education, self education and institutional
- Parents
- Being kicked around enough
Most people follow path #2.
Hard to say which path is the best.
A lot of people settle upon the least optimal, but most acceptable, set of beliefs within their community – voting, paying taxes, calling yourself Republican or Democrat.
There is always controlled opposition for the freaks: communism, libertarians, racists …