PSYOP WAR: an overview




The purpose of this entry and the podcast is to give my new and old listeners an IDEA of where I am coming from. Not to PROVE I am right, not to confuse or bewilder, but rather to explain, as best I can.

I’ve discussed military psychological warfare, but I realize some listeners may not be as familiar with the core concepts, so this is my attempt to briefly discuss SOME of the ideas behind PSYOPs and my own ideas/perspectives as they relate.

Before I go too deep, I want to stress the following …

If you’ve been listening to my podcast since March/April 2020, this is what you know I’ve been fairly consistent on:

  1. The deep state has been using strategic military psychological warfare to control much of the world’s population.
  2. PSYOPs are a WEAK STRATEGY … and never used strategically, unless that’s all you got: see siege of Richmond and Quaker Guns. See inflatable tanks, pre Normandy.
  3. Psychological warfare goes back to the beginning. The first profession was NOT prostitute, the first profession was grifter, con-artist, social engineer. Meditate on a painting of buffalo being frightened over cliff by native Americans. 20th and 21st Century techniques are more advanced, but the ideas are still the same, fundamentally.
  4. Technology today allows for a more advanced masking of an event, whereby the number of actual witnesses is finite, and manageable – even an event like 9/11 could have been mostly computer generated images and a little bit of crowd control. For someone in Indianapolis or Seattle or London, seeing the towers on TV, what would they know, if the quality of rendering is good? In fact: I would argue that the technology of “fooling” the crowd is advanced enough right now to make military psychological warfare a strategic weapon, especially if you include population wide manipulation with drugs.
  5. The “flavor” of PSYOP has been mainly trauma based mind control.
  6. The number of PSYOPs (covid-19, G.Floyd Race War 1, Trump Trauma Drama, Biden Dementia, Ukraine War, Daniel Penny, AI Eruption, Alien Visitation) and their tempo leads me to believe they don’t control the events, they have been adjusting PSYOPs like there’s a knob labeled “mind fuck” and they’ve turned it up and down during this period.
  7. Whatever THEY are managing, it is a fuzzy event.
  8. It’s an event so bad that they would drive billions of people crazy to manage its onset.
  9. It’s a fuzzy event, otherwise WHY the wretched psyops? – if it was going to be nuclear war, we would have gone to sleep some night in October 2019, and most of us would never have woken up.
  10. I believe it’s a 5 year window that started in late 2019 – the psychological warfare has an expiration date, and simply stops working.
  11. We are now in year 4.
  12. Up until a few months ago, I would have said: “the best case scenario is dollar collapse”, but I no longer believe this is true.
  13. It looks like THEY are running out the clock … like a coach using timeouts.

Before I continue … I want to clarify some additional stuff:

  1. These definitions are not wholly original but are in fact based upon years of academic, military and non-academic study. They may diverge from other definitions you’ve heard, and that’s okay, I think there’s room for discussion. BTW: where they diverge is very well WHERE I could be wrong.
  2. This list and the discussion of it is NOT suffice to understand what is going on. But, despite his reason behavior, I still recommend MANUFACTURING CONSENT by Noam Chomsky as a good starting place. I have been exposed to both the academic and military theories of psychological warfare, so I have my own view. There are other critical concepts that are NOT in this list … this topic is big, and bigger than any blog entry.
  3. I don’t claim to be an “expert” in the field, I simply claim the right of any thinking being: to have my own fucking opinion, an opinion that might not FIT the way you see the world, or the way your favorite EXPERT sees the world.
  4. These definitions aren’t in any particular order, because they are all part of the same schema of mental torture and abuse.
  5. AND REMEMBER: every great population scale PSYOP is also a snuff flick.

Divide and Conquer: the process by which some agent, group or person, uses divisions latent, present or imagined within a group, to divide that group which might otherwise have been unified against those in positions of power. The GEORGE FLOYD INCIDENT and COVID-19 and even the UKRAINE WAR are good examples. But the ongoing Trump trauma drama NEVER disappoints those in power, when it comes to division.

The Fool: Greta Thunberg and Al Gore and several Hollywood actors are good examples of fools. Their role in propaganda theory or mind control is NOT to take a silly topic and make it seem funnier. No, their role is two-fold: a) to obscure, b) to ridicule. They obscure the real issue and ridicule it and those worried about it at the same time.

