

  1. Still seeing a lot of angry people – at the park, at the WALMART. Angry and frantic, as if they’re running away from something and not towards something. It’s hard to say where this comes from. Could be the general angst of the time, could be the sense of fear among the herd. Could be I am projecting my fear, angst, darkness, on to those people around me.
  2. I am still looking for a place to live, I’m going to talk to one guy today, and maybe that will lead to something. I know I’ve received a few other offers, but in some cases it’s just a question of how far from the West Coast do I want to be? And does it really matter?
  3. I’m hearing whispers around Sequim about the funktus-festival. The old droogs of region-344 DELTA link up and throw a blast. They have some kind of wretched open market where the old crones can sell their zuzz-jelly and locally grown pine-musk. A couple people disappeared from this thing a year ago, and nobody really knows what happened to them. Some think they rented some kayaks and went west to Japan, to find some kind of peace in the depths of the pacific. Others say Juan de Fuca PETE swallowed them up … PETE is an old, almost dead, sperm whale that has been in the straits since the 1970’s … feeding on radioactive waste and gumbo-paste and the still living things down below. They say if you go out on to that accursed sea, Pete will be the last thing you see … so stay away from Pete.
  4. Some old dudes were talking about the NAZIS at SHERMS BREAKFAST SANDWICH place. You can get a sausage mc-grizzle and some de-personified potatoes and some slug-juice, for the morning wake up call. The old dudes kept talking about how the “Germans didn’t know where London was” and “they had these jets and rocket planes”. Then one of the older gentlemen, on an EZ-RIDER scooter, started getting that weird stare … “Ya know, I stormed Normandy … we linked up with some RANGERS near Point de Goog, not far from the ruins of that old abandoned castle …. there were some Germans dug in near a school … and we had that armored flamethrower for smoking them out … it was bad … we fired that thing at the school … turned out the school was empty … can you believe that?” … it was great news, because the next topic among these men were women they impregnated in Berlin.
  5. The ladies were all discussing the upcoming election for ROAD LINE COMMISSIONER of CLALLAM County … the role also requires counting dead raccoon. Some say the commissioner is really just the front guy for the Sherrif’s secret blood dungeon near Guemes Island. No one really knows … it gets shady out here, grey, lots of places for those jinder-freaks to hide, in plane sight, wearing jovey-high clothes and looking for trace meth in a trucker bomb.
  6. One angry space ranger at the park took a look at me – he had tattoos and a subdued outfit, he had those glassy eyes of someone working on their abs and pecks …
  7. the folks in spot 7 were still loading their off road crossover electric cart … they had space for their munyon-pockets and their grigg-pool … they had a piss and poop bucket that they could sit on …. out came queeg skeeth and vrungis … their juice holes hot from summertime thai delight, their stomachs twisted from east coast style dungeness crab cakes … from Tokyo.
  8. Delta 665 gerf-realm soldiers are attacking the key points up near Port Angeles.
  9. Hope is to be had at 78th and Richmond, there’s a hooker named Hope and she has a dog named Freedom.
  10. Vorlian death cake is being shipped in from Seattle. It’s tasty and moist and melts in your mouth … it has candied crickets and ant frosting. There is a stench of lawnmower coming from each horrid bite, as if the person eating had kissed a lawnmower.
  11. hiker biker gerald thrudkins

Doctor Freckles Story



Who is Dr. Freckles:

