Loneliness, modernity and Christ …

We are forgiven and saved through Christ.

But he also expects us to live the Kingdom Life in each day – and it’s a little more complicated than just “don’t drink beer” or “smoke cigs” …

We need to dedicate our day to Jesus as disciples, spread the Word, act and do as Christ would, lead by example … not perfect, but Christian.

If a person spends their whole day on the internet, then that is also a limit, a control, a separation from Christ.

But meditate on the engineered loneliness, so “accidental” as a side-effect of modernity. I am not surprised people spend their day online … it’s as much of a connection they will get that whole day. Doesn’t make it good or bad, but it does call into question our ideas concerning community.

Any who – the Lord knows me better than any, especially YOU the random internet voyeur …

I await His judgment.


I saw my doctor …

He says I have “Enzo Carditis” …

“There’s a tiny little Italian goombah, living in your heart, screaming for gabagool.”

My physician, Dr. Grunkis, works out of an alley in Little Saigon, Seattle. He has a nurse named Jenny, and he uses an old Florsheim shoes foot x-ray. He popped that jenky thing over my chest, and it made a terrible noise as I felt burning and smelled burning chest hair.

“You can see here, there’s the problem”, Doc points randomly at the fluoroscope, and then motions his nurse for the anesthetic – a fifth of Jack and a couple swacks across the head with a tent-peg hammer.

The surgery to remove the little ENZO took 5 hours, and the sirens from cop cars pulling into the alley is what woke me up …

And that little Enzo, he just scampered into the sewers … screaming “GABAGOOL” …