MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220909_Abandon_the_Cursed_Earth.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Something bad happened in Seattle back in May …

Link: https://vidmax.com/video/214879-crazed-man-terrifyingly-rips-apartment-lobby-doors-open-and-rushes-elevator-to-beat-woman-in-seattle

Seattle police are searching for a man who reportedly cornered a woman on an elevator in May and began punching and kicking her in the head in a brutal caught-on-video attack.

The assault happened just before 10 p.m. on May 30 when an unidentified man followed a woman into the lobby of an apartment building in the city's Central District and jumped inside an elevator with her, Seattle police said.

Police released video on Wednesday that shows the victim approaching the lobby elevator with what appears to be a take-out bag. The lobby door closes behind her as enters the elevator.

The suspect can then be seen pulling violently on the closed lobby door, which appears locked. He eventually rips the door open and charges into the elevator just as the door begins to slide closed.

The video shows the suspect attack the woman, punching her in the head until she falls to the ground. He is then seen kneeing her in the head and kicking her while continuing to pummel her with his fists.

After the assault, the man walks out of the elevator and leaves the building. The victim can be seen rising to her feet in the elevator.

The woman sustained significant injuries in the assault, including broken bones in her face and a concussion, police said.

Investigators described the suspect as a White male between 5-feet, 6-inches and 5-feet, 10-inches tall, with a short light-colored buzz cut. He appears to walk with a hunched posture.

Authorities asked anyone with information about the incident to call the Seattle Police Department’s violent crimes tip line at (206) 233-5000.

The Queen is DEAD …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/queen-elizabeth-iis-heath-causes-concern-among-doctors

The GREAT CONCEIT … (aka The Reset)

What is the “RESET”, really? – other than BIOSPHERE 5 or something …

Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2011&version=NIV

The fish tank … the carnival fish … and absolute tragedy.

Link: https://www.iflscience.com/eight-people-attempted-to-live-in-a-biosphere-for-two-years-then-it-all-went-wrong-58884

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group)

Quiet Quitting …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/labor-day-lament-quiet-quitting-stifling-business

  1. “too big to fail”
  2. “monkey herpes”
  3. “technocracy and nano-management”
  4. Skinner
  5. Microsoft
  6. Globalism and robot fear mongering
  7. Post scarcity
  8. Printed money party ends

Something I wrote in 2015 …

Abandon the cursed EARTH!

Strangle the flesh helmet, leaving darling rabbit hawks stalking their neighbors steer. Coyote freemen, emboldened by free cocaine and meth and hookers, storm the ramparts of S’Compton, not far from the Grinken River, where they dumped those bodies last year …

Abandon the flesh whores and the menu-harlots and the hipster scavengers seeking after fried arugula in the middle of this dark night. Let them feed upon garlic skewers and monkey turd sandwiches …

Load up your rocket ships with necessary STEM escorts, covered in gumpton-grease and living near the edge of uranium love magic. Rooster-elves, driving those controls, exit orbit and lead the STAR FORCE to Jupiter, where the love-dungeons are … abandon this cursed space.

Abandon the wriggly-kings, who spent their days making love to two-time Asian style waffle house workers …

Abandon the SCUMPTOUS and the RIMULACK LORDS and the gay-rod princes of Nashville. Let Kentucky style whiskey prawns go unsold, as coochie-squirts spread and the crabs become tangy …

Abandon the tiny ghosts that live below … they live there and plan there and are building a new world in the basement.

Abandon the ALIENS and the SKINWALKERS and the demons of Griegous-Kiln. Abandon the feminist monkey hordes and the scrag queens and the fishwives of old style clam chowder.

He woke, jaded, from a night of cocaine, meth and hookers. He sauntered over to the balcony, drinking warm champagne, and imagining his own failure as a tapestry of used condoms and wet towels littering the floor …


(and he goes over the edge, and he doesn’t look back)

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bed-bath-beyond-cfo-leaps-death-tribeca-skyscraper

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hey_Man_Nice_Shot


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/pilot-circling-mississippi-city-threatens-crash-plane-walmart

Exciting … what happens next …

“What happens next is a good-news-bad-news story … good news? – it will be exciting. The bad news? – it will be exciting.” – Dr. Freckles

Your door is a JAR …

Your door is a jar, your life asunder and spread too thin. Your woman is your life, your wife is your death scream. And yes – your DOOR is a JAR.

Space …

Link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/nasa-tries-again-to-launch-artemis-i-moon-mission-11662202531?st=g2p7juli9jrkbbj&reflink=article_email_share

Medical Kidnapping …

Link: https://townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/2017/06/28/the-brutal-battle-against-medical-kidnappers-n2347599

Weird threats …

“Please cherish and love each other, because it could be changed in a split second.” – A threat, from a grieving parent …

Complexity engines and government …

“Government is a complexity engine.” – Dr. Freckles

Another thing a lot of voters don’t get:

You don’t solve complexity, by adding complexity … and government? – it only knows how to generate complexity.

For a complexity engine? – there are never enough resources, land, people, water, anything … eventually you run out … not because the resources are gone, but because you wanted to vote.

If there are issues in the environment? – the best and ONLY solution is liberty … less government … more free enterprise.

The “Green New Deal” – a giant complexity bomb … the net effect will be more damage than simply burning the fossil fuels, as is … without making any panels or windmills …

BTW: almost all are Keynesians now … especially the voters and the pensioners …

They believe “growth” is somehow a useful measure … so they love printed money. Weapons or Windmills, both parties, all parties, are Keynseians.

No amount of explaining, or information, will help them understand that the “drought” isn’t the story … the real story is their safety net is about to evaporate, pretty much all at once.

(and the government won’t warn you)

Bargaining and negotiating with reality (see: salt water crocodile)

“Be on the lookout for ‘mass bargaining’ … it is an indication of panic.” – Dr. Freckles

And you support the Ukraine …

Gunken-tribes and dilly-boys, busy selling human organs in Kiev, polish Zelensky’s nob and he does his meth and cocaine and animal tranquilizers …

General ZODOK moves 5 divisions near Moscow, Putin launches the SUPER MISSILE at Toledo, and all Red Sock fans fall into the pit …

Why would you support the Ukraine?

