MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230214_HOBO_SHAMAN.mp3
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles
You are my mountain cat, I am your water snake …
You are my dirt princess, I am your ocean stew …
You rub your boovula, I make life BIGGER with CHEESE MIND …
Wookie …
they’re out there … up in dem dare Uintas …
they live off of old possum and freak bate …
they can’t abide Mormon style hookers and the lost injun kingdoms …
They wait … with patience … staring deeply into their own dark souls, awaiting a time when they can attack.
Indiana Jones …
- Indiana Jones: and the hunt for the Rascal Scooter
- Indiana Jones and … the … um … where am I? What’s my name?
- Indiana Jones and the double hip replacement
- Indiana Jones and the prescription refill
- Indiana Jones and the procedure … just a procedure …
- Indiana Jones and the I HOPE IT’S NOT MALIGNANT
- Indiana Jones and all the Blue Pills
- Indiana Jones and Incontinence
- Indiana Jones and the Medicare Scam
- Indiana Jones and that blue paste the nurse makes me eat
- Indiana Jones and THE VILLAGES

Get used to it …
When you think your woman smells like sleevix and squirrel grease?
(get used to it)
(get used to the hairy legs too)
Your woman or man will rub themselves with quelf-musk and sprinkle rock salt on their junk.
Get used to it, it’s coming …
People will chase you with baseball bats and mutter filthy things about you and your cats …
People will vomit ire on to your brand new concepts and then dump your body down by that fake lake outside the building where you work … so the mutant catfish can feed on your disgusting muffin top …
That’s right fucker: get used to it …
do you know anyone … I mean any old scro … That ever thought, “well, I’m sure glad shingles cares …” ???
get used to it …
you find it near the river of forgotten stripper love
a greenish brown mold that is collected from under rocks
you squeeze out that special paste, and it becomes your JUICE
Guns …
“We don’t need guns? – buddy, we don’t need armies.” – Dr. Freckles
Surface Mind and Deep Mind …
“There’s surface mind and deep mind: we play with the surface mind, the deep mind plays with us.” – Dr. Freckles
She’s Farting …
Link: https://nypost.com/2023/02/10/my-husband-wont-forgive-me-for-farting-in-front-of-him
Hurting …
It hurts …
There are hurt’ers out there, hurting people … and that hurting spreads.
Hurting does hurt bad because it hurts, it hurts cuz someone did the hurting, and do they hurt? Longer this hurting lasts it hurts hard, and then you start shoving hooks and forks up there, root about, so it will stop hurting so bad where it hurts and now you want to hurt them.
Now you have wandering hurt people hurting themselves and hurting others. We all become pain givers …
So much hurting is a tsunami of dark and broken souls. Mind is cursed and the hurting swells into all consciousness and makes light of the terror-selves chasing you …
Hurting is hurting and is hurt, and it’s hurtful …
Hurters hurt because the hurting never stops hurting …
Hurting is a hurt lord and a side freak and an anal puppy …
So let’s stop the hurting ….
My family …
We are of the STEEGEN-CLAD FOLK, who live among the beaver-elk in the great northwest cauldron. Our people have sojourned there for over 87 billion KLEN. Since the time of FORG the DRAGON, we made musk-soup and lived as swamp bastards, covering our junk with dead fish carcasses and old style DEER poop.
… our people strode the world like LIVING JUNGLE KINGS, our people, armed with bats and chain, wrangled with the fester creatures and ate mint pudding and played the harp as we made love. Ships would arrive from far away to bring us the ancient herbs and spices. We drank fuel.
… there were times when oft sought after monkey varnish was rubbed on our own sadness. Our people fought the SKRUB-WARS against the old style dolphin priests and we set fire to their wretched homes. We covered the land with smungis and cheese and bred whale-ostrich and quail.
… if we felt hungry or cold, we buried our pain in a sweat magnet. Our enemies were everywhere plotting against us, and our angels had fled long ago. No green leaf or soft pelt was allowed, hence the mutilation of future bonds and the corpse waddling on the edge of madnees.
After the great valley was laid waste by ZORDOR, our family wandered SECTOR-777, where the mud witches ran naked across the meadow, rubbing their boovulas as their boobies bounced back and forth. We had fist-parties, and ate walnut pizza. Our last dead brothers were dumped.
Role Models …
“Role models and life coaches are just a few degrees removed from cult leaders.” – Dr. Freckles
Hobo Shaman
What does this mean?
- desolation of self
- mind openness and cocaine
- ghost hooker guardians
- you don’t work no regular job
- you don’t spend time fucking with people
- you want a HAND UP and not a HAND OUT, but what you really want is cocaine
- commitment to NEXT WAVE fire thinking
- orchestrator of feast magic
- practitioner of weeble rituals involving ear parasites
- bringer of good times and peace
- lover of dogs, dogs help you find cocaine
- capable of great travels, beyond the perimeter …
Imagine a world …
Imagine a world …
A world that is AMAZING and ENDLESS …
A world filled with animals and plants and mountains and lakes …
A world surrounded by infinite space and untold possibilities …
Now, in this ENDLESS imaginary universe, imagine there is a planet …
On this planet there is a person …
This person is imagining worlds …
And in this person’s imaginary world, there is another person imagining worlds …
And he begins where it must, imagining more worlds, and more imagineers …