Some wildcards …

These are wildcards that I have more or less dismissed, but I will discuss not as “straw men” to topple over, but as topics that could present divergent futures from the one I myself “see”.

This is also a REVISITING of the “Great Discontinuity Podcast” of late 2019.

  1. nuclear weapons are a hoax?
  2. there is a secret space program?
  3. hyper-tech will be revealed by Artificial Intelligence: fusion, antimatter, super-conduction, quantum-control of the present, nano-tech, designer organisms?
  4. US Civil War or rebellion of US military?
  5. Flat Earth: just think on it … super-Earth or infinite plane?
  6. aliens are REAL and are here to help us?
  7. aliens are REAL and we will soon go to war with them: see point 2 above.