One more thing: if you ever see a documentary or film about child trafficking and the VATICAN is not mentioned? – then you’re stuck in a limited hangout.

"GRAVY FOR YOUR BRAIN!" – Conspiracy Theory (1997)
One more thing: if you ever see a documentary or film about child trafficking and the VATICAN is not mentioned? – then you’re stuck in a limited hangout.
It took the BUSH administration 15 minutes after 9/11 to start melting down the steel beams and destroy evidence.
But “Biden” is having problems getting rid of border wall steel.
(totally believable story)
“The world contains two books: one is fiction, one is non-fiction. Sadly, the fiction occupies most of our days.” – Dr. Freckles
Printable Card PDF (make sure to use card stock, paper is okay but gets really flimsy):
Person of the Year:
Where do you live:
I think there’s a few places I have not wanted to go since 2020, and I rarely discuss because it might indicate I am mentally ill.
Let’s remind ourselves: none of us is that special. I’m not saying you’re not unique, but that doesn’t make you special. If your mom calls you special? – it still doesn’t make you special, or me special, or your mom (who I am with right now as you read this).
I do think crooked neo-Stalinist hellholes will do what they do, which includes crooked technocratic spying schemes and manipulation (psychological warfare). With big data, you can customize it, and I’ve noticed things …
I’ve noticed there’s a strange pattern – when/where I’m being “poked”.
I dropped TWITTER and Zero Hedge: poking got weird.
Strange journalist pops up after I finish my manifesto, weirder.
Journalist brings strange guy (I hate that guy) back into my life.
And for reasons all my own, I could mention other strange occurrences of the last couple months, but I am not going to.
I could go into more about the last 10 years, things that are becoming clearer to me – but that would be too cringe.
The best shot “they” had was 2016 … after that? – I was a dog that had been kicked too much and could not be predicted, and I found it impossible to have complete trust with anyone.
So I don’t care.
I’m fairly certain I am not special: so if it’s happening to me, it’s likely happening to millions (or it could). If you are “in your lane” why would they waste the time and money? – get out of your lane, and watch what happens next.
“Heat Dome”
“Atmospheric River”
“Overland Hurricane”
“Clouds dropping from the sky, not rolling in like the title of that MUSICAL score …”
“Wind starting and stopping as if on schedule …”
“Smelly rain …”
“Snow falling above freezing …”
It’s the most wonderful time of year.
At some point you have to ask some questions about the slash-line across the USA where one side is HOT and the other COLD, one side WET and the other in DROUGHT (for 20 years) … totally makes sense. All of it.
If you were writing a musical about the weather these days, how would it go? What would be the theme? The arc? The story? The melody? The surprise?
(give it a shot mother fucker)
Once again, being dummies, Zero Hedge leaves the silent part OUT …
“If necessity is the mother of invention, the grandmother is frustration.” – Dr. Freckles
(talk about +MAX-MIN)