I get hippos … (but now fucking HORSES … fuck)

What about:

train horses to hunt and kill cows and then to feast on the fermenting grass in the cow’s bellies?

Why do this?

People that ask get eaten by horses.

Follow me on this …

Period piece horror film, set in Ancient Greece, Mycenean fucking times … 1100 BC shit …


Troy raises horses to eat human flesh, they build a giant wooden horse in which TINIER CARNIVOROUS horses are hidden …

Whole movie is some human chase scene with horses eating the assholes out of greasy smelly Greeks.

Loneliness, modernity and Christ …

We are forgiven and saved through Christ.

But he also expects us to live the Kingdom Life in each day – and it’s a little more complicated than just “don’t drink beer” or “smoke cigs” …

We need to dedicate our day to Jesus as disciples, spread the Word, act and do as Christ would, lead by example … not perfect, but Christian.

If a person spends their whole day on the internet, then that is also a limit, a control, a separation from Christ.

But meditate on the engineered loneliness, so “accidental” as a side-effect of modernity. I am not surprised people spend their day online … it’s as much of a connection they will get that whole day. Doesn’t make it good or bad, but it does call into question our ideas concerning community.

Any who – the Lord knows me better than any, especially YOU the random internet voyeur …

I await His judgment.


I saw my doctor …

He says I have “Enzo Carditis” …

“There’s a tiny little Italian goombah, living in your heart, screaming for gabagool.”

My physician, Dr. Grunkis, works out of an alley in Little Saigon, Seattle. He has a nurse named Jenny, and he uses an old Florsheim shoes foot x-ray. He popped that jenky thing over my chest, and it made a terrible noise as I felt burning and smelled burning chest hair.

“You can see here, there’s the problem”, Doc points randomly at the fluoroscope, and then motions his nurse for the anesthetic – a fifth of Jack and a couple swacks across the head with a tent-peg hammer.

The surgery to remove the little ENZO took 5 hours, and the sirens from cop cars pulling into the alley is what woke me up …

And that little Enzo, he just scampered into the sewers … screaming “GABAGOOL” …