“I’m not HOMELESS, I’m ahead of my time.” – Dr. Freckles
Some of you get it …
“Most of you LOVE SPIELBERG, some of you love John Carpenter: some of you get it.” – Dr. Freckles
Dealing with depression …
“If you suffer from some VARIANT of what’s called ‘depression’, and you are OVER the age of 50? – whatever you’re doing, as long as you’re not harming others, is DOING IT RIGHT!” – Dr. Freckles
Humans …
“The more I understand God, the more I experience HUMANS, the easier it is for me to understand OLD TESTAMENT JUSTICE.” – Dr. Freckles

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230804_GARBAGE_PEOPLE.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Update: not doing great, not really able to keep it together. I don’t really have a trust level for anything at this point. Am I stronger today than I was in March of 2021? – yes. Am I strong enough to keep muddling through? – I don’t know. One anxiety attack after another, one dark thought invades and enhances the next. I cannot know WHEN the Lord will return, but WANT HIM to return SOON, or get over what delusion I have that there is any meaning in ANY OF THIS. I remember that Guy’s podcasts, from 2020 – spiking out Sound Cloud … thousands of views … then there were my podcasts … dozens of views … Could mean I suck, could mean selling a death cult is just more popular. Could mean anything and I’ll never know WHAT.
ATT THING: and why people are shit heads when they make it sound SO FUCKING EASY to get off the streets, once you are homeless
It’s OVER: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8918
Positive vs Negative Propaganda: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8927
Deception Salad Bar: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8958
Twitter Experiment with Musk: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8912
Another DEAD YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8909
What am I saying that’s so dangerous?: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8915
Fear of Death: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8947
CIA ASSET MAINTENANCE: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=8950
LOCUSTS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locust
Deception Salad Bar
“When it comes to the GOVERNMENT: it takes a special kind of FREAK to cherry pick WHICH LIES to believe, and which ones to dismiss.” – Dr. Freckles
- “Climate Change”
- “We fixed the OZONE LAYER …”
- “We solved POLIO and MALARIA …”
- “COVID-19 was a PANDEMIC”
- “Ukraine War”
- “Trump / Biden Trauma Drama”
- “UCR and Violent Crime going DOWN”
- (and so much more)
I believe the Ukraine War is 100% bullshit. It might be an elaborate SNUFF FLICK and real people might be being killed – but it doesn’t make it any less a LIE.
I said in March of 2022: if this war lasts longer than 6 months then something fishy is going on.
Just ran a test on ZeroHedge – funny: interactions have been LOW …
But post the comment I did? – and you get a lot of reactions FAST.
(think on this)

Fear of Death
“A LOT of TURDS are afraid of dying, and some people have been CANCER their whole lives.” – Dr. Freckles
SOVIETOLOGY PROJECT: Positive vs Negative propaganda
- WWW – going to be HUGE …
- Non-male Role Empowerment
- You CAN fight the system – but instead stay home and watch shows
- Polio / Moon Landing line from Season 3
- Showing geoengineering trails, in something from the “80’s”
- Christians suck, but Mormons might be okay (meditate)
- HAM RADIO involves building absurd antennas and NO call signs or licenses (funny)
- Normal is EVIL: final episode Season 4
- The GREAT EVIL is a white dude
- The GREAT HERO is a short haired girl that looks like an Israeli soldier with a numbered tattoo on her arm
- You DAD sucks and he needs to suck so you can move beyond him, you need to hate him
Two great books to review:
Positive Propaganda: a message designed to decrease fear and anxiety, often to promote STATE WORSHIP or sell products, using positive emotional enhancement and meeting human needs. Like the Missions to the Moon, or “curing polio” or “stopping the Ozone Layer” collapse. “Bacon and Eggs” – Bernays.
Negative Propaganda: designed to increase trauma, anxiety and fear, usually directed towards some “acceptable enemy”. Much of what has been integrated into Hollywood media, concerning Russia, in the last 15 years, fits into the NEGATIVE PROPAGANDA category. Almost all media related to COVID-19 or “Climate Change” is negative propaganda, “dancing nurses” and that crooked Bon Jovi song/video from 2020 would still be negative, despite using positive imagery.
White Propaganda: does not conceal its origin.
Black Propaganda: conceals or hides its origin. NGO’s are used by the CIA to promote BLACK PROPAGANDA.
Grey/Gray Propaganda: Information and messages that have no clear producer are considered gray propaganda. NGO’s and state sponsored LARP’ing is often in this category.
Trauma Based Mind Control and Resonance: in this case, the use of positive propaganda and trauma to weaken people’s minds, to break them. It could be preparation of the battlefield for the Devil, for the Antichrist. It could be they’re just trying to keep people under control until “something” happens. Like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge disaster – reach a certain point of bending, stretching, warplng, and eventually the MIND falls apart.

It’s over …
As I’ve said before: the great thing about being as deeply censored as me? – it’s unlikely anyone will read this or GET THE WRONG IDEA. Maybe 5 people will … maybe 2. Maybe one or two of them will send me some nasty thoughts – as the Devil prescribes. Maybe one or two will say “don’t worry DAN, it’ll be okay” … that’s YOUR coping mechanism, not mine.
The last 2.5 years here in Utah have been the most peace I’ve had in my whole life, and it’s over. It’s no one’s fault, it’s life. LIFE HAPPENS … but I won’t see Boomer again, or any of the other dogs, I won’t see my good friends again, because everyone is treading water now.
Ten years ago my ex-wife dumped me – can’t really blame her. Angry folks reading this will say the same, no matter what happens. “Shit DAN, you are SUCH A LOSER …”
Perhaps I am.
I don’t know why I attracted so much darkness since my divorce, but I am thankful the Lord gave me this brief time. But it’s over. I’m done.
Maybe I wake up tomorrow and I have a better attitude – that happens with depression.
Problem is: I’ve been using weed to help manage anxiety and depression … and since December 2022 (when I broke my humerus) I’ve been on half rations … nowhere to get weed, no one who can help. It’s not that I can’t live without it, it’s a bit more subtle – I don’t want to drown, but if I drown, I want it to be my choice. Weed has helped me to not drown, especially at times like this, and I don’t have any, so the road is like it was in 2006 … such a nice road, filled with ANGER and OBEDIENCE and POINTLESSNESS. Not a road I want to go down again.
As it is, I’m wondering what happens next.
Do I feel EXCITED about more low-rent trailer park mind fucks that await me, out there, on the road? We’ll see. I’ve met so many grifters, so many scum bags, so many people wanting to use me – my friends “Beth and Justin”, they didn’t use me, they didn’t take advantage of me, they treated me like a human being and they are good people, perhaps some of the BEST … and that’s done, complete. They have their own lives, and I have mine.
(a lot to think about)
But it’s over.
BTW SHIT HEAD: we’re all in the same boat, and it’s LEAKY BOAT. So don’t be too smug. Don’t be too proud in your castle on a hill. Don’t assume the darkness won’t touch you, it probably will, just a matter of scheduling.
If you are an ATHEIST looking for meaning in all of this? – WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? According to your world view it’s just poop or poop-pending. YOUR VIEW: we are organic things, soon to turn to paste, practicing self-delusion. Good luck with that.
Everyone dies, some prosaically or heroically according to some random model of the world, others just DIE and are GARBAGE PEOPLE … and this has always been true.
I think I’ll die as I have been – garbage.
From the gift of God, to garbage.
(this does seem right)