MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220909_Abandon_the_Cursed_Earth.mp3
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Something bad happened in Seattle back in May …
Seattle police are searching for a man who reportedly cornered a woman on an elevator in May and began punching and kicking her in the head in a brutal caught-on-video attack. The assault happened just before 10 p.m. on May 30 when an unidentified man followed a woman into the lobby of an apartment building in the city's Central District and jumped inside an elevator with her, Seattle police said. Police released video on Wednesday that shows the victim approaching the lobby elevator with what appears to be a take-out bag. The lobby door closes behind her as enters the elevator. The suspect can then be seen pulling violently on the closed lobby door, which appears locked. He eventually rips the door open and charges into the elevator just as the door begins to slide closed. The video shows the suspect attack the woman, punching her in the head until she falls to the ground. He is then seen kneeing her in the head and kicking her while continuing to pummel her with his fists. After the assault, the man walks out of the elevator and leaves the building. The victim can be seen rising to her feet in the elevator. The woman sustained significant injuries in the assault, including broken bones in her face and a concussion, police said. Investigators described the suspect as a White male between 5-feet, 6-inches and 5-feet, 10-inches tall, with a short light-colored buzz cut. He appears to walk with a hunched posture. Authorities asked anyone with information about the incident to call the Seattle Police Department’s violent crimes tip line at (206) 233-5000.
The Queen is DEAD …
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/queen-elizabeth-iis-heath-causes-concern-among-doctors
The GREAT CONCEIT … (aka The Reset)
What is the “RESET”, really? – other than BIOSPHERE 5 or something …
Link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2011&version=NIV
The fish tank … the carnival fish … and absolute tragedy.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group)
Quiet Quitting …
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/labor-day-lament-quiet-quitting-stifling-business
- “too big to fail”
- “monkey herpes”
- “technocracy and nano-management”
- Skinner
- Microsoft
- Globalism and robot fear mongering
- Post scarcity
- Printed money party ends
Something I wrote in 2015 …
Abandon the cursed EARTH!
Strangle the flesh helmet, leaving darling rabbit hawks stalking their neighbors steer. Coyote freemen, emboldened by free cocaine and meth and hookers, storm the ramparts of S’Compton, not far from the Grinken River, where they dumped those bodies last year …
Abandon the flesh whores and the menu-harlots and the hipster scavengers seeking after fried arugula in the middle of this dark night. Let them feed upon garlic skewers and monkey turd sandwiches …
Load up your rocket ships with necessary STEM escorts, covered in gumpton-grease and living near the edge of uranium love magic. Rooster-elves, driving those controls, exit orbit and lead the STAR FORCE to Jupiter, where the love-dungeons are … abandon this cursed space.
Abandon the wriggly-kings, who spent their days making love to two-time Asian style waffle house workers …
Abandon the SCUMPTOUS and the RIMULACK LORDS and the gay-rod princes of Nashville. Let Kentucky style whiskey prawns go unsold, as coochie-squirts spread and the crabs become tangy …
Abandon the tiny ghosts that live below … they live there and plan there and are building a new world in the basement.
Abandon the ALIENS and the SKINWALKERS and the demons of Griegous-Kiln. Abandon the feminist monkey hordes and the scrag queens and the fishwives of old style clam chowder.
He woke, jaded, from a night of cocaine, meth and hookers. He sauntered over to the balcony, drinking warm champagne, and imagining his own failure as a tapestry of used condoms and wet towels littering the floor …
(and he goes over the edge, and he doesn’t look back)
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bed-bath-beyond-cfo-leaps-death-tribeca-skyscraper
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hey_Man_Nice_Shot
Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/pilot-circling-mississippi-city-threatens-crash-plane-walmart
Exciting … what happens next …
“What happens next is a good-news-bad-news story … good news? – it will be exciting. The bad news? – it will be exciting.” – Dr. Freckles
Your door is a JAR …
Your door is a jar, your life asunder and spread too thin. Your woman is your life, your wife is your death scream. And yes – your DOOR is a JAR.