COL YULIO moves his Ukrainian Butthole forces near the front line … his troops cover themselves in snail oil and failure, as Russian helicopters tear them a new one …

Ukrainian tanks explode, because the dumb UKIES fill them with nitro glycerin and donkey poop …

And you support the UKRAINE?

Ukrainian officers, buggering starry eyed princes looking for KROKODIL, running from Russian shock troops, running from one Zelensky child rape dungeon to another …

Zelensky, busy reaming a dog, drinks his hooch and wanders the narrow mind space of low IQ sadness …

(and you support the Ukraine)

Ukrainian monkey children trade genital crabs, as they repair aircraft for the Ghost of Kiev. The jingus whores, busy being ravaged by drunk CIA scuttle-thieves, lay their waste – spreading monkey herpes to those spooks.

And you support the Ukraine?

Witch clan hussies are moving EAST – taking their passports to MOSCOW for the MULE SHOW. Yinker, the storyteller, sets fire to all the orphanages in Kiev, leaving the burning to signal new wave style KOREAN pop stars – as the CIA sells children to Xi.

And you support the Ukraine?


Globalism …

“Want to understand globalism? – visit a landfill.” – Dr. Freckles

Something my friend said …

I have a friend who has said that he believes the geoengineering aircraft are remotely piloted and nearly fully automated. No passengers, just control equipment and the geoengineering sprayer systems and materials …

And at first, I wasn’t sure …

But the more I think about it …

If one of these drones or remotely piloted planes crashes? – the only “casualties” are the humans who happen upon the wreckage … they get whacked …

“… a FEDEX transport plane crashed today, but just 3 people died …”


And as I’ve said: if the US Govt. came out and admitted they were doing this? – I think many if not most Americans would say “right … okay” … they might want more oversight for “health risks” … but that’s it.

Maybe the “heat wave” was them turning down the “air conditioning”, just to get people ready to say YES … yes … keep dropping poison from the skies.

Take a stand …

“Stand up or shoot up.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. I don’t believe any of the pandemic was real, and I don’t believe it was all one big fiasco style misunderstanding. It was, and still is, military psychological warfare.
  2. I don’t really believe all the vaccine injury stories – but I do believe the fear and anger and confusion they generate serves the purpose of the psyop.
  3. The core message of all these psyops: stay at home, do nothing, just stay immobile and angry and confused and afraid. But mostly stay at home, and don’t travel.
  4. I said this 2 years ago, and I stick to it: the “vaccine” is either poison or placebo, but also NOT NECESSARY for make believe pandemics.




MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220902_HUNGER_STONES.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles


  1. Had to stay overnight in a hospital for the first time.
  2. Lost muscle strength and control in my right leg.
  3. started a few days ago, coinciding with a summer cold.
  4. Stopped drinking beer while I was sick – that might have been wrong
  5. Ate a can of Nalley’s TAMALES the other day – I promised I’d never do that again.
  6. The put me into the “wonder tube” and flushed my soul with brillo pads
  7. I was RIGHT about Schrodinger’s healthcare plan. FUCK YOU!
  8. I am now a 100% “House MD” character … (total fucking mystery)
  9. The inside of an MRI, even with headphones or earplugs, sounds like certain portions of Pink Floyd’s “Welcome to the Machine” – the machine noises …
  10. My neighbor saw the dog pull me over … like I was “WUHAN FEB 2020” …
  11. The did all kinds of strange tests: toosel-nog wiring, cundix, florentine-tube mechanics, sauce consistency, blood, urine, they checked for nodules on my skull freetix … the nurses wore g-strings and danced about, sticking you with needles and unjoovulating froog-cream.
  12. I might have been cursed by Mormon witches … There are some bad ones in Duchesne … OUR POWER WENT OUT LAST NIGHT? – been doing that a LOT lately … (LOL-CRYPTO) … any who … this is feeling like a gypsy or a Mormon witch curse …

I am a winner …


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Jokes …

“Jokes are rapid learning.” – Dr. Freckles

Ajita Wilson was a dude …

A listener wanted some clarification …

Link: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0932954/


The story of a PTSD German Colonel, who had been on the Eastern Front for 2 years. Transferred to a concentration camp – and he cannot stomach the killing. He falls in love with a Jewish prisoner, and they come up with a plan – to create a Potemkin Death Camp, that attracts the NAZI high command, because so many are “liquidated”, but in reality they are being trained, and equipped, to pretend to be good NAZI citizens, with papers that get them near or to allied nations. The “collaborate”, to produce fake carnage, pain, torture, all to hide an escape hatch.

28 Day Workout …

Cinematic Arbitrage …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/worlds-second-largest-cinema-chain-preparing-bankruptcy

Prediction: PornHub.com is going to start buying up all these movie theater chains, and probably do a partnership with Hustler or Skank to buy up distressed mall properties as well …. and yeah, Jesus said it would be like the times of Noah.

I have this crazy idea that is probably NOT that original: END TIMES INVESTING STRATEGY

  1. Christ is returning … but your 401k isn’t.
  2. Put money towards things that allow the anti-Christ to rise, he has to make bank for a while.
  3. Put money into stuff that matches prophecy …
  4. Put money into SIN … all forms of SIN … (big money in SIN towards the end)
  5. If it’s about diseases, war, famine, drought? – probably a solid bet.
  6. And never forget banking industry stocks … especially if it’s the end times.

Hunger Stones …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/hitlers-scuttled-black-sea-fleet-centuries-old-hunger-stones-emerge-dry-riverbeds-drought

these stones remind me of …

Jan Michael Vincent, at the end of the movie “The Mechanic” … listening to Bronson’s tape recording.

Ukraine: cui bono

This war does a few things for the NATO/Banker empire:

– it’s “broken windows” Keynesian make-work (commies love this) – military industrial complex

– it’s potentially a way to carve up Russia, and Putin could be in on it (we shouldn’t assume anything about that guy). They would need a pretext – and a post Ukraine War “peace” negotiation could lead to Russia being broken up.