Paradigm: A paradigm is a model of the world we keep in our minds. It connects ideas, it provides meaning, it hopefully has utility in terms of survival – but this is not always the case, that the paradigm is helpful. There are individual models (and usually more than one) that a person carries in their heads – some deal with society, some with dating, some with food. There are models that a population holds in common, and one hopes they serve a positive purpose, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, during an age of social schizophrenia, a population will adopt a BAD paradigm: like Easter Island, or Nazi Germany, or the USSR … there are many examples. Periodically, at a population level, and individually, there is a paradigm SHIFT, and this shift represents a critical point in human history.

Normalcy Bias: this is the understandable bias towards “what has been will be”. The idea that the past is the basis, that the present is the past, and the future will be the same. For Americans? – it’s the cluster of paradigms that surround the concept of the American Dream. But, bottom line: we fear change, so we have a bias towards WHAT IS.

Cognitive Dissonance: this is a pathological state of self harm whereby an individual is unable to give up a bad idea, even though current evidence demands its rejection. The dissonance or conflict in the mind creates aberrant behaviors, frustration, anger, anxiety. This problem is connected to “normalcy bias”. If you have two paradigms in conflict: one you are deeply invested in, and the OTHER is the truth your mind is trying to convince you of, you will internalize this conflict and the result will be irrational behavior. Kind of like wearing 2 or more masks in the hot sun.

FALSE FLAG: this is a military psychological warfare operation designed to provide pretext for some kind of military attack or power take over. The German Army setting up a fake attack on a radio station prior to invading Poland is a good example, Gulf of Tonkin for Vietnam War, 9/11 or the sinking of the Maine, or the Lusitania, many examples, too many. These are intended to seem real enough, and often people are killed.

SNUFF FLICK: a movie showing the real/actual and INTENTIONAL murder of another human being for the purpose of filming the death … like what happened to George Floyd, or the bodies fall from buildings on 9/11 (assuming that was real). Fakery happens, BTW: see ISIS beheading videos 2015.

The Wounded: the “wounded” or “wounded on the battlefield” are a control mechanism. Their purpose, as in warfare, is to keep 2 or more members of society occupied with care, concern, focus, so that those people are unable to threaten the center of power. I would contend diabetes, cancer, autism, dementia, and the current “transgender” situation, are all partially or totally orchestrated to create a “wounded” scenario, making it hard for the normal people to take action and really get to the heart of power. And if they do end up “radicalizing” it is to participate in a cancer walk or something of the sort.

The Overton Paddock: this is a revisiting of the famous Overton Window, except in this case it is a closed in area where the sheep live. This is where they, the sheep, are supposed to stay, from a paradigm perspective. Bad or dangerous paradigms are found on the edge of and outside of the paddock. Sheep dogs patrol the outside, to wrangle in the runaways.

The Sheep Dog: the sheep dog is someone who poses as an “outsider”. They are often, but not always, former “insiders” who have been sheep-dipped to present themselves as whistle blowers or rebels, etc. The sheep dog’s role is to keep people from going too far outside the “Overton Paddock”. Sure, one or two sheep might make it over the fence, but the sheep dog spouts some mostly true (at least sounding) garbage, and then convinces the sheep to “hand out flyers” or “wear a hoodie”.

Trauma Based Mind control: the use of shocking and traumatic stimuli to direct an agent or person towards some end. If you ever seen the movie “The Truman Show”, the controllers of the domed world use FEAR BASED control to keep Truman at home. Fears of flying, fears of being on the water, fears of radiation and fire, etc. But trauma based mind control can also have sinister effects, especially when it comes to normalcy bias and insider/outsider power dynamics. Those in power will use trauma to direct a nation towards some goal: like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. False flags invariably use horror, trauma, death, victims, to perpetuate an idea that fosters militancy towards an official enemy. Whether it’s Muslims post 9/11 or non-maskers in 2020/2021, or the George Floyd incident, this form of mind control can incite madness and violence.

Gaslighting: the process by which some agency manipulates another person or group by convincing them, through shame and fear, that the way they see the world is WRONG. This is usually a process of weakening, of creating circumstances where the target questions their perception, their sanity.

PSYOP: military psychological warfare – the use of psychological discoveries and methods to control perception and motivation on the battlefield. Usually a good PSYOP program has simple objectives, for example: let’s say you wanted to keep hundreds of millions of people with guns from interfering with what you’re doing? You would use psyops, mainly trauma based, to keep that population busy: the best being divide and conquer type operations.

Mind Control: the process by which psychological and neurological techniques, in addition to other technology, and drugs (like LSD), are used to control individuals or groups of people. MK Ultra used some of these techniques to erase memory, elicit confessions, and to create potential sleeper assassins.