  1. Born in an alley, near Wall Street, on the day of the FLASH CRASH. He burst out of a dumpster like a comet. As FAT FINGER TONY presses the scrog button.
  2. He wandered the lands for several years, looking for hookers, looking for beer.
  3. He spent time on in 2012 while working as a software tester for DIGGLIES STUFF EMPORIUM … they had pink noise that would rot your brain, they had the despair of company man living … Dr. Freckles worked there, in Issaquah, for a while.
  4. He ran for President in 2012, and the ninth core realm was formed which would later become CHOP-CHAZ in 2020 … which was ruled over by LORD RAZ.
  5. He was sector general during the first juggalo war. He tore the insane clown posse a new hole, and they smoked a bowl, and made peace.
  6. One day in 2015 Freckles woke up and said: “the milk smells bad” … and he sent a letter to his friends, saying “it’s not the end”, but don’t pretend: in about 5 years shit is going to start hitting the fan … and the hobo … cuz people throw stuff at hobos.
  7. He ran for office in 2016 and he told you, on a poster, that TRUMP IS THIS YEAR’S OBAMA … and what did you say? After you left me dead in that ditch.
  8. He formed D.F.G.T.C in 2016, and the next hooker republic was founded.
  9. In 2017, he formed he first ENFORCER SQUAD ZETA … and took on the crime lords of S’compton.
  10. He remembers the time of sassafras pancakes at McDonald’s old style whale lard
  11. “Success is just one failure away.” – Dr. Freckles used to say, when the rain fell down, and the alleys got busy.
  12. When the monkey herpes came, he went insane, did cocaine … all is well in BOBLIMPTOCK.
  13. He is the SECTOR GUARD.
  14. He is the quandary stird, with hair on fire.
  15. He makes money selling protein the the scord demons in grid-77.
  16. “You can’t be too fast for bad habits.” – Dr. Freckles … he had addiction to YORG-SYRUP
  17. During the age of the Monkey Herpes, Freckles hid in sector-990BRAVO, also known as Little Saigon
  18. In the age of peace D.r. Freckles sojourned with kind folk in a small town and broke his arm and made friends with a dog named Boomer … and then Utah was gone.
  19. He wandered into Squim and went into a store … got himself a six pack and cigs and more … he bought his shit from a Sikh named Dirg, he had a short word “should should have asked for the plastic bag before … ” and Freckles was like “I’m sorry I don’t live on planet bullshit” … and Dr. Freckles moved on.
  20. “The toilet is where shit belongs.” – screamed to Freckles in the night … he looked around and new the GREAT FLUSH was coming … find a crusty on the side and hold on.
  21. “Stuff is not shielded as much as people think stuff is.” – Dr. Freckles
  22. WALMART and the demons …. the coffee filter wearers





  1. It’s a road out here by Dungeness Spit, near Sequim – read “SQUIM”? – am I right?
  2. A lot of roads around Dungeness Spit are named after porn stars, porn stars that arrived here with Peter Puget (also kind of phallic) hundreds of eons ago.
  3. One of Peter’s crew members predicted, it is loosely said, that “After the Age of Boblimptock comes the Age of Thresa, when everyone will eat turtle pudding, and eyes of drunken hawks.”
  4. I was at the McDonald’s using there WiFi, and I stepped into the bathroom. As I left an old due on an EZ-RIDER electric scooter came for me, heading right at me, but at the last minute he turned towards his table, giving me another day of life.
  5. Our campsite is near the trail that access the bluffs … people come by that spot and see me smoking my cig … I got no porch … but I could be a kitchen-dick …
  6. At the gas station, gassing up my brother’s truck, the attendant said – “would you like lies with that” … we smiled … we’re keeping an eye out for her.
  7. We went to a THAI-GERMAN-FUSION restaurant called Uncle Grayley’s … it was poorly lit and covered in spit … a woman named Debbie brought us our food … we slopped it up on a wobbly table as strange folk entered the establishment. A guy named Rich sat down behind us and started telling us stories of Gypsy rockets landing near Mt. Olympus. He said: “up in those hills the wookie people wait, harvesting eel-skins for their big foot gliders. They’ll come riding down from the mountain tops, like the thunderbird of old, with burning eyes and seething loins … they haven’t kicked off their WAR yet … but you better bet they will.” My brother got italian style fried yogurt and I ate twice chewed pork.
  8. Derek the crab master, scraping from the bottom what protein he can find.
  9. Jenna, the skeev-maiden, milking squirrels to make a dime, and she’s covered in the patina of dirg-flesh and burnt skin and a furrowed brow.
  10. We got back to the campsite and we couldn’t have a fire … fire danger or dark age, you be the judge.