– the war acts as a PSYOP engine, like 9/11 or the “covid”, and allows the deep state to pump a lot of nonsense and propaganda out

– the ongoing economic collapse can be blamed on Putin

Overall – Nato/USA/Bankers get a LOT from this

Walt’s Götterdämmerung … (“Breaking Bad”, Season 5)


  1. Walt descends into madness as portrayed by the writers.  There’s this weird scene where he makes this big show of “forgiving” Skyler.  What is madness?  Can we boil it down into something like megalomania, with all the other definitions deems relative to whatever current society sees as normal?
  2. What about terms like “sociopath” or “crazy” or “madness” or “criminal” or “hero” – and how did BB help us deconstruct these ideas … What would Foucault think of this show, if he watched TV and was still alive?
  3. A big recurring theme of the series is how Walt wants to reap the benefits of his actions but not suffer any consequences.  Comparing him to Gus, he really seems to have no concept of ownership, even self-ownership, and it’s responsibilities.
  4. Skyler’s “pool state” stunt is a clever reenactment of Walt’s “fugue state.”
  5. Perhaps the pivot point of the series is the killing of that boy on the motorcycle. The first time a completely innocent, non-participant is killed by Walt’s activities.  From there on it’s a follow-coaster ride to the resolution of the many plot conflicts in the series.
  6. Walt won’t sell his share of the Methylamine for $5mil, because he sold his share of Grey Matter for 5,000.  Very twisted logic.
  7. Walt thinks he can find “everybody wins” solutions, but there is always a victim.  He’s really just a two-bit bandit.
  8. Mike:  “Shut the fuck up and let me die in peace.”
  9. Who is W.W.?  Did the writers intentionally use Walt Whitman in comparison to Walter White? Is it because Whitman was a favorite of early 20th century anarchists?
  10. Why would Hank take a dump in the Master Bathroom at someone else’s house? It seems implausible to me, or it reveals something really weird about Hank.
  11. Walt: “Wouldn’t two car washes be better than one?”  Skyler: “Well there’s Gentle Hands over by Kirkland. I do love that location.”  — weirdness
  12. Skyler [referring to Jesse] “We’ve come this far, “for us”, what’s one more?”
  13. I liked it, I was good at it, and….I was alive.”  Discuss: vocation, being human, and how sin distorts it
  14. Trophies: Todd kept the kid’s jar/spider, Walt keeps the Walt Whitman book.
  15. How do we learn from failure? Nat King Cole song … https://youtu.be/20ViFpURIDk
  16. Why is it we need some kind of marginal redemption, especially in fiction?
  17. Götterdämmerung of WALT, the Meth Cook … you could make much of the soundtrack for season 5 from The Ring by Wagner. This would have made a great soundtrack option for this last season: https://youtu.be/a53s4jyCqqU
  18. Joseph Campbell has a book called the Heroes Journey, but isn’t there also a shadow aspect to this … like the Arc of the Villain?
  19. Did WW get away with it?

Amour juices …

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220819_AMOUR_JUICES.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles



  1. Going to be doing a show, once a month, on the projects Justin and I are working on.
  2. Currently: trying to settle into the new job, but we are starting to build out some listening station infrastructure. I’m going to be reaching out to some people I know to set up a similar system at their locations, ideally as many areas of the USA, and world, as possible. The listening stations would simply run a python script using a registered account to upload JS8 messages.
  3. I’m using an SDR radio ($70) and a loop antenna MLA-30 ($40), running the JS8 software on a dedicated computer with the python script.
  4. Here is a link to the notes application: https://planetarystatusreport.com/notes.php
  5. Improvements to the notes application are coming, probably in September.
  6. We are going to start building out a few rad-terminal kits, in the next few months. We probably jumped the gun a little on this, but we are recalibrating.

Amour Feel … (don’t get conned …)

“The choicest targets for a grifter are the lonely.” – Dr. Freckles

STAY AWAY FROM THIS SITE: https://amourfeel.com/

(but you do get some free credits to talk to some womenz …)

Anna: Do you celebrate Thanksgiving this year?

Dirk: No, I celebrate the Festival of Grall

Anna: how that going?

Dirk: great - we harvest the shungo grease next week

Anna: is that in your place?

Dirk: yes

Anna: what else are you doing for life?

Dirk: working

Anna: how is work?

Dirk: good, fine, you?

Anna: me too!what you doing today?

Dirk: chasing bungo flesh and ungudjoolating my frigger-rash ...

Anna: is that hard?

Dirk: yes ... real hard

Svetlana: Describe your greatest achievement and most impressive failure?

Dirk: greatest achievement was hunting the wild eagle-bear of Mt. Dinctus, this was also my greatest failure

Svetlana: Hello, have you got a wanderlust?

Dirk: oh yeah ... when I've been doing cocaine

Svetlana: Was it great?)))Where were you when getting high?

Dirk: I was being chased by cops while I was doing the coke

Svetlana: Did you run you down orget away with it?

Dirk: I always get away with it

Svetlana: ... all right))) Do you still take coke? Does it effect you life somehow?

Dirk: I've been doing more meth and angel dust lately

Svetlana: what is angel dust?

Dirk: it's a love enhancing penis grease technology, you use the dust to unboobulate a woman's boovula ...

Svetlana: that's great ...

Dirk: yeah

(I’ll be dating Svetlana and Anna, and I will probably do cocaine)

If …

“It’s 2022 BOBLIMPTOCK … if you’re not a little paranoid, you’re crazy.” – Dr. Freckles

Ending up an anarchist …

“You end up an anarchist one of three ways: a) books, b) bad luck or c) both …” – Dr. Freckles

“Siri … how do I?”

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/plea-deal-rejected-couple-accused-selling-nuclear-submarine-secrets

  1. These are typical nuke sub engineers now? – does this make you feel better?
  2. The package was somehow “intercepted” by the FBI?
  3. Did they use USPS? UPS? FEDEX? (see point one above)

Bottom line: it’s an awesome excuse, to tell the survivors, explaining WHY during that brief nuclear war our subs didn’t work … or were dealt with by China or Russia … cuz secrets given to enemy by FEDEX …


Insect food psyop: how can I say this … worst case? – you won’t have any bugs to eat either …

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/you-will-eat-the-bugs-major-brands-quietly-slipping-insects-into-your-food/


Roaches in the UK … https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/they-crawl-over-kids-sleep-24763921

Talking about AMERICA …

Time of SK’LOBAN ARMIES is upon us …

Indoogliate the fortics, as they wander the trestle kingdom, looking for owl grease and cherry pie droppings …

Man the TURNIP CANNON, and leave your whisky lover dying in that ditch … the one where the rats feed on the dead and the dying …

(that’s America)

You walk your city, after dinner and wine with Christy the stripper. You shared cocaine in the alley, after killing that homeless person and then tossing his body in a dumpster nearby …

And the CHALICE QUEEN hums her ditty …

And the BRANDON eats ice cream and poops a little in his undies, as secret service make chicken noodle soup.

