

Thought: don’t let yourself get trapped

Mr Lucky:


Spoonful of Sugar:

NC, then AR:



Hobo Shaman:

Bukowski of Ted K’s:

What makes YOU:




If I were the devil …
If I were the Prince of Darkness,
I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness.

And I’d have a third of its real estate,
and four-fifths of its population,
but I wouldn’t be happy
until I had seized the ripest apple
on the tree — Thee.

So I’d set about however necessary
to take over the United States.
I’d subvert the churches first —
I’d begin with a campaign of whispers.

With the wisdom of a serpent,
I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve:
‘Do as you please.’

If I were the devil
I’d take from those who have,
and give to those who want
until I had killed
the incentive of the ambitious.

- Paul Harvey (1965)


Paul Harvey was born in 1918 …

Paul Harvey DIED in 2009 …

During his time on the stage, with tempered rage and wit to balance, he silenced critics with his wispy homespun perspectives and his Cadillac style vibrations. Some say he INVENTED that CALM TALK, that AFTERNOON CHAT, that VOICE over AM RADIO that soothed you … as you yelled about GAS PRICES, and pissed on pictures of Jimmy Carter.

One might contend that the PAUL HARVEY EFFECT is about this NEW WAY he invented, for engaging with HI FIDELITY listeners – but this is misleading.

Paul was born in Oklahoma, the son of a COP. His dad was killed by robbers in 1921.

Paul made radios as a kid, and attended the standard public schools.

Paul SERVED in WORLD WAR TWO and sailed the ocean blue, he met thieves and pirates and wayward travelers – in 1944 he met Jorgen Tull, a NAZI defector and crystal meth manufacturer. They got cooking.

Paul moved to CHICAGO after WW2, where he and Jorgen set up the first METH FACTORY in a cavernous sewer below the FIELD MUSEUM. Paul used his cover as a “radio guy” to make connections in the then GROWING DRIVE TIME RADIO world. And in that world you have helicopter pilots, and SKY WARRIORS, weathermen and pimp lords. This is NOT KNOWN to many, and is denied by most – so you never know, right?

In 1951, ABC news debuted PAUL as their “noon time” lunch guy. He’d speak words to those animals, working their hours in the coyote mills and ash factories, and thereby maintain a level of PEACE and CONTROL over those teaming masses of the future. Baby boomers, still kids, would eat chocolate ho hos and chuckle … knowing the secrets, knowing the rumors.

Paul was an avid pilot, and was responsible for distributing the METH that he and Jorgen cooked each week.

Paul would make his trips around the country, and more than a few CIA spooks were BIG FANS and buyers. At one point the BUSH FAMILY bought nearly HALF of all Paul’s weekly batch, and this troubled Jorgen, but Jorgen as a former NAZI understood.

In 1965, after 20 years of continuous METH use, Paul had a psychotic break. He began talking in riddles, and eventually his EFFECT was felt. During a broadcast in 1965, he URGED ON the “true race” to HOLD BACK against the dusky masses.

You see, Jorgen Tull was Danish.

Hitler recruited Jorgen in 1934 after a “tasting party” at the annual Thule Society soirée and sex banquet. Hitler knew the DANES had the darkest spirits, and could reveal the twisting ways of physics and interracial love affairs. You see, Hitler was in love with a young woman named Debra Hastings – Debra had escaped Oklahoma after the TULSA RACE MASSACRE of 1921 … the same time period when Paul’s dad was killed. Debra had been LIVING IT UP in BERLIN, and at that time very few cared about her dark skin.

Debra was African-American, sweet and smart. She was chesty and had smiles. When she hugged Hitler, Adolf forgot about his pain and failure. He forgot about his oaths of revenge. He forgot about his failed career painting postcards, he just saw her. BUT … he was leading the ARYAN RACE towards TOTALISTIC VICTORY against the GENKEN-BROOD and the other lost forces of Mistress Vromm. Hitler had promised “racial purity”, but he only knew one thing when he looked into Debra’s eyes – that he loved her, that he wanted to plant bunctous babies in her.

When Hitler tried Jorgen’s METH, this opened up conversations about “24 hour military operations” and “dive bomber STUKAS” and all kinds of things meth-heads talk about when they’re HIGH.

“Jorgen, what can I do about this love?”

“You must free her and remember BRAVE GERMANY …”

“But I can’t stop loving her.”

“You will, if you want my METH.”

Now, years later, Hitler defeated, Paul meets Debra – and falls in love too.

A fiery 1960’s meth fueled ROMP through the dungeon keeps of old America. Debra was older than Paul, but she had experience with love-squeezing and body juice sharing. Paul would GO DOWN on her, like some ancient diver, swimming for that pearl in her onyx soup.

All of this is to say that JORGEN did not fancy this, and HE was going to stop it – again … because HE SECRETLY LOVED Debra too … fuck … fuck this is sad.

This was a love triangle that stretched across time … because unknown to Paul Harvey and his meth freak friend Jorgen, Hitler was NOT dead.

In April 1945, as part of a secret NAZI experiment with relativistic effects, Hitler was transported 20 YEARS into the future – to Kecksburg, PA.

Hitler showed up and was experimented on: his arms were ripped off and then sewn back on, he had roach gelatin injected into his skull, cobra venom was put in his food.

Hitler spent months in ONE MK-ULTRA experiment after another, being jabbed and isolated. He had loud noises at loud volumes directed at his ear drums. He had sulfuric acid injected into his spine. But in 1969 Hitler escaped and after a few months of wandering America, he ended up in Chicago at Roger’s Cabaret in Boy’s Town.

It gets more sordid …

Because PAUL was with DEBRA at Hooglies off of Dirgen Street in December 1969. They were at a CHRISTMAS PARTY when HITLER and JORGEN showed up. It got saucy. Hitler, filled with cocaine and rage, grabbed Debra by the arm and shouted “you’re going with me”, but she didn’t want to. Paul was none to happy either …

Paul was carrying a switchblade and pulled it. He shoved that knife deep into Hitler’s chest, and blood sprayed all over the club – as TEEGLIE boys and “late night shoppers” went running back home to Evanston.