“Where there’s smoke, there’s a hobo.” – Dr. Freckles

“One door closes, another one gets slammed in your face.” – Dr. Freckles

“As you look to the past, you see the future.” – Dr. Freckles

“Your life does NOT need a laugh track, just look around buddy.” – Dr. Freckles

“Things that are risky today, will be dangerous tomorrow, and deadly by next week.” – Dr. Freckles




  1. Our biosphere neighbors, at the end, are going to be brutal folk.
  2. McDonald’s as a barometer for the angst and tension in society.
  3. A sense of mystification at the “BIG IT” that is coming, and the frustration of not knowing and not having a sense of how to deal.
  4. People not affording the dollar menu.
  5. Hollow Earth scientists, the wookie people, three flawed states of human consciousness: a) TEGO-KELB, b) STYG-JAZZY, c) WURM-DEEDS

Sitting in the woods …



Laundry list:

  1. Shout out to anyone in the Pacific Northwest that would want to rent a room to a hobo, all utilities included, 500/month, I will help with chores, I will drink beer in my privacy and vape a little weed. I’m also open to further away, given all the stuff I’ve gotten rid of.
  2. Not interested in the DEW story or any bio weapon stories. I get that it would be great to believe that the arctic is on fire because of anarchists or communists or lasers – but many fires, as Dane Wigington and others have reported, haven’t gone out in the last few years – they keep burning, in Siberia, in Canada, around the Arctic, all year round. As far as bio weapons go – psyop’ing this is cheaper, easier to control, and less likely to have unforeseen consequences – because life is filled with unforeseen consequences.
  3. I need about 60 bucks to buy a couple extra nights at the park – if anyone is up to it, I know we are all tapped out.
  4. The podcasts on this journey will be not so much about the “news” – and all news is local now, anyways. And I’ll do some story telling.

Simple mind walk.

  1. Green angel named Theresa.
  2. Larry the Shark and the tree trimmers from Tampa.
  3. Bass fishing with Bob in Texas, and the dark thing rising up from the Gulf of Mexico.
  4. Space captain Ted and the alien chieftains of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere.
  5. Vern and the lost FORD econoline van, no windows in the back, no door handles, a metal cage between the driver and his passengers. Be careful, he is out on that highway.
  6. Mt Horg, in sector 56, there are Oog herders living in the pastures, they are hoping to link up with Harry Truman and his 80 cats …
  7. Zane the sky pirate is patrolling at 30 miles up, he has a vacuum ship powered by love. His dirigible uses magnetic fields to create super buoyancy at vacuum level 2.
  8. Carl is living nearby, he is moving along at a fast clip. His people are not far from him, I am G RATED, he is PG13.
  9. Devon is hooking off of Lake City Way, he is looking for a fast-time-Terry. He makes 40 bucks a night, he gets into fights, his fast time lover lives in South Park Seattle.
  10. Ned the mountain man is stuck in the muck, being chased by beavers and cleavers and old stale cougar flesh. His time has come, he has been on the run, and now his time has run out.

100 feet from the ground …



I’m sitting here at Sequim Bay park, at a bench, at a site that me and my brother got for the night. Last night we slept, as “Boondockers”, in the Walmart parking lot – today, we can spend some time peacefully in the woods, as peacefully as I am capable right now.

I want to tell you that I am “bravely facing” every challenge with the knowledge that God, as he has so many travelers, is looking out for me … which He is. But the thing about God? – His plan is bigger than our little plans, and sometimes our lives are upended because the Lord’s idea of what “should be” is in conflict with our basic needs and that simply is WHAT IS. So we go with God’s plan and we improvise our own plans, as need be, to surf the reality of the divine. I’m not much of a surfer.

I have commented, many times in my podcasts, that some people, perhaps most of the “solid middle class folk”, are flying at 100,000 feet – but if I’ve learned anything on this crooked journey thus far it is this: I am still 100 feet off the ground, plenty of distance to break my next, to die.

Throughout human history there have been good and bad times, easy and hard. Some people seem to have it easy no matter the epoch – but there are some epochs of human existence that can only be described as brutish, violent, dark and difficult. The levels of difficulty, as with most things, varies; sometimes the difficulty is about economics, sometimes it is a natural catastrophe, and at times it is all of the above. I feel, as you know, that “all of the above” is what is on the menu. Does that mean give up? – no. But we should be aware that at any time, good or bad, our lives are short and we cannot know the date or time that the Lord will take us home.