And you ask what happened to America?

(ask the strippers)

THROGAN WHALE HERDERS weld the great mast to your starship, the solar sail unfurls as hooker-sailors cover their bodies in moist turtle smear and weak smelling mushroom compost.

Jinctus freaks wander the hallways of your hospitals, dispensing R’OXY and ketamine and old dead rat burgers to the jorgan hordes dying of monkey herpes and monkey pox and monkey crabs …

The milk turns yellow … the corn turns to dust … the amber waves of grain are smithereens …

And you ask me “what happened to America?” … ????

I ask you … what happened to Rock and Roll?

I met the demon X’INDER in Little Saigon, Seattle …

He had NO TIME for my ape-like sentimentality … he wanted to know MOAR about bond products and reverse-vampire credit default swaps. He had a VISA GOLD CARD with BLACK CARD LIMITS and TITANIUM BENEFITS … he had one of those MAGNISES CARDS, an official BILLY MCFARLAND FYRE FESTIVAL FEMA TENT … and 100 expired MREs … he was a demon in search of a lover.

And the nuke subs had TRANS-CLOWN-STORY-HOUR …

And the Airforce dug holes … it was all they knew how to do.

And you ask me … mother-jorker … WTF HAPPENED to AMERICA?

(tell me: where did VELVEETA come from?)

GEN MILLEY drank cantily wine with old SGT GRUMBO. They looked upon each other with lust, so they both inskluntified themselves in pear juice and diesel fuel. COL CHAN of the 4th CHING-CHONG CHINESE ARMY, formed up in Vancouver, BC. The troops had fried rice and rat brains, while the officers made love to hippie gingers … ravaging the EMO of Canada.

STINCTER CRAFT, carrying cluster bombs, strafed and burned old New York … even Soho and Scompton … down to Greenich and Tingdon Town … murdering thousands of gizzard princes and twinks.

And you ask me … What happened to the USA?


(what happened to Popeye’s Chicken?) 

“General, is that the BEASTRESS?”

General Q’OHG looked out upon the battlefield near PHILLY, he saw the lesbian grease armies and the womanly love oil shock troops, all dressed in g-strings and HOOTER WAITRESS T-SHIRTS … the pain of monkey crabs written on their faces, as tiny little creatures crawl down their legs to the next victim.

“Yes private, them be the she-demons who took over VEGAS … CALL FORTH THE WOLF-HAWKS …”

(because you said: WHAT HAPPENED to AMERICA …. ?????)

(and I wonder: what happened to Nicholas Cage?)

Would you want your kid to fight for CHEETO-LOVE-PRINCE or BLACK-RAGE or BRANDON?

Would you want your kid to die for the CANADIAN GEESE types and the blue helmet butt-drones?

Want more re-fried maggot juice and Norman Borlaug style diabetes?

(how about that Gulf of Mexico … something’s growing down there …)

(but you are wondering about America …)

(and I’m hearing the tremors of SODOM’S GHOSTS rustling … under our feet)

(searching for gumptus nectar and Turquois missile fruit …) 


Your mind will break when you move onwards, to Delta-Charley’s New Style Whiskey Taco Stand, and get a triple whip burrito with vodka sauce and honeydew juices from Scragus, the meat hag. Your own failure is the map, the way, to deliverance – on your corpse your enemy will march … your women and families … your dogs and cats … your homes and cars and craft style beer … all of it is up for grabs now, and the swarthy, dusky, types from below are coming to TAKE IT … and you don’t have to give it up … you fashion your own chainsaw swords and laser scythes, and seek the GRUNDO-LORD, Tygus the Unhindered and Unabashed.

And you ask me what happened to America?



They spent their time putting together remote controlled jizz-canons and old-style tornado condom-holsters … all on sale at TARGET in the children’s aisle, not far from the free suicide pills and COVID-19 tests … and wearable coffee filters.

They hunker down in the filth region, eating cockroach burgers and drinking the rich man’s unfiltered urine …

But China is doing okay, right?

In the time of nuclear war …

When three headed dogs rule the land …

When the funkin-folk of EAST SIDE HOOLEY magic take their place upon the world stage – ruling sectors 2 and 77, this will be the signal to begin the preparation …

Ukrainian strippers live downstairs and mix their crabs with mayo …

And Zelensky is your hero?

The CIA has replaced Erdogan with a robot dopple ganger named Sid. Sid is powered by a nuclear battery and has the power of 2,000 angry bears. His brain is maple syrup and silicon …

Sid loves hard and fast, like the magic warriors of Ventura Blvd, like those friendly types that sell bread and apples near the onramp. Sid has pure electric love power …

And with Sid in charge of Turkey?

(all things become possible)


“Every joke is offensive, just because you haven’t found that snowflake yet, does not mean they don’t exist.” – Dr. Freckles

  1. Make a list of taboo subjects
  2. Review the list
  3. Ask yourself, honestly: what is left to joke about?

What do I love joking about?

  1. Stupid people – and sometimes I’m pretty fucking stupid.
  2. Unhealthy people and illnesses – and I’m basically a walking corpse.
  3. Societal chaos and decay – cuz, look around champ …
  4. Race and Racialism and Racists and Danes – cuz, get a life …
  5. Gender and junk – because sex has always been funny, and your junk is funny … get a life.
  6. Religion and even God – cuz lots of folks claim they have faith, and God has big shoulders … infinite ones.
  7. Everything else that scares you …

That’s what I joke about …

(every single thing that scares you)

STARRING: Linda Blair

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220814_Starring_Linda_Blair.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Dane Wigington (revisited)

  1. I don’t know him, other than his public image and his website/vlogging. I’ve listened to his stuff since 2016.
  2. He seems honest.
  3. Is he an alarmist? – maybe … is that bad?
  4. I do question his alarmism in connection with things like “I’m gonna sue that guy” and “let’s do handouts and wear t-shirts”.
  5. What if people don’t care? … what if they know the contrail shit is shit … but they don’t care … if the government gave them a choice: a) stop the geoengineering and live through the harshness of this situation or b) keep it going … “it works”. I’ve had people I know tell me they don’t really care to know the truth about 9/11 … and I am watching the memory hole of MONKEY HERPES opening right now, sucking in anything resembling the truth … I don’t think people would say “NO”… I believe they understand what’s going on. I think they’d support “reformed” geoengineering, but they would still want it.
  6. So, if Dane is legit, is his pursuit futile? – maybe … but it’s probably still good he’s speaking out.