MK Ultra: a CIA mind control program that began shortly after the CIA was created and continued into the 1970s, officially. Unofficially, you can find witnesses who claim the program never ended. The main targets were individuals, but there was research on group level manipulation. I am of the opinion that the Church of Scientology is an ongoing group level mind control research project sponsored and protected by the Central Intelligence Agency. I also believe that many cults might be sub projects – like Jim Jones, or even WACO.

Propaganda: in the information age, which began when humans first started using language almost 100,000 years ago, propaganda is information designed to confuse and control others. In our modern information age, propaganda takes the form of bogus journalism, fake social media accounts promoting bullshit agendas, and mouthpieces both insider and outsider that maintain the boundaries of allowable discourse. Propaganda is the information that feeds allowable paradigms withing the Overton Paddock.

Sovietologist: during the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency used people expert in Russian culture, language, history, and current events, to glean from SOVIET press (Pravda, Izvestia) some kind of “truth”. They would identify outright lies, contradictions, and after going through an analytic process, come up with some interpretation concerning current events in Soviet Russia that might be close to the “truth”. Mostly, it was fancy tea leaf readings.

The Holy Victim or Honorable Sacrifice: whether it’s babies being tossed from incubators, young Cuban girls that get raped, thousands dead from two buildings collapsing into their foundations, old people dead because you didn’t wear your mask, or George Floyd – every great military psychological operation has the HONORED VICTIM or sacrifice. The people of the Lusitania, before the USA became involved in WW1, were such sacrifices.

The Hero: whether it’s BLM/ANTIFA freaks, dancing nurses, Ghost of Kiev, or drag queens … ever great PSYOP needs one or more official heroes. Dancing nurses are a great example, because they were shoved down our throats for MONTHS during 2020/2021, along with random stories of “heroism” on the part of nurses and doctors during the great COVID pandemic. During our invasion of Iraq, Jessica Lynch would be a good example of this type of entity.

The Insider: this is mainly a perceived group from the perspective of the member, and final divide and conquer arrangement from the perspective of REAL POWER. Those who consider themselves “insiders” have status and feel comfortable and natural attacking “outsiders”.

The Outsider: as with “the insider” this is mainly an arbitrary division created by those in power. The “outsider” can take on the pose of the rebel, and as someone that confronts power. In reality, the outsider and the insider are both trapped in a dynamic that they would do better to escape from.

The Runaway: If you are still reading, this might be you. You are someone OUTSIDE the OVERTON PADDOCK and ignoring the sheep dogs, or at least you’ve become a Sovietologist when it comes to the sheep dogs. You want the truth, but you might be in a place where the earthly truths are now impossible to discover, and all you have left are the eternal truths of the mind or self. If you’re a Christian, you can take comfort in that. If you are an atheist, you are a lot like Robert Duvall, in THX-1138 … you make it out of the fake world, to find yourself in a wasteland.

I am presenting this as a review for my listeners, when I use a concept or idea hopefully this helps.


A short list of scare monkeys and ongoing PSYOPs, in no particular order:

  1. Traveling Clinton Roadshow
  2. Chinese Murder Hornet
  3. Drugs
  4. Illegal Aliens or undocumented
  5. UFO / Aliens
  6. Toilet Paper Shortage
  7. Diseases, Covid-19, monkey herpes, monkey pox, you name it
  8. Latchkey kids
  9. Strangers
  10. Ukraine War
  11. Terrorism
  12. Drag Queen Story Time
  14. Trump Trauma Drama
  15. Hunter Biden / POTUS Road Show
  16. Artificial Intelligence / Robot Apocalypse
  17. Food Processing Plant Cow Splosion
  18. Somalia (as in “pirates” and “why don’t you go there?”)
  19. Soros, Gates, et al – almost certainly actors/players or decoys
  20. RFK JR – is he this year’s OBAMA-TRUMP? (he’s talking CIA assassination attempts)
These are YOUR PSYOPs,
does it make you happy?

You paid your taxes,
now you get them for free.


RANDOM THOUGHT: TECH DELUSIONS/ILLUSIONS hollywood tech fantasies and reality, would you ever get on a Boeing plane again? Yes, you get the fancy PR bits … but what is actually down the road?–bzo

What do they say in Saudi Arabia:

“My grandfather rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my grandson will ride a camel.”

