MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230919_RAIN_DROPS_ON_THE_TENT.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Just more ranting about the situations and the rain.
"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230919_RAIN_DROPS_ON_THE_TENT.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Just more ranting about the situations and the rain.
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230919_HEY_YOU.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Hey you:
This is just a general rant concerning “those whom the gods are about to destroy they first make mad”, and what now … and the piano stops … but the harmonica is okay?
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230918_OVER_THERE.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230916_MILLION_DOLLAR_HOME.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Million Dollar Home:
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230915_WHAT_YOU_DOING_AT_THE_PARK.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
What you doing at the park?
1. not-potable water. Been drinking it, it’s great.
2. “keep Dan in the park Bonds” available soon, Genzler is supportive.
3. What you doing at the park?
4. Craig’s List is the GREYHOUND of e-commerce.
5. If you are on YOUTUBE and not canceled?
6. VP Harris talking about freedom to not be shot by guns.
7. Don’t pour water down the urinal.
8. Hunter Biden Bimbo Eruption continues with coke-head-gun-buys.
9. NASA to use AI to find ALIENS … really?
10. Ronald Reagan used CARNIVOR!
11. Not a prophet.
12. Getting park fit.
13. I was a frequent pier once.
14. “We’re exploring, it’s okay to make mistakes …” (sure)
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230914_ED_CURED.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
JOOG-WHORES: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=9484
A tale of that FLIX BUS STOP off of 31st Street, in NYC, across from the Madison Square Gardens …
They cast their eyes at me and I winced, as the TUESDAY NIGHT COASTERS zoomed on by. their women-folk in tow, as the “johns” look on, seeking sweaty and degrading liaisons in some grimy alleyway in NYC.
“YOU FROM FRIMPTON?”, screamed Benny. He knows – he can’t really read or write, but he knows.
Benny ruled the streets around 31st Street, he carried a carpenter’s hammer and a roll of quarters. He was the SHOT CALLER on that block, working for the WEST SIDE JOOG-CLAN and running the flesh show near Broadway and Madison Square Gardens. “BIG B” as they called Benny sat large on his Honda scooter and would circle the gawkers and European vacation crowd, murmuring their broken English with strong German accents, being so aloof to the circumstance that is all to real where they are from.
The FLICKER BUS passengers would huddle in the darkness, as the “land crab” scuttles by, looking for some bagel left behind during the morning rush hour slog.
Benny was rounding up the joog-whores and other ne’er-do-wells this night … He had is brigade of boovula dealers, strutting, cussing, too coy or worried to look long.
Benny was a cowboy of sorts, keeping the “flesh moving”, making sure that all the old freaks could take a look and maybe decide based on the window dressing. The women were scared and poor. They wore tight clothes, with tears and visible blood stains on their jeans, near the crotch. Benny had to have a stony heart to do what he did – to be who he was. He had competition. He had enemies.
Benny faced opposition from the STRUG-BOYS of Harlem. They didn’t like how his crew was muscling in on the action and taking their cheddar …
Benny was constantly menaced by the HOOVER-SCOUTS of CROWN HEIGHTS. They carried fully automatic GLOCK-19’s and would spray their lead spew wherever they threw down …
Benny was harried by the BOOMER-RATS of PARK AVENUE – and these old skeez freaks did NOT mess around. One on one they weren’t much, but in groups of 10 or 20 they would surround you and pummel you with their “wisdom and insight” … by the time it was over, you’d pray for death.
Finally, there were ROMEO-DEALERS, spreading meth and X and KROKODIL. They’d sell blues to the street-rats, who after smoking that shit became their willing death zombies.
But Benny was fine, this was his milieu …
Benny was okay …
His ilk were striving in a world of degradation and deformed values, stale bread and moldy t-shirts.
He and his men were ready to go, for whatever, and it’s happening TONIGHT.
Benny’s not leaving.
Are you leaving?
Yes – on the road, the plane, downtown NYC and Newark, on my way back to WA state. I had a good trip, got to meet one of my listeners in PA, and had a HELL of a ride on Greyhound (emphasis “hell”). One might consider the entire expedition to the east coast futile, absurd, pointless, but it wasn’t. I learned a lot on this jaunt, a week long trek, covering much of the country and meeting many members that occupy many strata of society.
I keep my listener’s situations private, but here’s what you need to know about our “friend in PA” – he’s a cool dude, prepared, in so many ways more prepared than me or most that I know. I had a break on the road at his home, which I needed, soaked up some of that country air, and I figured out that I needed to keep moving. It was not anything more complicated than my own demons chasing me to PA, and then chasing me down the road. It’s beautiful where our friend lives and I hope it stays that way, but it’s hard to say – troubling times for all on the death star.
The bus I took to the airport stopped near Madison Square Gardens in NYC. A filthy spot, surrounded by homeless and hookers and pimps riding scooters, running through the FLIX bus parking lot as the forlorn wanderers huddled together, waiting for our next bus. Nothing made sense, the numbers on the buses didn’t make sense, yet we, I think WE, found our bus and made our way to the next way point – for me it was Raymond Plaza in Newark.
As the bus entered Newark there were cops everywhere – seemed like hundreds on the streets …
As I grabbed a taxi to the airport, and we drove out of downtown Newark, more cops could be seen – new shiny vehicles, with magical strobe lights designed to ensure that anyone with the least susceptibility to seizure or epilepsy would be triggered, shaking on the ground, foaming at the mouth. I don’t know what was up with Newark on a Tuesday night at around midnight, seems like that runaway Brazilian (Cavalcante) might have made his way toward Jersey and someone wanted to bag the bad guy … maybe.