Jorgen stood by and just watched these beasts go at it, and then he moved closer to Debra as the fight turned into madness …

“Hey baby.”

“Jorgen, you BASTARD”, Debra slapped him across the face.

“Baby I know … I’m sorr …”

“Stop right there, you tore me away from my first love … you got Hitler addicted to crank and racism and setting shit on fire … FUCK YOU JORGEN.”

Debra walked away …

The bar shut down and it was Hitler and Paul Harvey and Jorgen the DANE, alone, sharing a booth in the darkness, drinking stale whiskey and smoking damp cigarettes.

Hitler got real silent, with toilet paper shoved into the hole in his chest. But then after several minutes, he mumbled:

“What did I do it for, the war, the death, the hate?”

IT WAS AT THAT MOMENT that PAUL had a revelation …

Paul got on a plane the very next morning, he was HEADING TO CALIFORNIA to meet with his friend Ronald Reagan, THE GOVERNOR of CALIFORNIA.

Paul went directly to his compound in Pasadena, where Reagan kept Mexican slave girls and ran a nightclub for the militarists and pederasts of LA. It was a skeevy place, filled with those types that are typically found near the SLEAZY WHARFS of San Francisco. Paul was shocked by the blood shakes and the long-pig pizza.

Reagan brought Paul to his secret room, a special place for eldritch rites and experiments on French bulldogs. They talked for HOURS and then Paul went back to his hotel. On the WAY to his hotel, Paul was run off the road by the Manson Family, and taken back to Spahn Ranch. Charles sang songs for Paul, and they shared ideas about black people and Jews and Danes and the Beach Boys.

It was within this KILN of AWARENESS that Paul’s mind baked …

Paul had been pressed to the ultimate point of ripping and he had a VISION, this is a fragment of what he told Charles:

If GOD arrived,
covered in ants,
morbidly saccharine,
like the ancient burly beasts ...

If GOD came back,
for a lightning attack,
taking with him the sinners,
taking with him the slackers,
he'd have backers: like Gen Westmoreland.

but our blood merchant fantasy soon ends.

Our friends abandon us to the silk parlor,
for hours,
for love,
the steam fills every CRACK,
and we're DONE with Charlie Swift,
and we're through trying ...

This is a long winded way of saying:

THE PAUL HARVEY EFFECT was to SPREAD METH and get bikers addicted. The bikers, listening to Paul and Hitler and Jorgen and Chuck were infected with a mind virus that spread.

THE VIRUS of RACISM went everywhere: into books and crooks and old crones, baking coffee peach scones, and making their bones off of HEROIN CAKE.

All the nation caught fire, and racism led to META-RACISM and META-RACIMS led to CRITICAL RACE THEORY and that led to BLM-ANTIFA and CHOP / CHAZ and LORD RAZ making a gable closet of loose women with big tits ….

You don’t KNOW because no one told you.

Hyper-Racism is the ACKNOWLEDGMENT that the PEOPLE are WHITE-TRASH, even if their skin color is BLACK. Black, yellow, green, white, brown, blue, we DGAF. We don’t care, you are part of the same meat pie as the rest.

Paul Harvey doomed us.



If you notice, it says “LIFT 200 LBS” … not “lifts” … this is a legal trick.

What they are really saying is that IF you live in the UK or England and IF you RIP OFF or STEAL or “LIFT” 200 British Stirling, you “might” have enough money to build a really dangerously unstable fucking hovercraft that will last about a day … and then explode.

But YOU have to LIFT 200 British pounds … per 1978 relative value.




around your HOME ...
around your school ...

It floats on air,
powered by a vacuum cleaner ...

It floats on air,
powered by an electric motor ...

If it needed electric power?
Or some kind of magical SPRITE?
They'd tell you, right?
They'd include those words, amazing.

Infinite energy drive, what a time to be alive.


You will fly around,
all over town,
your woman will wear a gown,
the old men will frown ...

It's your key to future bliss!
This one time offer so surprising,
you don't dare miss.

For PLANS AND PHOTOS? - send $4.95 ...
For love and HEROES, give us your coin.
Your loins will flare,
you'll kill a bear,
your daddy WILL SWEAR to never take the ATARI away ...

You can bet mother fucker,
good old Pete,
wished he had a hovercraft,
to beat bricks back home,
to beat his meat.

You can float on air.
It lifts 200 pounds.
They'll never hear a sound,
when you sneak up on their BOY'S LIFE LIES.

The skies turn dark,
but you still have time,
for plans and photos,
send four ninety five.

It's fun.
It's free.
With order ...

one day you'll find YOUR GROOVE ...
Am I right Pete?

You still swinging Pete?

You still alive?

Or do you live with UNCLE CLIVE,
in HELL ...

Does that ring a bell?

We're going to Hell.

In late 2019 I had a tingler latched to my back, sinking its bug teeth into my spine. It whispered things like “fuck, shit’s about to get real” and “dude, the Lord’s Church will be driven underground soon”. And all of this is in the rear view mirror, as the COSMIC race brings us closer to a photo finish and British underwear models grab their feline spices and leave grease marks on the crescent metal sofa where their “third world guilt” banged them last night. Like that, and it’s fucking annoying, but it’s JUST LIKE THAT.

It reminds me of when I was a kid, at the barbershop with my dad …

In addition to slightly out of date Popular Mechanics and Popular Science, there was always that one ragged copy of Boy’s Life on the table at the barbershop whilst you awaited your trim. You’d flip through and see articles about boys fishing for trout, and starting fires, and the story of “young hero” type bullshit. Some bear was chasing some fucking Holden Caulfield down the dungeon pit of life’s little tragedies, but the boy STOOD up and made a SPEAR, and tossed that wretched thing in the bear’s ear. That boy’s life was saved; Boy’s Life was like that, and more.