Take this forest that surrounds me: it has green and growth and life still. Many places are burning and many species are at risk right now – not because of your car or your cheese burger, but because nature is in charge, which means GOD is in CHARGE!

Trees and forests are beautiful, and they, too, do not last.

There are those who will say: “I saved up, I have a nice home worth much money, I am set”. But NOTHING that mankind builds lasts – nothing.

Banks become insolvent …

Investments become frauds …

And homes burn to the ground, while insurance companies go bankrupt or deny support: this is happening RIGHT NOW. It might not be happening to you, yet, but don’t pretend that any degree of “dollar cost averaging” protects you.

However …

We should still live dignified lives, seek after joy and creative work. We should work together, voluntarily, in freedom, in order to solve the problems we face. And, along with this, WE MUST BE WILLING TO TELL and LISTEN TO the TRUTH.

We live in an age of deception, and perhaps the biggest obstacle we face is man made: so many liars and grifters, so many DESIRING to be lied to. I am not perfect my friends, but you can rest assured I have no interest in lying to YOU.

So I will make some notes for a podcast, and I will try to do it, from the woods, assuming some person doesn’t attack me.

I will try to be happy, even though in ideal circumstances, like the last 2.5 years in Utah, I wasn’t always happy – Utah, and the friends I lived with, was the closest I came to acceptance and peace in my entire life. Yes – Jesus brings peace, and also: it is good to have that earthly peace that comes with living, being, around people who can live and let live. People who can deal with each other from a place of respect. That time is over, hopefully briefly, one never knows.

So here it is, my brief notes for a brief podcast – probably.

I will let God take the driver’s seat, and I will attempt to be a strong copilot.



P.S. – if you hear noises in the podcast, this is just humans, and other creatures.


  1. Thai food while boondocking.
  2. Pack stuff right.
  3. Don’t be surprised if you picked a good time to start smoking cigarettes again.
  4. Don’t be surprised that many hate pot heads.
  5. Don’t let the evil ones break you down – if you are homeless, temporarily or longer term, try not to be discouraged.
  6. People will stare at you.
  7. Your smart device is dumb.




Weimar Wheelbarrow or “3 legged stool”:

No one could have possibly predicted this:

Poor Blinky:

Random Thought – Weird Messaging in the latest “Guardians” movie: it’s almost as if TPTB are “saying goodbye” to people … and it’s not the only film that has this messaging. Going back to 2019, “Infinity” war crap.

Random Thought – Scaring Away Rattlesnakes:

“We walk up TO THE rattlesnake, so that it knows not to attack us …”

(same logic)


Who is sending tanks to the Ukraine:

Pick a place where the government is afraid their military is nearing open mutiny? – they are probably sending tanks, military small arms, ammo, artillery, and shoulder fired AA missiles.


Random Thought – VACCINES: Anyone else notice that the VACCINE NARRATIVE is looking as sad and strange as the COVID-19 narrative? Almost as if they’re trying to cover up toxic shock from geo-engineering spraying and decreasing atmospheric oxygen … like that.


Random Thought – OMG!:


Doctors can recommend horse dewormer for make believe illnesses!



Gas-lighting no longer means anything:

TU-144 Crash:

Concordski Landing:


Another Dead Man:

Secret Babies:

Some Wild Cards:

3 Reasons for a Fake VACCINE CRISIS

I believe the “vaccine culling” scenario is 100% bullshit, other than a few snuff flick deaths.


  1. get out of dodge fake deaths
  2. keep pressure off the healthcare system
  3. cover up exposure to heavy metal poisoning from geoengineering

Being grifted …

A listener suggested that if I lived a more “settled” life I wouldn’t be taken advantage of …

If I lived that “normie life” I wouldn’t have people taking advantage of me.

  • like with my last job in Indianapolis where the former dev manager left me to fix 10 years of code debt in 5 months?
  • like the job in Indy where my co-worker ripped me off, took my car for 2 months, smoked crack in it?
  • Or maybe that job at Alaska Airlines where my immediate supervisor (a gay Asian man) sexually harassed me?
  • Or maybe working on contract for Microsoft, where I was paid for 40 hours per week, when in fact, during the summer of 2019, it worked out to 60-70 hours per week, or worse, when on 24 hour support?

