MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20230508_WORK_FOR_THE_LORD.mp3
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Prayer for Guidance in our Daily Labors:
Lord in Heaven,
Who gave his only Son to save the World,
Our daily work can be hard, boring, dangerous, unsatisfying and unfulfilling.
We seek Your wisdom, Jesus, and the assistance of the Holy Spirit,
For times when we feeling like giving up,
For times when we should have the courage to say NO,
For times when we need to endure, for our families, for those we love,
Dear Jesus, we seek the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, at those times, to work.
Our jobs might seem easy to some,
Our jobs might seem wrong to others,
We might suffer the ire of our neighbors,
But for those we love, we often have to endure, and know WHERE the line is.
Help us God to endure in our Earthly labor.
Help us Dear Jesus to know WHERE the line is.
In Your Name, Jesus Christ, we serve.
a) I use NIV, I’m not always sure that’s right – I’m also not certain, beyond basic discipleship, where this “virtual church” is headed.
b) I think I have a plan to find a job – and it coincides with my arm, left arm, getting 70% back to normal.
c) I think I understand how I’m going to go forward, for now, because of a good friend of mine in Seattle.
d) I also need to remember, we need to remember, as Christians, there are lines we cannot cross for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ – we need to be cognizant of these lines, and know what we will do near to, at, and after. The Lord wants us to have a plan.
- working under harsh taskmasters, will the Lord look out for his people?
- Take joy in this life, and the work you do, for the Lord wishes you to be happy and prosperous.
- Work in this world while you can, for none of this will be once you pass.
- Do, do not simply talk about doing.
- Take up the work of Jesus, even if this means your own family is at odds.
- Work is more than piling wealth, all of our work goes to dust – so remember this.
- If you are honest and true, your work will be rewarded many times over.
- Work in this life as if you are working for the Lord.
Lines, duties, Love, and Jesus … this is the path to work.
If we sacrifice our connection to God for our job, then we are giving up eternal life and love and joy for something that will pass soon enough.
If we sacrifice our neighbors so that we can make more money, we will need to ask ourselves, as Jesus might, are these homeless, lost, orphaned and strange people not my children as well?
If we sacrifice our freedom for payouts and promotions and for the STATE, then are we not doing as they did in old times, building earthly towers in honor of Satan and nothing?
Stuff to think about, on your way to work.
Moment of meditation for our daily work:
Lord’s Prayer
Go forth and have a great week, month, year …