If you stayed long enough, looking at those brownish yellow papers, that low quality ink on pulp, you might happen upon an article promising something AMAZING. COME ON: GEN X was RAISED on TANG and APOLLO STYLE BODY ORGIES. We expect the BEST, and our disappointments MOUNT. But back then, we’d look at that beautiful thing, and see in IT the reflection of our true American can-do selves. But that’s the GRIFT. That some kid during the stagflation heydays of the 1970’s might cobble together enough lawn mowing coinage to build some functional HOVERCRAFT … because that’s what they were selling. A hovercraft miracle.

Looking at that space vehicle you could imagine being General Patton, storming the BEACHES, fighting them NAZIs in your HOVERCRAFT DREAM. You might pick up Farah Fawcett and hang out at the WHISKEY BAR listening to the EAGLES play happy sunshine Saturday music bullshit. With that HOVERCRAFT? – the kids would stop making fun of you. Your dad might stop yelling at you. The world might stop calling you fat, and stupid, and a loser … if you had that FUCKING hovercraft. But instead, disappointment.

I think about the waning days of 2019, and out of that misty memory I conjure that demon from my youth, that impossible force, that summertime dream that some wise scheme could bring into existence; “the summer doesn’t end friend”, is what that HOVERCRAFT FANTASY said to me. But the summers must end and we drift deeper into the darkness scrumbo brothers and sisters.

WE ARE THE SCRUMBO, WE ARE THE LIMBO, we are the ones cleaning up after the baggage handler white lightning parties. We MIX DIESEL and BROKEN GLASS and OLD ASS with our sawdust and metal shavings, we are ready to guzzle it down, without a frown, so that the WHOLE TOWN, bejeweled and in gowns, might COME OUT THAT NIGHT and make it a happening. What a sight it would be, if that HOVERCRAFT LIE didn’t die.

THE HOVERCRAFT LIARS are the scourge.

They’ve morphed and sell iPhones now or reverse mortgages, but they’re still out there, grifting, sifting through the landfill of these intemperate masses finding goblets and glasses of tired old wine and Orson Wells’ ghost marking the way to peace. Will this madness ever cease?

They’ve changed into lawyers and voyeurs, glaring at that sticky alley fort life. Taco people wrapped in tarps, sleeping with roaches and rats and earwigs laying eggs in their ears and laying siege to their inhibitions.

I flourished before the time of LIES, when the FRENCH FRIES arrived and Ronald gave everyone a HAPPY meal. We were donuts and cake, we had an EZ bake oven and sold crank to the spiders at the Harley Davidson store. Kennels, filled with waifish bar maidens fed that lust prison and kept us from HIGHER UNDERSTANDING. We were trapped, and unfree – the HOVERCRAFT was a shackle and a hassle and the end of our youthful bliss.


Every crazed nurse-ape on TWITTER was advising you to MAKE YOUR WAY to the HOSPITAL respirator, for the necessary care of your magic monkey herpes or virus or pandemic. And you’d look at the nurses, as they danced in G-string style panties, and rubbed their BRAVE HERO MUNCTOUS upon your forehead blessing you, YOU SPECIAL YOU with WARP SPEED LOVE and BUMP STOCK BUSTINESS. The mind fuck didn’t end, no matter what you pretend or avoid. They keep tossing bullshit, but we know, my fellows, we know as HANG GLIDER MADMEN, that this is STILL the play; the intermission is nearly over, the FINAL ACT will be quite real.

You’ve tested the waters, and found that the sea is a roiling mess of carcass getaways and sailors lost and alone.

You are MAKING changes in your life, to become encrusted and trusted; various reef wardens have marked you and your time to SHINE is SOON!

When the fury cast is met by a skull dragon and the sky bleeds yellow, a fellow with a hearty laugh and a golden staff will arrive. He sells musket balls and catcalls and German cars and martini bars. You will meet that looming fate, and GREAT will be the scream as you meme and dance. An ORANGE KING has come to play and the sand castle queens will go away. For TODAY, this DAY, is THE DAY you turn up the volume on your life and get rid of the strife.

Boblimptock is almost ripe, and those cavern slugs you’ve been running from cannot hurt you any longer. Your fists are raw but filled with fight. Your eyes are consumed by the RED LUST of vengeance. You know what’s up, and you’ll take the FIGHT to them: the JACK-APES, the DURG-BUTCHERS, and FARMER TED. The whole GANG of framed mantle jacks can be YOURS for 6 EASY payments of just $15.99 … kind of feeling that hovercraft love again, ain’t ya?

Ominous …

In May of 2025, following the first full month of JD Vance’s presidency, a great object, glowing and special, will be seen in the sky. In April 2025, President Trump dies of a stroke. JD Vance takes over, and starts doing shit you’d expect him to do. Maybe we get WW3 no matter which chunk of human waste is tossed at the wall. Maybe there’s a ugly monster coming. Boblimptock was only ever going to last about 5 years … it all comes to an end, BOBLIMPTOCK does, the 5 years does, in May 2025. At that moment we enter GRINKEN TIME.

GRINKEN TIME will be a merciless pain flood. The deluge of old will take hold, in new forms. Humans, so called, will devolve into mongrel hoarders and old style weasel knights. The best among us will be taken swiftly by the first great herald, as skies turn brown, then orange, then black, then red. Many such horses and portended things can be felt, as the Pope talks about beach blanket bingo, and your grandmas tell you stories of salty BOOMER STYLE 5 ways in FRISCO back in 72′.

DOOK MINKLER, the TULIP STALLION, will take hold of what’s left of California, by the year 2033. Scoop gals, with torn dresses and jagged smiles, will carry knives about Sunset Boulevard and horny-Mc-Chesty types will run in fear from those rage driven morblies from Quadrant-83-BRAVO. Scourge forces and shock armies will surround your plans and nothing you expected will manifest. And why? – because YOU are living in 2019.