Hate …

“Hate is the fuer-gurgen that fills the heart with steel.” – Dr. Freckles

Hate is the hag-meister that churns the yeti soul and burns the bride of the world …

Hate is the GUSTO SAUCE of total understanding where sticky blood glows and the nigh bows to sin …

Hate is the bowel bride, no longer seeking after that lost knightly frost lord, but wanting the swamp giddies and the long eyed gendiz-men …

The US economy …

“The US economy isn’t really a ‘free market’: it’s a network of linked and crooked casinos, the games at each casino might be sort of honest, but the linkages are corrupt as hell.” – Dr. Freckles

It’s not that traditional tools for financial analysis don’t work – they do: but if you disregard the crony nature of how things work, you are unlikely to make wise bets.

The TINA/FOMO BTFD folks were right all those years, and the rest of us screaming “bloody murder” were wrong – principles be damned, the death star economy is not about principles.

On the streets …

On the streets, people are forced to walk knee deep in poop water …

On the streets, the old people drown in shark urine and pear wine …

On the streets …

Most people have to hunt blown flesh enchilada sauce and viscera souffle as the AK-47’s wail and hum their song of splendor in the great beyond. Our cow pie selfies permit no new encouragement, and the tourist gliders pick up their kale juice from the barber and his whore.

On the streets:

  1. you fornicate with your landlord so they let you keep your cat despite not paying the pet fee.
  2. you make a knife from some broken glass, and you slit that guy’s throat for a pocket full of rock and some Lucky Strikes … and you have whiskey breath and herpes sores on your anus.
  3. Kester, the neg-ghoul, chases you down the alley with his cadre of FENTOR-GOOBS armed with bicycle chain and rogaine and propane and baseball bats … and you know you are getting tired, and you know no one cares.
  4. there is no salvation for the gutter rat that chews on his own mourning glory and the NEXT HO you find might be your momma and she’s looking good … on the streets.


I started working on a project with my friend Justin in 2022, we were able to put several months in and conducted a lot of experiments.

To learn more about what we have been trying to do: RADENGINEERING.TECH

We haven’t given up on the project, but we both have to make money, to get by, and we don’t have the time to put much more into it …

In order to promote this project, I was asked to build a simple RSS newsreader, operating using JS8 protocol, accessing some of the software’s API and using log files for monitoring. Not a lot of code allowed for a pretty cool experience, where headlines were being sent using CB RADIO, 11M, 27.245 MHZ.

Do with it what you will.

SQL Code (for MySQL):
#Daniel John Sullivan, CEO, Rad Engineering, 3/23/22

#This is a news agent/script, a prototype
#Service, utilizing JS8 as a proxy agent
#to encode messages and decode from our

#JS8 Callsign for this service - N3W5 or NEWS ...

#1. monitor directed file for requests
#2. respond to new requests
#3. grab RSS feed data

#there are a few python modules that need
#to be installed: maidenhead, feedparser, bs4
# anyascii, and perhaps one or two others
# just be comfortable using pip3 to install
# these other modules / libraries

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import feedparser
import os.path, time
import json
import math
import time
import maidenhead as mh
import urllib.parse as pr
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
from requests import get
from os.path import exists
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from anyascii import anyascii
import mysql.connector

### globals ###

DPath = "/home/pi/.local/share/JS8Call/DIRECTED.TXT"

# server/port info for connecting to the JS8 Call application
# while it is running, it can act as a message server/proxy
# for your radio kit ... we are still figuring out the API
# so right now, it's just 'send' capabilities we are using
# - DJS, 3/19/22

JS8Server = ""
JS8PortNum = 2442

#make sure you open port 2442 prior to opening JS8 application
#ubuntu command: sudo ufw allow 2442
server = (JS8Server, JS8PortNum)

servern = "localhost";
portn = 3306
usern = "DBUSER";
passw = "DBPASSWORD";
dbn = "DBNAME";

#mode 1: just top stories from each feed, sent just once
#mode 2: active engagement mode
#mode 3: just one service

newsServiceM3 = "ONION"

newsMode = 3

bigSleep = 90

### end of globals ###

def from_message(content):
		return json.loads(content)
	except ValueError:
		return {}

def to_message(typ, value='', params=None):
	if params is None:
		params = {}
	return json.dumps({'type': typ, 'value': value, 'params': params})

class JS8Client(object):

	def __init__(self):
		self.PttON = False
		self.LastPtt =

	def process(self, message):
		typ = message.get('type', '')
		value = message.get('value', '')
		params = message.get('params', {})
		if not typ:
		if typ in ('RX.ACTIVITY',):
			# skip