Some interesting movie picks …

(all three capture much of today’s dystopian situation)

  1. Await Further Instructions
  2. 1BR
  3. Faults

TRS: Triumphal Revenge Syndrome …

  1. Imagine Hitler … but not Hitler.
  2. The STATE promotes this as a divide and conquer technique.
  3. Voting and the political engine embeds this in the subconscious of the well educated public school children …
  4. Pop culture feeds this as well: whether STAR WARS, MARVEL or CARRIE …
  5. Bully culture is not really attacked, it is further built up …

WHAT IF: there are MANY MORE HITLER TYPES than you can imagine … almost like sleeper agents … ready to be triggered, turned on.

Government and complexity …

“Government is a device for generating complexity.” – Dr. Freckles

Communism …

“Communism is the opium of the masses.” – Dr. Freckles

Flying …

“Don’t be afraid to fly, but also … don’t be afraid to crash.” – Dr. Freckles

“The money is at the AUTO PARTS STORE …” – Ferguson Riots, 2014

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/catalytic-kingpin-cops-charge-portland-man-trafficking-44000-stolen-converters

Ajita Wilson …

“Ajita Wilson is a poor man’s Pam Grier.” – Dr. Freckles

From otherPurpose@protonmail.com …

the authenticate-all electric space man palguy has another company.  he said a few years back that you could squirt a net in your tubes, and it would unfold around the tubes of the toupee.

it would make RF comm possible.

you may have heard about the difficulties in the tubes suffered by people who got the ouchy...  and many bizarre and unbelievable things.

they figured out how to squirt something in your arm, that will then migrate to your tubes and build the net in them.  for the RF comm.

thats what is causing the really strange tube problems in some people when either the magic malfunctions, or some tubes just react badly to it.

thats how you do bad things to lots of people and think you'll get away with it... this may be behind certain classes of suddenly that have become common; particularly the 'timber!' type.  you will notice timber! is not extremely common for those types of failures, yet now it is captured on video often.

if one day you notice lots of people sort of strange, you'll know what is going on.  it may also just be a subtle thing that will never have a super noticeable go-live.

... and to kill those who will not worship the image.

... when you see the abomination of desolation where it should not be .... flee to the mountains...
  • I have no idea who sent this
  • I think I know what it means
  1. some “pal guy” starts businesses
  2. the vaccine is killing people
  3. stuff might be going on, or maybe not
  4. “something something” prophecy
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Grinkus, and the Word was Grinkus.

“I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world.”


A great number of people followed Him, including women who kept mourning and wailing for Him. But Jesus turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. Look, the days are coming when people will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed!’ At that time

‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!”
and to the hills, “Cover us!” ’

For if men do these things while the tree is green[has sap (of the earth)], what will happen when it is dry?” 

Link: https://www.technologyreview.com/2013/02/18/180015/graphene-and-the-emergingtechnology-of-neural-prostheses/

I get the tubes …

3 DROGO FREAKS told me about this 5 years ago. They lived in Scompton, ate turtle goo, and made underwear out of discarded plastic and used toilet paper.

I was also thinking about hyper tubes … and jingus pipes

As if the schlumptick folk could find her jingus.

Are ye to insplinctify,

as thwart the frostbit panther queen?

And if this nostrel of despair finds ENDINGS …


If not the fire of grumpulous …

Angry white man (continued) …

  1. Gaslighting from all sides concerning the weather, climate, ecosystem, whatever …
  2. The “RACE WAR” / “GENDER WAR” nonsense … everyone needs to get the JORK over themselves.
  3. HAM RADIO shitheads … not all, but many are.
  4. That old dude that works at JAVELIN’S GAS MART? He just talks funny and makes angry noises and deliberately slows down or speeds up, depending upon which version of HIM will annoy you more … if I had any JORKING BALLS? – I’d bury that nasty old man under the floorboards of my bedroom, so I could hear his spirit-heart beating at night, and this could drive me into a demonic insomniatic RAGE …
  5. the NEVERENDING MOTHER JORKING MONKEY HERPES PSYOP … the “Cult of the Coffee filter Wearers” … tired of their lame excuses and the tacking towards “ERMAGERD, the VACCINE …” … here’s a solution: YOU DON’T NEED THE JORKING VACCINE BECAUSE THE JORKING PANDEMIC WAS and IS JORKING BULL POOP …
  6. UBIC and the parade …
  7. I’m ANGRY as JORK about the HAGLAMITE WITCH CLAN, and what they did to those injuns so long ago … how they killed the man that new WHERE the LOST MORMON GOLD was … and now we have less cocaine.
  8. TRUMP and the Q ARMY …
  9. Biden limited hangout and his train wreck of a son
  10. Dane Wigington, talking about world ending stuff happening in the next couple years, and then also talking about suing people and handing out pamphlets and wearing thought provoking t-shirts … tired of this crap. I met another doom/gloom dude who would talk about suing people … he’d be like “world’s ending in 2 years” and … “I’m gonna sue you …” … pick a lane Dane … if you’re right about what they’re doing? – time for stinger missiles.
  11. Tides? … I saw the water run out when the JIMBO PRIESTS got tired of hocking old style torpedo nuggets … and they laid siege to Paris, and burned the CHILI PALACE, but no one could have seen this coming, right? SEND: scrongo troops to sector 14, once you have destroyed COL TRAN leave the bodies for the birds. Have ready the jungo-shock armies and be prepared to arm the populace with pillowcases filled with d-cell batteries.
  12. Angry about the weird pains in my body, the odors and fluids that cannot be controlled, will not be controlled … I’m angry about all that blood in my stool, and that greenish glowing thingy that is growing from my foot mold. The parasites? – I’m not a fan … and we ALL KNOW WHERE the parasites are coming from … Denmark … and the illegal Danish white slavery trade.
  13. Seattle used to be cool, but then they killed Kurt Cobain … AMIRITE?