SKAG FISHING will be our FUEL ENDEAVOUR. Hunting coyote-elk and jungle-beaver will fill our days, as drinking and merrymaking FILL OUR NIGHTS. We TOSS that rancid place into the great vortex, we cast out remorse, regret, and sullen obsessions about pointless desires.

You want to go back? – STOP IT!


All your grievances and plans.

All your dollar faith and rule of law homage.

All the “respect” the institutionalized used to get, and is now gone.

All of it – leave it behind puddle flower.

Leave your pain with the blistering sun and that dead horse named Joovis, and just go …

Stop bringing up what “might” have happened – it didn’t, so what?

To be a LORD of BOBLIMPTOCK, you must transcend the ancient ways and embrace the new melodies. Songs played today resonate with the third eye and the green crystal. Pirate spirits will chase you, and try to take you away, but if you can LET GO of 2019 thinking, you can GET ON WITH Boblimptock style loving. And that’s a real nice moist warm love, fits well, you can commit to it.

Say goodbye to your hovercraft childhood.

Say hello to your meat pirate future.

We will get past the scrubly.

We will become GRINKEN FOLK.

And remember some old time wisdom …

“Boblimptock has made Helter-Skelter seem like Woodstock.” – Dr. Freckles





In the previous chapter we reviewed psychological warfare, and it can be a daunting subject. One can feel as if there is no escape.

Another fact about the previous chapter: TLDR

No one wants to read that shit, so I’ll try to be MORE parsimonious from here on out … it’s a DANIFESTO not ATLAS SHRUGGED!

Sovietology developed as a discipline at CIA, Langley, during the Cold War. American analysts had the job of reviewing soviet newspapers, journals, books, etc., all for the purpose of deriving useful information from what is superficially propaganda garbage. It kind of worked, in the way reversing entropy can “kind of work” but not really. You could say Sovietology is a subset of hermeneutics: the study of true meaning in text.

As a sovietologist, it was your job to:

  1. keep track of outright lies
  2. keep track obvious contradictions
  3. interpret the use of propaganda by your enemy, and what that might imply

Yes – it’s a spooky discipline and about as scientific as handwriting analysis, but definitely more based than phrenology.

But it’s also not crazy – we should read the “news” with an eye to identifying:

  1. What we know is true
  2. What we know is false
  3. Where are the contradictions
  4. What are the “forbidden” subjects
  5. Be aware of your own BIAS


A good example of a “forbidden subject” is Arctic permafrost collapse. This is not “global warming” or “climate change” or some other ambiguous and poorly defined bugbear, this is a simple question: what is the permafrost?

And follow up question: is the Arctic permafrost in collapse.

There’s not enough space, time, or relevance to go into this one “forbidden” topic specifically, but it’s not the only one.

The “Epstein Affair” is another good example. You are OKAY looking into the “suicide” and you are OKAY looking into the “murder”, but don’t you DARE look into the idea that his death might have been faked. That’s forbidden.

As a sovietologist, you need to identify those areas of thought that are BLACKED OUT or redacted. These spaces that are hidden often, but not always, indicate a subject of importance.

Think about the “bunker madness” of the last 15 years. You read an article in WIRED Magazine that says “Zuckerberg has a secret bunker in Hawaii” – you can as a sovietologist do a few things here. ONE: identify the obvious contradiction “secret bunker read about in WIRED”. TWO: you can ask the question – where is the real bunker?

Antarctica is an ideal location for a long term safe zone: it’s basically a desert from a climate perspective, so in case of nuclear war fallout will be less of a concern. It’s geographically isolated and has massive stores of underground fresh water. According to some reports (Admiral Byrd), the continent is RICH in coal and uranium and other natural resources a technological breakaway civilization would need. It’s a buried place: only ever discussed in terms of “research” and “cruises” and “extreme skiing”, but ordinary people don’t know much about it. During the HEIGHT of the Cold War, both the USA and its ARCH ENEMIES set aside Antarctica as a “nature preserve” – which is weird, because the USSR set off Tsar Bomba (60 megatons) in the Arctic Circle a few years later AND the USA continued its destructive above ground testing, and even used nukes to frack for natural gas under “Project Gas Buggy”.

The key point: Antarctica is a forbidden topic in the context of “bunkers”, which is just weird.

When investigating the forbidden ideas, concepts, words, think also in terms of “scope” – which resonates with the Overton Paddock model: what is the allowable scope of that article your reading? What are the allowed “options”? If you pick “door number 3”, so to speak, then what? Ridicule? Isolation? Censorship? This is also known as coloring outside the lines. Look to that part of the story that’s written in invisible ink.

Of all the pitfalls for a sovietologist, one of the most problematic is BIAS. Sure, this impacts many forms of study, but it’s still important to isolate in the process. You might WANT to infer something that is not supported by the limited evidence you have: don’t.

For MANY years post the “Great Financial Crisis”, starting in 2010, I’d see/hear the “buy the dip” bullshit – and it irked me. It irked me because it did not fit with logic or math or commonsense or free enterprise or random fucking nature itself, but my BIAS kept me from seeing completely how manufactured and corrupt the markets were. My BIAS kept me from realizing that “buy the dip” was ironic bullshit and what THEY were really saying was “the central banks will pump these markets forever, and forever lasts as long as it does”.

YOUR BIAS as an amateur sovietologist or hermeneuticist of media CAN and DOES impact how you see/read the news and consume other sources of information. You can approach a subject with scientific disinterest, but it’s hard to make your unconscious self disinterested or indifferent. So always be on watch for things you might be seeing in the text your analyzing that might not be there.

I promised a shorter chapter and I’ll stick to it.

Summary: when evaluating propaganda, don’t assume that there is NOTHING to learn from it. While evaluating propaganda, be very disciplined: a) identify lies, b) identify contradictions, c) identify forbidden subjects, d) ask yourself “why am I seeing this?”. Don’t forget the simple list for focusing analysis: TRUE/FALSE, CONTRADICTIONS, FORBIDDEN TOPICS, and BIAS, your bias and to some extent THERE bias.