Space …

Medical Kidnapping …
Weird threats …
“Please cherish and love each other, because it could be changed in a split second.” – A threat, from a grieving parent …
Complexity engines and government …
“Government is a complexity engine.” – Dr. Freckles
Another thing a lot of voters don’t get:
You don’t solve complexity, by adding complexity … and government? – it only knows how to generate complexity.
For a complexity engine? – there are never enough resources, land, people, water, anything … eventually you run out … not because the resources are gone, but because you wanted to vote.
If there are issues in the environment? – the best and ONLY solution is liberty … less government … more free enterprise.
The “Green New Deal” – a giant complexity bomb … the net effect will be more damage than simply burning the fossil fuels, as is … without making any panels or windmills …
BTW: almost all are Keynesians now … especially the voters and the pensioners …
They believe “growth” is somehow a useful measure … so they love printed money. Weapons or Windmills, both parties, all parties, are Keynseians.
No amount of explaining, or information, will help them understand that the “drought” isn’t the story … the real story is their safety net is about to evaporate, pretty much all at once.
(and the government won’t warn you)
Bargaining and negotiating with reality (see: salt water crocodile)
“Be on the lookout for ‘mass bargaining’ … it is an indication of panic.” – Dr. Freckles
And you support the Ukraine …
Gunken-tribes and dilly-boys, busy selling human organs in Kiev, polish Zelensky’s nob and he does his meth and cocaine and animal tranquilizers …
General ZODOK moves 5 divisions near Moscow, Putin launches the SUPER MISSILE at Toledo, and all Red Sock fans fall into the pit …
Why would you support the Ukraine?
COL YULIO moves his Ukrainian Butthole forces near the front line … his troops cover themselves in snail oil and failure, as Russian helicopters tear them a new one …
Ukrainian tanks explode, because the dumb UKIES fill them with nitro glycerin and donkey poop …
And you support the UKRAINE?
Ukrainian officers, buggering starry eyed princes looking for KROKODIL, running from Russian shock troops, running from one Zelensky child rape dungeon to another …
Zelensky, busy reaming a dog, drinks his hooch and wanders the narrow mind space of low IQ sadness …
(and you support the Ukraine)
Ukrainian monkey children trade genital crabs, as they repair aircraft for the Ghost of Kiev. The jingus whores, busy being ravaged by drunk CIA scuttle-thieves, lay their waste – spreading monkey herpes to those spooks.
And you support the Ukraine?
Witch clan hussies are moving EAST – taking their passports to MOSCOW for the MULE SHOW. Yinker, the storyteller, sets fire to all the orphanages in Kiev, leaving the burning to signal new wave style KOREAN pop stars – as the CIA sells children to Xi.
And you support the Ukraine?
Globalism …
“Want to understand globalism? – visit a landfill.” – Dr. Freckles
Something my friend said …
I have a friend who has said that he believes the geoengineering aircraft are remotely piloted and nearly fully automated. No passengers, just control equipment and the geoengineering sprayer systems and materials …
And at first, I wasn’t sure …
But the more I think about it …
If one of these drones or remotely piloted planes crashes? – the only “casualties” are the humans who happen upon the wreckage … they get whacked …
“… a FEDEX transport plane crashed today, but just 3 people died …”
And as I’ve said: if the US Govt. came out and admitted they were doing this? – I think many if not most Americans would say “right … okay” … they might want more oversight for “health risks” … but that’s it.
Maybe the “heat wave” was them turning down the “air conditioning”, just to get people ready to say YES … yes … keep dropping poison from the skies.
Take a stand …
“Stand up or shoot up.” – Dr. Freckles
- I don’t believe any of the pandemic was real, and I don’t believe it was all one big fiasco style misunderstanding. It was, and still is, military psychological warfare.
- I don’t really believe all the vaccine injury stories – but I do believe the fear and anger and confusion they generate serves the purpose of the psyop.
- The core message of all these psyops: stay at home, do nothing, just stay immobile and angry and confused and afraid. But mostly stay at home, and don’t travel.
- I said this 2 years ago, and I stick to it: the “vaccine” is either poison or placebo, but also NOT NECESSARY for make believe pandemics.