		if value and typ == "RIG.PTT":
			if value == "on":
				self.PttON = True
				self.LastPtt =
				print("PTT ON")
			if value == "off":
				self.PttON = False
				print("PTT OFF")
	def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
		params = kwargs.get('params', {})
		if '_ID' not in params:
			params['_ID'] = '{}'.format(int(time.time()*1000))
			kwargs['params'] = params
		message = to_message(*args, **kwargs)
		self.sock.send((message + '\n').encode()) # remember to send the newline at the end :)

	def GetStationStatus(self):
		self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
		self.connected = True
			self.send("TX.GET_TEXT", "")
			content = self.sock.recv(65500)
			message = json.loads(content)
			typ = message.get('type', '')
			value = message.get('value', '')
			if typ == "TX.TEXT":
				vt = value.strip()
				if len(vt) < 1:
					return "OPEN"
					return "CLOSED"
				return "CLOSED"
			return "CLOSED"

	def SendToJS8(self, JS8Message):
		self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
		self.connected = True
			self.send("TX.SEND_MESSAGE", JS8Message)
			content = self.sock.recv(65500)
			print("Error sending message to JS8 via API.")

	def close(self):
		self.connected = False


def GetArt(number):
	# Connect with the MySQL Server
	cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn)
	qry = "select ARTICLE, SOURCE, LINK from RSS where ID = %s" % (number)
	cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True)
	retRes = cur.fetchall()
	return retRes[0]

def GetTopHourly(source):
	# Connect with the MySQL Server
	cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn)
	qry = "select ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED, SOURCE, length(ARTICLE) as LOF from RSS where SOURCE = '%s' order by PUBLISHED desc limit 1" % source
	cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True)
	retRes = cur.fetchall()
	return retRes

def GetTop(source, number):
	# Connect with the MySQL Server
	cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn)
	qry = "select ID, TITLE, PUBLISHED, SOURCE, length(ARTICLE) as LOF from RSS where SOURCE = '%s' order by PUBLISHED desc limit %s" % (source, number)
	cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True)
	retRes = cur.fetchall()
	return retRes

def AlreadySaved(link):
	# Connect with the MySQL Server
	cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn)
	qry = "select ID from RSS where LINK = '" + link + "'"
	cur = cnx.cursor(buffered=True)
	rc = cur.rowcount
	if rc > 0:
		return True
		return False

def SaveRSS(source, title, link, published, article):

	tit = title.replace("'", "''")

	clean_text = anyascii(article)
	art = str(clean_text)

	art = art.replace("'", "''")
	if len(art) > 5000:
		art = art[0:5000]
	cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=usern, database=dbn, password=passw, host=servern, port=portn)
	cur = cnx.cursor()

	qry = """
	val = (source, link, tit, published, art)

	cur.execute(qry, val)


def GrabRSS(RssURL, SourceName):

	hdrs = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'}

	NewsFeed = feedparser.parse(RssURL)

	for na in NewsFeed.entries:

		if AlreadySaved(


		response = get(, None, headers=hdrs)


		soup = BS(response.content, 'html.parser')
		txtChunk = ""

		for data in soup.find_all("p"):
			txtval = data.get_text()
			txtval = txtval.strip()
			txtarr = txtval.split()
			if len(txtarr) == 1:
			if "posted" in txtval and ("hours" in txtval or "days" in txtval) and len(txtarr) == 4:
			if txtval == "No Search Results Found":
			if txtval == "Terms of Service":
			if txtval == "Advertise with us":
			if txtval == "Media Inquiries":

			txtChunk += " " + txtval + "\n"
		tyr = na.published_parsed[0]
		tmn = na.published_parsed[1]
		tdy = na.published_parsed[2]
		thr = na.published_parsed[3]
		tmi = na.published_parsed[4]
		tsc = na.published_parsed[5]
		ptms = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s" % (tyr, tmn, tdy, thr, tmi, tsc)	
		SaveRSS(SourceName, na.title,, ptms, txtChunk.strip())

def debugHere():
	input("Press enter to continue ...")