BTANL: Chapter 2 – FUCKING with PEOPLE, a primer on military psychological warfare and how to pickup girls at bars

1 – The Overton Paddock

The Overton Window, as terms of art go, is sort of useful but incomplete. It’s described as a “window” that shifts and changes the way we see the world, a window CONTROLLED by THEM, limiting what we’re allowed to debate, the region of acceptable skepticism. Problem is? – biggest proponents of the Overton Window metaphor AS STATED are folks who will give you “Epstein was killed or Epstein committed suicide”, but that’s it – there’s no other option. Sounds a lot like an Overton Window to me brah. So for lots of reasons I don’t simply accept some fruity notion without digging deeper, and I have my own conception.

Imagine a fenced in area or paddock. The paddock itself is on wheels, so the fence line can be moved, even the shape of the paddock itself can be morphed. Within the paddock is a flock of sheep, and at the center of the pasture is a wolf giving speeches. Many of the sheep, perhaps most, enjoy the speeches and the free breakfast, lunch and dinner being served. It seems nice and cozy to many.

Some of the sheep are not so happy, they don’t really believe the wolf, nor do they enjoy the food they are being fed. These sheep can see the boundary of the paddock, they sense that there is MORE beyond, and so they tend to congregate at the edge of paddock, near the fences.

And just outside the fence line are tireless warriors for truth. The EDGE LORDS, the rulers of the FENCE. They speak a great deal of truth, and it seems as if they want to liberate you from the paddock, but at the end of the day their “help” keeps you trapped inside.

This chapter is about that paddock, and other related subjects.

2 – What is PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE (aka Social Engineering)?

If you go online you can find adequate definitions of psychological warfare, but they are just adequate. One definition I found: “actions intended to reduce an opponent’s morale”, but what does this mean in the context of a government trying to manage the behaviors/actions of its own population? And if your government is using these techniques against you, your family and your community, does that not imply that YOU are the enemy?

I will give you my definition of PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE: psychological warfare is the use of brain science, psychology, sociology, and other studies of human behavior, to provide the knowledge and tools to manipulate individuals and groups of people – all to achieve some desired result or set of effects.

It is oft said that the OLDEST profession is prostitute: this is a lie, started by a grifter or con artist.

The oldest profession is grifter, manipulator. You can see this sketchy behavior in other conscious or self-aware creatures. If you have a dog, you can notice it, to the extent possible, using tools of manipulation to get a desired result.

So the SEED of psychological warfare is connected to the human mind and how we think.

There are 3 stages of consciousness:

Stage 1: “Holy FUCK I’m HERE!”

Stage 2: “SHIT, I don’t know enough.”

Stage 3: “Well though, nobody else knows enough EITHER …”

Stage 3 is what I call the “grifter stage”. Healthy, emotionally intact, humans don’t dwell long in the grifter stage. They might do pranks, or schedule “surprise parties”, but generally that’s as malicious as it gets. Less healthy individuals DWELL in STAGE 3 – and focus on the idea that IF they convince one or more people that they “know something” they in fact DO NOT know, THEN this gives them great power over that person or others: false credibility.

Imagine thousands of years ago in the forest primeval, a STAGE 3 type is counting pebbles between solar eclipses. This guy is keeping track and feels comfortable about WHEN the next eclipse will be: “my friends, my neighbors, I have the power to SEE and IMPACT nature, tomorrow the sun will disappear UNLESS you are willing to worship me as your god”. Because that’s how it works, the STAGE 3 bullshit, and some random priestly caste is born.

The STRATEGIC HIGHGROUND of psychological warfare is false credibility. If you can convince people that YOU are a credible source, when in fact you are lying, you can own another person’s set of choices – or as a former CIA boss once said:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."  - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

Psychological warfare is BIGGER than JUST disinformation, but it goes to the crux of where the power over OTHERS is – control the flow of information, and you can control the minds of others.

There are several powerful tools of control, and we will talk about a few in this chapter.

3 – Event Planning / Resource Management / Paid Actors

Whether your PSYOP (psychological operation) is small scale or large scale, you will need resources. One of the most important resources you will utilize is human: the actors. The actors or players or paid protestors are the jelly filled center of any decent PSYOP donut. One of the important aspects of 2020 (and since then) is the “mask”. The masks don’t do nothing to help you with real or imagined diseases, the legal disclaimer on the side of the box states this clearly; but, if you need to recycle paid actors from a “BLM/ANTIFA” gig into a “Proud Boys” gig, the mask makes this easier.

Another resource for the US deep state is the military, or more precisely the military intelligence branches of the US Army, US Navy, USAF and Marine Corps. One of the NICE THINGS about lowering standards of entrance into the military services, is that PSYOP branches now have purple-haired emo freak fatties that look pretty much like the folks they will need to pretend to play, so it is type casting. It used to be easier “spotting the fed”, but with standards going down it’s harder now. This too has changed the game, along with the “mask”.

Every PSYOP has management, and during the summer of 2020 in Seattle that management was on full display, if you went to the “events” early enough in the morning.

At CHAZ-CHOP on Capitol Hill in Seattle, I was able to record Seattle city employees, senior fire department and police, and various others who looked like councilmen, all monitoring CHAZ-CHOP prior to the start of another day of bullshit. I even got one of the employees on the record: your printed money, tax dollars, property taxes, paying for a snake pit.

Because people have become very lazy when it comes to evaluating information, it’s far easier to push the absurd on them: as long as you don’t look too close.

I took some video on 7/3/2020 that triggered a couple of PSYOP freaks to beat me up, why? because I got close up shots of Seattle bike cops pretending to be BLM/ANTIFA, but you could clearly see the standard issue weapons sticking out of their butt cracks. Using local law enforcement is risky, but it happens more often that you might suspect when it comes to those “organic” protests.

