“I don’t care where I live, I can hate people anywhere.” – Dr. Freckles
“The TRUMP mind fuck only works because people are that fucking desperate.” – Dr. Freckles
BTANL: 9 and 10 and NEVER AGAIN

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241107_BTANL_Chapters_9_10.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
RECOUNTS: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14852
- BE HONEST, you suspected TRUMP was “chosen” after the McPoyle Plot of July
- Nothing has really changed.
- This will goose the economy and your fragile kitten spirit for a little while.
The US dollar empire burns down as fast as it does.
“Whatever weird protein blob or slab is currently ‘POTUS'”
These are sideways freaks, some might even believe they have power – focusing on them is like focusing on the magicians smile or the pretty assistant.
And this is why you are retarded.
I have 8 years of data – some of you here are part of that data set.
In those 8 years I can barely verify that 5 of the theoretical people that interact with me on the WWW are real.
And mind you: some of the fakers I met IRL.
Chapter 9: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14470
Chapter 10: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14735
“If you wanted to ensure people knew how to count you wouldn’t support public schools.” – Dr. Freckles
BTANL: Chapter 11 – What color is your compound?

I CAN TOSS YOU THROUGH TIME – to the Spring of 1993.
THERE YOU’D SEE a BUILDING with fire-lightning screams and the seams busting open. RED FLANNEL DRESSES and messes on the floor, as ATF FUCK-STRANGLERS joke about “long shots” and “did you see that kid’s head explode when I hit him”, SNIPER TROOP, scooping poop from their own diseased hearts, acting as FLAMING CHEEK GOBLINS, taking turns shoving potatoes up each other’s butts. THERE you could have a FORTRESS with walls stronger than the longest 4 steak sandwich. And YEARNING you will find that your color is RED and YELLOW and BLACK. What color is your compound?
YOU DUG A HOLE in the NATIONAL FOREST, like a VIETCONG CUB SCOUT. You didn’t POUT when your wife left you for your uncle-brother, and your MOTHER’S TEETH got replaced with STEEL, because her diabetes was quite bad and nothing would heal. So you tossed her arms and legs and morning trophies onto the PYRE and LIT THAT FIRE and ghost’ed away to the WOODS. YOUR GREEN MEANIE SCARS show THROUGH and that HOT GOO for Cyndi Lou sticks quite firm as dried mistakes on a blue dress. YOUR COMPOUND is GREEN, and unseen – but the old ones see you, and master your fate.
YOUR COMPOUND is your PARACHUTE and your PARACHUTE is a golden shower. YOUR POWER is derived from living a GUSTO EXISTENCE, both hidden and seen as it pleases you, with anchored triple-strand concertina wire protecting the gardens of your soul.
YOUR COMPOUND must be EMBITTERED with angry LEGO spirits. You wake up, it’s early, the lights are OFF, and some fucking smartass leaves a LEGO on the ground, and without a SOUND your naked old foot, covered in fungal infections, takes a STEP, you leapt, cuz the pain is so severe and you screamed “FUCK” so loud everyone could hear.
Holes are great, and easy to deploy. Ensure you keep a map of all these holes somewhere tucked deep in your reptile mind. Dig trenches and holes, plant punji sticks at the bottom of deadfalls, pee on the sticks and poop on them, such that your enemy can die as the KOMODO hunts.
You can chop down trees and crosshatch them as you fell them. This makes it hard for the weak minded and the frail. In a rats nest of fallen timber, you can hide the LIMBER SPARK of claymore mines and other such IEDs of the spirit. As they take turns hacking away, you can trigger that explosive and watch them FLY AS HIGH AS EAGLES, and it will look so funny from 500 meters away.