My point is simple: as an anarchist I get taken advantage of … mainly because of the number of FEDs in that world.

As a “normie” I was grifted too … and if you’re a “voter”? – you get grifted EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Then there are the grifter industries: tax collection, healthcare, defense/security, where I can still find work …

Yeah – tell me again about the “grifter free” normie and settled lifestyle.

No One could have possibly predicted this … (sarc off)

Wow – it’s almost as if someone who is deeply censored might have PREDICTED THIS 3 years ago … that high-intensity military psychological warfare, primarily of the trauma based mind control variety, would cause increased suicides, drug overdoses … etc.

Too bad no one had a Little Saigon Report or a Planetary Status Report to warn people.

Or if they did? Go Daddy and YouTube would cancel them, others would shadow ban them.

Too bad.


The Good Samaritan, and the riddle of innocence …



After this service you will still have a question, and it may never be resolved.

Hosea 4,

Matthew 10: 40-42,

Deuteronomy 24:17-22,

A prayer for answers:

Lord in Heaven,

You sacrificed Your only Son to redeem the world, and through His blood we are made innocent.

But what of those who have not HEARD YOUR WORD?

What of those millions, billions, throughout time, who did not benefit from seeing Your Son, knowing His Truth, or experiencing the fire started by His Apostles?

I pray, Dear Lord, for all those who have not been touched by You that they may Know You, it is a mystery.

I pray for those friends I made in Utah, who are on the ROAD, as so many of us are, not fully understanding Your grace and Love.

We pray for the widow, the orphan and the stranger.

We pray for the ignorant and the outcast.

We pray for the abandoned and the suffering, wherever they might be.

We pray, and WE KNOW that YOUR WORD is powerful and crosses through time.


Luke 23:32-43,

Romans 2:12-16,

Luke 10:25-37,


Off topic: today was a day of spiritual weakness, the cop following me, and other stuff not relevant or significant to mention.

Hosea’s accusations … something to consider.

Think of Abraham wandering, wondering, if today is the day he will be destroyed by some random person. Before he had a family, a wife, land and herds, as he wandered what must have seemed ENDLESSLY through a bleak and dangerous world.

And yet, not all that Abraham met were bad, and many became his family.

  1. I had a hard time finding a bible quote this morning, and then there’s the thing with the computer mouse yesterday …
  2. Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton, and “grok’ing out” God …
  3. The conundrum of the “good Atheist”, knowing and living the Word.
  4. my friends in Utah, the Good Samaritans.
  5. Do dogs go to Heaven, and WHY the Devil HATES dogs.
  6. Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, and Abraham.
  7. Knowing the Word without being GIVEN the Word.
  8. Living the Word without being GIVEN the Word.
  9. What does the DEVIL steal from the world? What does he cherish above all else? – innocence, the destruction of innocence, and then he takes you SOUL, or tries to.
  10. Where do children go when they are too young to understand scripture or God, and they die? Mark 10:14 …

A moment of silence for Wisdom from the Word, The Holy Spirit, from Jesus and Our Father in Heaven.

A moment of silence for children that have died.

A moment of silence for the widow, the orphan, the stranger.

Lord’s Prayer:

GO IN PEACE and SPREAD THE WORD BY LIVING THE WORD, so that no innocent might be condemned.

Some wildcards …

These are wildcards that I have more or less dismissed, but I will discuss not as “straw men” to topple over, but as topics that could present divergent futures from the one I myself “see”.

This is also a REVISITING of the “Great Discontinuity Podcast” of late 2019.

  1. nuclear weapons are a hoax?
  2. there is a secret space program?
  3. hyper-tech will be revealed by Artificial Intelligence: fusion, antimatter, super-conduction, quantum-control of the present, nano-tech, designer organisms?
  4. US Civil War or rebellion of US military?
  5. Flat Earth: just think on it … super-Earth or infinite plane?
  6. aliens are REAL and are here to help us?
  7. aliens are REAL and we will soon go to war with them: see point 2 above.