Because these ops need management, they also have a weakness: identify one or more operators running the event, and you can “work your way up” the food chain. I’ll leave it up to you to figure that out for yourself. Just be observant – every crowd will have an operator, and that operator is your key to the next level, the controller.

Last but not least, BIG OPS need BIG PAYCHECKS.

It’s a cliché to say “follow the money”, but it’s true. Up until the 1970’s, the CIA and FBI were not all too careful about funding fake ops, but then there were some investigations (Church, et al), and they got the message: do a better job of hiding the funds for ops.

One of the NEAT WAYS the CIA has done this? – NGOs.

Non-governmental organizations, funded by webs of dark money, are the main funding body of military psychological warfare during the 21st century. They provide plausible deniability, they provide useful idiots and necessary and elevated victims. Whether it’s the “white helmets” in Syria or the Maidan Protestors, the NGO model of funding makes it appear as if some authentic “uprising” or “protest” is occurring, when in fact it’s quite fake.

4 – Narrative Construction, channels, and the “smart” device

PSYOP narratives for major operations, like “COVID”, take years to build – sometimes decades …

During the 1980’s and 1990’s, the US public was fed a consistent diet of “terrorists are going to blow up something big”. In movies, in TV shows, terrorists will “target us at our weakest” and go for some “big event”. Some call this predictive programming, I call it preparing the battlefield of the mind. As with indirect fires, these predecessor fables soften the “front lines”, reduce people’s ability to critically think and to counteract the influence of these methods of manipulation.

For my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE, pop culture, movies, books, LITTLE HOUSE ON THE FUCKING PRAIRIE, fed the narrative: “a terrible virus or bacterium or fungus is coming to get you”.

Producing art, literature, film, commentary, academic careers, that reflect this consistent narrative is one of the necessary steps in building future EVENTS. It’s not “subliminal”, if you apply some critical thinking you can see it for what it is … if you apply critical thinking. But for the distracted and disinterested, it is simply too much.

During the early part of this century a new technology gave the narrative builders even greater power: the “smart” device.

In order to control people you need to OWN their channels of information, and these “convenient technologies” provide the means of ownership. You can observe it in the young and old, they gormlessly stare at that glowing rectangle in their hands, and ignore everything else around them.


  1. build the narratives over time in subtle and powerful ways
  2. when the EVENT is triggered, make sure the EVENT is modeled on the bullshit fears you’ve been spoon feeding people for years

In order to do the above you must control ENOUGH of the channels, not all of them. In fact, for reasons we’ll discuss further on, you WANT a kind of “opposition”, because its existence lends credibility to the idea that you could “fight back” or “escape” if you wanted to, but you just don’t feel like it “right now”, cuz the football game is on, or you’re heading back to Cabela’s for more boxes of 9mm.

Finally, propaganda and propaganda theory directs narrative construction, both in terms of prep work AND during/post event. It’s like the “COVID” right now, they need to keep pushing it, in order to solidify IT as a real thing that happened. TPTB have been doing this with “9/11” mythos for over two decades.

5 – Sheep Dipping

To sheep dip is to put a person or THING through some type of “ordeal”, such that when the ordeal is complete, the person or THING is placed in a different category and is “different”.

Think of the ordeals of Alex Jones, and the fact that none of these ordeals has led to his death or to his anonymity. If they wished, they could erase his voice, but if you see him for what he is, a “sheep dog”, then what you must do is make it LOOK LIKE the “system is against him”.

The BITCOIN phenomena is a good example of sheep dipping applied to things.

Every time it looks like BITCOIN is going to tank, you get some weird story about how “the government is going to shut down cryptos” or “those evil finance guys are buying crypto now”. These stories maintain the illusion that crypto is an OUTSIDER phenomena, despite the fact that many insiders and secret HODL’ers are in control of it.

Sheep dipping: to expose a person or a thing to an ordeal of attacks or criticism (maybe even fake attempted assassinations) in order to garner credibility for that person as a source or to provide an illusion of trustworthiness for some object (bitcoin).

See: Ross Ulbricht with respect to bitcoin. He might be 100% real, but best case he is being used to make bitcoin look MORE like an outsider asset than it actually is. Sorry Ross. Worst case? – Ross is in on it or Ross is a made up person.

6 – Sheep Dogs

Sheep dogs patrol just outside the Overton Paddock.

The sheep dogs role or purpose is to find and bring back those wayward sheep who jump the fence line and wander too far away. Sheep dogs WORK because of the credibility building process. This process can sometimes take years and multiple events BEFORE a sheep dog is ready: Tucker Carlson is a good example of this.

Sheep dogs LIVE based on their credibility, every believable “ordeal” they go through increases said credibility.

It’s important to note for sovietological reasons that sheep dogs will speak the truth. They have to mix a fair amount of truth into their bullshit. By mixing truth and bullshit, 70% truth, 30% bullshit, they easily sell the lie to the masses. And if the BS is something people WANT to hear? – then it becomes a slam dunk from a PSYOP perspective.

Don’t be afraid to listen to them, just be careful about what they say or tell you to do. The sad reality is you might not have access to enough data in order to critically analyze their message, but I think it’s fair to say that IF their voice is being heard at this point, there’s a reason.

7 – Paid Fools

This subject is one of the most entertaining in the PSYOP world, because it pisses EVERYONE off, but let me start with a story:

Imagine there’s a king in a distant land. The king has a problem, the coffers are empty, the vaults are cleared out, all the crown jewels are gone. The people suspect it might be the king, so the king needs to do something. The king recalls that it’s often best, in lieu of executions and torture, to mock or ridicule an idea you want to be ignored, in this case the idea is: “the kingdom is flat broke”

So the king has a brilliant idea, he hires a couple court jesters to go around, talking about how broke the kingdom is – talking and drinking and getting arrested and flying in jets and doing things that make their position look dumb, foolish, not credible, and it works.