A bridge is KEY TERRAIN, a blown-out or washed-out bridge is a problem.
If you have no need for that bridge, get rid of it, it will not serve you or your cloven wives.
A landslide is a great way to block a passage, and sometimes it’s GREAT to trigger this annoyance with an explosive, burying the first ranks in mud and rock.
Don’t be afraid to use cars to block roads, don’t be afraid to permanently disable the vehicles.
A sunken boat can block an inlet, and makeshift dragon’s teeth below the waves can send many a butt-pirate to their graves.
WHILE SUPPLIES LAST, stock up on CONCERTINA WIRE and BARBED WIRE; know the difference, understand HOW to deploy both. If you live on the 8th floor of some hooker paradise, and you’ve got the SCOOBY SNACKS and CAT LITTER but you want to keep out the FLOW-JOES? – then build a SKEIN of concertina wire and barbed wire in the stairwell – the elevators no longer work.
Construction RIP RAP that will be trucked away can be yours: go to some site and make an offer. Those twisted chunks of concrete and rebar are just the fucking LEGO you’re looking for.
Even the blind can see, but they do so with their EARS. WHEN picking a compound location, you really want it to be the case that: a) YOU can see people coming and b) THEY can’t see you at all. But it’s good to hear too, ideally your location allows you the ability to HEAR something long before it arrives. These are ideals cartoon soldier.
If you have a community, then you need a security plan; part of that plan is the deployment of forward observers. These folks man outposts on the edge of your NEW WORLD, after the collapse, after the TRUMP WASHING wears off. These observers will have a means to communicate with your HQ, ideally field phones, but simple handheld radios can work.
If you have money, you can buy remote solar powered sensors and cameras – but don’t go too high-tech. Sometimes the BEST signal is cans on a string, and that’s some low tech garbage any hooker can do.
OVERWATCH and CONCEALMENT are at odds, honestly …
The ideal location in terms of camouflage can be the WORST location to observe your enemy from. But, if you can work in teams and have a community, then this problem becomes workable and you CAN have your COMPOUND and see the enemy too.
For you, the GOMBO-FREAK:
- Good land for farming
- Access points for drinkable water
- Main routes of travel (also see: avenues of approach)
- High points for long distance observation
- Fishing/Hunting Grounds
- Nearby gas/electric generation you can take over and run
- Nearby communications/WWW hubs you can take over and run
- Abandoned logistical facilities that contain long-term shelf safe food
- Harbors and inlets
- Small rural airports
- Large open areas to facilitate air-assault and airborne ops (your enemy’s might use, meaning: FEDs)
- Nearby cell phone or mobile towers you can take control of
- Nuclear Power Plants
- Natural Gas Electric Plants
- Chemical Plants / Oil Refining
- WWW Hubs (you can make a map)
- Cell Phone Towers and their locations
- Military Bases
- Interstate Highways and bridges/tunnels
- Railroad lines, bridges, tunnels
- Container Offloading Facilities / Ports
- Large rivers
- Underground CIA child abuse dungeons
- Mar a Lago
- Airports
- Harbors
- Nuclear weapons sites
- Black Sites
- Porn Hub Content Servers
- Jew Tunnels
The KEY MESSAGE for KEY TERRAIN: key terrain is any land or fixed structure that the LOSS of IT would cause YOU great harm or give your enemy an advantage.
An avenue of approach is the land, sea or air based path of approach that is easiest for your ENEMY or anyone headed your direction.
A stream or river or creek can be an avenue of approach: it isn’t rapid, and not for heavy machinery or vehicles, but it provides a natural COVER and the noise of the water can mask the sound of troops moving.
Obviously: some shitty state highway or interstate or county road is an avenue of approach. However, most of these shitty constructions will turn to dust in about 5 years; that’s about how well we build roads, these days. But still, the dirty muddy dusty path that used to be I-5 will be useful for those strange travelers from beyond.

A railroad track path tends to follow the IDEAL slope path, and often has access roads build nearby. Many kinds of military vehicles, tracked armored type vehicles, can use the path created by the railroad tracks as a makeshift road as well. YOUR ENEMY might use trains to move troops and logistical materials, so this is WHY a railroad track is key terrain and WHY sometimes the best idea is to dismantle the tracks completely, blow the bridges.
AIRCRAFT, especially military aircraft, have IDEAL avenues of approach. Helicopters can take advantage of river valleys and canyons, also using the echo effects and ambient noise to mask and misdirect their enemies. Close support aircraft like the A-10 are designed to endure HIGH TURBULENE low altitude flying. There’s not a lot you can do with FUDD TECH against CAS aircraft, but you can string a canyon with steel cable and NOT include the flashing red light – cuz that was BOBLIMPTOCK, and it’s GRINKEN TIME NOW BRAH!
Logs and mud can be deployed in such a way that they provide both COVER and concealment. But the priority about COVER is protection against: military caliber rifles, crew served weapons, light and heavy machine guns, indirect fires and other explosives. A simple log-house bunker, using rock, sand, dirt, mud, as the “mortar” to fill in the gaps between logs. If your compound color is GREEN, this is a great way to build the split level cabin/underground dwelling space.
COVER is NOT concealment, cover is what stops a bullet or a fragment from a nearby exploding artillery or mortar round.

COVER YOU CAN LIKELY DEPLOY won’t protect against bunker busting bombs or any average attack by the defense forces of Israel (they be bombing at 10,000 tons of TNT per square mile these days).
Are you invisible?

