MP3: https://planetarystatusreport.com/mp3/20220729_Everyone_Gets_To_Play.mp3

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Where are we?

  1. 2008 GFC
  2. 2009-2019 The Lost Decade or the financial obscuration/obfuscation of a global depression … the parable of the unconscious skier …
  3. 2019 REPO market suffers from systemic issues, Powell goes to push button QE
  4. 2020 “COVID” (or what I call the monkey herpes), the “RACE WAR”, and other petit forms of psychological warfare. Key point: in 2020 the level of PSYOPs being conducted against the US, and likely much of the world, was ramped up.
  5. 2021 “NEVERENDING BIDEN-TRUMP TRAUMA DRAMA” … lots of limited hangouts and lab leak theories, etc …
  6. 2022 “RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA” … and the shutting down of much of the cooperative scientific research around the arctic circle … probably random

What’s next?

Since December 2020, I’ve had a feeling that we were looking at a blank, empty, chalkboard … but maybe what I was seeing was in fact a vision of the “chasm” … if Wiley Coyote has the courage to look down as he coasts across the canyon through space? What would he see?

Are you seeing a lot of second and third stringers getting a “chance at the wheel”?

(that’s not a good sign)

Planet of the Humans …

What if the entire green energy agenda is just a Potemkin village, hiding more coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear?

What if the green energy movement is also a PSYOP, designed to calm the general public as we rocket towards some very ugly places in the near future?


What if those power generating wind-farms are NOT what you think they are?


“All ADD is overcome by FOMO.” – Dr. Freckles

Boomer went on a run …

“You don’t train dogs … you sign peace agreements with them … you hope those agreements hold.” – Dr. Freckles

I went to …

I went to McDonalds …

I ordered a number 6 with extra-cheese-sauce and a side order of jingo-fries …

They served me 2 hours later …

Gave me a brown bag full of pain and broken glass and diesel fuel …

(and they said “have a nice day”)

(so I had to stabz them)

I went to Subway …

I really wanted a tuna sandwich …

I’d been watching this nature show about how the sharks can’t find no more food so they’re starting to eat more kids who go swimming … after that there was a documentary about Fukushima …

And I got really hungry … for a tuna sandwich …

I went to this Subway off of Blimpton, not far from Grinken AVE … where those people were killed last year because they didn’t have the right look on their faces …

They asked me what I wanted, and I said: GIVE ME A FUCKING FOOT LONG TUNA SANDWICH …

The manager went in the back, he scooped up some marinated fiberglass from the bin in the back, mixed it with used motor oil and misery … they put it into their EZ bake oven … but first they said “what kind of bread do you want?” – AND IT MADE ME SO ANGRY.

“WHAT KIND OF BREAD???!? – the kind NOT containing wrestling mat material …” – I yelled in response …

Then they smathered sprinkter sauce and gumbo grease on it and pissed on it and shoved it all in a bag made of recycled condoms …

And I was really thankful …

I went down to the CHEVRON …

They sell fuel and hookers and sawed-off shotguns and whiskey style nightmares …

They have a heating lamp zone where hotdogs slowly die of dehydration, and hamburgers made from ferry rat and whale vomit can be had for 5 bucks … it’ll be 20 bucks next week … so get them burgers while you can …

They had these new “nuggets” for sale – $4 for a dozen … seemed too good to be true. They were golden and glistening and steamy and moist … “Tasdey-Nuggetz” is what they are called …

“… are these really just four bucks?”, I asked the cashier … and she gave me a quizzical look as she rubbed her bumptous and injoovulated in her underwear …

“…. uh … yeah … it’s a new product from corporate … they’re some kind of nugget …”

“What kind of nugget?”

“Protein based ….”

“Plant protein?!? … really?”

“Nah … some kind of synthetic protein from India … made from some kind of creature that lives there …”

“Then why call it ‘synthetic’?”

“I work here … sorry.”

So I bought a box of those nuggets … and they tasted so good, I bought two more boxes …

I’ve only been eating these nuggets …

For weeks now, my hair is falling out, my fingernails are becoming thicker and sharper …

I can’t stand the light – it burns …

(but I love those nuggets)

My new girlfriend, the stripper … she said “let’s go to Zehnder’s baby …” … she spread her legs a little as she said it.

“I need some wings and cheese curgles”, Misty said, as she puffed her clove cigarette.

“Sure Misty … let’s go …”

They had baby back style chicken ribs and Cleveland style steamed ocean clams and oysters … they had mustard rubbed peglic breast, and trib-juice. We wanted to order junctis, with a side of wall crabs, but it seemed too much.

The bill? – $400 … so we dodged a bullet.


We were hustling Scarsdale vlooze and elegant champagne mortgage backed tortilla bars …

We played blackjack and craps and spun the wheel …

We enjoyed the jacuzzi vodka bar and the iced tea hot tub tilapia brunch …

My hooker wife asked me “you gotz more gold for the doorman?”, and I just smiled and fired my pistol and cleaned the brain goo from my new Italian loafers …

It was a good time …

Britannia …

(how they send emails)

MOBILITY AIDS … that are clinical and ugly … gotta have them …


I thought they would kill off “Brandon” with COVID, and perhaps it was always supposed to be the summer before midterms … I thought they’d kill him off sooner, but this makes sense too … keeps the plates spinning … kind of syncs with the “Summer of Hot Rage” vibe we’re getting from the Left with respect to the recent “gun and abortion” rulings …

And if we are nearing the end of the game, and the outcome is inevitable: then you can let all the shitty players on the court for a chance to play … even Kamala.

There’s been a LOT of amateur hour shit in the last decade, but especially in recent years. It’s as if all the lower tier scum are “getting their shot” to be CEO’s and congress people and maybe POTUS, right? … so Kamal gets to play, at this point in the game it simply does not matter.

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/president-biden-tested-positive-covid-19


Was Apollo the ultimate limited hangout? A multi-level deception designed to keep people asking the WRONG QUESTIONS for 50+ years?

Perhaps the space programs, and the “alien revelations”, are gimmicks containing partial truths, all designed to keep people confused and off the track of the truth.

Do we really know or understand the nature of our local universe?

Do you trust the people telling you they know?

Link: https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/3065176

Yachting …

Link: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/07/25/the-haves-and-the-have-yachts