The king creates an opposition in the form a a “straw man” that the king knocks down, but he does so without saying a word: he let’s the “men/women of the people” he is paying do all the talking and thereby watch the credibility of the claim slip away. Soon, people just don’t care about how broke the kingdom is, or all the extra taxes.

Now think about Al Gore and Greta Thunberg: do they lend credibility to “global warming” or “climate change”, or in fact do they collectively and individually, along with other paid fools, make the entire topic look dumb?

Paid fools do not exist to make funny or dumb things funnier; paid fools exist to tarnish or heap ridicule on REAL and SERIOUS subjects. If you spot a paid fool, you might want to chuckle – but don’t laugh too hard.

Kings don’t care if you smile.

8 – Trauma Monkeys / Trauma Based Mind Control

The main flavor of PSYOP the US government has been executing on since 2020 is trauma based mind control. This form of mind control takes advantage of primary stress and basic needs. If you can imagine being in “fight or flight” mode, but you have no escape: this is the focal point of trauma based mind control.

Much of the “COVID” pandemic was about tossing made up trauma at people, mockery, etc. “Dancing nurses”, “dead grandparents”, “hospital horror stories”, naked people being chased at the beach because they want to go swimming, skate parks filled with sand, the Chinese government welding people’s doors shut, the Australians sending citizens to Christmas Island, etc. Many if not most of these events were constructed, or ANOTHER event or phenomena like the yearly flu or preventable hospital acquired infection is rebranded as “COVID”.

Trauma monkeys or tiny PSYOPs come in many flavors. Some of them in 2020, perhaps most, were all about the “pandemic”, but some in 2020 and since have had to do with “drag queen story time”, “BLM race war”, “exploding cows”, etc. A trauma monkey is BIGGER than one news article, because that’s just propaganda.

The main concern are these little events and dealing with your immediate reaction: be careful. If you see a video online, if you read a news report, if you have a “friend” on Twitter or Facebook telling you about something they “saw”, but you’ve never actually met this person IRL? – just be careful.

9 – Divide and Conquer

Of all the crowd control strategies, divide and conquer is the most popular with the elite going back thousands of years. Mind you, it doesn’t really matter what the “sides” are – and the government doesn’t really care which “side” you choose, they just want you to talk about IT, to fuel IT, the EVENT, with your energy, and to stress out about IT; sides are irrelevant to them.

In the USA this usually looks like synthetic racism: racism that is contrived and not present. Right now we are as a nation experiencing a multi-level campaign, with the essence of it derived from “critical race theory”, to ignite racial tensions. And many trauma monkeys have been born since 2020 along these lines, to include those nifty videos of “white people” kissing the feet of black people.

Another ALL TIME FAVORITE are “gender wars”, with the new twist of the “trans” thing. As of this writing they would have you believe every other kid is transitioning: this is bullshit. They would have you believe that SCORES of adults are undergoing surgery on their junk or sexual organs: this is bullshit. And spoiler alert: men “transitioning” to being women, wearing dresses? – well this is a strategy used by rapists going back a LONG fucking time. Maybe you feel like focusing your energy on these “drag queen” gender war pay-gap trauma monkeys. But that’s your dime and time, not mine.

10 – Lesser Catastrophes and Carpet Bombing the Third Eye

I’ve said this a few times since 2020: “it seems like they are carpet bombing the third eye”, but what does that mean?

I believe, and this is NOT a scientifically valid or verified belief, but simply a supposition or conjecture, that humans along with other conscious beings have the ability, via intuition or some other mechanism, to make decisions based on “future” information. I don’t mean literally we can all see the future, but I do think we can sense, on a spooky level, when something is wrong. The folks that run our country know this too.

In late 2019 my alarms started going off … we’ve talked about this my scrumblies, in my various podcasts going back to the Little Saigon Report. I knew, I was CERTAIN, SOMETHING BIG was about to happen. I have several podcasts from late 2019, to include one titled “The Great Discontinuity”, that deal with this – but I never claimed it as a premonition, nor do I claim I was the ONLY ONE to sense it. The idea behind this section is that MANY people did, and many more were CAPABLE of sensing what was coming. The “smart devices” and information channel control prevented most from understanding this, and very few were looking at the banking crisis of late 2019 – and yes, there was a banking crisis, and ongoing banking system meltdown, in late 2019.

Since the PSYOP warriors know this about us humans, know that we are all capable of spooky intuition, they needed a workaround: and they had one.

If you believe people sense “something” is afoot, then give them something: provide for them a substitute to overwrite OR obscure the intuition, an occultation so to speak. Give them “viruses” and “Putin” and “drag queens” and “race wars” and all kinds of other Trump/Biden silliness, as long as they focus on “they’re coming for yer guns” or “the Russians are going to nuke us”, then they will be less likely to dig deeper.

A “lesser catastrophe” is a fake fear, a fake anxiety, mass produced and sent through the information channels. It’s purpose is to replace a real concern with one lacking all credible evidence.

For example: if you read an article about a “food processing plant” catching fire, the “lesser catastrophe” they want you to be afraid of is “Soros and commies are burning down our food”, they don’t want you to grok-out that this is the kind of news you’d be reading if the US dollar was being repudiated, and our trading partners want REAL STUFF now in exchange for REAL STUFF as part of trade settlement. And how do you explain this to Mr. and Mrs. America: “Soros commies are exploding cows and burning potatoes and culling chickens” … when in fact these materials are being used such that WALMART doesn’t empty of HD TVs and game consoles. Nope – tell them about commies and Soros.

11 – Basic Needs, Psychological Tricks and Pressure Points

The placebo effect is powerful, but we tend to look at it from the angle of the positive: a person BELIEVES a sugar pill will help them, and it does, and to this day, there is still a great deal of debate about how this effect works. But there is a dark side to the placebo effect: enter “COVID”.

