“The KING will say ‘this WALL is here to protect you’, the King is lying.” – Dr. Freckles
This is going to end well …
This policy will fail for the same reason THEY were never going to collect yer guns …
11 million and change …
How much diesel fuel? How many uniformed personnel? How much ammo?
How many temporary holding facilities?
What happens if some Americans take up arms to protect the illegals?
What happens when the chaos of Northern Mexico enters the USA?
Where you going to send the ones that don’t have “proper” ID?
What if the nations they are from say “fuck you, pay me”?
THE REALITY PUDDLE FLOWER: Donald Trump is not going to deport 11 million plus people, he won’t even deport a million. The wall? – was/is meant to keep turds in the bowl, I’m sorry you’re too retarded to see this. Trump MIGHT deport the “criminals”, but how is he going to get nations to take them BACK without being paid? Sorry puddle flower, it’s too late and Trump is NOT Marcus Aurelius (and this isn’t a movie). Although, it does feel like JD Vance is gonna kill the guy, so there’s that. Finally, in order to accomplish this goal the USA would move further towards the entrenched police state.

FILE UNDER: “popping smoke”

CRYPTO association with VOTING: just like another SCIENTOLOGY


I mean … let’s go back in time to 2011 …


Mary Poppins and the THOUSAND YEAR REICH
“Mary Poppins is LITERALLY HITLER. GANDALF is TED BUNDY.” – Dr. Freckles
“I have so many awesome pickup lines: that’s why I have so much extra money and free time.” – Dr. Freckles

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20241123_SAMBOS.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
Link: https://www.pbssocal.org/food-living/the-troubling-history-of-sambos-pancake-house
If you follow my BLOG or listen to my PODS or have read my WORLD FAMOUS MANIFESTO? – you surely know by now that I am in fact the most racist man in world history. But why?
When I was a kid we would go to a restaurant called SAMBO’S. It was like Denny’s, it had the typical AMERICANA FAIRE of late 20th century food types. Want some pancakes and eggs and bacon? – fuck yes. Want a nice patty melt? – why the fuck not. Want to go to a restaurant with weird depictions of what appeared to be exploitation of a brown skinned little boy? – they got you pal, at Sambo’s.
Kind of off topic, but when I was a kid our parents would threaten, if we were BAD, to sell us to the “indians on the reservation”. Think about this. My dad grew up on the rez, he had REZ friends, but he would use a racist depiction of indigenous people as a way to SCARE US STRAIGHT … and then there was the “black man”.
It might be obvious to you that I did NOT grow up in a “mixed” community: we had black people, just not many … and since there were so few I think even the actual racists left them alone, per the rules learned watching Little House on the Prairie. My sisters would try to scare each other and me and my brother with stories of the “black man”, he was the boogie man, but more racist.
“The black man is coming, and he’s gonna have sex with you”, the sisters would threaten to each other. “The black man is coming and he’s going to steal your bike and beat you up”, they would threaten me and my brother as well. It was a horrible trope, and the repeated spinning of TALES and FEAR STORIES left an indelible impression on me and scarred my subconscious for life.
And then there’s the “n word”.
People will have incomprehensibly silly conversations about WHAT MK-ULTRA is, but I gotta say, try to get some random x-gen white guy to say the n-word. It’s like this …
I try to say it, and immediately I see that FUCK from READING RAINBOW, but he’s tied to a pole and he’s being whipped by some random white guy, probably your dad.
As he’s being whipped he says, repeatedly: “I AM NOT KUNTA KENTAY, MY NAME IS LEVAR BURTON!” But the torturer cares not for his lament, for he is paid in tears and blood.
I try to … I mutter a syllable, and immediately I pull it back in. It’s the prima facie truth that MK-ULTRA DID WORK, and they never shut it down.
But, can I break free … unlock the final HATCH, and CATCH A RAY of HOPE by muttering that dark term? – I dunno …
Can I?
Should I?
Will I?
Tune in and see …
R: reach
E: every
G: good
G: goy
I: in
N: November
REG GIN … regular GIN is all I’m talking about … I can’t say it, it reminds me of SAMBO’S.
GIN? RED GIN? I’m Irish, I am a drunk and drink RED GIN? GINGER? – think about it.
I guess all of this leads to the essential truth that I am the most racist person in the world history, this relates back to the case that I AM LITERALLY HITLER!
And here we are: the most racist man in history has a brain condition PROBABLY induced as a result of exposure to population wide mind-control experiments as part of MK-ULTRA. And it kind of sucks.
But I’m okay.
I love you, even if you are a swarthy and dusky onyx beast.
I don’t know: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=15591
Manifestos: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=15589
Some of the answers: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=15587
Nietzsche: https://planetarystatusreport.com/?p=15585