def clearConsole():
	command = 'clear'
	if in ('nt', 'dos'):  # If Machine is running on Windows, use cls
		command = 'cls'

def TopStoriesFrom(news, numof):
	s = JS8Client()

	ti = GetTop(news, numof)
	for t in ti:
		pubarr = str(t[2]).split()	
		pubdte = pubarr[0]
		ct = t[1].replace("''","'")
		lof = int(t[4])

		moreLink = ""
		#if lof > 40:
		#	moreLink = "4MORE: N3WZ [ART]: %s" % t[0]	
		#headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s %s" % ("@ALLCALL", pubdte, ct, t[3], moreLink)  
		#headline = headline.strip()
		headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s" % ("@ALLCALL", pubdte, ct, t[3]) 
		while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
			print("Waiting to send ..." + str(
		while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
			print("Waiting to send ..." + str(

def TopStoriesFromAll():
	s = JS8Client()

	ti = GetTopHourly("INFOWARS")
	tn = GetTopHourly("NYT")
	tz = GetTopHourly("ZEROHEDGE")
	ty = GetTopHourly("YAHOO")
	tc = GetTopHourly("CNN")
	tb = GetTopHourly("BBC")
	tops = []

	for t in tops:
		pubarr = str(t[2]).split()	
		pubdte = pubarr[0]
		ct = t[1].replace("''","'")
		lof = int(t[4])

		moreLink = ""
		if lof > 40:
			moreLink = "4MORE: N3WZ [ART]: %s" % t[0]	
		headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s %s" % ("@ALLCALL", pubdte, ct, t[3], moreLink)  
		while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
			print("Waiting to send ..." + str(
		while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
			print("Waiting to send ..." + str(

def TopStories(messageInfo):
	s = JS8Client()
		#2S5: N3WZ  [TOP]: NYT, 1
		mp = messageInfo.split(':')
		if len(mp) < 3:

		callsign = mp[0].strip()
		step1 = mp[2].strip()
		step2 = step1.split(',')
		rn = step2[1].strip().split()
		src = step2[0].strip()	
		numberOf = rn[0].strip()

		print("Handling %s request ..." % src)
		print("From: " + callsign)
		print("Top: " + numberOf)

		tops = GetTop(src, numberOf)
		for t in tops:
			pubarr = str(t[2]).split()	
			pubdte = pubarr[0]
			ct = t[1].replace("''","'")
			lof = int(t[4])

			moreLink = ""
			if lof > 40:
				moreLink = "4MORE: N3WZ [ART]: %s" % t[0]	
			headline = "%s HEADLINE [%s] '%s', #%s %s" % (callsign, pubdte, ct, t[3], moreLink)  
			while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
				print("Waiting to send ..." + str(
			while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
				print("Waiting to send ..." + str(

		print("An exception occurred: getting top stories")
def handleArticle(messageInfo):
		#K7IAC: N3W5 [ART]: 237 ♢  
		s = JS8Client()
		mp = messageInfo.split(':')
		if len(mp) < 3:
		callsign = mp[0].strip()
		step1 = mp[2].strip().split()

		number = step1[0].strip()

		print("Handling article request ...")
		print("From: " + callsign)
		print("Article: " + number)

		recd = GetArt(number)
		art = recd[0]
		src = recd[1]
		lnk = recd[2]
		if len(art) > 150:
			art2 = art.replace("\n", " ")
			art2 = art2.replace("''","'")
			print("bigger than 150 chars")
			if len(art2) > 500:
				art2 = art2[0:500]
			pts = math.ceil((len(art2)/150))
			buffr = ""
			part = 1
			for c in art2:
				buffr += c
				if len(buffr) == 150:
					artInfo = "%s ART_%s %s #%s (%s/%s)" % (callsign, number, buffr, src, str(part), str(pts))  
					buffr = ""
					part += 1
					while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
						print("NEWS SERVICE TIME: " + str(
			if len(buffr) > 0:
				artInfo = "%s ART_%s %s #%s (%s/%s)" % (callsign, number, buffr, src, str(part), str(pts))  
				buffr = ""

			art2 = art.replace("\n", " ")
			art2 = art2.replace("''","'")
			artInfo = "%s ART_%s %s ... (MORE @ %s)" % (callsign, number, art2, src)  
			while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
				print("Waiting to send ..." + str(
			while s.GetStationStatus() == "CLOSED":
				print("Waiting to send ..." + str(
		print("An exception has occurred: getting news article")

def NewsCycle(DirectedPath):
	prevDLineNo = 0

	newsl = "news_line.txt"

		tf = open(newsl, "r")
		tfs =
		if(tfs != ""):
			prevDLineNo = int(tfs)

	readerf = open(DirectedPath)

	UTCDTM = ""

	dirLine = 0
	uploaded = 0
		# Further file processing goes here
		for x in readerf:


			recd = x.split('\t')