Liars …

“Every person that believes they’re honest and truthful, knows they’re a liar.” – Dr. Freckles

Safer …

“Hiring a drunk TAXI driver is probably safer than visiting the hospital.” – Dr. Freckles

(probably WAY safer)

The Atomic Bomb

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki

Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7090178


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220811_ANGRY_WHITE_MAN.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

*** Also on WRMI, 5850 kHz, Friday NIGHT EDT 10-11 PM …

FAUX FAUCI, doubles, and the end of the PSYOPs … (madness)

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/fauci-booed-crowds-while-throwing-first-pitch-seattle-mariners-game

Celebrity …

“Many of the most interesting and exciting and rewarding lives, ever lived? – you will never know about.” – Dr. Freckles

Jork … Jorkyou!

Jork: the act of taking several pounds of rock salt and shoving this, forcibly, up someone’s butt-tube, and it’s quite painful and humiliating …

Jorking: where two or more people sit in a circle, naked, and rub rock salt all over their junk.

This is today’s new word …

Pro-tip: JORK means what the f-bomb means, but WAY WAY JORKING WORSE.

Angry British people …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/revolution-has-begun-75000-brits-stop-paying-power-bills-amid-inflation-storm

Angry …

Link: https://www.foxnews.com/us/university-kansas-offers-angry-white-male-studies-class

What am I so angry about?

  1. Jetsons lie … come on. We were supposed to live in sky-condos and have robots and flying cars … we were supposed to hang out at sky-clubs and do sky-cocaine as we watched the peasants dig for the last remaining uranium below … in their squalor … their bodies covered in tumors and jinkus … their minds polluted with mercury and Hallmark Channel clichés.
  2. Where are the starships and the dystopian futuristic hell scapes? Where is Farah Fawcett, running from some cyborg that has Harvey Keitel’s voiceover actor’s nonsense British voice as if we care any longer and we JORKING don’t … We were supposed to have Sigourney Weaver (sexy young version), running through the passageways of our starship, in only her underwear and a tight t-shirt … and we were gipped … and that’s a huge deal.
  3. cameras on the moon … all the space crap … I don’t know if it’s true or false, I don’t really care, it has little impact upon the price or quality of the food I eat.
  4. Mormon beer … don’t get me started.
  5. food is poison … I went to get some cottage cheese at MARTY’S ALL NITE GROCER. It was yellow and smelly and I think there were human hairs and fecal matter shoved in there … the manager wouldn’t let me return it, I looked in his dead eyes and prayed that the coyote kings would come for him and his clan. I know the dark paste is everywhere now, it’s in everything. Dark paste and shame and jizz … that’s the cottage cheese now.
  6. Walking on egg shells and apology tours and crap … NO … speak your goddamn mind … be unafraid to express your opinion … get over this crap. WHAT THE JORK?
  7. Danish people … Shakespeare once said: “Denmark – filled with MOTHERJORKERS!”
  8. Cars are mostly crap now … the Toyota CAMRY … started falling apart right after I bought it.
  9. People are still wearing coffee filters … masks … probably because of shame at this point.
  10. STAR WARS movies
  11. Super hero movies

“It’s just a cook …” – Victor (“Breaking Bad”, Season 4)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220807_Philosophy_of_Breaking_Bad_Season_4_with_Seattle_Mike.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles



  1. Can people seeking after control have friends? – Another theme: Friendship / Partnership. Discuss. Skyler, Walt, Hank, Marie, Mike, Gus.
  2. The real drug for Gustavo, Walt and Skylar: Power
  3. Skylar as master manipulator: IRS, Ted, “I found myself admiring the smooth con that Skyler pulled on the locksmith in order to get into Walt’s apartment.”
  4. Gustavo as expert manipulator: Jessie and the face robbery, killing that dude in the first episode
  5. Walt as master manipulator: ricin and the boy, Brock, Andrea’s son
  6. Black market discourse on gun control, and the New Mexico / Western culture of “stand your ground”
  7. In the game of manipulation and control: the greater sociopath wins, empathy loses
  8. Mike E. arrogance is cover for his past guilt.
  9. Madness as a coping mechanism …
  10. The car wash is a money laundry
  11. Walt expresses a common frustration of modernity: “I’m done explaining myself.” Supposedly in the past, asking for an explanation was also an invitation to a duel. Is that good or bad?
  12. Man in waiting room: “Man Plans, God laughs.” Walt: “That…is such bullshit.” Walt says that he’s in charge of his life regardless of cancer.
  13. Walt says he “won”, but what was his victory? What did it cost him?


  1. Skylar as manipulator: the locksmith, the time at the jeweler … with pretty much everyone …
  2. A discourse on gun control and self defense … 38 snub …
  3. “White Residence” … when answering the phone … is there an undercurrent of racial commentary threaded into the show?
  4. The Greater Sociopath wins: Gus VS Walter
  5. Mike E. is smarmy and self-righteous by default. A form of arrogance that covers his past wrongs.
  6. I found myself admiring the smooth con that Skyler pulled on the locksmith in order to get into Walt’s apartment.
  7. Gus: “Well, get back to work.” Why did he kill that guy? What does it say about organizations? Is there an analogy to American Business in general?
  8. Madness as a coping mechanism is a theme of the show.
  9. Pride and Madness are closely related? Is pride Walt’s main downfall, his “Achille’s Heel?”
  10. The Car Wash is a Money Laundry. LOL
  11. Walt: “I am the one who knocks!”
  12. Gus channels Zig Ziglar! “I like to think I see things in people.” BS
  13. Man in waiting room: “Man Plans, God laughs.” Walt: “That…is such bullshit.” Walt says that he’s in charge of his life regardless of cancer.
  14. Walt expresses a common frustration of modernity: “I’m done explaining myself.” Supposedly in the past, asking for an explanation was also an invitation to a duel. Is that good or bad?
  15. Another theme: Friendship / Partnership. Discuss. Skyler, Walt, Hank, Marie, Mike, Gus.
  16. Walt says he “won”, but what was his victory? What did it cost him?
  17. With Gus out of the way, Walt takes a short trip to Hell and madness.

