Next gold rush …

“What if I told you the next GOLD RUSH is landfills?” – Dr. Freckles

Even if I am skeptical of “predictive programming” as expressed …

What if I told you that thing from the show FALLOUT, where the Brotherhood of Steel collects old tech?


(a version of that is coming to a theater near you)

One Hen’s Tear

You ever see a hen crying?

As its babies are taken away …

You ever see that one tear hit the dry soil,
your heart boils with pain,
as you put a pad a butter in the pan,
and with the other hand,
crack the egg?

The skillet crackles,
the pepper smells nice,
the coffee is ready …

And if you made that sunny side up?
Would you give a little to mother hen?
Would this dry her tears?
Or would she eat her baby in silence …


“Did you see that poor hen cry?”

(right before its little baby dies …)

Did you ever see a chicken with shovel and adz,
fashioning stone and brick for the FEAT,
as processing pipes are laid by roosters,
and their little children become McNuggs …

No more hugs …

Just a pale bleak building where the little chickens scream …

(no more to ween)

Is that mean?

Why did GOD have to make chickens, and their eggs, so tasty?

(this is the greatest of poignant sadness …)

The window …

I open the window,

just a crack.

I’m taken aback by what I see:

A group of kids at TARGET in a flash mob,

A group of kids mangled from a bomb job,

All I know is the window lies and shocks.


I open the window a little more,

I see a whore talking about TRUMP on TV,

A miserable spectacle of folks wearing patches,

all in honor of an ORANGE PRINCE,

and his traveling partner: Randall Flag,

and still the window seems like a gag.


I could not stay away more than a night,

the window closed and nothing to “see”,

but it beckons as all great street performers do,

to play 3 card monte or guess the beans,

and unseen forces move the show,

so I open the window once more,

to be shocked and lied to,

you know the score.

Some rant’y thoughts …


  1. Be careful of the astro-turf: Pro-Palestine protesters look mostly like FEDs, just like J6, they went to the WRONG PLACE. Go to the ECCLES BUILDING DUMMIES (that’s where the bombs get funded)
  2. A podcaster I used to enjoy has decided that God is protecting the State of Israel – not the Children of Jacob. There is a difference … same guy talks about the “Beast” or Antichrist in terms of “systems” … not in terms of a person. I just don’t know.
  3. Already the “earmark” is being described as indication that Trump is anointed. It really seems like the Cult of Trump knows no bounds, and he really is the GUY who might be able to collect the guns and make saying bad things about Israel or Zionism illegal.
  4. Still blaming randos for fires, in the north at least, THAT ARE NOT GOING OUT during the winter.
  5. It all still feels like a rush-job since last October: 10/7 “paragliders”, 7/13 “near miss”, Biden trauma drama, etc … it all looks rushed, like there was a schedule change.
  6. It looks like the WAR narrative is front and center, and IRAN is the main target right now. But we have the constant fear mongering of “Chinese and Russian bombers” on our flanks … research how many bases the US military controls worldwide … fun topic … probably lost a couple in Africa, to the Russians, recently.
  7. Voting, Bitcoin, Trump Cult, Israel and dropping bombs are still the big winners post attempted assassination.
  8. Still wondering about that JD Vance guy.
  9. That building OCTAVE of FOREBODING in the background, as the band plays on …
  10. Seems like the bird flu is RAGING … so much STURM und DRANG …
  11. 7/27 – MAGA HAG with US/ISRAEL 50/50 flag in town … with her husband … but I don’t even need the glasses … all I saw on the flags was “COPE HARDER”


The Box: Lascelles Abercrombie (1910)

*** this poem was recommended by a new listener

Once upon a time, in the land of Hush-A-Bye,

Around about the wondrous days of yore,

They came across a kind of box

Bound up with chains and locked with locks

And labeled “Kindly do not touch; it’s war.”


A decree was issued round about, and all with a flourish and a shout

And a gaily colored mascot tripping lightly on before.

Don’t fiddle with this deadly box,

Or break the chains, or pick the locks.

And please don’t ever play about with war.


The children understood. Children happen to be good

And they were just as good around the time of yore.

They didn’t try to pick the locks

Or break into that deadly box.

They never tried to play about with war.


Mommies didn’t either; sisters, aunts, grannies neither

‘Cause they were quiet, and sweet, and pretty

In those wondrous days of yore.

Well, very much the same as now,

And not the ones to blame somehow

For opening up that deadly box of war.


But someone did. Someone battered in the lid

And spilled the insides out across the floor.

A kind of bouncy, bumpy ball made up of guns and flags

And all the tears, and horror, and death that comes with war.

It bounced right out and went bashing all about,

Bumping into everything in store.


And what was sad and most unfair

Was that it didn’t really seem to care

Much who it bumped, or why, or what, or for.

It bumped the children mainly. And I’ll tell you this quite plainly,

It bumps them every day and more, and more,

And leaves them dead, and burned, and dying

Thousands of them sick and crying.

‘Cause when it bumps, it’s really very sore.


Now there’s a way to stop the ball. It isn’t difficult at all.

All it takes is wisdom, and I’m absolutely sure

That we can get it back into the box,

And bind the chains, and lock the locks.

But no one seems to want to save the children anymore.


Well, that’s the way it all appears, ’cause it’s been bouncing round for years and years

In spite of all the wisdom wizzed since those wondrous days of yore

And the time they came across the box,

Bound up with chains and locked with locks,

And labeled “Kindly do not touch; it’s war.”





Crowd Strike:

Renaissance Fair:



It’s YOU:



Battle Box:

Making NAZIS:

How many kilotons?:

Nothing Left to lose:

Yemeni DRONE:

Enlarged Trunk:



Literally Hitler:


CITIES (revisited):


Don’t comment on Trump’s “Shakespeare in the Park” performance …