Imagine the following scenario:

You advertise for a “Danish Film Festival” at a theater in your small town. You do weeks of advertising, and the night arrives: it’s a packed house. Halfway through the first film, a man named Dr. Hans Chutesman, a “scientist”, interrupts the festival for an URGENT announcement. The “doctor” goes up on stage and lets the audience know that a pathogen was discovered in the air ducts, and that no one could leave until the public health officials have done a screening. “You must stay in place, and we don’t know when we can let you go.” (lockdowns anyone? flatten the curve?) Hans provides a list of symptoms: fever, stomach discomfort, gas, nausea.

Now you might say: “well DAN, it’s fake, it can’t hurt no one. Okay …”

But within 30 minutes, 1/3 of the audience is demonstrating symptoms that the “doctor” listed before the audience earlier, it’s getting scary. Even the ones in the crowd that think it’s bullshit are too afraid to talk, why? – because “how dare you” … amirite?

If the veil is not torn away within a few hours and the crowd is “let in” on the joke, then the next stage is chaos and death. Some people, with dodgy health as it is, will DIE as a result of this “joke”. A joke that isn’t funny, like “dancing nurses” during a pandemic. This is the OTHER SIDE of the placebo effect. You CAN trick people into “getting well”, however you can also trick them into getting sick. Like the “COVID”. But others who REJECT the lie are still placed in a pressure cooker of “respecting someone’s tragedy”, and how can you not?

The “placebo effect” is just one of many physiological leverage points you can cam exploit as a means of control.

Physical isolation is another, hence the “lockdowns”, masks, and other “flatten the curve” pabulum from 2020. And yes: the masks isolate. A significant portion of human communication happens via facial expressions, and the mask, which definitely doesn’t help with viruses, does in fact help in creating a sense of isolation in public by MASKING the face. Add in social distancing laws or enforcement, and you have managed to cut people off from each other – except at WALMART right? Or when doing construction, like the construction I filmed around 12th AVE in Seattle during the summer of 2020 – magical people that didn’t need masks, go figure.

There’s too much to unpack here: but it’s best to review Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and other texts and articles that cover physiological psychology, nutritional health for the brain, and related subjects.

Key point: like the placebo effect, there are MANY features of our cognitive biology that can be hijacked/impacted and used against us, and those who manage PSYOPs know this.

12 – Rage Storms

Even though this subject is really an expansion of trauma based mind control in the form of petty PSYOPs or trauma monkeys, rage storms are worthy of discussion. Like the EBOLA virus, it’s not designed or created to be a mass killer or to exist long. It’s decide for rapid expansion into the collective unconscious, but each instance or human impacted will quickly shake it off (not die) and move on, unless the RAGE PUMP is turned on continuously.

A rage storm is LIKE BLM-ANTIFA … after George Floyd. And it will dissipate, and suffer psychic heat death, but it can have HUGE impacts while operating at 100%.

13 – Popping Smoke

One tool at the disposal of the PSYOP masters often goes unnoticed or ignored and this is purposeful. In some ways it is their most powerful weapon of control, but it is also their last resort, final option, and once the trigger is pulled it can’t be undone.

Sometimes they will toss the truth at you …

Not the ironic truth or the TRUTH as LIE, but rather just horrible fucking truths that freeze the mind and paralyze reason. Truths that spread like fire, truths that fuel RAGE STORMS, truths that create violence and division and madness.

If they choose to start tossing smoke bombs or “popping smoke”, this indicates that THEY TOO are in bad shape and their plan is near culmination. You never want to culminate before objective, so if you think they are winning AND they’re “popping smoke”? – be worried.

14 – How to respond: don’t react, watch the hands, reflect

Watch the hands …

Don’t look at the pretty girl …

Don’t look at the smiling face …

Don’t stare bleakly at the crowd of unwashed marching up and down 12th AVE, cutting off traffic to every major emergency room in Seattle, in 2020, during the worst pandemic EVER … don’t … ignore those dancing nurses …

Watch the hands.

You will piss off magicians if you do this, and you will aggravate PSYOP engineers as well.

“Watch the hands” in this context means DO NOT ASSUME what you are seeing is real or even a clever fake. Don’t FOCUS on a narrative feature that is fueling your confirmation bias or FEARS, step back, ask questions, reflect.

One of the obvious features of “9/11” was how quickly the “book was closed” – we knew who did what and WHY a few minutes after one of the “planes” hit the Pentagon. We knew, of course we knew. We looked at Bush’s face, and ignored the hands.

The more you engage with a PSYOP or petty psyop (aka trauma monkey), the more power you give it. If you ignore it, you starve it of energy. The smartest thing we can do collectively, the scrumbo, the discarded, the various forms of white trash and other trash people, is to IGNORE the “experts” and reason on what we’ve been told.

15 – How can this help you pick up girls at bars?

  1. Identify your target woman.
  2. Send and direct POS men towards her, we’re talking real shit heads, some of them have genital crabs. Do this for several months.
  3. Show up at the bar months later with a good story, something about “working to fight the pandemic” or “standing up for environmental awareness” or “fighting against illegal immigration” or just say you’re a veteran, and after months of being worn down by shitty men, she settles for you: an American “hero”.

I don’t recommend you do this or anything like this if you have a soul, but I promised some advice sparingly, so there it is.



Still no drag-queen-story times where I work, must be magical …

Like the Hospital that treated me in 2022 and DGAF about the “covid” or vaccines … magical hospital …

Schrodinger’s Hospital: it’s all scary “they gonna vax you” till you go … iykyk

  • Utah Hospital
  • The Magical School
  • The Building that Burnt Down
  • The Protest being guarded by cops
  • The CHOP CHAZ snake pit funded by City of Seattle and fed bucks

Yeah – but I show up, and like one of Schrodinger’s fucking cats, the shit flips over and you see the dark anus truth.

But they keep pushing the fear – especially the public schools and the HAM radio operators and your local party delegate … whether knowingly or not, at this point IDGAF … you can all fuck off … and ?????




It seem never ending …

And then there are those making money off of this fear … and they deserve a special hell, especially the ones that know the fear is bullshit …