GULAG for WOMEN! (coming soon)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220805_GULAG_FOR_WOMEN.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Ash and trash …


If you want to donate, there is a link at my site, PLANETARYSTATUSREPORT.COM

My contact email: DanielSullivan@PlanetaryStatusReport.com

FCC Behavior …

It’s murky …


  1. shit
  2. piss
  3. fuck
  4. cunt
  5. cocksucker
  6. motherfucker
  7. tits


  1. Boovulate
  2. Scrunctus
  3. Devoolia
  4. Tridesto
  5. Nistorian Pincter Splink
  6. Sorgo-Trog
  7. Sideways-Sally Mist Party
  8. Jergin
  9. Boblimptock
  10. Grinken
  11. Sclisserate
  12. Annoolibitis
  13. Test-Rock-Pony


Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/biden-hhs-declare-monkeypox-public-health-emergency-soon-today

“GULAG for WOMEN …” (starring digitized 1970’s PAM GRIER)

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/russian-prosecutors-request-9-12-year-sentence-brittney-griner

  1. You get rights to Griner’s story, ASAP.
  2. You hire Pam and get rights to her digitized 1970’s self.
  3. You hire some B-LIST, but dishy, female actors.
  4. You write the script in a weekend.
  5. Griner never goes to the prison …
  6. You still release the movie.
  7. People believe the movie …

“I saw it in a movie … m’kay …”

Shit you hear …

“Whatever shit you hear? – might be shit in your ear.” – Dr. Freckles

Ya think?

I have covered the western lands in muck dust, leaving on the tracings of bent and broken nargin-thieves. Jungis? The Grov-Lord? He stole our ancient scepter and sold that crap to some hookers near Grinken Town.

I had an inconceivable fear of frog swamps, where the last of the old gilley-rats were sacrificed to Bael. I would spend my nights sniffing after cat flowers and wrestling dolphins near the inlet where they dumped those bodies last year, that place where all the old folks were taken. You could say I was in a hurry to find lightning style love.

It was your own moon unit that led the way to the demon caves, somewhere near Heber, where the ancient Ute shaman would lurk and gather Indio-grievous dust and jurgen-paste. They would smear a gumbo of dead coyote and wasted lives upon their broken bodies and then hunt after the scarlet beaver of RUNEVILLE. And with turquoise treasure and love magic, they’d find their own beastly wives ingroogliating their boovula.

The way you tell it, you were a golden boy or golden girl when the BEEGEES road STRONG and that old queen, Elton John, ruled Boy’s Town. You had green eyes and yellow teeth and your children were whale herders, no longer in contact with ordinary Horgen-Folk, but eating by themselves at Old Schlimby’s Beef Stew Warehouse … and the rat stew had the odor of afterbirth and failure.

Take your Romeo style gigolos and your pastel swimming trunks and that snotty attitude. Go down to STRUNKER’S MEAT PALACE and buy yourself some hammerhead chili. And when you’ve finished? – understand that your world is broken and left to the smoke demons.

Nothing is protected …

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/senator-asks-cdc-clear-conflicting-statements-vaccine-safety-research

people believe, in this “digital age”, it’s harder to “lie about the numbers” …

But as someone who has worked on clinical informatics projects, places like Harborview in Seattle?

(it’s literally, lopsidedly, the opposite)

(way easier to lie)


MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220729_Everyone_Gets_To_Play.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

Where are we?

  1. 2008 GFC
  2. 2009-2019 The Lost Decade or the financial obscuration/obfuscation of a global depression … the parable of the unconscious skier …
  3. 2019 REPO market suffers from systemic issues, Powell goes to push button QE
  4. 2020 “COVID” (or what I call the monkey herpes), the “RACE WAR”, and other petit forms of psychological warfare. Key point: in 2020 the level of PSYOPs being conducted against the US, and likely much of the world, was ramped up.
  5. 2021 “NEVERENDING BIDEN-TRUMP TRAUMA DRAMA” … lots of limited hangouts and lab leak theories, etc …
  6. 2022 “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA” … and the shutting down of much of the cooperative scientific research around the arctic circle … probably random

What’s next?

Since December 2020, I’ve had a feeling that we were looking at a blank, empty, chalkboard … but maybe what I was seeing was in fact a vision of the “chasm” … if Wiley Coyote has the courage to look down as he coasts across the canyon through space? What would he see?

Are you seeing a lot of second and third stringers getting a “chance at the wheel”?

(that’s not a good sign)

Planet of the Humans …

What if the entire green energy agenda is just a Potemkin village, hiding more coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear?

What if the green energy movement is also a PSYOP, designed to calm the general public as we rocket towards some very ugly places in the near future?


What if those power generating wind-farms are NOT what you think they are?


“All ADD is overcome by FOMO.” – Dr. Freckles

Boomer went on a run …

“You don’t train dogs … you sign peace agreements with them … you hope those agreements hold.” – Dr. Freckles

I went to …

I went to McDonalds …

I ordered a number 6 with extra-cheese-sauce and a side order of jingo-fries …

They served me 2 hours later …

Gave me a brown bag full of pain and broken glass and diesel fuel …

(and they said “have a nice day”)

(so I had to stabz them)

I went to Subway …

I really wanted a tuna sandwich …

I’d been watching this nature show about how the sharks can’t find no more food so they’re starting to eat more kids who go swimming … after that there was a documentary about Fukushima …

And I got really hungry … for a tuna sandwich …

I went to this Subway off of Blimpton, not far from Grinken AVE … where those people were killed last year because they didn’t have the right look on their faces …

They asked me what I wanted, and I said: GIVE ME A FUCKING FOOT LONG TUNA SANDWICH …

The manager went in the back, he scooped up some marinated fiberglass from the bin in the back, mixed it with used motor oil and misery … they put it into their EZ bake oven … but first they said “what kind of bread do you want?” – AND IT MADE ME SO ANGRY.

