This policy will fail for the same reason THEY were never going to collect yer guns …
11 million and change …
How much diesel fuel? How many uniformed personnel? How much ammo?
How many temporary holding facilities?
What happens if some Americans take up arms to protect the illegals?
What happens when the chaos of Northern Mexico enters the USA?
Where you going to send the ones that don’t have “proper” ID?
What if the nations they are from say “fuck you, pay me”?
THE REALITY PUDDLE FLOWER: Donald Trump is not going to deport 11 million plus people, he won’t even deport a million. The wall? – was/is meant to keep turds in the bowl, I’m sorry you’re too retarded to see this. Trump MIGHT deport the “criminals”, but how is he going to get nations to take them BACK without being paid? Sorry puddle flower, it’s too late and Trump is NOT Marcus Aurelius (and this isn’t a movie). Although, it does feel like JD Vance is gonna kill the guy, so there’s that. Finally, in order to accomplish this goal the USA would move further towards the entrenched police state.