For my listeners: feel free to be disappointed in me if you wish.
A month ago I was still in Utah, wishing I didn’t have to leave, hoping the situation of peace and relative tranquility could continue – the morning walks with a dog named Boomer. But such things were not meant to last, especially these days. This old hobo would not be allowed to stay long in such a state of bliss – people like me are meant to “move on”, like the gangs of VFW and American Legion that would guard small towns during the Great Depression. “Move along hobo, your time has run out here”, and so I did, I moved on, and I’m still moving.
As I’ve said and written, I’m not giving up. No reason to give up, too many mistakes to make yet – but this weird trip, as resource costly as it was, probably helped me. I’m more at peace today with my situation than I was a month ago, the amount of stuff I carry is reduced, as it should be, not quite streamlined yet but getting there … I can imagine a day, in the not too distant future, when I’m down to a simple pack, tarp, sleeping bag, and whatever else makes sense for a traveler to carry.
Cheers to the GRAND ARMY of drain-circle’rs …
Cheers to the refugees and those struggling against the weight of the age.
Cheers to all who are unwilling to break, even if sometimes we must bend.
And CHEERS to all of you – somehow, we will laugh about this some day, I mean it …
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230912_BOTTOM_BOUNCING.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230908_GREYHOUND_T0_VORKTON.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Bleenbensville (state of Vorkton):
– Alive and well.
– Don’t like giving out details of other people’s homes.
– About a month ago I had to quickly come up with a plan because I would have no place to live.
– Shit happens, I miss my friends Justin and Beth, I miss Boomer. I miss that place in Utah.
– I didn’t have time to come up with a great plan. Not even an adequate time.
– I had a sibling moving from Maine to the Olympic Peninsula in WA State. Podcasting from the state park at Dungeness Spit. Two people drowning can’t really help each other. I bought beer and cigarettes.
– Little Saigon, Seattle, showed me how hard actual street homelessness.
– Vorkton isn’t far from Michigan or Ohio or South Dakota, Grinken Town is east of us.
– “Survival Quest Theater” might be coming back.
– Vorkton is not far from Florida in a way.
– “Shadow Over Innsmouth” by H.P. Lovecraft, kind of like that, but no “fish man” ending … instead just me being a country boy. I think through progression I’ve realized that I am a country boy.
– Safe and sound and okay in Vorkton0
CLEAR THE AIR ON COVID (a slight concession):
– I’ve stated since 2020 that what we’re going through is primarily military psychological warfare. And every great PSYOP is also a snuff flick, people are killed for realism.
– There might have been a bio-weapon used, but it wasn’t first generation style. It was highly targeted geographically and demographically.
– Little Saigon, Chinatown Seattle, transient housing and lots of undocumented Chinese workers. Construction never stopped, flights from Asia never stopped, commies marched up and down 12th AVE, bisecting all major access paths to the Seattle hospital system’s emergency rooms.
– Targeted bio-weapon with built in self-destruct.
– They don’t want you to have a sample of this bio-weapon, so self-destruct seems necessary.
– A lot of organizations have the money for the tools to produce bioweapons.
– COVID doesn’t make sense as a first generation modern bioweapon – it makes more sense as a very advanced bioweapon.
– they have mastered the art of geographically and demographically controllable bioweapon. Not a normal bioweapon.
– Vaccines: some are poison and some are placebo (saline or flu shot). “Seattle Mike” and I looked at the CDC and other government data, and found that the flu disappeared.
– CDC to Hospitals: “here’s a check, call it COVID, put them on a respirator”
– CIA likes to kill in a way that looks like a natural death.
– Prior to the COVID there was a banking crisis in 2019.
September 2nd:
– Got enough money that my brother was able to help me to get tickets on the Greyhound.
September 3rd:
– went to Seattle.
– going to boondock the night before the Greyhound ride.
– we went to see a movie that night, “They Live”, on the big screen from 1988.
– John Carpenter, a dark visionary.
September 4th, Labor Day, part 1:
– wake up from boondocking
– get to the Greyhound station in Seattle and no one working there.
– they had one guy who cleaned the poop seat
– 8:30 AM the bus showed up, we lined up behind door B
– that first bus ride was okay
– bad “sky painting” visible in Ellensburg
– “I blame Jesus” – t-shirt
– 50 mega bytes of data
– one of the best chicken strips ever in Pendleton, OR, Union 76 station
– drove through the Blue Mtns, 4194 feet
– dude with alerts on
– read ZH headlines: ARGUS AI from SOCOM that will scam the WWW about Putin and monkey herpes … Ukraine-monkey-herpes nonsense
– Ontario, OR, no bathroom – left a stench in the trench
– got a weird infection from the bus
September the 4th, 10:40 PM, in Boise, our next bus driver (worst bus driver ever):
– trying to help a fellow traveler
– who are you
– fuck your keyboard
– “I don’t care” “I’ll make sure it doesn’t get smashed”
– “can’t leave early”
– young MAGA African American gets targeted by the bus driver
– “Luke Skywalker pee speech”
– “if you’re going to Denver, you should have put your bags in the first compartment”
– “if you’re a man raise your hand”
– he seemed high on meth
– bus driver loaded up on sugar
September the 5th :
– “All’s well that ends.” – Dr. Freckles
– “fuck you” incident with next bus driver, talking to meth-bus-driver.
– “have you ever been to a place where all hope is lost, where all that is left is patience?” – Conspiracy Theory (1997) ans: GREYHOUND
– Driver replacing meth-bus-driver was still kind of angry
– “I am traveling with the lost, discarded and forgotten.”
– Greyhound will make you want to kill yourself.
(so much more)