			UTCDTM = recd[0]
			OFFSET = recd[2]
			SNR = recd[3]
			FREQ = recd[1]
			MSG = recd[4]
			dirLine += 1
			if(dirLine > prevDLineNo):
				if "[ART]:" in MSG:

				if "[TOP]:" in MSG:

				wf = open(newsl, "w")

def CycleFeeds():
	infowars = ""
	zh = ""
	yahoo = ""
	cnn = ""
	bbc = ""
	nyt = ""
	onion = ""
	bb = ""
	print("Grabbing Babylon Bee ...")
	GrabRSS(bb, "BB")
	print("Grabbing ONION ...")
	GrabRSS(onion, "ONION")
	print("Grabbing INFOWARS ...")
	GrabRSS(infowars, "INFOWARS")
	print("Grabbing ZEROHEDGE ...")
	print("Grabbing YAHOO ...")
	GrabRSS(yahoo, "YAHOO")
	print("Grabbing CNN ...")
	GrabRSS(cnn, "CNN")
	print("Grabbing BBC ...")
	GrabRSS(bbc, "BBC")
	print("Grabbing NYT ...")
	GrabRSS(nyt, "NYT")

# 3. YAHOO:
# 4. CNN:

print("Starting NEWS Server .")
print("Starting NEWS Server ..")
print("Starting NEWS Server ...")
print("Starting NEWS Server ....")


if newsMode == 1:

if newsMode == 2:

	ptime =
	while True:
		ntime =

		print("NEWS SERVICE: " + str(ntime))


		tdiff = ntime - ptime

		if tdiff.seconds > (60 * 5):
			print("Grabbing RSS feed info ...")
			ptime =
if newsMode == 3:
	TopStoriesFrom(newsServiceM3, 4)


If you squint in the sunlight, or close your eyelids in bright light, you can see them …

If you look closely, they’re there, wriggling, jiggling, feeding on your optical mucous and growing stronger.

Most people that get these die before they reach puberty, the ones that survive carry dread in their hearts their whole lives. They live like the outcasts in some Lovecraftian freak-zone filled with fuck-monkey holy men and old crimson ladies wearing their jizzum skirts at NIGHT. Those eye worms will lay eggs in your brain and those eggs will cross the blood-brain-barrier into your blood, and some of that polluted blood will become seminal fluid, and from that fluid you infect your children with eye worms.

This is something somebody told me …

When I was a kid I’d go to work with my dad sometimes, he owned a small logging business. One time I’m riding up to the woods: me, my dad, and my brother. My dad is talking to us about chainsaws, and then realized that maybe we needed a happy story to perk us up …

My dad told me and my brother about some dude, up in the woods of the North Cascades, that accidentally cut off his arm while operating a chainsaw. Supposedly the dude picked up his arm and placed the arm in a cooler with ice and drove himself, the arm on ice, back to Sedro-Woolley General Hospital where some hooker nurse and a strung out surgeons sewed that guys arm back on, and he was just FINE … and that’s okay.

That’s what dad said …

In 1993 I was working on a boat in the Gulf of Alaska as an ordinary Merchant Marine seaman. One night, in Juneau, I was hanging out with some ex-Navy Seals, and I dared them to shimmy up the mooring rope, the bow mooring rope, on a cruise ship docked there. We were SHIT ASS DRUNK and had no business doing this insane thing … but we did. We made our way through the crews quarters and feigned confusion as guests that “got lost”. We got to the “Lido Deck” and ordered drinks on some random room number or berth or whatever.

Your CABIN … we used fake ass cabin numbers to order drinks, then walked off the ship …

This happened, right?

When I was stationed in S. Korea, there were these places off post or “down range” you’d go to … In Tokuri, not far from Casey/Hovey, there was this midget. You see, the Navy shutdown Subic Bay back in the 1990s, and MILLIONS of Filipino hookers were out of work, what to do? – they moved to South Korea, along with a lot of Russian hookers back then.

Did you know Korea was a Russian Empire possession until the Russo-Japanese War?

But buddy … that midget …

And people would say “I did the midget of Tokuri”, and maybe it was true, and maybe it wasn’t.

All I can tell you: there were a LOT of Filipino hookers in S. Korea, many were midgets, back in 1998.


There is this place, Skin Walker Ranch, not far from where I live. And according to LORE, there were aliens that made love to Ute Indian women and this resulted in Indian / Alien hybrids that began selling whiskey to the Mormon men who then went home and got frisky with their Mormon wives and this resulted in the whole situation being BULLSHIT … fuck.

Skin Walker Ranch is home to an underground base called SECRET BASE CODE NAMED TANGO … and nobody makes it back from that place to tell the tale. In this base there are BLUE JELL harvesting machines, where Tulian milk-maidans are covered in biscuit wax and the drool of french bulldogs. They are made to exude a gummy substance from their boobies which can be used for faster than light travel and penis pills.