“WHAT KIND OF BREAD???!? – the kind NOT containing wrestling mat material …” – I yelled in response …

Then they smathered sprinkter sauce and gumbo grease on it and pissed on it and shoved it all in a bag made of recycled condoms …

And I was really thankful …

I went down to the CHEVRON …

They sell fuel and hookers and sawed-off shotguns and whiskey style nightmares …

They have a heating lamp zone where hotdogs slowly die of dehydration, and hamburgers made from ferry rat and whale vomit can be had for 5 bucks … it’ll be 20 bucks next week … so get them burgers while you can …

They had these new “nuggets” for sale – $4 for a dozen … seemed too good to be true. They were golden and glistening and steamy and moist … “Tasdey-Nuggetz” is what they are called …

“… are these really just four bucks?”, I asked the cashier … and she gave me a quizzical look as she rubbed her bumptous and injoovulated in her underwear …

“…. uh … yeah … it’s a new product from corporate … they’re some kind of nugget …”

“What kind of nugget?”

“Protein based ….”

“Plant protein?!? … really?”

“Nah … some kind of synthetic protein from India … made from some kind of creature that lives there …”

“Then why call it ‘synthetic’?”

“I work here … sorry.”

So I bought a box of those nuggets … and they tasted so good, I bought two more boxes …

I’ve only been eating these nuggets …

For weeks now, my hair is falling out, my fingernails are becoming thicker and sharper …

I can’t stand the light – it burns …

(but I love those nuggets)

My new girlfriend, the stripper … she said “let’s go to Zehnder’s baby …” … she spread her legs a little as she said it.

“I need some wings and cheese curgles”, Misty said, as she puffed her clove cigarette.

“Sure Misty … let’s go …”

They had baby back style chicken ribs and Cleveland style steamed ocean clams and oysters … they had mustard rubbed peglic breast, and trib-juice. We wanted to order junctis, with a side of wall crabs, but it seemed too much.

The bill? – $400 … so we dodged a bullet.


We were hustling Scarsdale vlooze and elegant champagne mortgage backed tortilla bars …

We played blackjack and craps and spun the wheel …

We enjoyed the jacuzzi vodka bar and the iced tea hot tub tilapia brunch …

My hooker wife asked me “you gotz more gold for the doorman?”, and I just smiled and fired my pistol and cleaned the brain goo from my new Italian loafers …

It was a good time …

Britannia …

(how they send emails)

MOBILITY AIDS … that are clinical and ugly … gotta have them …


I thought they would kill off “Brandon” with COVID, and perhaps it was always supposed to be the summer before midterms … I thought they’d kill him off sooner, but this makes sense too … keeps the plates spinning … kind of syncs with the “Summer of Hot Rage” vibe we’re getting from the Left with respect to the recent “gun and abortion” rulings …

And if we are nearing the end of the game, and the outcome is inevitable: then you can let all the shitty players on the court for a chance to play … even Kamala.

There’s been a LOT of amateur hour shit in the last decade, but especially in recent years. It’s as if all the lower tier scum are “getting their shot” to be CEO’s and congress people and maybe POTUS, right? … so Kamal gets to play, at this point in the game it simply does not matter.

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/president-biden-tested-positive-covid-19


Was Apollo the ultimate limited hangout? A multi-level deception designed to keep people asking the WRONG QUESTIONS for 50+ years?

Perhaps the space programs, and the “alien revelations”, are gimmicks containing partial truths, all designed to keep people confused and off the track of the truth.

Do we really know or understand the nature of our local universe?

Do you trust the people telling you they know?

Link: https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/3065176

Yachting …

Link: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/07/25/the-haves-and-the-have-yachts

“WHAT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY?” – Jessie Pinkman (“Breaking Bad”, Season 3)

MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220724_Philosophy_of_Breaking_Bad_Season_3_with_Seattle_Mike.mp3

Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/doctorfreckles

IEA Chief or BOGDAN?

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/iea-chief-europe-must-cut-gas-usage-20-survive-winter


Starter Question: Why is it people assume forgiveness equals acceptance? Why is it many, especially SJW types these days, believe ACCEPTANCE is a human right?

Forgiveness: “Generally, however, it involves a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge …” – Mayo Clinic

Acceptance: “… the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered. The action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group.” – Dictionary

What are/is the bona fides of being a gangster, how do you prove yourself? How are you accepted?

And what is the only true sin? – to kill “protected” or “sacred” members of the group without approval from some greater power.

  1. There are no real Atheists … and the “crawling assassins …”
  2. Is family all?
  3. When is money not enough? – beginning of Season 3, both Walter and Jessie have plenty of money.
  4. What is revenge? Why do we seek it when great harm is done to our families?
  5. Gale points out he is libertarian when he first meets Walter, and he talks about the magic of the lab …
  6. Sacrificial Lamb: Gale …
  7. Gus and Walter: trust among sociopaths
  8. Schadenfreude of Jessie at the hospital when Hank arrives …
  9. “Who is the best physical therapist you know?”, “I can give you some names, but they’re not likely to be in your plan …”
  10. Drug Therapist: self-acceptance is better than self-improvement… is that BS? 
  11. Skyler and Ted = Walt and Jesse
  12. Gus and Mike save Walter’s life and he never knew it.  I wonder often how many times God has saved my life and I was unaware….
  13. “Welcome Home” Skyler to Walt as she won’t tell the cops he’s been cooking meth. There’s a lot of game theory going on in the subtext.
  14. Hank in the bar is an injured crocodile 
  15. Honesty is good: “I fucked Ted.” Skyler really underestimated Walt
  16. Jesse: “Meth: it’s awesome: you get sharp, like action-dagger feelings”
  17. What would have happened if Jesse had stayed away from Walt after rehab
  18. Mike: “You know…Walter, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to have someone watching your back.” A reference to the Divine?
  19. “Walt what’s wrong with you?”  Assistant Principal Carmen
  20. We find out Jesse blew the money for the RV on strippers and blow. A comedic interlude….
  21. intellectual property vs physical property
  22. Gayle: “There’s crime… and then there’s crime.”
  23. Gayle loves the lab… couldn’t stomach the path “the way you’re supposed” to build a career.
  24. Difference between Gus Fring and Walt – psychopath vs sociopath?
  25. Crushed RV 
  26. Hank goes crazy on Jesse – another wounded crocodile move