To be hidden is to be unknown, occult.
To be hidden is to be like night, like the wind, like gravy chariots running down the ice mountain, running from wolves.
To be hidden is to be ignored, and this is CRITICAL.
What if I told you the color of your COMPOUND is brown and green and gray? What if you and your BITCH CLAN of the SEATTLE JUNGLE built a portable set-up from cardboard and tape and garbage bags and parachute cord and love? What if you built a set up that could be packed on the back, and folded out FAST, so that WHEREVER the fuckers of SLEEGIT VILLE SEND YOU, you can move on out quickly and have your new home set up FASTER than BRISKETS. But it has to look bad – your shambles has to look like it’s covered in vomit and fecal matter and dried blood.

IF YOUR COLOR IS “HIDDEN”, then you can avoid those harmful interactions when the homeowner starts going all “Bill Pasquale” because they’ve had the FOR SALE sign UP for 4 months, and no one is stopping by, and you’ve dropped the price 7 times.
CONCEALMENT is NOT cover: so get some ballistic blankets you can toss over your moving hovel, to save you the trouble of burying your street-whore girlfriend.
YOUR WITCH STRENGTH is in KNOWING that there’s a place for you, and your kin, when Grinken Time begins.
NO IDEAL compound exists, ask Hitler …
You can bury yourself 900 feet below the surface of the earth, and drink whiskey and watch old movies. You can have a compact nuclear power source, water and food for 3,000 years. You can make mashed potatoes and gravy and eat this in your dirty underwear while dreaming about Sydney Sweeney – no matter tired old barn cat, you gotta scat and find your comfort valley up in the woods.
If you are driving through UTAH and see a sign that says: “THESE ARE YOUR PUBLIC LANDS”. THEN STOP ON BY and set up your compound on YOUR public lands. Build ramparts and dig wells, take a STAB at drying sheds for VENISON and farming local trout. Your CARROT TOP lovers will SPILL THE CREAM when your stony temple comes into scene.
They want you to burn.
Does it matter?

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241106_does_it_matter.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Does it matter:
- Will it make a difference in your economic situation?
- Will it make a difference in how much you love or are loved?
- Will it make a difference with respect to war/peace?
- Would either of these candidates stood up for you or are you projecting something on to them that is not there?
- Do you need to waste your time/emotion on it? Should you at this point?
- If someone were going to “take your guns” who would have an easier time of it?
- If someone were going to do nothing about uncontrolled immigration (remember the Bush years and Trump’s first presidency, I remember the containerized-Chinese)?
- Will they waste any money or diesel rounding you up, either of them?
- Do you know WHERE the FEMA CAMP is?
- Do you know what time it is? Place? – It’s April 1945, Berlin.
- Did I pick a good month to do my manifesto?
Unlike the COVID, the “election” season is mostly low stakes bullshit. So you probably don’t have to wreck your connections with people over this nonsense unless you are mentally unstable … which is most of you RON PAUL GUY FAWKES MASK WEARING DIP SHITS.
Trump makes sense: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14837
THIS IS MY HOOKER GRANDMA: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14773
IYKYK: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14835
Better it looks: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14833
GUY FAWKES/FAUX: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14790
WHOOPIE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14771
Shaking your fist at God: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14733
Daylight slavings: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14729
Daylight Savings: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14727
Re-imagine time: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14731
I’m the Paul Harvey: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=14725
TRUMP makes sense …
- Think about the drama of assassination attempts, and what this did/does to build on Trump’s Cult of Personality.
- Consider the state of the US economy and the world. Trump buys this broken neo-Stalinist hellhole another 6 months, maybe 12.
- Ask yourself: can the US sustain multiple wars at this point, and what would it look like to partially disengage. Who could disengage empire, even if briefly?
- Who will be the conductor when the train derails?
- Who would be best at collecting guns?
- Who would put ENOUGH Americans to sleep?
- Who continues the narrative of our “free press”, as bludgeoned as it has been?
- Who is mostly likely to keep the Deep State alive?
- Who would most easily sell a war with IRAN to America?
- Who did Israel want?
“If you know you know, and soon the ones that don’t won’t.” – Dr. Freckles
The better it looks …
“The better it looks, the worse it is.” – Dr. Freckles
“GUY FAWKES is GUY FAUX.” – Dr. Freckles
GUY FAWKES was a CONSTRUCTED TURD right from the beginning.
Why? – because the KING needed the fear, needed the English to be afraid that the Spanish would invade, or the French, or both.
V for VENDETTA, 2006
Second year of my marriage.
5th year of my “career” in software engineering.
Living the “good life”, and already I could see some really broken shit coming up ahead – but not the head space to dig too deeply.
That movie was a major mind fuck, and I should have seen it – but instead, like the “ROCKY MOVIE DRUG” or like some MUSE VIDEO, I got suckered.
And now I see these fucks wearing these masks and wonder WHY THE FUCK are you celebrating a guy who wanted Jesuits to burn women alive for being midwives?