What do you want to believe?

In 2020, despite most of human history and recent lessons with Ireland in the 19th Century, the POWERS THAT BE decided to use germ warfare to kill us, not starvation, not hunger … or to trigger a rube goldberg device that led to people taking a vaccine that kills them … and they did this to gain more “power”, even though they already had the power to turn off the world.

(they had all the power)

BUDDY – these people mainly use FAMINE to kill …

(why germ warfare?)

(germ warfare that is IMPOSSIBLE to control or contain?)

They decided to mind fuck people to madness and illness in the hopes that these diseased freaks will make better slaves … (wait, what?)

Do you believe it?


  1. They say there are Mexican magic men who can drink a shroom shake and fly through the air.
  2. They say there are Masai tribesmen that can stop your heart with a glance.
  3. They say there are dogs that are separated from their owners and will travel thousands of miles home DESPITE all the fast food garbage strewn about?
  4. They say there are ghosts of loved ones that haunt some building some place and lure in teenagers to brutally kill them for kicks … that’s what they say.
  5. They say there are RACISTS EVERYWHERE … and you’re probably racist, and so am I.
  6. They say SATAN is depressed and working at Microsoft.
  7. They say there are ground worms that eat through the heart of the world and are in pursuit of monkey flame paradise and nitro-power sex.

This is what they say … I mean, holy fuck … this is what THEY ARE telling me?

Fewer than 700 people have been to “space” since 1961.

It has been more than 50 years since ANYONE has “landed on the Moon” …

But next year they say they will orbit the Moon with people and such …

And land people on the Moon in 2025 …

(do you believe it?)

(can you believe it?)


Shut up AND LISTEN fucker …

The wookie people are coming … they’re tired of our insolence and wrathful deceitfulness and our cocaine breakfast parties …

they grow tired of our FANCY ATTITUDES …

they seek after GREASE WISDOM and the John Travolta “barbarino” happy ending …

Wookies are everywhere …


There are mass graves all over Utah … nobody talks about it. Places where hundreds of folks, natives, gypsies, were just buried … no one knows why.

You go to Vernal and say “hey buddy, want to talk about those mass graves under the WALMART” … and it’s just deer in the headlights man … and your the JORGEN NULL beast.

The elderly track down their lost cousins, to some RANCH near T’lib, where the old style Mormons have 30 wives and love is a wet noodle pie. They know about the dead, the humpton flesh, the dregs and crags and lost boys. So many humans from the atomic tests, burnt alive, and then just dumped in the Utah desert …

So shut …. LISTEN … please.

The CAT LADIES of Chicago mean business.

Prices of cat food keep going up, so they pick up some poor sap at the bar and get him home, and kill him. Then, with the Kitchenaid, they turn that poor suitor into FANCY FEAST for their furry kids …

These cat women don’t care about you … they might be sexy and busty, but they will feed you to their cats …

SHUT UP FUCKER … listen.

UNIVERSAL PEST MERCHANTS are setting up shop near PLUTO. They don’t care that it’s not a planet and they don’t give a shit about your IDEAS or DREAMS …

These sleaze flesh dealers are looking for pink-monkeys and they will sell these among the QUIB of REGION-HOTEL. They get gold and diamonds for each hairless atrocity as they dance to the naked duel snakes and live like DUKES on the chamber of dark energy and brown dwarfs …


Eating your McMuffins and pondering Sklade the Foul?

Your time is coming RUBE and the glow of amber lightning shall envelop your tasteless heart and a cat named PHIL will relieve you of your LIFE …


Listen …

In the not too distant future:

  1. Turg Nurdlers from the inner Earth.
  2. TANTRIC HYPERINFLATION (Jerome is great)
  3. Bone math for the kids.
  4. Roach paste riots …
  5. Love pastures near Sklabe Ville …
  6. Signature miniature Mama Celeste pizzas made from depleted uranium and blood sausage.
  7. Kelly fast cars and the death rattle …
  8. “Nothing will be found, nothing will be discovered, the universe is a METH MONKEY and you are its bitch.” – Dr. Freckles

And I still don’t think you can hear me …

(you’re not listening)

Reasoning with PSYOPs …

“You don’t reason with a PSYOP, you ignore it.” – Dr. Freckles


  1. this is real, and they really do want to drive most people insane
  2. this is not real, and they really do want to drive most people insane
  3. this is the end times
  4. there is no God, and this is the infinite gray nothing … a cosmic expanse of existential NULL