the McPoyle army exhales Novichok from Putin’s farm
the McPoyle army poops polonium from Putin’s farm
each McPoyle has written a memoir about being a “Hillbilly” …
flying paragliders, “Fireman Died” printed on the wing …
paragliders capable of landing on SLOPED ROOFS …
with cameras that take pictures of magical bullets
infected with COVID
with armor made from US passports
firing a gun that shoots box cutters
carrying “barrel bombs” filled with magical 9/11 aviation fuel
fully vaccinated
upon victory, all the paragliding McPoyles coalesce into a PUNK GROUP SHOT of the IWO JIMA flag raising …
You can accept the core narrative of 7/13/24 and the penny dreadful in Pennsylvania. But you have to also accept the consequences of believing this bullshit. That the US government is so broken that a McPoyle was critical in a CIA plot. Or, worse, that any random McPoyle could do this. In either case, it means collapse.
Fun fact about me: I’ve BEEN to PENNSYLVANIA … (it ain’t no picnic …)
I was working on my spider egg farm when a couple ladies, dressed in gray flannel, came up to my camper to talk about SEA-FLOW.
“We were wondering if WE could benefit from spider egg nutrients?”, the blonde said, as she massaged her boovula through her classy skirt. She had a case, what looked like a rifle case, and inside was a PLOTON GUN that fired WHALE JIZZ at 34% the speed of 12 million flamingoes … this was getting interesting.
“We will let you rub squirrel oil on our breasts as we ungunjoolate our boovulas, with only underwear on, and you can do a bunch of cocaine … BUT … you need to do this thing …”
And we talked about the THING: schedules and linkups and meetings and midnight phone calls over pay phones … burners and churners … it was LIT. We put on Golden Earring’s Twilight Zone, and that’s when the brunette with the really BIG JUGS unleased them and the coke they had … and then it got crazy …